The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 377 377. The Book of Prometheus

This is a rare scene.

Fred and George, the prank masters of Hogwarts, were unable to launch any effective counterattack amidst the ridicule of Scott and the others, and had no choice but to flee.

When the two left, Scott and his roommates were still unsatisfied.

"This joke..." Eddie laughed a little breathlessly, "I can laugh for a whole year."

Roger retorted: "No, I can laugh until I graduate."

Even Milton always had an obvious smile on his face.

"Oh..." Scott sighed, "We can call them the innocent Weasley brothers from now on."

Another burst of suppressed laughter sounded.

They resisted the urge to laugh and quickly returned to the dormitory, set up a sound-isolating spell in the dormitory, and laughed thoroughly.

"What a pity." Eddie lay on the bed and rubbed his stomach that hurt from laughter. "If I could use the panoramic telescope to take pictures of the scene just now..."

Scott continued his words: "I think many classmates who have been pranked by them will be willing to buy a copy!"

"It's so hard to see those two guys so defeated." Eddie said happily, "I have found their weakness!"

After laughing for a while, Roger reminded: "It's already very late, we should go to bed now, we have classes tomorrow."

"But!" Eddie suddenly shouted.

He got up from the bed and quickly rushed to Scott who was sitting on the sofa in front of the window.

"I can't wait to take a closer look at that one, oh, it's [The Book of Prometheus]!"

"Sorry, I can't sleep too." Milton also said, "Maybe it's because I'm too excited. I feel like I have new inspiration...oh..."

As he spoke, he covered his mouth and began to cry.

"Oh no!" he said angrily, "Although I am a little excited because I haven't experienced this feeling of inspiration for a long time, but I really didn't want to cry!"

"It doesn't matter, you can cry if you want." The other three said in unison.

So Milton began to draw the staff while crying.

Scott took out the golden card under Eddie's expectant eyes, input magic power, and turned it into the "Book of Prometheus".

The golden metal cover of the book still has a relief of Prometheus.

Compared with the same relief on the small card, the relief on the book cover has several more circles of gorgeously arranged patterns.

Scott opened the cover, and there was a line of small words written on the first page of the book——

"Exploring the origins of wizards is, possibly, self-destruction."

Eddie, who was watching next to him, read out this sentence.

Scott was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

This sentence was something that Master Ravenclaw once said to him in a warning tone when he gave him his first lesson.

What exactly does that mean……

Scott thought, and inadvertently reached out and touched the material of the inner page.

He discovered that the material of the inner pages of the book was not the parchment familiar to wizards, nor was it any other known material.

He turned the page again and found a personal file belonging to him.

At this time, this personal file only shows his name and card number, and other places are still empty.

Soon, another line of small words appeared in the blank space at the top of the page——

[Hello, dear Scott Trollope, and welcome to the League of Scholars. Please complete your personal information as soon as possible.

Note: You can write directly on the book page in any form, and the book will automatically include what you write. ]

Scott raised his eyebrows, took out his pen from his pocket and started writing on the page.

It didn't take long for him to fill out this personal file containing his basic information.

The moment he put away his pen, his handwriting gradually disappeared, and then the content resurfaced again, directly transformed into printed text.

[Congratulations, your personal file has been included in the Knowledge Bank simultaneously. ]

A line of small text appeared again in the blank space at the top of the page.

Scott looked at it and turned a new page again.

At the top of this page are written a few large lines of words——



[Your credits: 0]

[You have submitted: 0]

[What you have redeemed: 0]

Scott clicked [Submit] with his finger.

The content under the [Submit] option disappeared immediately, and a line of small text prompts appeared.

[Please write the knowledge you want to submit directly on the page. ]

In addition, a [Cancel] option appeared in the lower corner of the page.

Such a sense of déjà vu!

Scott raised an eyebrow.

At this moment, he always felt like he was playing with a tablet in his previous life.

But now it seems that [The Book of Prometheus] can also be called a magic version of a tablet.

Although it does not have as many functions as a tablet computer, it also has functions that a tablet computer does not have.

For example, by directly borrowing the power of [Knowledge Bank] through it, Milton regained his musical talent!

Thinking of this, Scott couldn't wait to click [Cancel] to return to the previous menu, and then clicked [Redeem] impatiently.

The redemption menu is drop-down and divided into three options.



[mutual aid]

[Knowledge] and [Items] are as the names suggest. Scott clicked on [Mutual Aid] and found that this option is equivalent to a mutual trading platform between members of the Scholars Alliance.

Scott roughly flipped through the tasks posted by other members.

Summoning research partners, purchasing materials, looking for thugs, and needing teachers...

There are all kinds of things.

It seems that as long as you can get the corresponding credits, you can reward any task here.



Eddie and Roger, who were watching next to Scott, couldn't help but exclaim.

"Hurry up and see if there is any knowledge about the magic internet!" Eddie urged Scott.

Scott nodded and reselected the [Knowledge] option.

[Spells], [Transfiguration], [Dark Magic], [Potions], [Alchemy], [Ancient Magic Runes]...

The drop-down menu of [Knowledge] is also classified like the courses in Hogwarts.

"This..." Eddie asked hesitantly, "What should the magic internet be? Alchemy?"

Scott clicked [Alchemy] as he said.

The page became blank again, and the small prompt appeared above again.

[Please write down the key information of the knowledge you need on the page.]

"Oh, you can also search for keywords!" Eddie said excitedly.

Scott picked up the pen again and wrote [Knowledge Bank].

The handwriting he wrote flashed, and soon disappeared, and new handwriting appeared on the page.

"It appeared!" Eddie and Roger shouted at the same time.

[Book: "Knowledge Bank Core (Alchemy Part) Construction Record"

Author: Nicolas Flamel

Exchange requires 1 credit]

Scott's eyes widened.

Eddie and Roger shouted at the same time.

"Only 1 credit!"

"This is too cheap!"

"There must be a bug!"

"Change it quickly!"

Scott reached out and clicked the [Confirm Exchange] below with a trembling finger.

[You don't have enough credits!]

The prompt that suddenly popped up reminded him that his credits were still 0, and he didn't even have 1 credit.

"Earn credits quickly!"


Eddie and Roger shouted and urged him.

But Scott had calmed down completely at this time.

"No hurry." He said.

"Why not!"

"Hurry up! If you miss it, it will be gone!"

Eddie and Roger stretched out their hands to pinch his neck and shake him at the same time.

"Stop!" Scott said loudly, "Don't you think about it, there is no way this kind of thing can have a bug!"

Eddie and Roger also calmed down after hearing this.

They were not stupid, and they quickly understood what Scott wanted to say.

"You mean, this information is only worth 1 credit is the normal price?" Eddie asked in disbelief.

Scott nodded.

"Why?" Roger said, "How can this kind of knowledge be sold so cheaply?"

"Because it's difficult." Scott answered his question, "Just like the Felix Felicis in potions, almost everyone knows its formula, but only those potion masters can make a bottle of qualified Felix Felicis, which is one of the reasons why the price of Felix Felicis is particularly expensive."

"I understand, you are right." Roger immediately agreed with him, "It seems that even if you spend 1 credit to buy this powder information, the biggest possibility is that we can't understand it at all."

Eddie also said dejectedly: "This is indeed very likely, because none of us have studied alchemy, and even Scott only knows a little basic knowledge."

Scott shrugged his shoulders.

"Let's take a look at the normal price of knowledge."

He clicked on the page a few times, selected the option of [Transfiguration], and then wrote the keyword [Animagus].

A new menu appeared, and Eddie and Roger immediately started talking.

"Animagus Magic Overview, 500 credits required."

"Detailed steps, hand-in-hand teaching you Animagus, 1000 credits required."

"High-level human deformation practical skills, greatly enhance the success rate of Animagus, 3000 credits required! So expensive!"

"Druid magic, the reference significance of polymorphous animal deformation magic, 5000 credits required! Even more expensive!"

"Okay, okay."

Scott stopped the two people's exclamation.

He began to turn the pages.

The knowledge contained in the entry [Animagus] is too much, and it can't be written on one page, which is dazzling.

The credits required for these knowledge that explain Animagus, a high-level human deformation from various angles, also span a wide range, ranging from dozens of credits to thousands of credits.

At this time, Scott also understood what Dumbledore and Professor Flitwick said to him.

The knowledge contained in just one [Animagus] is so comprehensive that it is enough to arouse his desire to buy.

He hasn't looked at the other secondary options in the [Knowledge] category, nor the primary options in the [Items] category!

This is indeed extremely easy to trigger inner greed, and it is also extremely easy to let one's life be kidnapped by credit anxiety.

"Let's do this for now." Scott didn't want to look at it for the time being, "Anyway, I can't afford the knowledge I see, so I can only look at it sadly."

After saying that, he closed the [Prometheus] book as quickly as possible and turned it into a card.

"That makes sense."

Roger yawned and walked towards his bed.

"Not being able to afford it is the biggest obstacle to progress." Eddie sighed and stretched his body.

"Oh! I'm done!"

At this time, Milton's happy voice sounded.

"My new song is called "Prometheus's New Liver"!"

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