The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 365 365. Matryoshka Treasure Box Thousand Miles Eye

On the top of Hogwarts Astronomy Tower, Professor Flitwick wore the crown of Ravenclaw and opened his mouth to chant an obscure language with a painful look on his face.

It seemed that even he himself felt that this "Fairy Song" was too unpleasant to listen to.


Scott looked in the direction of the sound and looked at the golden treasure chest placed on the ground.

"Click, click."

As Professor Flitwick continued to chant, the words engraved on the golden treasure chest gradually revealed blue light.

As Professor Binns said, the order of the words engraved on the golden treasure chest was disrupted, so the order in which the words were lit up was also chaotic at this moment.

Scott guessed that the golden treasure chest could not be opened until all the words were lit up.

However, as time passed, Professor Flitwick's chanting became more and more difficult.

His eyes were wide open and his face was covered with sweat.

Scott looked at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore stood aside, looking at Professor Flitwick worriedly, and he seemed to be powerless about it.

Professor Binns also had an anxious and worried expression on his face, floating around Dumbledore.

Scott saw him open his mouth several times to say something, perhaps to stop Professor Flitwick from continuing, but he never spoke.

Professor Flitwick's voice was getting more and more harsh and unpleasant.

When the words engraved on the golden treasure chest were lit up by about 80%, Professor Flitwick was already a little unstable.

This was not the worst, the worst was that his body was undergoing obvious changes.

Scott stared with wide eyes, watching Professor Flitwick's ears and nose grow longer and longer.

This looked very bad.

His face was gradually changing into a real goblin.

At this time, Professor Binns couldn't help but speak, "No, stop it, Filius, if you keep going like this, the dormant blood in your body will riot!"

But Professor Flitwick didn't stop, he still persisted.

Even though his face turned red as if he had a fever, his feet broke through his leather boots, and his hands grew sharp nails, he still didn't stop screaming.

At the same time, the golden treasure chest continued to make "click" sounds, and the whole box shook rapidly.

"Stop him, Albus!" Professor Binns shouted to Dumbledore, "The blood riot will cause magic disorder, which may endanger his life!"

Dumbledore pulled out the Elder Wand from his sleeve with a serious face.

At this moment, Professor Flitwick suddenly raised his hand tremblingly and made a gesture of stopping.

Scott and the other two professors understood, and he asked Dumbledore not to disturb him.

In the process, he still did not stop the magic called the Goblin Song.

Dumbledore hesitated, holding the Elder Wand in his hand, and hesitated to stop Professor Flitwick.

Professor Binns could only float around anxiously.

At this time, Scott was no longer in the mood to pay attention to Professor Binns' rare emotional exposure. He was looking at Professor Flitwick anxiously.

He didn't understand why Professor Flitwick insisted on doing so, even at the risk of his life.

In his opinion, no matter what was hidden in the golden treasure chest, it was definitely not worth Professor Flitwick's desperate efforts.

At this time, the golden treasure chest was shaking more and more violently, and there were few words that had not been lit up.

Professor Flitwick also accelerated the chanting speed.

Finally, he finished!

At the moment of completion, Professor Flitwick's body collapsed forward.


Ravenclaw's crown fell to the ground first.


Scott didn't care about the shaking golden treasure chest at all, and ran over to catch the professor.

"Professor Flitwick!"

Scott knelt on one knee and supported Professor Flitwick's back with his hand.

The touch from the palm of his hand showed that the professor's robe was soaked with sweat.

Scott looked at Professor Flitwick's closed eyes with concern. At this time, the professor's image was infinitely close to a real goblin.

A white light enveloped Professor Flitwick.

Scott turned around and saw Dumbledore casting a spell on Professor Flitwick.

"Calm down, Scott." Dumbledore said in a soothing tone, "Filius will be fine, you can sense it, right?"

Scott nodded a little dazedly, and then used magic to sense the magic in Professor Flitwick's body at close range.

Under the cover of the white light, Professor Flitwick's boiling magic was slowly calming down.

And the change of his body turning into a goblin was also fading little by little.

Seeing this scene, Scott couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Crack, crack, crack!"

At this moment, the sound from the golden treasure chest suddenly became louder.

Scott turned his head and saw cracks appearing on the golden treasure chest. There were three horizontal and three vertical lines on each side, dividing the square box.

The golden treasure chest really turned into a Rubik's Cube.

Then, the Rubik's Cube began to twist on its own, up and down, left and right, and kept spinning wildly.

When it calmed down again to form a cube, the words engraved on the surface of the treasure chest also became neat and tidy.

Then, the gaps that divided the golden treasure chest into a magic cube disappeared, leaving only a circle around the middle of the four facades of the treasure chest.

"Click, click."

The machine amplifier sounded, and the upper part of the treasure chest slowly opened.

Scott looked intently, and what appeared in the gold treasure chest was a smaller silver treasure chest.

At this moment, he felt Professor Flitwick, who was held in his hand, move.

He didn't bother to observe the silver treasure chest, and hurriedly looked down at Professor Flitwick.

"Professor!" He called again.

Professor Flitwick slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, his face had returned to its original appearance.

"Scott?" Professor Flitwick looked at Scott and asked, "Did I succeed?"

Scott nodded quickly, "Don't worry, it succeeded, the box has been opened."

"That's good." Professor Flitwick looked at Dumbledore, who had been casting a spell on him, and said, "Oh, thank you, Albus, I'm fine."

"I'm glad you're fine, Filius." Dumbledore smiled and put away the old wand.

Professor Flitwick struggled to stand up, picked up the crown on the ground, and walked to the treasure chest.

He took out his wand and waved it, and the silver treasure chest flew out of the gold treasure chest and fell to the ground.

"This..." He looked at the silver treasure chest in surprise.

"You were too reckless just now, Filius." Professor Binns, who had been studying the treasure chest for a long time, turned his head and said, "If I didn't know you, I would have thought you were a Gryffindor!"

Professor Flitwick laughed awkwardly, "Oh, you know, Professor Binns, I was almost assigned to Gryffindor when I entered school."

Professor Binns shook his head with a straight face and continued to look at the silver treasure chest.

"This box is opened with werewolf blood." He said.

Scott walked over curiously and looked at the silver treasure chest carefully.

Just look at the gorgeous patterns all over the silver box, and a very finely carved werewolf head is embedded in the center of the box like a lock.

Dumbledore approached with a small glass bottle. He pulled out the cork of the glass bottle, squatted down and put the glass bottle in his hand next to the werewolf head.

"Click, click."

The werewolf head opened its mouth.

Dumbledore poured the blood in the glass bottle into its mouth.


The werewolf head opened its mouth and howled again, and the eyes carved with white gemstones suddenly turned blood red.

"Click, click, click..."

The silver treasure chest opened automatically, revealing the black crystal treasure chest inside.

Dumbledore took out the small black crystal treasure chest.

Then, he took out a smaller glass bottle from his pocket and dripped the transparent liquid in it onto the closed eyes of the mermaid head carved on the black crystal treasure chest.

Soon, the mermaid head opened his eyes and opened his mouth to sing a few ethereal songs.

"Click, click, click."

The black crystal treasure chest opened automatically, revealing the small wooden box inside.

This is a small rectangular wooden box similar to a wand box.

Unlike the gorgeous and exquisite shapes of the three-layer gold, silver and black crystal treasure chests before, this small wooden box at the core looks extremely simple.

Original wood, no patterns, and no locks.

Dumbledore did not do it directly this time, but waved his wand to let the small wooden box open by itself.

A roll of animal skin lay quietly in the small wooden box.

"Open it and take a look!" Professor Binns said impatiently.

Dumbledore reached out to take the animal skin roll and unfolded it. Scott leaned over to look at the words on the animal skin roll that seemed to be carved with a knife.

It was ancient magic runes.

The words carved on this animal skin roll were all ancient magic runes.

Scott carefully identified the ancient magic runes, and then frowned.

As an ancient text, the ancient magic runes are no longer complete when they are passed down to the modern times. There are many characters on this animal skin roll that make him feel unfamiliar. For a while, he could only barely understand part of it.

This animal skin records a secret place, and it seems that someone has built something there...

Scott suddenly felt that his knowledge was still very poor.

"It's Merlin!" Professor Binns suddenly exclaimed.

Dumbledore nodded, and then he turned to look at Scott.

"I don't know if this can be considered a coincidence." He smiled and said, "We learned the news about the [Clairvoyance] mentioned in the prophecy from the animal skin scroll."

"Sorry, professor, I didn't understand it." Scott said a little embarrassedly.

"It doesn't matter, you still need to learn." Dumbledore said, "Mastering ancient magic words requires long-term accumulation."

Professor Flitwick also said patiently: "When you have more experience, or come into contact with more ancient documents, you will be able to rely on reasoning and guessing to understand the general meaning of this document, even if there will be some characters that make you feel unfamiliar."

Scott nodded.

"Okay." Dumbledore said with a smile, "Scott must be eager to know the answer."

Scott nodded again.

Dumbledore shook the animal skin scroll in his hand, "It is recorded here that the legendary wizard Merlin once built a super-large magic ritual called [Clairvoyance] on the island called Avalon. The only function of this ritual is to see the future."

"See the future?" Scott widened his eyes.

The overly strong sense of absurdity once again filled his heart.

Dumbledore nodded. "That's what's written on the animal skin. That's why Merlin has clearly predicted the future countless times."

"If this is true..." Professor Flitwick muttered, his voice gradually becoming sharper, "Merlin can actually complete such an incredible magic ritual. His magic has completely exceeded people's imagination!"

"Yes, it's incredible, isn't it?" Dumbledore said in an exclamatory tone.

"But who recorded this?" Scott expressed doubts, "and who hid the box in the Room of Requirement?"

Professor Binns said: "I checked some ancient records kept by Hogwarts. The troll specimen has existed for a long time. It was even a teaching prop."

Facing the surprised eyes of the other three, he continued indifferently: "You know, in the past history, the relationship between wizards and magical animals was more hostile than it is now."

Finally, he concluded, "I think it was later people who put it in the Room of Requirement when they were cleaning up the debris."

Professor Flitwick asked the question Scott wanted to ask, "Then do you know who made the troll specimen originally?"

Professor Binns shook his head, "I didn't find any records about this. Maybe you can ask Ms. Grey and the Bloody Baron. They are the two ghosts who have existed the longest in this school."

"Then ask them." Dumbledore stood up, "Ms. Grey, Mr. Baron."

His call seemed to contain magic, and the two ghosts he called appeared in front of him instantly.

This seems to be the privilege of the headmaster of Hogwarts.

Scott remembered what happened last year. Dumbledore once used magic to summon the ghosts of the four major colleges in front of him, trying to control Medea through a special magic.

Although the control failed and Medea finally escaped, Scott still remembered the scene at that time.

"What's the matter?" The Bloody Baron said coldly.

"Scott? Why are you here too?" Helena looked at Scott and the others in surprise.

When she spoke, the Bloody Baron quickly closed his mouth and silently stepped aside.

Helena didn't even look at him, but floated in front of Scott.

"Oh, you look a little embarrassed, Filius." She looked down at Professor Flitwick again.

Professor Flitwick quickly explained, "It's like this..."

Then, he told the details about the box.

"I see." Helena glanced at Scott, "Why do you always encounter such things?"

Scott showed a helpless expression on his face and spread his hands.

"Troll specimen." Helena was already deep in thought, "Let me think, maybe I can remember."

"It's Henry Gaunt, the son of Medea." The Bloody Baron suddenly spoke.

Helena didn't look at him, but said to herself: "Who would do such a thing, I mean making a troll specimen, trolls are all stinky."

Her face showed an extremely disgusted expression.

"It's him." The Bloody Baron said again, "He used to study at Hogwarts, and later served as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts for a period of time. The specimen was made during his tenure as a professor."

From what he said, he seemed to know some inside information.

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