The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 364 364. Duel Training Sawanna Reply

After hearing Professor Flitwick say that he lacked combat experience, Scott nodded in agreement.

Although Hogwarts now adds wizard dueling classes to the teaching of Defense Against the Dark Arts, the training intensity of the course is far from meeting Scott's needs.

As Professor Flitwick commented, he was crushed when fighting with classmates of the same grade, and there was no training effect.

Originally, he could have practiced with Black or Lupin in the dueling class, but since the cause of Black's brother's death was discovered, Professor Black has never returned to Hogwarts.

Later, he simply resigned.

For this reason, the potion professor at Hogwarts has maintained a good mood that can be seen with the naked eye for several days.

Now, Remus Lupin, who was previously an assistant, has officially become the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

With only one person responsible for teaching, Professor Lupin also has no time to be Scott's duel training opponent.

For various reasons, Scott's combat experience has not increased much, and he has even been able to think about the tactics he can use in an imaginary way.

Combat is no different from other things. This is not a skill that can be improved by immersing oneself in study.

Without sufficient combat experience, no matter how high Scott's spellcasting level is, how good he is at Transfiguration, and how many powerful spells he has learned, he cannot play his due combat effectiveness in the battle.

In this case, if the opponent is a wizard with weaker hard power than him, he can crush him with his hard power, but if the opponent's level is equal to him, or just a little worse, he is likely to suffer due to lack of combat experience.

This time, Professor Flitwick's move also solved Scott's urgent need.

"Come again." Professor Flitwick said to him without letting Scott rest, "The so-called combat experience, you can only understand it yourself in battle."


Scott twisted his hand, which was a little sore from frequent waving of the wand, and nodded in response.

However, he lost the battle faster this time.

In addition to physical fatigue, it was also because Professor Flitwick increased his attack frequency in this duel.

Although Professor Flitwick could not cast a large area of ​​each spell like Dumbledore, the spells cast from his hands were much stronger than Scott's.

He has much more combat experience and skills than Scott, a student. Even if he only uses some elementary spells, he can suppress Scott without any suspense with his experience and skills.

In the duel, he can always make the most appropriate response at the most appropriate time.

The spells are accurate, the connection is smooth, the movement is flexible, and the combat process is like flowing water, which is pleasing to the eye.

As a famous wizard duel champion, Professor Flitwick is more difficult to deal with than you can imagine when he is a little serious.

This time, Professor Flitwick let Scott rest for a long time.

Of course, while resting, he patiently explained some practical tips he used in the battle.

Scott was very grateful for this and wrote it down.

In this way, Scott and Professor Flitwick repeated the process of dueling and resting until the curfew time before the end of the day's training.

Finally, Scott left Professor Flitwick's office exhausted.

Fortunately, Professor Flitwick has been using elementary spells, and except for some bumps and bumps, Scott was not really injured.

However, Scott knew that such a result showed that Professor Flitwick had been in a state of ease in the battle, and also showed that he was still far from it.

Scott was not frustrated by this.

Before this, he had never won in the duel training with Black and Lupin, and Professor Flitwick was obviously a wizard of higher level than Black and Lupin.

Of course, in terms of magic level, Scott is not much worse than Black and Lupin now, and even has some advantages that they do not have.

Compared with the two adult wizards, the biggest difference between him and the two adult wizards is the accumulation of magic power and combat experience.

After returning to Ravenclaw Tower with some difficulty, Scott could not wait to collapse on the sofa by the fireplace after entering the common room.

It was close to curfew time, and there were few people still staying in the common room.

Luna was still curled up on the sofa by the fireplace with a thick book in her arms. After seeing Scott, she got up and walked in front of Scott.

"Good evening, Scott." She sat on the sofa opposite Scott, "Savana has replied."

As she said, she handed Scott a letter mixed in the book.

Scott was a little surprised and said, "So soon, I just asked you last night."

Luna nodded, "I sent the letter this morning and received a reply in the evening."

When Scott took the letter, she threw off her slippers and curled up on the sofa to read a book.

Scott looked down at the letter and found that it was not opened. His name was also written on the envelope.

"This letter is for you." Luna seemed to know what he was thinking, "This letter is inside the letter for me."

"Thank you."

Scott opened the envelope, took out the parchment and unfolded it to read.

[Scott, are you okay?

I was very happy when I received Luna's letter.

But when I learned about your experience from her letter, I felt very uneasy.

Luna told me the content of the prophecy. ]

This time, the handwriting in the letter became neat and beautiful, no longer as hasty and sloppy as the previous two letters.

It seems that Savannah's situation in the family is better.

[Do you want to ask me if Avalon really exists?

Avalon is the central belief of the Druids, the utopia in the legend. In the legend, it is the paradise and the island of God's Blessing. I think it is a real place.

The existence of Avalon may even have a profound connection with my family.

In the story passed down by word of mouth in the family, in the distant past, the ancestors of the surname Doherty were servants serving fairies.

It was Morgan Le Fay, the leader of the nine fairies who ruled Avalon in the legend, and the half-sister of King Arthur. ]

Scott opened his eyes wide when he saw this.

Absurd, this was his first reaction after seeing these contents.

But after reacting, he had no way to refute Savannah's statement in the letter for a while.

His current experience is already absurd enough, and it seems that encountering more absurd things is nothing.

He continued to read.

[When I was very young, my grandfather told me the story of Avalon.

Do you remember the Sea of ​​Oaks you have been to?

According to my grandfather, this was once the swamp that led to Avalon.

My grandfather told me that after the passage to Avalon was completely closed, the druids who stayed on this land transformed the entire swamp and turned it into a sea of ​​oaks.

It sounds unbelievable, right?

To be honest, I have always been skeptical of this statement.

I don't doubt the authenticity of Avalon, but...

Because my grandfather was not calm when he said this, I guess he is still hiding some truth from me.

Wait for me, Scott, I will find out all this.

I am already a formal druid priest, and they can no longer hide anything from me.

As for the other contents of the prophecy mentioned by Professor Trelawney, I am sorry that I have no clue for the time being.

I am sorry, I can only help you so much now.

But I will try my best to find out, and if I have more clues, I will write to you. ]

This letter ends here.

Scott folded the parchment and put it in the envelope.

Luna, who was reading a book, raised her head and said, "Sawanna told me that Avalon is real, and I think so too, because my father said so when I was a child."

"If it is true." Scott raised the letter in his hand, "Sawanna told me that the passage to Avalon has been closed."

Luna said optimistically, "Since it can be closed, it can be reopened, but we haven't found a way to open it yet."

"Maybe." Scott lowered his eyelids.

[Book of History], [Eye of Thousand Miles], [Eternal King], [Non-Existent Person]...

The words in the prophecy kept circling in his mind, but he still didn't find more clues. Instead, he became more and more confused because he knew more.

"The brain is fuzzy."

When he heard Luna chanting the spell, it was too late. His extremely tired body didn't react, and he soon fell into a state of confusion.

"Stop the spell."

When he woke up, he saw Luna holding a book in one hand and pointing a magic wand at him in the other.

Scott blinked. He never thought that Luna would attack him, and she was so active that she could attack without saying a word.

"Are you feeling better?" Luna looked at him and asked seriously.

Scott didn't know how to react, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while.

"Oh, the harassment flies have all escaped. It seems that this method is really effective!" Luna said very happily.


Scott wanted to tell her that he was stunned by her magical operation and didn't care about the prophecy for a while.

But Luna had obviously accepted her credit at this moment.

She nodded with satisfaction, turned the wand in her hand between her fingers twice, and raised her hand to put it behind her ear.

At this moment, Eddie walked into the common room with his small schoolbag on his back.

"Good evening, Scott, Luna."

He ran to Scott and sat down with a smile on his face.

"Scott, all the [magic crystal players] you made have been sold out, including the part that exceeded the order." He said with some pride, "and I have received a new order, you need to restock."

Luna smiled and said, "Eddie, if you continue like this, you will be more like a businessman than a wizard."

Eddie shrugged his shoulders indifferently, "There is nothing wrong with being a businessman."

He said to Scott again, "In addition to the new order for the player, there is another thing."

"What?" Scott asked.

"The college promotional video." Eddie showed a proud expression again, "Students from the other three colleges are discussing why only Ravenclaw College has a promotional video. Of course, they also want their own college's promotional video."

Scott raised his eyebrows, "Did they place an order for the promotional video?"

Eddie shook his head, "Of course not, why would they ask us who don't belong to their college to make a promotional video?"

Without waiting for Scott to ask again, he gave the answer himself, "Now many people in Hogwarts have mail-ordered panoramic telescopes. They are going to make their own promotional videos, but they have encountered technical difficulties."

At this point, his face was even more proud, "They want us to 'edit' the material for them."

"Did you accept it?" Scott asked. "I don't want to do this, and aren't Fred and George inventing a magic camera?"

"You don't have to do it." Eddie rubbed his hands, "Just lend me the [magic mirror] and I'll do it!"

Scott had no objection to this.

He just didn't expect that the product of his momentary fun would actually cause the students of Hogwarts to roll up against each other by college.

"As for Fred and George's magic camera?" Eddie said with a smile, "They are still a long way from success."

For a period of time afterwards, Scott devoted himself to studying.

Because he understood the importance of his own strength and the futility of thinking too much, he even deliberately didn't want to or rarely thought about the prophecy.

At the end of March, Professor Flitwick told him before a duel training that they were ready to open the golden treasure chest.

As the discoverer of the golden treasure chest, Scott was invited to observe this special magic ceremony.

The appointed day was a Saturday.

While most of the teachers and students in the school were excitedly cheering for their respective teams on the Quidditch field, Scott followed the three professors to the rooftop platform of the Astronomy Tower.

Dumbledore let the golden treasure chest floating beside him land.

"Let's get started." Professor Binns said to Professor Flitwick, "Don't forget what I taught you."

Professor Flitwick nodded and walked to the golden treasure chest.

He reached out and touched the words engraved on the box, walked around the golden treasure chest again, and then coughed twice in a serious manner.

"Oh..." he looked a little nervous and said, "Wait."

As he said that, he took out a wooden box from his wide sleeves.

Scott recognized the box at a glance. It was the box that contained the Ravenclaw crown in Professor Flitwick's office.

Professor Flitwick opened the box, solemnly took out the Ravenclaw crown, and put it on his head.

"This way you won't forget how to read those damn ancient goblin texts!" He said happily.

Then, he also started his performance.


Scott couldn't help but cover his ears when the first sentence started.

At the same time, he was complaining in his heart--

Fairy Song, it sounds like a kind of magic performed by singing, and this name makes people think of beautiful and pleasant descriptions, but no one expected that the truth is just the opposite.

I don't know if Professor Flitwick is not proficient in this magic, or the fairy song is like this...

In short, Professor Flitwick's "singing" made Scott's hair stand on end?

His "singing" has nothing to do with adjectives such as beautiful and pleasant.

Scott really wants to ask, why is this magic called "Fairy Song", why not just call it "Fairy Scream".

Second update, today's goal of 8,000 words is completed.

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