The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 378 378. Be alert, be calm, and have nightmares

Before falling asleep, Scott, lying in bed, held the golden card between his fingers, and a lingering sense of absurdity filled his heart.

There will really be a "system" after time travel, he thought a little funny, Internet literature is honest and self-deprecating.

He looked at the card in his hand.

It's just that this "system" scholar alliance has only one person, and there is nothing beyond the norm to exchange for, which seems to be a bit unworthy.

Thinking of this, Scott sighed silently.

Sure enough, no matter how much you restrain your heart, the emotion called "lazy" will still come out from time to time.

He didn't expect that such unrealistic fantasies would appear in his heart——

I fantasize that I am like the time-traveling protagonists in the online literature I have read in my previous life, with a system that allows me to become invincible by just signing in and drawing cards.

This kind of thinking is unacceptable.

Scott quickly calmed down and no longer had such joking thoughts.

He truly understood that he was just reincarnated, not the protagonist, and did not have any powerful golden fingers.

In this real world, all he can rely on is his relatively good talent and hard work.

Everything else is just icing on the cake.

It's like the [Book of Prometheus] connected to the [Knowledge Bank]. Although it looks a lot like a "system" or a "gold finger", in the final analysis, it is just a system created by wizards more than a hundred years ago. Constructed magical devices are tools.

At most, tools can only provide him with some convenience and cannot replace any effort.

He must not have any dependence on it, and he must not let greed and laziness breed in his heart.

Scott was thinking about this in his mind, and after warning himself several times, he slowly fell asleep.

Because they slept too late, Scott and his roommates were all yawning and looking depressed when they walked into the auditorium at breakfast time the next day.

But they didn't forget to give Fred and George a teasing smile on the Gryffindor side.

"Good morning."

After sitting down, Scott sleepily greeted the couple Dylan and Kayla who were sitting across the long table.

"Good morning, what's wrong with you? Didn't you sleep well?" Dylan looked at the four of them and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Sleep too late." Scott found a box of instant coffee pods and made himself a cup.

"Oh, Scott." Kayla said with a smile, "Look at those children in the lower grades. You are a respected prefect."

As Scott distributed instant coffee bags to his roommates, he glanced across the long table.

Many junior students who were secretly observing him just now withdrew their gaze.

"Fortunately, you, the prefect, are here." Scott took a sip of coffee and smiled at Kayla, "I'm not a good role model."

"Yes, you have been a prefect for almost a year, Scott. But you have never taken care of the discipline of the academy, nor have you taken care of the children in the lower grades." Kayla said unceremoniously.

"Hmm..." Scott thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

If you think about it carefully, the only thing he did after becoming a prefect that was consistent with his status as a prefect was to inspect the carriages on the cashback train.

Think about it this way...

"I'm really incompetent," he said.

"It's good that you know," Kayla said.

Scott nodded again and started eating.

"Hey, shouldn't you take the initiative to do something?" Kayla said with some dissatisfaction.

Scott raised his head and gave her a confused look.

Although Scott had not been fulfilling his duties as a prefect, he knew that Kayla had been doing a good job. She suddenly said this today, obviously not because she wanted to complain.

Keira explained why, "There is a reading event this Saturday night in the college library in the common room that you must attend."

"What kind of activity is this?" This was the first time Scott heard that Ravenclaw had such an activity.

At this moment, Penello, the female prefect of seventh grade, walked over.

"I organized the event," she said.

"Please tell me." Scott motioned for her to introduce.

Penello sat down next to Kayla and said to Scott: "This semester is coming to an end and exam week is coming. This event is held to help everyone review better."

"Are you kidding?" Eddie, who was sitting next to Scott, said in surprise, "It's only the beginning of April, and the exam week is the first week of June!"

Penello looked at Eddie with a smile, "What's wrong? Is it still far from the first week of June?"

"It's...not very far either." Eddie immediately flinched.

"You must come to the event." Penello said to Scott again, "Many children in Ravenclaw are looking forward to communicating with you up close."

Kayla nodded in agreement, "Especially the first grade children. They have all heard about your deeds. Many children admire you very much."

Scott asked Penello with some confusion, "Is the reading activity long-term? Until before the exam?"

Penello nodded, "Before the exam, once a week."

Scott said: "If I remember correctly, you, the seventh graders, are going to prepare N.E.W.T.s today, and we, the fifth graders, are going to prepare O.W.L.s."

"Don't worry, it won't take up so much of your time, busy guy." Penello said, "But you must attend the first event this week."

"Okay, in that case, I will go." Scott agreed to her request.

He thought about it and realized that he was not very competent as a prefect. This time, he would just do his duty.

"Very good." Penelope smiled.

At this time, Eddie deliberately asked her, "You are going to take care of the children? Aren't you worried that it will affect your own exams?"

"I am still confident in my exams." Penelope smiled slightly, "Besides, I am about to graduate, so I will do something meaningful before leaving the college."

As she said that, she stood up.

"After all, I don't have the talent to make college promotional videos like you, so I can only do small things like this."

After she said this, she shook her long hair and turned away.

After the whole day of classes, Scott came to the Room of Requirement after dinner and showed his [Book of Prometheus] to the Ravenclaw tutor in the painting.

"Interesting design, worthy of being an alchemist who successfully refined the Philosopher's Stone."

The Ravenclaw in the painting was indeed very interested in the book in Scott's hand that was remotely connected to the [Knowledge Bank], especially the alchemy part contained in it.

She said with a somewhat regretful tone: "It's a pity that I can't experience it now."

"I have a way." Scott said to her.

He exchanged 480 credits for an obscure ancient magic recorded in the book in the outer study, and then spent 1 credit to exchange Nicolas Flamel's "Knowledge Bank Core (Alchemy Part) Construction Record".

The exchanged knowledge can be viewed by clicking on the page.

Nicolas Flamel's "Construction Record" does not contain much content, and it only occupies a dozen pages of the book after it is unfolded.

But just as Scott expected, he really couldn't understand most of it.

Even the parts that can be understood cannot be operated.

The pinnacle work of a master of alchemy who has reached the pinnacle is not something that a half-baked apprentice like him can easily understand.

Scott simply copied the content verbatim onto the parchment and showed it to the Ravenclaw in the painting.

This was his advantage.

It didn't matter if he couldn't understand it, as long as the Ravenclaw in the painting could understand it.

As long as the mentor understood the knowledge, he could teach him as an apprentice.

Scott let the parchments float in front of the portrait of Ravenclaw, and ran to Helena's study to start picking up the wool.

A complete set of ancient magic-related knowledge that was not included could be exchanged for about 500 points. Scott felt that he was about to make a fortune.

But the process of exchanging credits was not as easy as he imagined.

Because the [Knowledge Bank] had a hard rule that the knowledge to be exchanged for credits needed to be handwritten in the [Book of Prometheus].

It was said to be for "respect for knowledge".

[Especially for knowledge that was not studied by your own efforts, you should write them down one by one with a pious heart for knowledge.]

When Scott tried to cheat with props such as an automatic copying quill pen, he received such a warning.

Until curfew time, Scott, who had copied carefully for 4 hours, earned a total of 1367 points.

Helena, the girl sitting in the painting on the wall and watching him, couldn't stand it.

"Their rules are too rigid. What's the point of doing this?" She said, "I think you wasted 4 hours of study time. You know, time is very precious to you now."

Scott agreed deeply.

He exchanged a piece of knowledge about Animagus that was useful to him at this stage, and the credits were almost used up.

He copied the knowledge on parchment and immediately turned the book into a card.

It was indeed a waste of time. He decided not to rush to exchange credits, but to wait until he needed it.

He didn't even look at the other [knowledge] content and [item] content that the credits could be exchanged for.

He already had his own goals for learning and progress at this stage.

He could use tools such as [Knowledge Bank] to speed up the pace and shorten the time to achieve the goal, but he should try to avoid letting other things disrupt his pace.

After thinking about these, and with the novelty fading, he began to treat [The Book of Prometheus] with a normal heart.

After leaving the Room of Requirement, Scott ran into Harry, who looked like a ghost, in the corridor leading to the stairs.

Scott was startled when he saw him.

After not paying attention for a while, this kid looked much more haggard.

"Good evening, Harry." Scott took the initiative to greet him, "What's wrong? You don't look well."

Scott didn't watch the Quidditch match between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor the week before, but he heard that the Ravenclaw team won the game and Harry didn't play well throughout the whole game.

But he didn't expect Harry to look so bad.

"Good evening, Scott." Harry spoke a little weakly, "Oh, I don't want to sleep every day now."

"What happened?" Scott asked him.

"You know." Harry leaned against the stone wall in the corridor and rubbed his forehead with his hand, "I always dream about Voldemort during this period."

Scott glanced at his pale face, "What did you dream about?"

"A lot, a mess." Harry frowned, "He...that devil, although he still hasn't recovered his strength, he has planned many attacks, those reported in the newspapers, and of course, there are some Nothing has been reported.”

"Does Dumbledore know about this?" Scott asked again.

Recently, he had been affected by the prophecy and paid less attention to other things, and he did not "listen" to the "report" of the Harry doll he gave to Harry.

He had no idea that the recent events outside the school had affected Harry so much.

Harry said a little unhappy: "I told him, he asked me to learn a kind of Occlumency. He wanted Snape to teach me, but I refused."

"It's a really good idea to learn Occlumency," Scott said. "You have to learn to prevent anyone from hacking into your brain."

But Harry was obviously a little irritable, "Yeah, it's a good idea, but only if the person responsible for teaching is not Snape! Everyone knows that the student he hates most is me! Of course, I don't like him either."

In fact, Scott also felt that it was not a good idea to let Snape be responsible for teaching Harry Occlumency.

Learning Occlumency requires clearing the mind and controlling emotions. Facing Snape, Harry should not be able to calm down under Snape's usual cynicism. He is probably used to confronting the Potions Professor.

He said to Harry: "But you can't go on like this, this incident has had a great impact on you. Now you can see his actions in your dreams, and maybe in the future he can also read your brain through this connection. memory."

Harry immediately showed an expression of extreme disgust upon hearing this.

"I wanted Professor Lupine to teach me, but Professor Lupine said that he is not good at that magic either." He said, "I am going to ask my godfather to teach me during the summer vacation... By the way, do you know Occlumency? ?”

He raised his head and looked at Scott expectantly.

"I know it," Scott said, "but I taught myself based on books in the school library, so I'm not proficient."

"Can you..." Harry wanted to ask Scott for help, but he was a little embarrassed and couldn't speak out.

"I can lend you my notebook." Scott offered. "In addition to excerpts of knowledge from books, the notebook also contains some of my experiences."

"Thank you." Harry looked a little disappointed.

"Because my level in this area is limited, even if I teach you personally, I can't tell you anything more than the experiences recorded in my notebook."

Scott reached out and patted his shoulder.

"The notebook is in the dormitory. I will give it to you at breakfast tomorrow morning."

After saying that, he waved his hand, turned around and walked down the stairs.

"Goodbye," Harry whispered behind him.

"Goodbye." Scott called back.

He wasn't lying to Harry.

Although partly because he didn't have time to teach Harry Occlumency personally, it was also because at his level, he really couldn't teach him anything.

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