The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 289 289. Positive changes in two courses

Hogwarts was very efficient this time, or in other words, Dumbledore was very efficient when he became serious.

The morning after he announced his decision, two assistant coaches appeared in front of everyone.

A young witch and a middle-aged wizard.

The young witch has short light gray hair, a plump round face, and a very energetic smile.

The robe she wore was open, revealing her long legs in tight pants and boots. The lit pipe in her hand made her look a little different.

The middle-aged wizard looked much more miserable.

He has light brown hair mixed with gray. He wears a shabby robe with several patches and wrinkled leather shoes. He looks sick and tired.

Dumbledore, standing between the two, introduced loudly, "Wilmina Grupplan! Miss Grupplan agreed to serve as a teaching assistant for the course on Care of Magical Creatures. Before that, she used to be a staff member of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures at the Ministry of Magic. "

"Hello everyone!" Grapeland said to the students in a cheerful voice. "It's an honor to meet you all, or in other words, I'm glad to be back here after a few years of graduation! I want to say, I love Hogwarts!"

The students spontaneously began to applaud. Everyone was very fond of this assistant teacher who looked very young and energetic, especially the boys.

"Thank you, thank you."

Graplan made a wizarding salute, and the smile on his face became more friendly.

"I must explain that I resigned from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures of the Ministry of Magic after only one month. I could not accept that kind of routine life."

As she spoke, she raised the pipe in her hand and took a puff.

"And, this is the tobacco I made from sage. It can provide me with some help. Of course, it will not affect my health, neither mine nor yours."

Applause rang out again.

"She must be a Ravenclaw!"

Scott heard the classmates next to him say this.

Amidst the applause, Grapeland turned around and walked to the teacher's desk, sat next to Hagrid and started talking to him actively.

At this time, Dumbledore began to introduce another teaching assistant, "Remus Lupine is also an outstanding wizard. He will be the teacher of the Defense Against the Dark Arts course..."

Before he finished speaking, Blake, who was sitting on the teacher's bench, started clapping vigorously.

Dumbledore was stunned for a moment, then smiled and clapped.

Following his lead, everyone began to applaud.

Lu Ping was a little surprised and quickly saluted everyone.

But Black's enthusiasm didn't stop there. He even rushed out of the teacher's chair, laughing and hugging Lupine.

"Oh, it seems they know each other, Professor Black has welcomed his assistant!" Eddie said while applauding, "Will their enemy Professor Snape also apply for a teaching assistant?"

Roger bumped him with his elbow and said angrily: "You really hope they fight again?"

"Yes." Eddie said with a smile, "But to be honest, Professor Snape's face is really ugly."

Scott has been watching too.

When Black and Lupine hugged each other, Snape's face immediately turned livid, and his hateful eyes seemed to ignite a fierce fire.

"Thank you everyone, it's great to be back at Hogwarts."

The applause stopped and Lupine saluted again.

He turned to look at Dumbledore and said, "Thank you Professor Dumbledore for trusting me. I hope I can help you in your studies or life."

"Oh! You can, of course you can Remus!" Blake hugged his shoulders affectionately, "I didn't expect you to help me, there is nothing better than this!"


Snape, who was sitting on the teacher's chair, snorted coldly and put down the cup in his hand heavily.

"I really hope so," he said. "It would be best if nothing happens."

"You guy!"

Black turned to look at Snape angrily, as if he was ready to jump out and fight him again at any moment.

Lupine quickly caught him.

"Hello, Severus." Lupine greeted Snape proactively and friendly.

But Snape didn't appreciate it and just looked away casually.

Black looked even angrier, and Lupine had to pull him back behind the teacher's desk, away from Snape.

In the following period, the two newly appointed teaching assistants indeed brought positive changes to the two courses they served.

The first is the Care of Magical Creatures class. Graplan's arrival has greatly improved the current situation of this class.

Hagrid seemed to have regained his passion for magical animals under his advice, and students began to be exposed to some dangerous and exciting magical animal species in class.

Scott and the others rode the Hippogriff as they wished.

I have to say, it was indeed an exciting experience full of fantasy adventure.

Grapeland and Hager work well together.

Hagrid can always find some unusual magical animals, and Grapeland can always carefully arrange the class in an orderly manner.

The improvement of the curriculum made the students like Grapland even more, and they called the teaching assistant "Magic Grapland".

And the magical Grapland lives up to expectations.

In a recent class, she successfully lured a group of unicorns out of the Forbidden Forest, allowing students to get up close and personal with these beautiful and noble creatures.

Only for girls, of course.

The unicorns don't like boys approaching them, they are too proud. Even Hagrid, who tamed the Thestrals and the three-headed dog, couldn't tame this magical animal.

Beside the stream in the quiet forest, the lively girls, led by Grubbly-Plank, played with the beautiful unicorns by the water.

This is a very beautiful picture.

Unfortunately, boys like Scott could only squat with Hagrid in the distance, watching this scene with envy and listening to Hagrid's excited shouting.

Scott squatted with Roger and the Weasley twins.

"Maybe we can pick up some unicorn tail hair after class." George's eyes lit up, "I think Mr. Ollivander would be happy to buy it!"

Poor George didn't notice that his twin brother didn't listen to him at all.

Fred's eyes kept chasing Angelina, the tall and fit dark-skinned girl, who was playing in the water with the unicorn.

In short, the Care of Magical Creatures class became pleasant after Grubbly-Plank arrived.

Hagrid often praised his assistant, and Grubbly-Plank often praised Hagrid's ability to tame those dangerous animals.

The professor and assistant of Care of Magical Creatures got along well, and the course became popular again.

Speaking of Defense Against the Dark Arts, this course has also changed significantly with the arrival of Lupin, the assistant.

It must be said that the partnership between Black and Lupin, the old friends, is obviously more tacit than that between Hagrid and Grubbly-Plank.

Compared with the enthusiastic but careless Black, Lupin is more calm and careful. He can always check for Black's omissions in class in time.

He can treat Slytherin students more fairly and dissuade Black, who is not emotionally stable.

After Lupin joined the job, the number of times Black deducted points from Slytherin House has begun to decrease significantly.

However, it is obvious that Snape is not grateful for him.

The Potions Professor still blatantly and unscrupulously uses his words and deeds to express his disgust for Black and Lupin on any occasion.

What really made the Defense Against the Dark Arts class more popular was the wonderful duel demonstrations by Black and Lupin in the practical class.

This course was almost a new one. Hogwarts had no previous experience and no relevant textbooks. Both professors and students could only grope for teaching and learning.

And the way to learn is actual combat.

Although it is said so, in actual operation, everyone will find that actual combat does not lead to improvement.

The young wizards living in peacetime are far away from fighting, and they cannot receive various information through many channels like Scott in his previous life. Many times their duel practice is like a game.

Including Scott.

Since there are no classmates in the same grade who can fight with him, he cannot try his best to show his true level in the practical class.

Lupin's arrival changed the practical class.

He and Black, two wizards who have experienced the real wizard war, let the young wizards understand what the real battle between adult wizards is like through duel demonstrations.

Unlike the game-like back and forth between students, the battle between them is a real dangerous game with life hanging by a thread.

The tension, excitement and intensity are incomparable.

Such demonstrations set goals for students more intuitively, allowing them to understand the gap between themselves and these two outstanding adult wizards, and also allowing them to find the direction of their own efforts.

In addition, because Black and Lupin often served as Scott's duel practice opponents, Scott also really got familiar with them during this period.

Of course, Scott was not the opponent of these two in a head-on battle, mainly because of the gap in magic power, combat awareness and combat experience.

Although Scott had "remarkable achievements" in the past, it was basically a sneak attack and assassination.

The opponents he really defeated head-on were only Jasmine Travers, Idris Strillner, who has now graduated, and several Slytherin students, as well as the thief Fletch.

The enemies that Scott had encountered in the past that needed to be fought head-on were not as strong as Black and Lupin.

Especially the thief Fletch, as an adult wizard, although he was very cunning and had many means, his real strength was actually not as good as Strillner.

In short, aside from the fact that magic power can only grow naturally, Scott also lacks combat awareness and combat experience.

Scott feels that the biggest beneficiary of the arrival of assistant Lupin is actually himself.

Because the practical class has added more people, Black and Lupin can also take time to be his practice opponents, helping him develop combat awareness and gain combat experience.

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