The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 353 353. Materials, Production, Urgency

After the conversation in the principal's office, Scott was ready to make full preparations for the production of a promotional video for Ravenclaw House.

During this school year, he not only focused on studying for a long time, but also experienced a lot of energy-consuming things. Making the promotional video this time was also a period of fun he gave himself to relax his tense mood.

After dinner, he, Eddie and the Weasley twins came to the studio located in the secret passage again.

Eddie kept looking at the twins in surprise, and finally couldn't help but ask, "You actually made it through the afternoon Potions class safely?"

Fred immediately had a proud look on his face and said, "We have a lot of experience in this kind of thing."

George also raised his chin and said, "Even that old bat Snape can't do anything to us."

Eddie smiled and asked, "You didn't fall asleep in class? Didn't you blow up the crucible?"

"Of course not, we didn't miss school," Fred said.

"How did you do it?" Eddie was extremely surprised.

Fred and George smiled smugly at him, but said nothing.

Scott looked at the energetic appearance of the two people and asked, "Is it an energy potion or a time turner?"

Fred and George shrugged at the same time.

"Well, it's the Time-Turner," said George. "We've been wanting to give it a try ever since we saw Hermione and Harry use the Time-Turner to save Buckbeak last term."

Fred said with a smile: "We stole Percy's time turner before the afternoon classes started, returned to the morning and had a good sleep all morning."

"Is this still possible?" Eddie was a little annoyed. "If I had known, I would have chosen a few more courses so that I could get the time turner and play with it."

Fred and George looked at him disapprovingly.

"That's not a good thing."

"Not everyone can study all the courses at the same time like Percy. You know, even Hermione can't stand it anymore."

"Okay." Eddie also shrugged, "I'm just talking."

The four of them joked for a while, Fred and George continued to study the set of magic text circuits cracked from the panoramic telescope, and Eddie was busy designing his promotional brochure.

Scott decided to improvise a tool that could record sounds.

He asked Fred and George, "What material do you think is better at carrying sound?"

"What do you mean?" Fred raised his eyebrows, "Isn't your [magic mirror] okay? I remember that the magic circuit was engraved with the blood of the evil bird?"

"I needed something better to capture sounds and make promotional videos," Scott said.

"It's good enough," George said, "but you can also add crystal powder."

"Good idea." Scott nodded.

Crystals can conduct magic very well and can enhance the effects of many magic materials. In the theory of alchemy, crystals are a common and effective additive.

Scott took off his transforming lizard skin bag from his belt and took out a few materials he would need.

This time, he decided to use transfiguration to make a tool for collecting sounds.

He waved his wand and tapped a small piece of brass on the table, transforming it into an eagle with outstretched wings.

The eagle is only the size of a thumb and looks like a brooch.

At the same time as the overall transformation, tiny grooves of magic text circuits were formed on the eagle's body.

Then, he mixed the blood of the evil bird with the crushed crystal powder, and added a little mercury.

With a wave of the wand, the mixed liquid in the glass bottle turned into filaments and flew up, embedding itself into the tiny runic circuit grooves on the brass eagle.

After completing this step, Scott tapped the eagle with his wand again, turning it into an eagle-shaped brooch.

"Done?" Eddie looked at the small brooch curiously, "Try the effect?"

Scott smiled and put the brooch in his hand.

The eagle on the brooch moved, opened its mouth and said, "Done? Try the effect?"

Exactly the same voice as Eddie.

Scott smiled with satisfaction, then waved his wand to pull out an illusory silver filament from the brooch and threw it into the [Magic Mirror].

Then he stretched out his fingers and scratched the mirror a few times.

"Done? Try the effect?"

The sound was successfully "imported" into the magic mirror and the "playback" effect was normal.

"We need lion brooches," Fred said immediately.

Eddie also quickly said: "I need the eagle brooch, I am also the producer of the promotional video."

So Scott made an eagle brooch and two lion brooches and gave them to the three of them.

He told the three of them: "We'd better find cheaper materials to make simple players that we can sell later."

He clicked on [Magic Mirror] and continued: "The cost of this thing is not cheap. Not many students at Hogwarts can afford it."

Eddie immediately agreed, "You're right, look at the materials you used to make the [Magic Mirror]. The blood of neko and badbirds, and Boggart powder are all expensive things."

"Can't they all be made of mercury?" George asked. "If it is necessary to engrave magic script circuits, this is the most widely applicable and cheapest material, although the effect may not be very good."

"Then try it," Scott said. "If it doesn't work well, there's no point."

He found a smaller mirror and began to write magic words with a quill dipped in mercury.

After all the magic loops were successfully activated, he used the magic wand to "import" a piece of sound and image.

After the playback started, the four frowned.

"No." Fred looked at the mirror in Scott's hand, "The picture and sound are too blurry."

Eddie suggested, "Try again with crystal powder?"

Scott accepted his suggestion and tried to make a new [magic mirror] again.

From the results, the combination of mercury and crystal is indeed much better. Although it is not as good as the original [magic mirror], it is barely enough.

"The problem is that crystal is not too cheap, even crystal powder." George was a little dissatisfied, "If it is produced on a large scale, it will also be a considerable expense."

Eddie laughed, "I will solve the crystal problem. Anyway, we only need crystal powder, and I can get it for free."

Scott and the twins looked at him curiously.

Eddie said: "My father has a crystal jewelry processing factory. The fine fragments and powder produced by crystal cutting and processing are enough for us."

"Then I'll leave it to you!" Fred patted Eddie's shoulder happily.

Scott also laughed and joked, "It seems that Mr. Carmichael's business is very big."

"It's nothing." Eddie said modestly, "It's just some jewelry business."

After solving the problem of convenient sound recording, Scott and Eddie began to make the promotional video of Ravenclaw College.

"You guys start, we will make the promotional video of Gryffindor College later."

"Of course, we will start after inventing the magic camera that can collect sound and image."

Fred and George said confidently.

Scott didn't spend time studying the magic camera.

He was just for fun, and he could use the panoramic telescope and brooch to complete the production of the promotional video.

In the next few days, the students of Ravenclaw College were quite surprised to see Scott and Eddie holding the panoramic telescope and going around.

The hall, library, Ravenclaw tower, common room, college library, Quidditch field, classroom...

They often appeared in every corner of the castle, pointing the telescope in their hands at the students of Ravenclaw College.

Whenever a student asked them curiously what they were doing, Scott and Eddie always smiled and kept it a secret.

Out of curiosity, Roger and Milton, who knew about it, and the Weasley twins often joined them.

Roger and Milton helped, while Fred and George followed them to gain experience in making promotional videos.

Scott and Eddie spent a week to complete the "shooting" of the material, and another week to complete the editing and music.

Finally, they decided to hold the premiere in the Ravenclaw College Common Room on a Saturday night.

The premiere used an oversized [magic mirror] made of a huge dressing mirror, which Scott hung horizontally on the wall of the common room.

Saturday, March 14, 1994.

Starting in the morning, this large mirror hanging horizontally on the wall of the common room attracted everyone's attention.

Students who walked into the common room would be attracted by a beautiful melody and look at the large mirror.

The mirror was playing some images that Scott did not cut into the promotional video in a loop. These images were all from the daily lives of Ravenclaw College students.

The students looked at the images in the mirror and talked about it.

"Ha, Dylan, is this you?"

"Of course, you're right next to me, Kayla."

"Oh no, there's me in there too, there's ink on my face, I remember I was writing a paper at that time!"

"Is this a Quidditch match?"

"Where did this photo come from, why is there a photo of me being knocked off my broom!"

It wasn't long before more and more students gathered in front of the big mirror.

Scott, Roger, and Milton sat on the sofa nearby and watched this scene, while Eddie was already standing by the mirror with his head held high.

A few lines of big words soon appeared on the mirror.

Someone among the students watching read it out loud-

"Collect images and sounds, record our Ravenclaw, the first promotional film of Ravenclaw College of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry-"Extraordinary Wisdom"."

"Producers: Scott Trollope, Eddie Carmichael, Roger Davis, music: Milton Graves, consultant: Filius Flitwick, assisted: all teachers and students of Ravenclaw College, produced by: Ravenclaw College!"

"March 14, 1994, Saturday at 8:00 p.m., please look forward to it?"

"What is this?"

"Eddie! You kid, tell us quickly."

Everyone asked Eddie, who was standing in front of them with a proud face.

"Classmates, of course, please listen to me!"

Eddie clapped his hands and said loudly.

"This is a promotional film we specially made to promote our college and let everyone more clearly understand the concept and spirit passed down by Ravenclaw College since its establishment..."

Scott, who was sitting on the sofa, couldn't help laughing at this scene.

He said to Roger and Milton: "See, it's right to leave this kind of thing to Eddie."

"Scott!" Luna ran to sit opposite Scott and looked at him curiously, "Is this the result of your work during this period?"

"Yes." Scott nodded.

"It's quite fun." Luna looked back at the image in the big mirror and couldn't help laughing.

"Scott, what are you doing?" Jacob also walked up to Scott and asked, "Do you want to give other colleges a good look? If nothing else, this year's College Cup will also be ours."

Scott laughed helplessly, "I didn't think much about it, just for fun."

"Yes, this is a very fun thing." Luna agreed.

Looking at the scenes in the video where many classmates were accidentally embarrassed, she still kept laughing.

The expression on Jacob's face was a little startled, and then he laughed, "I'm overthinking it, it's really fun."

At this moment, Eddie's promotional speech had come to an end. He announced loudly, "Today's premiere at 8 o'clock in the evening, our Dean of Ravenclaw College, Professor Flitwick, will also come to the common room and Let’s watch it together!”

Hearing what he said, everyone cheered in honor.

After the excitement, everyone dispersed.

Scott went to the Room of Requirement after breakfast.

He used the [Magic Mirror] in his hand to play the completed promotional video to Ravenclaw and Helena in the painting.

By the way, the portrait of Ravenclaw also appears in this promotional video.

Scott mentioned it to her during the production process, and the portrait of the academy’s founder readily agreed.

As the increasingly impassioned music softens again until it falls silent, the promo ends.


In the painting, Helena snuggled next to Ravenclaw and said happily: "After reading it, I feel very proud and a little touched. What do you think, mother?"

Ravenclaw nodded slowly with a reserved smile on his face, "Very good."

She looked at Scott with obvious appreciation.

"I didn't expect..." she said softly, "but I thought this interesting whimsy would be enough to change wizards' lives."

Ravenclaws are certainly smart enough.

Scott shook his head and did not take credit.

"This is just a kind of learning and imitation." He said to Ravenclaw, "This form of entertainment has long been popularized in the entire Muggle world. I just used magic to do it. They have done it a long time ago." past things.”

The Ravenclaw in the painting raised her eyebrows slightly to express her surprise.

"No wonder you always said in the past that Muggles are developing much faster than wizards." She said in a sighing tone, "In my impression, Muggles are still very ignorant and backward, and can only be used as sheep herded by the Holy See. Living a life far inferior to that of wizards."

During the time when Ravenclaw lived, Muggles had not yet mastered the power of science and were indeed very ignorant and backward.

Scott said: "At that time, Muggles had not yet discovered the way to understand the world, and they did not have the power to change the world. But it is different now. They already have some powers that wizards do not have."

Ravenclaw had a meaningful discussion with Scott, and even asked Scott to tell her in detail the recent and modern history of the rapid development of Muggles.

"Extraordinary wisdom is mankind's most valuable asset."

Ravenclaw sighed as she spoke of this famous quote from herself.

"My words once only pointed to wizards, but now it seems that the importance of wisdom is the same for all humans."

Helena's expression changed, as if she remembered something, and she couldn't help but ask Scott, "Is this why Medea put forward those views?"

In past chats, she learned from Scott about the banner Medea was now flying and the ideals she claimed.

Scott nodded, "According to Medea herself, she traveled to the Muggle world after leaving Hogwarts, and the changes in the entire world shocked her greatly."

"Maybe what she said is right and not alarmist." Helena hesitated, "Wizards should indeed speed up their own development as she said."

Scott did not refute, but said: "Of course what she said is right. Only right concepts can make so many people voluntarily gather around her for her use."

Helena asked curiously, "Since you also think what she said is right, why don't you want to go to her side to help her?"

Scott smiled, "The right people will say the right things, and the incorrect people will also say the right things for some purpose to achieve their own incorrect purposes."

Helena nodded understandingly, "Oh, you still can't believe her. Of course, thinking about her past performance, I can't believe her either."

Ravenclaw had been listening to the conversation between the two with a smile, and now he asked Scott, "So, do you think Medea's real purpose is not here?"

Scott admits, "Maybe she did have the right ideals, but I just can't really believe it."

Ravenclaw smiled meaningfully upon hearing this.

"It's right to be vigilant," she said. "I said the same thing when Salazar left Hogwarts, but both Godric and Helga believed him."

Both Scott outside the painting and Helena in the painting looked at her curiously.

Ravenclaw continued: "Due to differences in teaching philosophies, Salazar was unable to teach students dark magic at Hogwarts. He told us that he was leaving, and he promised to protect the school secretly, and he did. But he never came back since he left."

At this point, she patted Helena's hand gently.

"Later, Godric and Helga thought that part of the reason he left was to facilitate teaching and studying black magic, but I don't think so. I always thought that he had hidden unknown purposes."

Scott's eyes turned and he asked, "Do you think Medea's current behavior is related to Salazar Slytherin?"

Ravenclaw did not answer directly, she just said: "Medea did not change the ideals and aspirations of the entire magic world when she was young. Of course, maybe she has grown up in her later life."

Although this was said euphemistically, it still meant that she did not believe in Medea.

In any case, Scott still believed in Ravenclaw's vision.

He has always felt awkward about Medea's affairs. Although Medea's slogans were loud, he never believed them, probably for the same reason.

Whether it was because of preconceived impressions or not, he never thought that Medea was the kind of person who cared about the world.

The initial impression Medea gave him was simply too deep.

She used magic oaths to plunder other people's talents to strengthen herself, and sacrificed other people's lives without hesitation, and even killed her husband who had lived with her all her life.

These things are completely different from what she said later.

And this time Ravenclaw talked about Salazar Slytherin again.

Scott could see that his mentor had a certain vigilance towards Salazar Slytherin, and this mentality has not been eliminated until now, and even passed on to her portrait.

In the afternoon, Scott left the Room of Requirement after completing the study task for the day.

At the long table at dinner, Scott found that the students of Ravenclaw were discussing the upcoming promotional film, which made him feel a little happy.

Except for a few people, the students of other colleges were confused by the heated discussion of the Ravenclaws. They obviously didn't understand what the Ravenclaws were discussing.

It seems that the Ravenclaws didn't talk about the promotional film with the students of other colleges.

"They are going to take a look first." Eddie said to Scott, "Only when they are sure that our promotional video is indeed exciting enough, will they want to show off to other colleges."

After dinner, the Ravenclaw students could not wait to return to their common room under the surprised gazes of others, and even the Quidditch team led by Roger cancelled the training plan.

At this time, although the large mirror on the wall was still playing the repeated content, everyone who had watched it several times was watching it with relish.

With half an hour left before 8:00 in the evening, Professor Flitwick walked into the common room.

His arrival made the students quiet down.

"Good evening, everyone."

Professor Flitwick walked to the single sofa that everyone had reserved for him and sat down.

The students sitting near him began to ask him about the promotional video.

"I like the promotional video made by Scott this time." He said to the students, "This is a good idea."

His words aroused everyone's curiosity, so they wanted to see it even more.

"Let's start, Scott!"

"That's right. Although it's not the agreed time of 8:00 p.m., since everyone is here, let's just let it go!"

"Eddie, you do it!"

The classmates began to urge him.

Scott didn't care. He decided on the time with everyone just because he didn't want anyone to miss it.

When he was about to stand up and agree, Milton stopped him.

"Wait a minute." He said, "Since the time is set, we should arrange it according to the set time."

He still attaches great importance to the sense of ritual in life.

Scott satisfied his obsessive-compulsive disorder and sat down steadily again.

This made others even more anxious.

Eddie hurriedly ran up and said some good words.

Professor Flitwick was watching the scene of everyone urging happily, neither agreeing nor objecting.

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