The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 352 352.Completion Opinion Discovery

After listening to the Weasley twins and Eddie laughing and joking for a while, Scott said to Eddie; "We can make a promotional video for Ravenclaw House first."

"What a great idea!" Eddie's eyes lit up.

Fred and George were not happy when they heard it. Although they did not understand what a promotional video was, this did not prevent them from protesting.

Fred asked loudly, "Why Ravenclaw?"

"Why not make a promotional video for Gryffindor House first?" George also asked.

Scott lowered his head and kept moving the clips he was busy with, and answered in a calm voice, "Because I am a Ravenclaw."

"That's not fair!" Fred and George protested loudly.

Scott nodded, "It's indeed unfair, but unfairness is normal."

"Oh, Fred, listen to what he says!"

"I heard it, George, he was so irritating!"

"Seriously, why doesn't he make a promotional video about Hogwarts?"

"Too narrow-minded! This is narrow-minded thinking! This is college discrimination!"

Fred and George were singing and saying some weird things.

"Producing a promotional video for Hogwarts?" Scott said with a smile, "Of course, you two are responsible for the Slytherin House part?"

"No need." Fred refused immediately, "We're not very familiar with those Slytherin guys."

George also said: "It's good to rank Gryffindor's promotional video second. Making Ravenclaw's promotional video is just to gain experience."

Scott smiled, stopped what he was doing, took out a roll of parchment from the deformed lizard skin bag and handed it to George.

"This is the magic text circuit obtained from deciphering the panoramic telescope." He said, "You should also try it and see if you can make something interesting."

He did not directly give the twins the improved version of the magic circuit that he made [Magic Mirror].

According to common sense in the magic world, this kind of self-improved knowledge can generally only be traded at equal value and cannot be given away.

Of course, Fred and George also knew this common sense. Although they had joked before, at this time they were not even willing to accept the original magic text circuit that Scott handed them.

Seeing the hesitation on their faces, Scott threw the parchment roll directly in front of them.

"As long as you don't make telescopes or anything like that, you should know the rules." He said.

Although they have cracked the magic text circuit in the panoramic telescope, they cannot directly steal other people's business.

It would be fine if they just used this set of magic text circuits to make some other products, but if they directly copied the panoramic telescope, they would face a lot of trouble.

George was still hesitating, but Fred had simply picked up the parchment that recorded the magic text circuit, unfolded it, and started reading.

He smiled and said, "Of course, we know the rules."

George also said: "Even though we have cracked many of the products in Jokowi's Joke Shop, we have never copied them."

After saying this, he said to Fred: "This is the knowledge that Scott has cracked. We need to exchange the same knowledge."

Fred nodded in agreement, "Just make up your mind."

"No need." Scott shook his head, "Bill has already shared a lot of valuable knowledge with me."

"Bill is Bill, we are us." George pulled out an old-looking notebook from the old desk.

Fred glanced at the notebook and said to Scott: "This is our record of cracking the products of Zuko's Joke Shop. There should be something you are interested in."

George flipped through his notebook and made a quick decision.

"Is this it?" he said to Fred.

"Okay." Fred nodded.

George handed the notebook directly to Scott.

"Although the value may not be as high as the set of magic text circuits you cracked, there are many interesting ideas and tips in it," he said.

His notebook hands were raised for a while and he never took them back, so Scott could only take them.

George looked relieved and began studying the parchment with Fred.

"Maybe you can make a magic camera." Eddie gave the two people an idea. "After all, the panoramic telescope is not a product specifically used for photography."

Fred and George looked interested.

Eddie explained to them the function of the Muggle camera and drew a schematic diagram.

The three of them muttered together.

Scott withdrew his gaze and continued to indulge in image editing.

The images extracted from the seven panoramic telescopes take a long time and have different angles. For Scott, who has little experience, the editing workload is still very heavy.

Although he does not have such high requirements for himself and does not intend to edit a blockbuster film, he still needs to integrate images from different perspectives so that people can see what happened and try to sort out the events as clearly as possible.

By the time the curfew came, Scott had only finished half of it.

Fred and George were going to stay up late in the studio studying the magic circuit, and Scott and Eddie returned to the dormitory together.

After washing up, he sat back on the bed and continued editing with the [Magic Mirror].

The [Magic Mirror] in his hand attracted the attention of Roger and Milton.

At this time, Eddie couldn't wait to tell everything they had done with a bit of pride.

Roger grew up in the Muggle world, and Milton, who had lived in London for a while, quickly understood what Eddie said.

"So, you filmed the scene where Dumbledore led the Aurors to fight against witches and Death Eaters?" Roger came to Scott's side and looked at the picture on the [magic mirror] in his hand.

"Oh, is this Dumbledore's strength?" He couldn't help but exclaim, "It's hard to imagine that a wizard's spell can have such power."

"Dumbledore is not an ordinary wizard." Milton couldn't help but squeeze to Roger's side to look at the constantly switching pictures.

"Milton, choose a few pieces of music that can represent the style of Ravenclaw College from your previous compositions."

Scott said while operating.

"I plan to make a promotional video for Ravenclaw College after I finish this thing."

Milton was a little confused when he heard this, but there was no need for Scott to speak next, Eddie had already talked about the plan to make a promotional video for the college.

"It's a pity that I have lost my talent for composing music." Milton said a little frustrated, "Otherwise I could compose music for the promotional video of Ravenclaw College."

"Your previous works are enough. We have all heard them. They are all very nice." Roger said to him.

"Don't worry about me." Milton smiled, "I am glad that they can be used."

After that, he walked to his bookshelf and took out a folder that was stuffed with music.

"Maybe I need some of your opinions." He flipped through the pages of parchment with five-line scores in the folder.

"Don't worry, you can pick some for selection first." Scott said, "Then choose the music based on the footage you have shot."

Eddie said, "We can think about it first. What content will be better to shoot at that time? What kind of content can better show the style of Ravenclaw College?"

Roger and Milton were both very interested in this topic, so they discussed it with him.

Scott tried to speed up his actions as much as possible, and it was not until around 2:00 in the morning that he finally completed the preliminary editing.

The other three did not sleep either. Roger and Milton had learned the details of the incident in Little Hangleton Village by watching Scott's clips from time to time.

"Just as you thought." Roger said, "You are unlikely to be allowed to sell this video to make money."

Scott shrugged his shoulders. Except for Eddie, he and the Weasley twins did not do this for the sake of making money. They were more to satisfy their curiosity.

After lunch the next day, Scott brought the [Magic Mirror] to Professor Turflivi's office.

"What's up, Scott?" Professor Flitwick was correcting students' papers at this time.

Speaking of which, the professors at Hogwarts are all very hard-working.

Professors are often responsible for teaching seven grades of a subject, which means they are in class almost all day, and even need to correct students' homework during breaks.

"I want to show you something."

Scott walked to Professor Flitwick's desk and placed the [Magic Mirror] in front of him.

"What is this?" Professor Flitwick looked at the square mirror curiously.

Scott took out his wand and tapped the mirror, and the image immediately appeared on the mirror.

"Oh, this is..."

Professor Flitwick watched the screen with great interest at first, and when the green-robed Medea appeared, his voice immediately became sharp.

"Is this the old house of Gaunt? How did you get such a picture?" He asked Scott in surprise.

Scott briefly described the source of these images.

Professor Flitwick looked at him in surprise, "I didn't expect..."

He had never expected that Scott and his students would come up with such an operation.

At this moment, the image in the mirror switched to the perspective inside the old house of Gaunt.

Medea led a few green-robed people into the interior of the broken house, took out a golden cup and put it on the ground.

Then, a magic ritual that had obviously been arranged long ago was activated, and the picture was filled with dazzling blood-red light.

"Hufflepuff's golden cup?" Professor Flitwick stared at the golden cup in the picture.

Scott said: "The You-Know-Who always uses some representative magic items to make Horcruxes."


Professor Flitwick obviously thought of the Ravenclaw's diadem, which was also made into a Horcrux by Voldemort.

"He really only knows how to destroy meaninglessly!" The professor said indignantly.

The uncomfortable red light in the mirror flickered, and the camera switched again.

This time it showed the scene of Riddle House.

With the appearance of two Death Eaters, Professor Flitwick widened his eyes again.

"This is..."

He obviously also set his sights on the weird "baby".

It's just that due to the lack of light in the picture, the "baby" never showed its true face.

Suddenly, the camera cut back to the old Gaunt house again, the Aurors appeared, and the battle started.

In the following time, Dumbledore also began to appear, and the image in the mirror switched back and forth between different perspectives, showing the melee scene that took place in Little Hangleton Village that night in all directions.

The scene finally froze until the Death Eaters stole the golden cup, Medea retreated under Dumbledore's attack, and the Aurors arrested the knocked out Death Eaters and the green-robed man.

"I didn't expect Dumbledore's magic to have reached such an extent." Professor Flitwick said.

As expected of the Charms professor, the first thing he noticed was Dumbledore's curse.

He said with emotion: "Speaking of which, although I have been working with him for many years, I have never seen him take action with my own eyes."

"You just said..." He remembered what Scott had just said and raised his head to look at him, "This fantastic idea of ​​yours... is you trying to make money from this video?"

Having said this, he picked up the tea cup on the table and took a few sips. It took him a while to calm down.

Scott told the truth, "This is a huge business opportunity. Because of Medea's previous interview, everyone is very curious about what happened that day."

Professor Flitwick nodded, "Of course, no one is not curious about what happened the night before yesterday."

Scott smiled, "What I didn't expect is that no newspaper has reported this matter until now."

"So you came to me."

Professor Flitwick laughed too.

"If you want to ask my opinion, then I will tell you that you'd better not sell this video or even let too many people know about your actions."

At this point, he asked Scott, "Do you know the reason?"

Scott looked down at [Magic Mirror] and said: "This matter is very complicated and involves many people. Publicizing this impact may cause some confusion."

"No, that's not the main reason."

Professor Flitwick said, looking at Scott and sighing.

"If this video gets spread, you will be feared."

he explained.

"Because you announced a secret incident that happened in the dark, and even Ms. Slytherin and Dumbledore were not aware of it, people will be worried that you will expose their privacy in this way."

Scott was stunned. He didn't expect Professor Flitwick to view the matter from such a perspective.

But what Professor Flitwick said makes perfect sense.

If this video spreads, Scott and the others will become the most unpopular people in the wizarding world, just like those entertainment reporters in the Muggle world who are good at secretly filming celebrities.

Professor Flitwick added: "It seems that you are no longer planning to sell this photo."

Scott nodded.

Indeed, although he did not expect this level that Professor Flitwick mentioned, he did not intend to let this image spread.

For those who are interested, it is not difficult to find people who sell images. Scott is now trying to stay away from Medea's "sight", so there is no need to jump in front of her like this.

So Scott told Professor Flitwick about his plan to make a promotional video for Ravenclaw House.

This plan, of course, received strong support from Professor Flitwick.

"That's a good idea." He jumped off the chair, "If you need any help, just come to me."

As he spoke, he held the [Magic Mirror] in his hand, motioned for Scott to follow him, and the two walked out of the office.

Scott understood that this was probably going to take him to the principal's office to find Dumbledore.

The two walked through several winding corridors, and Professor Flitwick knocked on a hidden door.

The door opened quickly, and Dumbledore's voice came from inside, "Please come in."

Professor Flitwick opened the door and walked in, Scott following behind him.

The old principal sitting behind the desk said with a smile: "Good afternoon, Filius, oh, and Scott."

Professor Flitwick returned the [Magic Mirror] to Scott, walked to his desk, climbed up on the stool nimbly and sat down.

"Scott, show it to Albus yourself," he said to Scott.

Scott nodded, walked to the desk, placed the [Magic Mirror] in front of Dumbledore, and started to replay the edited image.

On the mirror, a "silent movie" begins.

Dumbledore looked down at the image playing on the mirror.

He was not as surprised as Professor Flitwick, but watched until the end with a smile on his face.

"I didn't expect to see this battle in this way. It doesn't look like I'm too old." He said cheerfully.

After saying that, he raised his eyes and looked at Scott, "I have to thank you, Scott. In this way, I discovered some details that I didn't notice."

He lowered his head again, squinted his eyes for a while, and unexpectedly learned how to use the [Magic Mirror] without any teacher.

He stretched out a slender finger and slid it on the mirror, causing the image to recede continuously until it reached the scene before the two Death Eaters hiding in Riddle's mansion left, and then reframed it.

"You may not know one thing." He pointed with his finger at the houses that were only vaguely visible in the dark screen. "This is the Riddle Mansion, and it is also the home of Voldemort's father, Tom Riddle."

"Oh!" Professor Flitwick exclaimed, "Fu... You-Know-Who's father? According to Ms. Slytherin, is he a Muggle?"

"That's right." Dumbledore said softly, "It was precisely because of the close distance between the two families that Voldemort's mother Merlot Gaunt fell in love with Tom Riddle, captured him with a love potion, and the two eloped together. "

Professor Flitwick frowned tightly upon hearing this, obviously disgusted with this behavior of using love potions to obtain love.

Dumbledore pointed again at the "baby" held in the Death Eater's arms.

"I suspect this is Voldemort," he said. "You see, although he is no longer a remnant soul, he is still very weak. Otherwise, he would not hide here so carefully."

It is not difficult to think of this answer. After all, Harry once told Dumbledore about his dream.

"Oh!" Professor Flitwick exclaimed again, "Merlin, his body... is incomplete?"

Dumbledore said, "It seems that his current strength is not enough to fully revive him. He still needs to find an opportunity..."

"That golden cup, the Hufflepuff golden cup!" Professor Flitwick said, "Is that one of his Horcruxes? When he takes that Horcrux back, will it bring him any benefits?"

Dumbledore shook his head, "I suspect that the Horcrux is fake. Ms. Slytherin will not give Voldemort a chance."

His judgment was consistent with Scott's.

Next, Dumbledore slid his finger across the mirror again, and deliberately repeated several small details.

He returned the [Magic Mirror] to Scott. "It's an interesting alchemical product, isn't it? It's amazing that they have achieved this without offering alchemy courses at Hogwarts."

"Thank you." Scott said softly.

He knew that he had only used the simplest method to make the [Magic Mirror]. Strictly speaking, it could not be called alchemy at all. It could only be said to be the successful use of the magic circuit.

Moreover, with his frequent trips to the Room of Requirement, he didn't believe that the old headmaster had no idea about what he had been taught by the Ravenclaw portrait.

"Then can you tell me about it? I'm very curious about how you got these images." Dumbledore asked Scott with interest.

Scott glanced at the portraits on the wall next to him and had to explain his method again.

Dumbledore showed an expression of sudden enlightenment after listening.

"Panopticon? I know that little toy," he said with a smile, "Everyone uses it as a special telescope, only you have discovered a new use."

Scott smiled "shyly" again.

At this time, Professor Flitwick spoke up and expressed his opinion.

He hoped that this matter could be kept secret, and he didn't want Scott and other students to be in a sad situation because of this matter.

Dumbledore certainly had no objection to this.

He seemed to have something else to say to Professor Flitwick, so he let Scott leave the principal's office alone.

After leaving the principal's office, Scott came to the stairs on the eighth floor and saw the Weasley twins and Eddie waiting there.

"How is it, Scott, what did Professor Flitwick say?" Eddie asked him curiously as soon as he saw Scott.

"Professor Flitwick suggested that we keep this matter secret." Scott whispered Professor Flitwick's concerns about them.

Eddie nodded repeatedly, "So you still have to think so? It seems that we should keep this matter secret."

Fred and George stood with their backs against the wall, nodding their heads as if they were agreeing with Eddie's words, but Scott looked carefully and found that the two guys were dozing off.

"Did these two guys not sleep last night?" He whispered to Eddie.

Eddie shrugged his shoulders, "Obviously."

"Oh..." George suddenly half-opened his eyes.

He shook his head to make himself a little more awake.

"Professor Flitwick is right," he said. "We can't become unpopular like Rita Skeeter..."

"We didn't sleep last night. That group of magic circuits has made some research..."

At this time, Fred also spoke up, and he and George began to talk about two different things at the same time.

"I think you two should just skip class and go to sleep." Scott said with a smile, "What are your afternoon classes?"



Fred and George thought for a long time before they remembered.

"It's Potions."


Scott looked at the two with sympathy.

With their current confused state, they might blow up the crucible in Potions class.

"Oh, you two just wait to be deducted points." Eddie laughed gloatingly, "But it doesn't matter, anyway, Gryffindor has no more house points to deduct."

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