The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 279 279. Blake's teaching experience

Scott found Helena in the college library, said hello to her, and then chatted for a few words.

We haven’t seen each other for a while, and Helena’s changes have become more complete.

She no longer had a cold look that kept strangers away from her, and her attitude towards other people was much more cordial.

Since it was already Thursday, Scott made an appointment with her to meet the Ravenclaw portrait on Saturday.

The Room of Requirement has a special structure, and Helena, as a ghost, cannot enter it alone.

Of course, she could also ask other students for help, but Helena might not be so willing to share her former study room.

After saying goodbye to Helena, Scott left Ravenclaw Tower and came to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom in advance.

Opening the door, he found Blake standing alone at the edge of the podium.

"Professor Black." Scott greeted.

"Hello, you must be Scott Trollope!"

Blake immediately laughed when he saw Scott, walked up to Scott and extended his hand.

"I asked Professor McGonagall which one was you at yesterday's dinner."

Scott shook his hand.

"I've always wanted to thank you personally. It was you who discovered something was wrong with that mouse, right?"

When he spoke of Pettigrew, a look of utter disgust appeared on his face.

"What a pity! Everyone looked at me, and they all stopped me from killing that mouse!" His emotions got out of control for a moment.

Scott looked at him deliberately in shock, and Blake quickly came to his senses.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He took a few deep breaths, "I'm so excited."

"It doesn't matter, after all, that person did something unforgivable, right?" Scott said in an understanding tone, "I was also present when Professor Snape gave him the Veritaserum."

Black's face changed again when he heard Snape's name, but he quickly smiled again, "I know."

He patted Scott on the shoulder.

He said, "Anyway, thank you, you are an amazing student. Harry is also very grateful to you, he said you are a genius."

Scott also smiled, "You're welcome, it just happened to be a coincidence. I just have some talents in magic perception and transformation."

"Better than when I was young." Black said, "You remind me of James. Oh, James is Harry's father. He is also very good at transfiguration."

He couldn't help but show a nostalgic expression.

Seeing this, Scott immediately took the initiative to change the topic and chatted with him about the Defense Against the Dark Arts course.

When talking about the course, Blake was very confident and eager to try.

At this time, students began to enter the classroom one after another. Scott also ended his conversation with Blake and turned towards the students' seats.

At the same time, he was also thinking that 12 years in prison and living under the threat of dementors at all times had a profound impact on Black.

Although he seemed normal, after talking to him for a while, Scott could tell that his emotions were still a bit unstable and more prone to fluctuations than the average person.

Such people are probably more likely to lose control of their emotions than the average person.

But then again, such a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is much better than the possessed object of Voldemort and the liar who can only forget the spell.

Given the special nature of this position, we can't ask for too much.

It was time for class, and the students were all staring at Blake curiously. Everyone wanted to know if this new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor would really be better than the previous ones.

Especially the Ravenclaw students, they no longer dare to expect too much from the professor of this course.

"Everyone, how are you?" Black greeted the students with a smile, "I am Sirius Black, your Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. I think you all know me, don't you?"

He acted enthusiastically, even a little too hard.

"I have learned about the teaching quality of this course in the past few years. To be honest, for some well-known reasons, it seems that you all did not learn well?"

He paused and looked at the students' reactions.

Seeing that everyone was listening to him carefully, he relaxed a little.

"As far as I know, starting from the end of last school year, the Wizarding Examination Authority of the Ministry of Magic's Education Department has reformed the teaching of Defense Against the Dark Arts and added a practical component."

He shrugged.

"I personally feel that this is probably the wisest decision the Ministry of Magic has made since its establishment."

Many students laughed.

Blake also laughed, and immediately said seriously after laughing: "It's a pity, especially you, the fifth grade students this year, you will face your O.W.L.s at the end of the school year, so our task is a bit heavy."

The Defense Against the Dark Arts class was going smoothly, and Blake's teaching career seemed to be off to a good start.

After the reform, this course was changed to two classes at a time.

One section is theory and one section is practical.

Scott felt that Blake's theoretical part was also pretty good.

Although he is often easily agitated and his thinking is occasionally a little chaotic, at least he has rich practical experience in dealing with black magic, which is still much better than teaching according to the book.

During the break in class, he also carefully asked students for their feedback on his teaching.

The students present all gave him good comments, which made him very happy.

"Professor Black should be thankful that his first class is for us, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff."

Roger said to Scott.

"If the first class was for Gryffindor and Slytherin, he would not be so relaxed."

"Maybe Snape will come to audit?" Scott said with a smile, "For the sake of Slytherin students, to confirm whether the professor has a reassuring teaching level."

Roger raised his eyebrows, "Oh... Snape, as long as he can think of it, he can do it."

The break is over, and the practical class begins.

Black waved his wand, and a door appeared behind the podium.

"Come with me." He pushed the door open and walked in, "This will be your practical class classroom!"

Scott and the others walked in curiously and found that the interior space of this suddenly appeared classroom was surprisingly large.

"How about it, isn't it great here!" Black said with a smile, "This is the classroom that Dumbledore helped to renovate, using the Traceless Extension Charm!"

Roger looked around, "I think we can apply to Professor Black to move the Dueling Club here."

Milton nodded in agreement, "Professor Black is very experienced in actual combat. After all, he has fought many Death Eaters. Maybe he would be willing to become the instructor of the Dueling Club."

Scott thought their idea was pretty good, "Professor Flitwick doesn't have much time, Professor Black is a good choice, and with Harry in the Dueling Club, I think he will definitely agree."

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