The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 263 263. Champion Interpretation Learning

"Jak Yaxley?"

Scott looked at the photo of Jake Yaxley celebrating his championship in the newspaper.

This is a very young wizard who looks to be in his twenties, younger than Brendan Yaxley who once attacked Scott.

To be able to win the All-British Wizarding Duel Competition at such an age seems to be a guy who cannot be underestimated.

Because Rimbaud's crows kept surveillance on members of the Yaxley family, Scott knew some basic facts about Jak Yaxley.

This young wizard is only 25 years old this year. He graduated from Slytherin House, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry 8 years ago. He is the youngest son of Yaxley's generation.

Scott looked at the detailed reports in the newspaper.

[Reported by our reporter Peyton Sudworth.

The recently held All-British Wizarding Duel Competition came to a successful conclusion. This historic event...

... A young man from the pure-blood Yaxley family, the 25-year-old Jak Yaxley defeated his powerful opponent, the 45-year-old Karamore Rozier, in the final and won the championship in one fell swoop. Second competition champion!


"He is an exceptionally fine young man!"

More than one wizard present praised the unusually young Mr. Champion like this.

Severus Snape, the current Head of Slytherin House at Hogwarts, was invited to watch the game and expressed his appreciation for his former student's victory in the tournament.

"Mr. Yaxley is the youngest genius among fighting champions in history. He is the pride of Slytherin." Professor Snape said in an interview.

Mr. Champion was very polite and humble in his post-game interview.

He said that what he has achieved today is inseparable from the training of his family and school.

"What's more, I'm part Yaxley and part Travers, and yes, my mother is from the Travers family."

The author believes that this young fighting champion, a highly praised genius, and Mr. Jak Yaxley, who possesses the blood of 28 holy races and two races, once again proved to people the superiority of pure-blood families...]

Scott didn't read the praise for Yaxley and the pure-blood family in the second half of the report, and put down the newspaper directly.

He whispered, "It seems that the All-British Wizards Duel Competition can no longer represent true glory."

Of course, the championship of the All-British Wizarding Duel Competition is very different from the All-European Duel Competition that Professor Flitwick once won, but it was also an event that was popular in the entire British wizarding world.

But look at now?

It was not until the end of the game and the championship was decided that the results of this game appeared on the "Daily Prophet" and it was not the front page headline.

You can imagine how unpopular this game is today.

Scott once heard Professor Flitwick complain that since then, the All-British Wizarding Duel Competition has been completely controlled by those pure-blood families with money and power.

They will manipulate the process and results of the competition to a certain extent, turning the duel competition into an internal game of the pure-blood family.

This phenomenon disgusted Professor Flitwick, and he rarely mentioned his title of dueling champion.

What Scott found interesting about this report were two short paragraphs.

He saw the purpose of the Yaxley family.

As the youngest son, Jak Yaxley does not have the inheritance rights of the Yaxley family, but apparently the Yaxley family's talker has chosen him to compete for the heir position of the Travers family.

This report is entirely to build momentum for this young wizard, so it will emphasize the origin of his bloodline like a pet dog.

"I didn't expect them to be so open about it."

Scott clicked his tongue in surprise.

Although Jak Yaxley is young, he is still 25 years old.

The Yaxley family chose such an adult wizard as a contender for the Travers family heir, which was a bit ugly.

Even in a pure-blood family, this kind of thing is rare.

Because in the past, if they would adopt a child, they would usually choose the young wizard who experienced the first magic riot.

Scott murmured with interest, "Interesting, how will the other two families launch their successor contenders?"

He was already looking forward to the time when their competition would heat up.

At noon, Scott asked Rimbaud to take him to the small town called Callender.

He had lunch at a restaurant in town and bought some food at the market.

Before returning to the forest, he called his parents again to let them know he was still alive and kicking.

In the afternoon, the crows monitoring Knockturn Alley brought new news.

The sudden death of Borgin Bock caused a sensation, and even the Ministry of Magic, which had always ignored Knockturn Alley, sent Aurors to investigate.

After investigation, they could only conclude that Bojinbok died of poisoning, and could not find any other clues.

Scott had expected this.

In his opinion, it is very easy for wizards to secretly take human lives.

Directly attacking with magic spells is the most easily exposed killing method.

Nor was he worried that the disappearance of the thief Fletcher would be traced to him.

Thieves and underground businessmen like Mundungus Fletcher have always been elusive, and his whereabouts will not be easily known.

And now, Bock, the only one who knew that Mr. Thief had gone to Spain, was also dead.

For a short time, people would just think that Mundungus Fletcher had gone somewhere to steal or defraud.

Even if you haven't seen someone for a long time, normally you would just think that he might have been killed while stealing.

Scott and this person have never had any intersection.

Although Scott still has things to do next, he is not ready to do it himself.

As agreed with his parents, he will return to Madrid before his birthday and will not let others know that he has been to England during the summer vacation.

When Rimbaud told Scott the news from Knockturn Alley, he was sitting on the floor at the door with a thick notebook.

After hearing the news, Scott said to Rimbaud: "I plan to hide my cabin with a spell."

Rimbaud was very surprised, "There is such a spell?"

"Of course."

Scott looked at his handwriting in the notebook.

Fidelius Charm.

This is an extremely complex spell that can hide a secret forever in the soul of a living person.

The secret is hidden in the heart of the keeper and will never be discovered unless the keeper actively discloses it.

As long as Scott hides the cabin with the Fidelius Charm, even if others put their noses against the glass of the cabin, they will not see the existence of the cabin.

After listening to Scott's explanation, Rumple asked curiously, "Can you use such a spell smoothly?"

"I haven't tried it yet, so I'm working hard to learn."

Scott continued to look at the notebook in his hand.

This notebook records some extremely difficult or uncommon spells, which he copied from the Hogwarts Library and the Ravenclaw College Library.

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