The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 384 384. Ravenclaw's Reading Club

Listening to the Ravenclaw sighing about Slytherin in the painting, Scott looked at her doubtfully.

The Ravenclaw in the painting just shook his head and didn't say much.

Scott could only swallow his curiosity.

"There are some things you can't hide anymore." Ravenclaw said to him, "You are used to telling me everything, but you reserve it for others, but I cannot give you the most direct help."

Scott was stunned when he heard this.

Indeed, perhaps because the current Ravenclaw was just a portrait, he was more willing to be honest in front of her.

In front of others, even Professor Flitwick, who had given him a lot of help, he still had reservations.

Of course, there were things he hadn't told anyone.

The only person who knows everything about him is Rimbaud, who was created by him.

"Do you think what you did is right?" Ravenclaw in the painting asked him.

Scott opened his mouth, feeling like he couldn't answer.

Ravenclaw asked again, "Do you think that neither Dumbledore nor Flitwick understand you?"

Scott shook his head, his voice a little dry, "No, they should know me."

He is still self-aware.

Even if he is more mature than his current peers because of his past life memories, this maturity is only relative.

He knew very well that he was still a very shallow young man in front of old people with rich experience like Dumbledore and Professor Flitwick.

Ravenclaw continued: "An old man, especially a wise old man, can easily see through a young man. Therefore, your concealment does not make much sense."

"But..." Scott raised his head, "I..."

"It's nothing if you have an intersection with Medea, and it's nothing if you receive gifts from her." Ravenclaw said to him, "If you want to get more help, you have to learn to be more honest. Otherwise, Even if others want to help you, they don’t know how to do it.”

When Scott heard this, he nodded subconsciously.

The Ravenclaw in the painting looked into his eyes.

"Of course, I'm not asking you to be honest with everyone, because many people don't deserve it. Nor am I asking you to tell others everything you have done, because everyone has their own secrets. But facing those who are worth it You should treat people with sincerity and more importantly, learn to trust.”

Listening to her words, Scott was a little worried that his mentor had misunderstood him.

He quickly explained: "Although I concealed some things, I did not treat my teachers and friends with false friendship."

"I know." Ravenclaw smiled at him, "This is why your teachers and friends will still care about you."

Scott nodded quickly again.

His respect for his teacher and concern for his friends were sincere and not hypocritical. He did not want his Ravenclaw mentor to misunderstand him.

"I just hope you learn to trust." Ravenclaw said gently. "A person will always accept help from others on the road of growth. It is inevitable for everyone."

Scott immediately understood what she meant.

But this is his character, and he himself can't change it for a while.

Ravenclaw didn't say much, and then began her teaching.

Scott left the Room of Requirement before dinner started.

He kept thinking as he made his way to the auditorium.

He was thinking that maybe he should tell the professors what he knew about Medea and Slytherin.

Thinking about this problem, he walked to the fourth floor unknowingly and suddenly heard someone calling his name.


Scott looked around and saw Black, who had returned to Hogwarts, standing in a corridor, holding the railing with one hand and waving at him with the other.

At this time, people were coming and going near the spiral staircase. Scott did not specifically sense the magic power of the people around him. He was a little surprised when he saw that it was Blake calling him.

"Come here, Scott," Blake said again.

Scott nodded, changed the direction of his footsteps, stepped onto the stairs moving in the direction of Blake, and walked in front of him not long after.

"Good evening, Professor Black." He greeted politely.

We haven't seen him for a while, and Blake seems to have lost a lot of weight.

Almost the same as when Scott first met.

"Just call me Sirius." Blake smiled heartily and reached out to pat his shoulder, "I'm just an assistant now."

"Excuse me……"

Just as Scott was about to ask Blake what he wanted from him, Blake enthusiastically hugged his neck and led him forward.

"follow me."

He said, taking Scott to the door of his office.

Scott couldn't ask the question he wanted to ask.

"Harry's here too."

Blake pushed open the office door, finally let go of his hand around Scott's neck, and walked in.

Scott glanced inside the door and saw Harry sitting on the sofa in a paralyzed posture, with a look of despair on his face.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, he turned around sluggishly.

"Sirius..." He looked at Scott in surprise, "Oh, hello, Scott."

"Hello, Harry."

Scott was still a little confused. He didn't understand why Blake called him here.

"I happened to see Scott when I went out for some fresh air." Black said to Harry, "I invited him to have dinner with us, and it's also a good opportunity for him to exchange his experience in learning brain occlusion with you."

As he said that, he turned to Scott who was still standing at the door and said, "How about it, Scott, come in, the house elves of Hogwarts will help deliver the food to the office."

"Thank you for your invitation." Scott couldn't refuse, so he nodded and walked into the office.

"You're welcome." Black said with a smile, and strode to sit next to Harry.

"I should be the one to say thank you, Scott." Harry barely sat up a little, and smiled at Scott embarrassedly, "Thank you for your trouble, oh, and thank you for lending me the notebook."

"You've already thanked me for this."

Scott walked to the single sofa next to him and sat down, looking at Harry again.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked, "Is it so tiring to learn Occlumency?"

"Very tiring." Harry's expression was very painful, "My brain has been constantly invaded by Legilimency, and I feel like my brain is about to turn into paste."

In response, Scott could only look at him with sympathy.

Next, he had a dinner in Black's office and talked to Harry about his experience in learning Occlumency.

As for how much effect it has...

You can tell by looking at Harry's confused eyes.

Scott was also a little helpless about this.

This is the limitation of "only can be understood, not expressed in words".

After saying goodbye to the godfather and son, he hurried back to the Ravenclaw common room.

He didn't forget that he had promised Penelope and Keira to attend the reading club they organized.

When he walked into the college library, the reading club had already started, and Penelope was standing among a group of students talking freely.

Most of the students present were junior students in the first, second and third grades. Of course, there were also many students above the third grade, and Scott's roommates were also there.

Scott smiled apologetically at Penelope, and silently walked to the bookshelf on the side and stood there.

Keira walked to him and whispered, "I thought you were going to break the contract!"

"Sorry." Scott also whispered.

At this time, Penelope, who was speaking, suddenly mentioned him.

She praised Scott, saying that he was a typical Ravenclaw, his grades were always among the best, and she also called on those lower-grade students to learn from him.

Feeling the frequent glances of the lower-grade children, Scott remained calm on his face, and felt a little ashamed in his heart.

He didn't think he was a good role model.

Work hard?

Who among the students of Ravenclaw Academy doesn't work hard?

Apart from that, he didn't have anything worth learning.

Do those children have to learn from him to kill people by all means?

If possible, he also wants to spend the seven years of studying at Hogwarts in peace, without experiencing those tiring crises and struggles.

"Next, please welcome Scott to share his learning experience."

After Penelope finished speaking, everyone present began to applaud.

Roger and Eddie kept winking at Scott.

"Thank you."

Scott walked to the middle of the crowd, and the applause stopped.

He looked at the expectant or admiring eyes around him, and suddenly felt some pressure.

Fortunately, he had prepared some practical knowledge to share, which was not disappointing.

"Hello everyone, I am Scott Trollope. I am very honored to have the opportunity to communicate with you here. Today I want to share with you some learning methods that can effectively improve Transfiguration results."

He greeted everyone, and without further nonsense, he started to talk about the topics he had prepared.

He did not talk about specific knowledge, but shared with everyone some confirmed effective learning methods he summarized when studying Transfiguration.

Because it was the part he was best at, he spoke quite fluently, even though he had only prepared a topic in advance.

Everyone present also listened very carefully.

Scott did not speak for a long time, and the content he talked about was also some universal learning methods.

For example, the method of using magic perception ability to improve Transfiguration is not applicable to everyone, so he did not mention it.

After 20 minutes, Scott stopped sharing and received applause from everyone again.

Then he spent another 10 minutes answering several students' questions, and ended his stage session in this reading club.

After that, he sat down and listened to others share their learning experiences.

This time, Penelope invited almost every top student in each grade.

Although everyone excels in different areas, they are undoubtedly excellent.

Scott also listened with great interest and felt that he had gained a lot.

As time passed, the atmosphere of the reading club became more and more lively, and more and more people joined later, and it ended late at night.

Scott and his four friends returned to the dormitory, and Eddie asked him, "Scott, what did you do last night? We went to bed very late, but you didn't come back before we fell asleep."

"Yes, I couldn't wake you up in the morning." Roger added.

"Someone ambushed me under the tower last night, and then I went to the principal's office." Scott said.

As soon as he finished speaking, his three roommates gathered around him with expressions of surprise.

"Are you telling the truth?" Eddie asked in surprise.

"Who?" Roger asked angrily.

"You're not hurt, are you?" Milton asked worriedly.

"Don't worry." Scott smiled and sat on the edge of the bed, "Of course the guy who attacked me was knocked down by me, and I was not injured."

The three roommates heard him say this and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Who is it?" Roger asked again, "You went to Professor Flitwick again last night, right? That guy couldn't even beat you when you were in such an extremely tired state?"

"Is it the first grade?" Eddie guessed.

As roommates, they were certainly aware of Scott's state after receiving duel training from Professor Flitwick.

"It's Elijah Carlo," Scott said.

Hearing this name, the three people standing in front of him had confused expressions on their faces at the same time.

They all seemed to have forgotten the name.

"I remembered!"

After two seconds, Eddie and Milton spoke at the same time.

"Didn't he go to Durmstrang?" asked Eddie.

Scott leaned against the bedpost and told them a series of ins and outs about Carlo.

The love triangle mixed with lily flavor and the "dog-licking and blackening" drama must have been too exciting. The three of them were dumbfounded and speechless.

Even Eddie, who always had the sharpest mouth, didn't make a comment in time.

"I thought... the poisonous letter Rohr sent you was vicious enough..." Milton said with a trembling voice, "I didn't expect..."

"That's nothing," Scott said.

He is very self-aware, and in terms of "viciousness", he does not lose, and is even better.

His method of using the magic circuit hidden in the pendant necklace to influence Carlo's thoughts can certainly be called "evil".

At this time, Scott's mind recalled what the Ravenclaw tutor said to him in the morning.

But Scott just thought about it and was still not ready to directly expose his "evil" side.

Ravenclaw also said that everyone has their own secrets, right?

Then Roger asked, "What will happen to Carlo?"

"Azkaban! Must go to Azkaban!" Eddie yelled.

"I will write to my father and ask him for help so that Carlo cannot escape punishment like last time." Milton said without hesitation, "My father is doing well in the Ministry of Magic now."

At this moment, he was not thinking about the relationship between himself and his father that was no longer close.

Just as Scott was about to speak, Milton hurriedly said: "Don't refuse, Scott. You have helped me so much. I just wrote a letter to my father, and that means nothing."

Scott looked up and saw the seriousness in his eyes.

"Thank you." Scott smiled sincerely and did not refuse.

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