The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 284 284. A painful weekend

A new week has arrived, and Scott is completely busy.

He is already in the fifth grade and is about to face O.W.L.s. The usual classroom tasks and essay assignments are heavier than the previous four years, which basically occupy most of his time.

In addition to the courses, Scott also participated in two after-school clubs, Transfiguration and Charms, which further increased his burden.

But Scott was not satisfied with this. He had to execute the plan.

In order to achieve his goal as soon as possible, he squeezed out all his time except for eating and sleeping, and occasionally squeezed out time to go to the library to study by himself and ask the professor for advice.

Of course, the focus of his study at this stage is human body transformation, more flexible ways of casting spells, and proficient use of ancient magic circuits.

Some of the fifth-year courses on human body transformation have been initially involved, but more of it still depends on Scott to ask Professor McGonagall for advice in the Transfiguration Club and other extracurricular time, and self-study according to the book list she recommended.

More flexible ways of casting spells, which cannot be separated from Scott's own private practice and Professor Flitwick's guidance.

Fortunately, Professor Flitwick spared no effort in cultivating him.

On Tuesday nights when there were no club activities, he spent his time in the spell training room in Professor Flitwick's office.

The proficient use of magic loops is also a learning project that can only be improved slowly by learning and accumulating knowledge.

Scott was not too anxious about this subject, because it was useless to be anxious.

Ancient magic is magic, but also language. What he can do is to speed up the acquisition of knowledge in this area and increase the amount of reading.

Scott spent the new weekend in learning as expected.

Except for asking Professor Barbling for advice on time on Sunday afternoon, he spent the rest of the time in the Request Room.

His task in these two days is to sort out the knowledge he has learned in a week with the help of the Ravenclaw tutor, and the goal must be to taste and digest them carefully.

"Only in this way can you better welcome new knowledge next week." The Ravenclaw tutor in the painting smiled kindly.

At this time, Scott missed the Ravenclaw crown very much.

As long as he put on the light and gorgeous crown, he could easily sort out what he learned and consolidate his knowledge.

It can be called the temptation of the devil.

Perhaps the nostalgic expression on Scott's face was too obvious, and Ravenclaw easily saw through his thoughts.

"It seems that you have tried the effect of the crown."

The Ravenclaw tutor in the painting still spoke in a friendly tone.

"That is my highest masterpiece in alchemy. Yes, it is of course very useful."

She kept a kind smile on her face and looked at Scott.

"But I want to remind you that when I made the crown, I was already one of the most powerful wizards at the time and became one of the four founders of this school."

Although her tone was kind and her smile was kind, although she was just a portrait, Scott still felt tight in his heart after hearing her words.

"I'm sorry, tutor." He lowered his head, "I was too lax."

"It's normal to want to relax a little, child."

Ravenclaw's kindness and kindness remained unchanged.

"But you must overcome it, use your willpower. Before you reach a certain height, don't rely too much on something. All you can rely on is your own mind and magic!"

Scott continued to listen to the training with his head down.

Ravenclaw smiled and asked, "The arm that swings the sword needs to be trained, and the legs and feet that run fast also need to be trained. What makes you think that your mind and magic power don't need to be trained?"

"I understand." Scott said, "When my mind is more intelligent, when my magic power can better implement my will, magic props like the crown can bring me more help."

Ravenclaw nodded with satisfaction.

At the same time, Scott also calmed down completely.

At this time, he must be grateful for the guidance and supervision of such a mentor.

Otherwise, even he would inevitably feel lazy.

Until nine o'clock on Sunday night, Scott finally achieved his goal with difficulty.

He used his mind to do what he imagined that he could only do with the crown.

Of course, the Ravenclaw mentor gave him a lot of help, and he learned a better and more efficient way to digest knowledge.

The continuous overuse of the brain for two days on the weekend even made his mind a little dazed. After leaving the Requirement Room, he left the eighth floor a little listlessly and walked down the stairs.

The stairs turned, and he met Hermione, who was also in a bad mood, at the corner of the fourth floor.

"Good evening, Hermione, you don't look well." Scott said.

"Good evening, Scott, you don't look well either." Hermione said.

Scott glanced at the gold chain around her neck, "Don't tell me you're still using that thing on the weekend."

"Oh, you..."

Hermione raised her hand to cover her collar a little nervously.

She looked around a few times, then lowered her voice and asked Scott, "So, you have it too?"

"No." Scott shook his head.

"Then how did you know?" Hermione asked nervously.

Scott smiled, "Ravenclaw has always had students using this thing, and Ravenclaws are good at observation, and everyone can always find something unusual."

Time converter.

This thing is a semi-open secret in Ravenclaw.

Hermione nodded hesitantly.

Scott was about to say goodbye to her, but she asked in confusion, "Why didn't you?"

Scott shrugged, "I only took three electives."

"What?" Hermione looked at him in surprise, as if looking at a traitor, "I thought you..."

She thought for a while and came up with an answer, "I thought you would care more about your grades."

"You are wrong, I don't really care about test scores." Scott said, "I only care about whether I have learned useful knowledge."

"I think all knowledge is useful!" Hermione looked at Scott with disapproval, "This is also the purpose of setting up these courses in schools."

"Maybe." Scott said casually, "No knowledge in the world can be said to be useless, but we are not gods. No matter how hard we try, we cannot be omniscient and omnipotent, so we can only choose the parts that are useful to us to learn."

Hermione had a blank expression on her face, "But..."

"How you choose, or both, must be decided by yourself. Your choice is related to your future."

Scott smiled again.

"Of course, you can choose all the courses first and then make a choice among them. You are allowed to withdraw from elective courses midway."

After saying that, he waved his hand and stepped directly into the stairs going downstairs while they were spinning.

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