The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 285 285. Medea's sudden contact

Scott spent September extremely busy.

After a month of teaching at Hogwarts, two new professors ended up with completely polarizing reputations among students.

Professor Black's Defense Against the Dark Arts class was welcomed by most students, except the Slytherins.

Snape, the headmaster of Slytherin House, continued to express his hatred for Black through actions. In addition, Black was extremely strict with the Slytherins during class and deducted points from them. This caused those Slytherins to The Lins didn't like Black either.

According to Eddie, some Slytherins privately called Black a pure-blood traitor.

This is consistent with the Weasley family's reputation among other pureblood families.

However, Professor Black obviously didn't care about what the Slytherins said about him.

Compared with Professor Black's relatively smooth teaching career, Professor Hagrid, another new professor at Hogwarts, has a much worse reputation among students.

As we all know, Hagrid had an accident in his first class. He brought ferocious hippogriffs to the third-year class, and one of them injured little Malfoy.

This teaching accident brought a lot of trouble to Hagrid's teaching career.

Malfoy was discharged from the school hospital a few days after the accident.

His right arm was wrapped in a bandage and hung from a sling around his neck as he continued to parade around the school.

He also clamored for revenge on Hagrid and the hippogriff more than once.

Through his publicity, everyone already knew that his father Malfoy Sr. was working hard to expel Hagrid and execute the Hippogriff.

In short, Hagrid seemed to be frightened after this, and he fell into another extreme in his teaching arrangements.

He completely abandoned his love of fangs and claws and only allowed his students to interact with a few very safe creatures.

Some Magical Animals are classified by the Ministry of Magic as Level

In the Care of Magical Creatures class after that accident, he asked the third-year students to raise Florob caterpillars (X), the fourth-year students to collect horkraps (X) and feed the goblins (XX), and the fifth-year students Help hatch fairy (XX) eggs...

In short, Hagrid received unanimous negative comments from students with these extremely boring class contents.

Even Harry, who regarded Hagrid as a good friend, could not put in a good word for Hagrid in this regard.

In early October, Medea used the small fireplace to contact Scott after a long absence.

It was October 2nd, a Saturday night. Scott had just left the Room of Requirement and was on his way back to Ravenclaw Tower.

He suddenly felt that the deformed lizard skin bag hanging on his waist began to vibrate violently, as if something was about to escape the restraints of the bag and rush out on its own.

He immediately understood what was going on and had to quickly walk into the utility room next to the corridor.

When he waved his wand to set up the anti-disturbance and anti-eavesdropping spells, the small fireplace that was originally packed in a cardboard box had flown out of the self-opening leather bag and landed on the ground.

At this time, green flames were burning in the fireplace.

After a while, Medea's voice came from the green flames.

"Good evening, Scott." She said in a calm tone, "I gave you three minutes to react, which should be enough for you to find a place where you won't be disturbed."

Scott said in a helpless tone: "Good evening, Medea, I have to say that you really overestimate me. What if I am in which professor's office at this moment?"

"You can say you want to go to the bathroom." Medea said casually.

"All right."

Scott didn't want to dwell on this issue. He was more concerned about Medea's purpose of contacting him.

"What do you want to see me for?" he asked directly.

Medea chuckled lightly, "I have to say, you really impressed me, Scott. You killed a thief, a dark wizard, and a young duel champion, didn't you?"

"Sorry? Oh, this is a bit like a fantasy. You must know that I have been vacationing abroad during the summer vacation and did not participate in any exciting adventure activities."

Scott decisively played dumb, his tone extremely surprised.

"I don't know why you said that. I can only say that you overestimated me again."

Medea laughed again. "Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, kid. After all, I have no evidence to accuse you."

"You are making up a story for me." Scott said with some dissatisfaction.

"In short, Bock's death has made it more difficult for me to find my father's pendant." Medea said to herself, "I have found out that the child Merop took that precious pendant when he was in poverty. The locket was sold to Bock at a low price.”

At this point, her voice became cold and playful, "That's really a stupid kid, isn't it?"

Scott said in a steady voice: "I'm sorry, ma'am, I don't know who Merope is. Of course, it's a bit silly to sell the precious magic props left by Mr. Slytherin at a low price."

"You don't know, of course you don't know." Medea did not doubt Scott on this point, "Merope Gaunt, she is Voldemort's mother, a woman who fell in love with Muggles but only used love potions. Silly boy."

"So, Voldemort, who advocates pure blood supremacy, is a half-blood?" Scott said in an exclamation tone.

Medea answered affirmatively, her tone full of disdain, "Yes, the child is a mixed-blood, and because he was born under the influence of aphrodisiacs, his mind is a little abnormal."

Scott couldn't help asking: "It sounds like you have met him."

Medea continued to give an affirmative answer, "Yes, I found him in the Albanian forest, a broken soul."

"So." Scott asked expectantly, "Where is he now?"

"He escaped." Medea said, "Obviously, he didn't want to sacrifice his soul to fulfill his ancestors, and escaped as quickly as possible."

It's normal for him not to want to! Who would want to!

Scott resisted the desire to complain.

"It doesn't matter, he has split his soul a long time ago, I can find those Horcruxes first." Medea laughed again, "There are seven in total, right? You calculated it with arithmetic divination."

Scott widened his eyes in shock, "How do you know?"

He was in the principal's office when he calculated the Horcruxes!

"Because I want to know." Medea said, in a matter-of-fact tone.

But Scott had calmed down again and immediately thought of a possibility.

"Is it the portrait?" he asked Medea, "Did one of the portraits of the previous headmasters travel through his other portraits and tell you the news?"

For some reason, the first person Scott suspected was Phineas Nigellus Black, the most unpopular headmaster in the history of Hogwarts.

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