The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 366 366. Merlin's former servant

Helena turned around and looked at Bloody Barro for the first time.

Although she held her chin high and was domineering when facing Bloody Barro.

"What do you know?" she asked coldly.

Barrow seemed a little excited, "I know a lot, Helena."

"Telling about the troll specimen." Helena said impatiently.

"Okay." Bloody Barrow quickly agreed, "Because of Medea, even though I had turned into a ghost at the time, I still took some care of Henry after he entered Hogwarts."

"Talk about the giant monster specimen!" Helena became more and more impatient.

Blood Man Barrow's translucent body became a little stooped, as if his shoulders were weighed down by bloody shackles and chains.

"Henry is a grumpy guy. Although he is very talented and has a blood relationship with Slytherin, he has never been very popular at school." He said, "Even after he became a professor, the students They don’t like him very much either.”

At this moment, the famous ghost of Slytherin House, the aloof and taciturn Bloody Barrow, completely lost his usual aloofness and silence.

"I know all this, let alone a student, even I don't like that guy." Helena's voice became colder.

"Perhaps in order to save his dignity, Henry made a giant monster specimen and brought it to class." Bloody Barrow said in a deep voice, "This caused the students to hate him even more..."

Helena interrupted, "Now we all know that the real reason why he made the specimen was to hide the box!"

"What is his purpose for doing this?" Scott became increasingly confused. "Is it the order Medea gave him? What's the point of hiding the box in Hogwarts?"

He really couldn't figure this out.

Bloody Barrow said: "The Gaunt family is related to Merlin."

here we go again!

Scott's eyes widened.

Why is it that every piece of news I’ve heard lately is more absurd than the last!

Bloody Barrow obviously couldn't understand Scott's inner thoughts. He continued: "In the era when Merlin assisted King Arthur, the ancestors of the Gaunt family were Merlin's servants in the palace and learned some magic from Merlin."

Scott looked around and found that he was not the only one surprised, but everyone was shocked.

It seems that this is the first time for everyone to hear such a statement.

"Medea once told me that she didn't want to marry into the Gaunt family for this reason." Bloody Barrow continued to break the news.

"Wait!" Helena was shocked, "You mean Medea married into the Gaunt family for this reason? For something related to Merlin?"

Bloody Barro nodded with difficulty, and the chains on his body jingled.

Because he was shackled, his nodding movements were not easy.

"Because the ancestor of the Gaunt family was once a servant of Merlin, so he knew about Merlin's construction of the [Thousand Mile Eye]?" Scott murmured to himself.

But this still doesn't explain why Henry Gaunt, son of Medea, went to great lengths to hide the box in Hogwarts.

Bloody Barrow also knew everyone's doubts, so he spoke again: "As far as I know, the mother-son relationship between Medea and Henry is not good. Henry once told me his troubles when he was studying. ”

Everyone present understood what he meant when he mentioned this matter.

"You mean, Henry hid the box in Hogwarts not because of Medea, but because of the Gaunt family?" Professor Binns asked.

"I think so." Bloody Barrow said.

That’s it for Bloody Barro’s revelations.

What happened between Medea and the Gaunt family in the past, no one knows the truth except Medea, the person involved.

Scott did have a lot of conjectures, but conjectures that could not be confirmed were meaningless.

Since Trelawney made the prophecy, clues have been getting like pieces of a puzzle. Perhaps only when all the puzzle pieces are put together can Scott connect everything completely.

Afterwards, Scott thought about it for a long time and waited until the activities of the Magic Club were over in the evening before finally deciding to take the initiative to contact Medea.

For safety's sake, he ran to the eighth floor and requested a lounge from the Room of Requirement to contact the resurrected witch.

In the luxurious lounge, Scott sat alone on the large sofa and found a small fireplace that could contact Medea from the deformed lizard skin bag.

Pour in the floo powder and watch the green flames light up. Scott said softly: "No. 001."

The flames flew violently, and a few sparks flew out.

"Good evening, Scott." Medea's cheerful voice came from the flames, "I didn't expect you to take the initiative to contact me."

"I know," Scott said.

"Oh?" Medea chuckled, "You, boy." What do you know?

Scott started to talk about other topics, "You have obtained most of the power of the Ministry of Magic. Next, are you going to become the new Minister of Magic and control the most power in the wizarding world in England?"

"It's not as simple as you think." Medea said without hesitation, "I had to overcome many forces to reach that level."

"Mainly Dumbledore and Voldemort." Scott also said bluntly.

"Forget it about Voldemort, but it is possible for Dumbledore and I to cooperate." Medea laughed again, "Because our goals overlap, both to give wizards a better future."

"I'm afraid Professor Dumbledore doesn't think so," Scott said.

"Tell me, boy, you definitely didn't contact me for this." Medea had changed the subject.

Scott frowned.

"Clairvoyance." He said the word.

He would not reveal the content of the prophecy to Medea, but he could reveal the new discovery at Hogwarts.


Medea was as surprised as Scott thought.

"How do you know this?" she asked.

Scott said, "I found a strange box in Hogwarts, and then opened it with the help of the professors."

"It's a goblin treasure chest." Medea said, "It turns out that Henry hid it inside Hogwarts."

Scott asked, "Can Merlin really see the future? Has he seen the present in the distant past? Can he see our conversation at this moment?"

"Who knows." Medea did not answer directly, "Maybe the historical changes in the magic world are in his control. He stands in the distant past and holds all the threads of history in his hands."

"What about you?" Scott asked, "You deliberately jumped from the upstream of history, what on earth is it for?"

"Maybe I'm just afraid of death." Medea smiled and said, "All the deliberate planning is to live again."

The second update, only these 6,000 words today.

Because I'm too sleepy, it's like I'm under a brain paste curse. I originally wanted to update 4,000 words in the second chapter, but these 2,000 words were squeezed out bit by bit, and this feeling is too uncomfortable.

I'll update 8,000 words tomorrow.

Good night.

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