The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 290 290. Candlelight on Halloween Eve

It turns out that there is a reason why Lupine can become good friends with Black and Harry's father. This seemingly calm middle-aged man also has a naughty side.

At the end of October, when everything was on track, in a third-grade Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Lupine guided Neville with words just like the "original". As a result, Neville asked Snape, who had been transformed by the Boggart, to took on his grandmother's attire.

The incident quickly became a running joke throughout the school.

According to the students present, "Snape" was wearing a long, embroidered women's dress and a high hat. On the top of the hat was a moth-eaten old vulture specimen, dangling in his hand. A huge scarlet handbag.

It is said that students in the classroom next door heard Blake laughing.

This incident not only made Snape hate Lupine and Black even more, but also made Neville even more sad in Potions class.

Scott took a rare trip to the greenhouse outside the castle outside of herbal medicine class, and happened to meet Neville who was hiding alone in the greenhouse wiping his tears.

"Hey, you okay, Neville?"

Scott looked at the little fat man squatting in front of the flower pot.

"Oh, I...I'm fine." Neville stood up hurriedly, his round face flushed, "You...hello, Scott."

Scott walked up to Neville and said, "I need some yarrow. Of course, I've made an agreement with Professor Sprout."

Neville hurriedly wiped the tears on his face with his sleeves, "I know where Yarrow is, and I will take you there."

"Wait." Scott took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to him, "This is Professor Sprout's signature. She said you are here to help take care of the bubble pods. Maybe you will be willing to help me pick the bubble pods." Some yarrow?”

Neville took the note and said, "Of course, I'd be happy to help."

"Thank you, Neville." Scott said with a smile, "Professor Sprout is full of praise for you. She appreciates your performance in the Herbology class."

Neville blushed again and said softly: "'s nothing, I just like taking care of these plants."

He led Scott through a row of flower stands planted with fanged geraniums and toward the other side of the greenhouse.

Scott added: "This is your specialty and what makes you better than others. Just like me, I am not good at dealing with plants."

"But you're great at everything else," Neville said sheepishly.

"No." Scott said, "I'm not very good at herbs and potions, and my astronomy and history of magic are average. This is where everyone is different."

"Thank you." Neville looked back at Scott, "I know you are encouraging me."

Scott smiled again, "I've said it before, you should be more confident, and your situation is much better now, isn't it."

"Yes." Neville nodded first, then said hesitantly, "But Professor Snape...oh, my performance in Potions class today was like a disaster."

"Professor Snape, yes, many people are afraid of him."

Scott said.

"Including my roommate Milton. As long as Professor Snape stares at him, his mind will go blank and the movements of his hands will go wrong."

Upon hearing this, Neville immediately nodded empathetically.

"But let me tell you, you don't actually need to be afraid of him."

Scott said in a relaxed tone.

"To be honest, he won't really hurt the students, just some verbal... um... sarcastic remarks..."

Scott imparts his experience to Neville.

"In the face of those words, just be thick-skinned and pretend you didn't hear them!"

Neville stopped and looked back at him in surprise.

Scott patted him on the shoulder and looked back at him with encouraging eyes.

Neville opened his mouth, and finally said with some vicissitudes: "Thank you, I think I will try it."

He took a few steps forward and stopped in front of a small patch of yarrow.

"This is it."

He knelt down and began to pick yarrow for Scott, and at the same time he began to chant.

"Yarrow can detoxify, reduce swelling, stop bleeding and relieve pain. It is said that the American Indians used yarrow root decoction to strengthen muscles."

"Wearing it can avoid evil things, and drinking yarrow tea before divination can improve your perception. In some legends, yarrow is considered to be one of the devil's favorite plants, and is also called devil's nettle."

"You're really good at this, Neville."

Scott looked at his deft movements.

"I just want to test whether yarrow tea can really improve perception when doing divination, of course, arithmetic divination."

"Yarrow tea?" Neville raised his head and glanced at him, "You need to make fresh yarrow into tea. If you believe me, I can make it for you."

Scott smiled immediately, "Thank you, it's up to you."

So, after agreeing with Neville on the date when the yarrow would be made, Scott happily left the greenhouse.

Using yarrow tea to improve perception during Arithmancy was a suggestion given to Scott by his Ravenclaw master.

Ravenclaw believes that modern wizards may pursue simplicity and lose some necessary rituals in some things.

Ravenclaw said to him: "Some rituals are useful, of course, some are actually useless, but in any case, the sense of ritual can help us better enter the corresponding state."

So Scott followed his mentor's advice and went to Professor Sprout to ask for some yarrow.

Professor Sprout expressed surprise at Scott's sudden private visit.

Scott's grades in Herbology were mediocre, and due to lack of interest, he didn't take much interest in it. This resulted in him not being too familiar with Sprout.

Despite this, the affable witch did not refuse Scott's request.

Throughout October, Scott was as busy as September, but fortunately he had almost adapted to this extreme state.

Habits are a terrible thing.

As time goes by, after two days of high-intensity mental exertion on the weekend, Scott's spirit will not be as depressed as it was at the beginning.

October 31, 1993, was another Sunday.

Since it was Halloween Eve, Scott was able to leave the Room of Requirement early to attend the Halloween dinner.

The Great Hall of Hogwarts is once again decorated for this day.

Of course, there is nothing new in all this. There are still huge pumpkins, black candles, flying bats, and scattered candies.

But Scott didn't care about this. What he was looking forward to was the sumptuous food that night.

When Scott reached the long table, his three roommates all turned to stare at him.

"Oh, the elusive Scott, the mysterious Scott." Eddie said in a strange voice, "Where have you been? I woke up early in the morning and found that you have disappeared!"

"Self-study." Scott shook the notebook in his hand.

"Self-study!" Roger stared, "Listen, this guy obviously forgot that today is our first Hogsmeade weekend of the year!"

"It's also the five-month anniversary of Roger being single!" Eddie said loudly.

Scott ignored the two guys.

After he sat down, he just looked at Milton and said to him apologetically: "Sorry, I really forgot. How was your meeting with Mr. Graves today?"

"It's okay." Milton smiled, "It's better than expected."

"What do you say?" Scott asked curiously.

"My dad...I don't know if he is more awake or more confused." Milton's expression was a little strange, "He told me not to go home."

Eddie interjected softly, "I think Mr. Graves is definitely more confused."

Roger covered his mouth directly.

Scott glanced at the two of them and asked Milton, "What do you think?"

"This is good, isn't it?" Milton showed a somewhat forced smile, "At least... my request has been achieved, and my father will help me bear the pressure from my grandfather."

But... Is this what a normal father should say to just tell his underage son not to go home?

Scott and Roger looked at each other, with the same meaning in their eyes.

Eddie, who broke free from Roger's hand, asked Milton, "Didn't your grandfather contact you before this?"

Milton shook his head, "Grandpa doesn't care about me, or in other words, he only cares about the surname Graves and doesn't care about a specific person."

"So do you have any plans for your future?" Scott asked again with concern.

"My father will pay for my tuition and living expenses before graduation, and I will live in the apartment left by my mother during the holidays. Except for my father and grandfather, they don't know that place."

Milton said.

"After graduation……"

He thought about it, smiled and said, "I think I'll try to get into the London Philharmonic Orchestra."

"But your musical talent..." Eddie said quickly, and Roger reached out to cover his mouth again.

"It doesn't matter. At least as long as I continue to practice, my playing skills will not deteriorate."

Milton smiled and asked Roger to let go of Eddie.

He said in a relaxed tone: "If you can't get into the Philharmonic Orchestra, just go to other orchestras. I think I will always find my place."

"Of course, your original skills are already very strong, and you can pass the exam even for the Philharmonic Orchestra."

Eddie hurriedly comforted him, and then said with some trepidation: "But..."

He hurriedly picked up a glass of pumpkin juice and took a sip.

"Are you planning to leave the magical world and live in the Muggle world after graduation? I mean... you were obviously still working hard in training before, why don't you join the Weird Sisters singing group?"

"I train for actual combat so that I can better protect myself in the future. There is no conflict." Milton said with a smile, "Have you forgotten, I quit the Weird Sisters last semester and I am no longer a reserve member of them. ”

"You can apply again and they won't necessarily reject you," Roger said.

Milton shook his head, "The members of the Weird Sisters are all real geniuses, I mean musically."

What he means is that he himself is no longer qualified.


Mir raised his head and said in a longing tone.

"I have a premonition that one day in the future, I will reunite with my mother on a musical occasion. At that time, I will see that she is doing well, and of course, I will also tell her that I am doing well too. ”

At this moment, the light of the Halloween candle above his head was reflected in his eyes.

"There will come a day."



Scott, Roger and Eddie agreed.

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