The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 385 385. The old principal's new toy

Without any further objection from Scott, Milton even wrote the letter overnight.

Early the next morning, he didn't even eat breakfast, so he went to the Owlery to mail the letter.

At the dinner table afterwards, Milton said to Scott: "Although this will make my father offend the Carlo family, it will also increase the Rolle family's favor for him. I guess he will not refuse my request."

Scott didn't say much, just thanked him solemnly.

Milton shook his head, "It's really nothing. You have helped me many times."

Eddie on the side said with a smile: "You two are so polite!"

"We are all friends." Roger put his arms around Scott and Milton's necks. "It is normal to help each other."

Hearing their words, Scott and Milton also laughed.

After breakfast, they separated. Scott came to the eighth floor of the castle and prepared to go to the Room of Requirement for class.

As he passed through a corridor, a wooden door emerged from the stone wall to his right and opened automatically.

Scott stopped.

"Good morning, Scott." Dumbledore's voice came from the door, "Please come in."

"Okay, excuse me."

Scott responded, opened the door and walked in.

After entering the door, the first thing he saw was Ravenclaw in the portrait on the wall.

On the wall neatly hung with paintings, Ms. Ravenclaw was sitting in the central painting and smiling at him, while the other former headmasters were crowded together in the paintings on the edges, seemingly He didn't dare to approach her.

"Mentor?" Scott was a little surprised.

"Your magic tutors, Ms. Ravenclaw and Filius, are visiting me here." Dumbledore said to Scott, who was sitting behind the desk. "She told me that you have something to talk to me about. ”

Scott didn't expect Ravenclaw to take the initiative to push him.

He once again glanced at the Ravenclaw in the painting in surprise, and then politely greeted Dumbledore and Professor Flitwick.

"Don't worry, my apprentice." The Ravenclaw in the painting gave him another encouraging smile and said meaningfully, "No one in this office can reveal our secrets."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

In the picture in the corner, a bald wizard laughed loudly and flatteringly.

"Ms. Ravenclaw is right."

As he spoke, he moved a step to the side, revealing the person who had been blocked by his body just now.

The moment he saw this man, Scott's eyes widened.

It was Phineas Black, a wizard with black hair and mean features who was tied up with a rope and had a sock stuffed in his mouth.

"This guy has been snitching!" The bald wizard raised a huge slap and slapped Phineas Black on the head. "We have found out!"

As he said this, he seemed to still not understand his hatred, and punched Phineas Black several times in the face.

"Such beatings are not punishment. We are all portraits. We cannot feel pain or get hurt at all." Delise Devante said sarcastically from the side, "Now the only thing he cares about most is his reputation."

Then, the other former headmasters also spoke up, insulting Phineas Black with unpleasant words, and asked Dumbledore to take action to completely ruin his reputation.

"This is not advisable." Dumbledore did not listen to their opinions. "We cannot let the dead affect the living."

What he meant was that he didn't want this incident to affect Sirius, the survivor of the Black family.

After hearing his words, Professor Flitwick, who was sitting beside him, also nodded.

When the other headmasters wanted to say something more, Ravenclaw spoke.

"Let's end this matter here." She said calmly.

The effect of her words was immediate, and the principals immediately shut up.

"Now, let my apprentice have a good chat with Dumbledore and Flitwick."

After Ravenclaw said this, he quickly disappeared from the painting.

As she left, the other principals also started to move. The bald wizard also dragged the tied Phoenix Black, and the group of people quickly disappeared into the painting.

Soon, the paintings on the walls became blank.

The Ravenclaw tutor's solemn words made Scott inexplicably embarrassed, and for a moment he didn't know how to speak.

"Don't be nervous, kid." Dumbledore said kindly, "Sit down. What would you like to drink?"

Scott sat down as instructed.

Seeing the smile on Dumbledore's face, he suddenly relaxed.

"Black tea, no sugar added, thank you." He said.

"no problem."

Dumbledore raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and a cup of hot black tea immediately appeared in front of Scott.

Scott took a sip of the black tea, and then began to talk about the interactions between himself and Medea.

He didn't organize his words deliberately, he just said whatever he thought.

Neither Dumbledore nor Professor Flitwick made a sound to disturb him, they just listened to his story quietly.

After talking about his interaction with Medea, Scott took off the silver snake-shaped necklace Medea gave him from his wrist and placed it on the table. He also took out the paper box containing the small fireplace and Floo powder from the deformed lizard skin bag. .

Then he started telling stories about Savannah.

From the first time he told Savannah's arithmetic and divination, until he finished what Savannah wrote in her last letter, he finally stopped talking and waited for the two professors to speak.

Dumbledore was the first to speak, "These are some wonderful experiences. What do you think, Filius, we won't experience so much when we are as young as him."

There was a smile in his tone, and he didn't seem surprised by what Scott was telling him.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't even notice... I let a young child endure this alone." Professor Flitwick obviously blamed himself, "You should have told us about the difficulties you encountered earlier, Scott. "

Scott opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Facing Professor Flitwick's sincere concern, he felt guilty and ashamed at the same time.

"I'm sorry, Professor." He admitted his mistake sincerely. "The cause of the matter was my greed. I accepted Medea's gift."

Because of greed, he concealed and accepted gifts from Medea, and later had to conceal more things.

Professor Flitwick shook his head, not even criticizing Scott.

He said: "I understand you. If I were fourteen or fifteen years old, I would have made the same choice as you."

"We were all young once." Dumbledore blinked. "Children always don't like to share their little secrets with adults."

The two professors did not comment too much on Scott's concealment behavior, but naturally talked about other things.

"Exactly, I need a channel to communicate with Ms. Slytherin." Dumbledore reached for the cardboard box, placed it on the table in front of him and opened it.

He reached out and picked up the toy-like fireplace, smiled and said to Professor Flitwick: "This is really an interesting idea, isn't it? Using the Floo Network to build a secret communication channel."

Professor Flitwick glanced at the large fireplace in the principal's office and nodded.

He agreed: "This is a technology worth promoting and can effectively improve the efficiency of people's work and life."

"What a pity." Dumbledore put down the small fireplace, "Ms. Slytherin has no intention of promoting it."

He looked again at the silver snake necklace on the table in front of Scott.

"Is this a door key with special effects?"

He reached out and picked up the necklace, looked at it carefully, and handed it to Professor Flitwick.

"It seems that there are still many unknown special inventions hidden in the magic world."

Professor Flitwick also looked at it with great interest, tested it with a few magic spells, and then returned it to Scott.

"Take it with confidence, child." He said kindly. "Although it does not comply with the legal requirements of the Ministry of Magic, it can at least ensure your safety. Ms. Slytherin did not tamper with this necklace."

Scott quickly reached out and took it and thanked him.

At this time, Dumbledore opened the box of Floo powder, took a spoonful of the powder and put it into the fireplace, watching the small green flames burst into flames.

In Scott's eyes, the old principal at this moment is like a child who got a novel toy.

"No. 001." Dumbledore said the number belonging to Medea with great interest.

The flames in the small fireplace jumped, and soon, Medea's voice came from it.

"Scott?" She seemed a little surprised, "I didn't expect you to take the initiative to contact me."

"Hello, Ms. Slytherin. I am Albus Dumbledore." Dumbledore said to the small fireplace.

"Mr. Principal?" Medea's voice was even more surprised, "Did you discover what Scott's child was hiding?"

"No, Scott took the initiative to tell me, ma'am." Dumbledore glanced at Scott while speaking.

This time, Medea on the other side of the small fireplace was silent for a while before speaking.

"I really didn't expect it." She said, "That's not a child who can give his trust easily."

Hearing her say this, Scott lowered his head.

At this time, he heard Dumbledore say with a smile: "I know, I am honored to have his trust. From this point of view, I am a fairly qualified principal."

Medea sneered after hearing this, "Maybe he just has no choice. Although I like his character very much, I have to say that what you gain may not be true trust, because Scott is a child who only has interests in his eyes. ”

Scott raised his head in astonishment.

"No, you are wrong, Ms. Slytherin." Dumbledore gave Scott a comforting look, then lowered his head and said to the fireplace, "If you still remember, the reason why Scott met you in the first place was just To help his friends."

Listening to the old principal's words, Scott felt that his somewhat tense expression became more relaxed.

Medea just sneered.

"Yes, I remember," she said, "but I also remember very clearly that the kid named Graves couldn't get his musical talent back as he wished because his friends were unwilling to make any sacrifices for him. "

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