The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 278 278. A generous gift from Bill

After a Transfiguration class and a History of Magic class in the morning, Scott waited until he returned to his dormitory after lunch before opening the letter from Bill.

The letter part of the envelope was actually only a piece of parchment, and the other thick stacks were filled with Bill's carefully drawn drawings and some photos.

Scott quickly read through the letter.

As the Curse Breaker of Gringotts, Bill is actually serving the goblins who control Gringotts.

Goblins are greedy and never satisfied, and they always get some weird magic items. Bill's daily job is to remove the dangerous spells on these magic items.

Egypt has a long history, and the pyramid ruins that stand on that land are actually far more than those discovered by Muggles.

As the tomb of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs, the pyramid was built at a time when wizards and Muggles mixed together and even served the royal power.

Therefore, ancient wizards must have been involved in the construction process of the Egyptian pyramids.

Modern Egyptian wizards have discovered that many pyramid ruins contain crystallizations of ancient magic, and of course the greedy goblins will not let these go.

Of course, compared to goblins, wizards are the rulers of the magical world. The goblins cannot get over the Egyptian wizards to obtain the development rights of the pyramid ruins.

But the shrewd goblins chose to cooperate with the Egyptian Ministry of Magic for joint development.

Let’s put aside the complicated distribution of interests between goblins and Egyptian wizards. In short, under this background, Bill, as the Curse Breaker of Gringotts, was able to explore the pyramid ruins from time to time.

He witnessed what many ancient magic items looked like when they were unearthed, and for work, he was able to study them.

This time, Bill's letter mentioned that wizards from the Egyptian Ministry of Magic had recently cooperated with Gringotts to open a large pyramid ruins, and he had gained a lot from the ruins.

Of course, this kind of gain is not the gain of material wealth, but the acquisition of insight and knowledge.

For those drawings, Bill very generously shared part of his research information with Scott.

It includes anatomy diagrams of some ancient magic items, ancient Egyptian magic script records hidden in some murals, and even some records of unique Egyptian magical animal specimens, all of which are accompanied by photos of the actual objects.

Scott looked through the drawings and found that they were all very detailed. Bill even carefully wrote down his own research results on the drawings.

This is indeed a great gift.

Scott looked through it excitedly.

He understood that if he had not helped the Weasley family a lot in the two incidents of Voldemort's diary and Peter Pettigrew, he would not have received such a generous gift from Bill.

Due to lack of time, he only glanced through it briefly, but he also felt that these materials could bring him great gains.

He put all the information into a sturdy document bag and put it into a deformed lizard skin bag for personal preservation.

Afterwards, he packed up the textbooks and notes for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class and left the dormitory.

It’s just that…the first thing Scott heard when he came to the common room was Eddie’s voice.

"...So if you need anything, you can come to me. Come on, get this product catalog!"

Eddie was standing in front of several first-year students, handing them pamphlets one by one.

"Remember, my name is Edica Mitchell, fourth year Ravenclaw, and the most reliable underground businessman in Hogwarts!"

Scott put the textbook and notebook under his arm, walked quietly behind Eddie, reached out and took out a pamphlet from his hand to read.

The first-year students seemed a little scared when they saw Scott, and quickly turned around and ran away.

Scott paid no attention to them and continued to flip through the booklet in his hand.

The cover of the booklet only has the school emblem of Hogwarts printed on it, with no text, but the content inside is very rich when opened.

The first few pages contained a simple map of Hogwarts, highlighting the routes between the various house common rooms, the Great Hall, and the main classrooms.

After the map is a school life guide, which thoughtfully summarizes several pages of tips that freshmen are unclear about.

And after that is the so-called product catalog.

It includes prank props invented by the Weasley twins, three-nothing potions tinkered by Eddie, and even most of the merchandise in Hogsmeade.

"Are you trying to smuggle?" Scott asked Eddie with a smile.

"Is this called smuggling?" Eddie shook his head in disapproval, "This is obviously purchasing on behalf of others!"

He said confidently: "The first and second grade students cannot go to Hogsmeade to play. As seniors, we thoughtfully provide purchasing services for them!"


Scott smiled noncommittally and turned the booklet over to the end.

"What's this."

He looked at the page in the booklet.

[Mysterious arithmetic divination, the arithmetic divination service provided by the genius diviner from Ravenclaw! ]

[Incredibly accurate, he used arithmetic to find the Ravenclaw diadem that had been lost for thousands of years! ]

[100% satisfaction! To make an appointment with Arithmancy, please contact Service Agents Edica Mitchell, Fred Weasley, and George Weasley. ]

"How's it going?" Eddie asked Scott proudly, "I made this together with the two Weasleys. Of course, most of it is my idea!"


Scott took another look at the arithmetic divination advertisement, and suddenly felt that his quality had been lowered.

"Is this your idea too?" He shook the pamphlet in his hand.


Eddie raised his head as if begging for praise.

"The previous content is quite good." Scott handed him the brochure and said angrily, "But I don't think there is any need to advertise arithmetic divination services."

Eddie's expression was a little stunned.

Scott glanced at him, "I didn't plan to give divination to too many people, and..."

He lowered his voice, "The most important thing is that this destroys the mystery of divination. Didn't I tell you before, you can't treat this as a business!"

"Don't worry." Eddie said quickly, "This is our advertisement, it has nothing to do with you. We will strictly control it for you, and no one's divination request will be accepted!"

Scott shook his head, "It's too late. Arithmetic divination has become a commodity after it was printed in a pamphlet."

"That's okay." Eddie smiled pretendingly, rubbed his hands and said, "As long as you can make money, right."

"What you say makes sense, but I don't accept it."

Scott gave him a smirk.

"I have decided to cancel the Arithmancy service."

Eddie looked at him dumbfounded, "Oh! You can't do this, Scott, what will we do if you no longer provide arithmetic divination?"

Scott smiled, "Of course, you are my friends. If you ask me for help for your 'friends', especially the kind of 'old friends' who have spent a lot of money with you, maybe I will be soft-hearted." Where is it?"

"Oh..." Eddie's eyes lit up and he murmured, "What a good idea."

Seeing that he was deep in thought, Scott patted his shoulder and then turned and walked into the college library.

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