The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 277 277. Eavesdropping Development Letter

"I can't believe Millicent missed the start of school this year."

"Why, don't you know? Something happened to the Bursted family."

"Something happened again? Or is it because of the Travers family inheritance?"

"Yes, Millicent's father suffered an attack and is currently lying in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Maladies. I don't know if he can be saved."

"My dad said the attack was either Yaxley's or Foley's."

In the morning, Scott sat at the long table in the auditorium and ate breakfast slowly, listening to the whispers from several third-year Slytherin students.

Scott got up early.

Before other students could arrive, he had a listening bat hanging upside down under the Slytherin table.

Participating in the discussion at this time were Malfoy and his two burly followers, Crabbe and Goyle, as well as his admirer Parkinson.

The topic they discussed was about their classmate Millicent Burst.

Scott remembered that she was an aggressive, tall and strong girl who looked a bit like a dominatrix.

It doesn't matter what this girl looks like, what's important is that her last name is Bosted.

Yaxley, Bursted, and Foley are three pure-blood families competing for the inheritance of the Travers family.

A summer vacation has passed, and now the relationship between the three families has become tense.

The competition between them is becoming increasingly fierce. Under the silent promotion of some small pushers, this competition over inheritance seems to be gradually turning into a war.

Especially Yaxley, who has long been unable to participate in the inheritance battle, they have determined that Burst and Foley did those "shameless and cruel things."

Yaxley not only lost the opportunity to compete, but also lost an "excellent young wizard", and now their purpose has changed to revenge against these two families.

Of course, Burst and Foley were completely pissed off by Yaxley, who was acting like a mad dog.

The war has further escalated, and the three families have recently begun to directly ambush and attack each other's family members.

Malfoy, whom they call Millicent's father, is also the head of the family.

Even the head of the Bosted family was lying in the hospital uncertain about his life or death, which showed that things were gradually getting completely out of control.

The development of these things exceeded Scott's expectations. Apart from guiding the beginning of this competition at the beginning, Scott did not do much in it.

After all, during most of the summer vacation, he could only control Rimbaud and the crows remotely using a telephone in Spain, and what he could do was very limited.

But Scott had no doubt that the Ministry of Magic and other pure-blood families had fanned the flames and added fuel to the fire.

For example, the little Malfoy who is talking there now, his father Malfoy Sr. is a cunning guy, and the Malfoy family has always been good at fishing in troubled waters.

During this time, the crows lurking around the Ministry of Magic often saw old Malfoy entering and exiting Fudge's office.

It is conceivable that the shrewd Malfoy must have contributed a lot in this matter.

Of course, the three families of Yaxley, Bursted, and Foley were not stupid enough.

Because Scott did not know the territory of the Burst and Foley families, he did not know the reactions of these two families.

But at least he knew the reaction of the Yaxley family.

Now some people within the Yaxley family already suspect that the Ministry of Magic is secretly involved in this matter.

Especially old Yaxley, who almost gave Scott a death curse. He was a shrewd old guy.

But some things can’t be stopped just by noticing something is wrong.

At the very least, the head of the Yaxley family, who had lost an excellent son, wanted to take crazy revenge on Burstead and Foley.

In short, the current situation is that all three families should have noticed something strange, but at the same time, they are also riding a tiger and unable to stop.

The direction of things is becoming more and more confusing.

"My father said that maybe Travers' inheritance will be taken back by the Ministry of Magic." Scott heard little Malfoy say in a showy tone, "After all, there is no real Travers in the world."

His two followers and admirers repeatedly affirmed his statement.

Parkinson also used an overly sweet voice to praise little Malfoy's knowledge and foresight.

Scott was a little tired of hearing this.

"Good morning!"

"Mr. Prefect of Ravenclaw!"

Two overly lively and cheerful voices broke Scott's thoughts.

Fred and George started shouting hello from the door of the auditorium.

They happily ran into the auditorium, sat on both sides of Scott without anyone noticing, picked up the food on the Ravenclaw table and started eating.

"Dear Mr. Prefect."

"Why aren't you wearing your shiny badge?"

The two of them continued to tease Scott while chewing something.

"Look who this is?" Scott was not to be outdone, "Oh, it turns out that two rich men are here. Good morning, Mr. Weasley."

Fred blinked and quickly understood what Scott meant, "You mean about my dad winning the lottery?"

"Unfortunately, we are still poor." George shrugged, "Because the bonuses have been spent, our family went to Egypt during the summer vacation."

"Egypt? Did you follow Bill to adventure in the pyramids?" Scott immediately asked curiously.

Scott and Bill discussed their respective ideas on the combination of transfiguration and rune's own magic through several letters. Bill's suggestions gave Scott a lot of inspiration and experience.

Because Bill, as the Cursebreaker at Gringotts, often ventures into the pyramid to uncurse some unearthed ancient magical items, their correspondence is infrequent.

"We really want to go."

"But no one but us, including Bill, was against this decision."

The twins said with great regret.

George took out a wrinkled letter from his pocket, "This is your letter, Bill asked me to give it to you."

"Thank you." Scott reached out and took it.

"Bill said that he is very optimistic about your creativity and research, and is also surprised by your progress." Fred said, "These are some of his new discoveries."

"Of course, from inside the pyramid." George said mysteriously.

Scott pinched the overly thick letter in his hand and laughed.

It seems that Bill's new discovery might be a surprise for himself?

Fred said to Scott again: "Mom was shocked when she heard that you could communicate with Bill to discuss magic. She thought your excellence was beyond imagination!"

"Mom asked us to learn from you." George curled his lips, "She thinks we got too few O's in our test scores last school year."

"After listening to her words, we decided to carefully consider whether we should continue to be friends with you!"


As they talked, the two of them grabbed the bread in front of Scott, got up and ran away.

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