The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 399 399. The attack ended suddenly

"Don't forget, this is Hogwarts."

While Scott was speaking, his three roommates also came to their senses and took out their wands.

Behind him, Luna also got up from the ground.


Amycus Carrow laughed grimly and stared at Scott with contempt.

And his sister Alecto Carrow glanced at Luna behind Scott with a gloomy look and smiled playfully.

"I know this is Hogwarts, little mudblood." Amycus Carrow said in his voice that sounded hoarser than Rimbaud's, "But it doesn't matter..."

He glanced at Scott and his companions.

"It won't take us a few minutes to get rid of you little guys. The time is enough."

Hearing his words, the faces of several students changed.

Roger said loudly: "Dumbledore is on the court, not far from here. If you do anything bad, you will not be able to escape!"

"Smash to pieces!"

Alecto Carrow suddenly took action and smashed the armor charm in front of Roger.

Roger and Eddie and Milton behind him all took a step back involuntarily.


Amycus Carrow laughed loudly.

"Are you counting on Dumbledore to save you?" He said contemptuously, "Unfortunately, I'm afraid he is no longer in Hogwarts."

Scott's calm voice sounded, "Is that why you dare to come here to attack us? Someone helped you lead the headmaster away?"

"That's right."

Amycus Carrow shook the wand in his hand.

He didn't seem to be in a hurry to take action, but wanted to play with these little wizards like a cat playing with a mouse.

Scott looked at his performance and immediately said, "It seems that the little thestral was not injured accidentally."

"It's just a small attempt." Amycus Carrow did not deny it, "I didn't expect it to really lead you here."

He stared at Scott with malice, "Little Mudblood."

Scott's mind was racing, and he thought a lot in an instant.

The idea of ​​using the little thestral to lead him here was probably from someone who knew him and Luna to a certain extent.

Scott already had a suspect in his mind.

"Stop talking nonsense, Amycus." Alecto Carrow frowned impatiently, "Hurry up and deal with this little mudblood, he needs to pay enough for the death of our nephew, Elijah!"

Amycus Carrow glanced at her and nodded, "Got it."

In an instant, Scott tightened the wand in his hand, and no one saw that his other hand was quietly holding a golden acorn.

Before the Carrow brothers and sisters made any move, he took the lead in activating the spell that Savannah sealed in the golden acorn.

"The roots of the holy tree."

On the ground not far in front of the Carrow brothers and sisters, several thick tree roots broke out of the ground, carrying a sharp sound of breaking wind, and whipped them hard.

Since Scott did not wave the wand, the Carrow brothers and sisters obviously did not notice such a sudden attack. The two of them screamed at the same time and were whipped away by the thick tree roots.

At this moment, Scott keenly sensed that another hidden magic power flashed by.

It was just that time was urgent and he had no time to investigate more.

"Send a signal!" He reminded loudly without any emotion.

Roger raised his wand quickly, and a red spark sprayed out from his wand and rushed into the sky in an instant.

At the same time, Scott raised his wand as fast as he could.

"Flocks of birds!"

"Caw... cackle..."

Accompanied by a rough cry, black crows kept coming out from the tip of Scott's wand.

Scott put the golden acorn into his pocket, pulled Luna and ran a few steps, and joined his three roommates.

"Caw... cackle~..."

The crows became more and more dense, flying around a few people, and black feathers scattered from the air.


"Avada Kedavra!"

At this moment, two spells, one red and one green, flew over from the other side.

"Caw... cackle..."

Several crows took the initiative to meet them, blocked the two evil spells with their bodies, and then fell from the air with screams.

"How dare they!" Milton's voice trembled a little, "This... This is..."

"Don't think about it, fight back!"

Roger reminded in a deep voice.

"Smash to pieces!"

He waved his wand in the direction where the two spells came from.

The shattering spell hit a big tree, and with a dull sound, a layer of the tree's bark exploded, and wood chips flew.

"Attack, don't stop." Scott said to his companions.

Hearing his voice, Eddie, Milton, and Luna also started to fight.

With Roger who didn't stop, the four people attacked at the same time, and the Carlo brothers and sisters also hid behind the tree for a while and didn't show up rashly.

Scott smiled and took the opportunity to wave his wand continuously.

Click, click...

Where the Carlo brothers and sisters were, two adjacent oak trees moved.

The tall trees instantly changed into rough human figures, and the thick branches entangled together to become huge hands, and the roots that occupied the twisted head became feet, pulling out from the ground.

Four huge hands crossed and slapped fiercely towards the place where the Carlo brothers and sisters were.


There was a loud noise.

Under the powerful slap of the "Oak Guard", even the ground shook slightly.

At this moment, Scott again briefly sensed the magic fluctuations of another person.

Very slight, well-hidden magic fluctuations.

If his magic perception had not become more and more refined, he would probably not be able to detect such clues.

But at this moment, he still had no time to pay attention to these.

In his perception, the magic fluctuations belonging to the Carlo brothers and sisters had instantly changed their direction.

He knew very well that the Carlo brothers and sisters had used Apparition to come behind them.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The deadly green light lit up again.

"Crack... Crack..."

The flying crows bravely blocked the way forward of the Kedavra Curse, black feathers flying, and several crows suddenly fell into the mud.

Boom! Boom! Boom...

The heavy footsteps sounded, and two "Oak Guards" strode over and guarded Scott and the others.

"Go!" Alecto Carlo's voice sounded.

"But..." Amycus Carlo seemed to be a little hesitant.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Another green light lit up.

This time, the crows dodged in time.

The "Oak Guard" standing in front waved his huge palm.


A muffled sound.

The palm of the "Oak Guard" blocked the killing curse, but it did not suffer serious damage.

"How is it possible!"

Amycus Carrow exclaimed.

At this moment, Scott's tense body suddenly relaxed.

"It's okay." He said to his companions.

"God of Swords!"

Snape's voice sounded almost at the same time as his voice.

When Snape suddenly spoke, the Carrow brothers and sisters immediately left the Forbidden Forest through Apparition.


Professor Flitwick's unhappy voice sounded immediately.

At the same time, a tabby cat appeared in front of several students lightly and swiftly, stretched his body, and changed into Professor McGonagall with a serious face.

"Are you all right? Is anyone injured?"

Professor McGonagall raised her wand and looked back at a few people.

"We are fine, professor." Scott replied quickly.

Professor McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked up at the two "oak guards" guarding the students, and a relieved smile appeared on her face.

"Well done, Mr. Trollope." She praised Scott, "Amazing Transfiguration."

As she spoke, Professors Snape and Flitwick came over.

Professor Flitwick looked at his students at the first time, and seeing that everyone was fine, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Thank Merlin! I'm glad you're all okay!" he said happily.

Professor McGonagall asked, "Where are the two Death Eaters?"

"They Apparated away." Snape said.

Professor Flitwick looked up at him, and his originally relieved face collapsed.

"We could have caught the two villains who attacked the students." He said dissatisfiedly, "If you hadn't suddenly spoken, Severus."

Snape had a gloomy face and didn't answer.

He glanced at a few students, then looked at Scott.

"It's you again, our genius Trollope." He said in a unique tone, "It seems that you are more troublesome than our savior Potter."

He pulled the corner of his mouth, revealing a fake smile.

"Minerva, maybe you can accept these reckless Ravenclaws to transfer to Gryffindor."

As he said, he threw his robes and turned away.

Scott glanced at his back with his black robes flying, and then looked at the faces of Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick. Needless to say, the expressions of the two professors were not good.

After a long while, Professor McGonagall looked at the students again, "Who can tell me what happened? Why did you run to the Forbidden Forest?"

"I saw the Thestrals fall from the sky." Luna took the initiative to stand up and said.

She pointed to the injured little Thestrals lying in the grass on the other side.

Professor McGonagall looked at the Thestrals in surprise and nodded.

She pursed her lips and said, "Next time you encounter something like this, you should learn to inform your professor as soon as possible."

Several students nodded obediently.

"Sorry, professor, it's all because of me." Scott said, "According to them, they came for me, including leading Professor Dumbledore away and injuring the Thestrals, which were all premeditated."

Professor Flitwick frowned upon hearing this, "Dumbledore was invited by Fudge to go to London."

Scott raised his eyebrows.

He didn't expect that it would be Fudge who led Dumbledore away.

Because Fudge didn't belong to the Death Eaters, he shouldn't have the courage to betray Medea.

So, someone used him.


He looked at several companions, and there were some things he didn't say in front of them.

"Let's go, let's go back to the castle first." Professor McGonagall said seriously.

Scott started to restore the "Oak Guard" and let the crows disperse.

"They sacrificed themselves to save us."

Luna said softly, then silently picked up the bodies of the dead crows and held them in her robe without any hesitation.

"Let's help too."

Milton also began to help clean up the bodies of the crows.

Roger and Eddie began to dig a pit.

Scott watched their actions and walked over to Roger and Eddie.

When the two dug the hole, Luna and Milton also came over carrying the crows' corpses in their robes.

"let it go."

Scott crouched down.

After Luna and Milton placed the crows' bodies on the ground, he reached out and picked up one, preened its feathers with his hands, and then gently put it into the pit.

Others also followed his lead.

Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick just watched the students' actions and did not speak out to stop them.

After all the bodies were placed in the pit, Scott filled it with soil with his hands.

"Let's go."

He stood up.

Afterwards, they returned to the castle and sent the injured Thestral Qi to the school hospital.

Not long after, Hagrid and Graplan hurried over.

"Oh, thank you, thank you for saving it, this poor little thing!" Hagrid excitedly thanked Scott and the others.

Graplan still had a friendly smile on his face.

Scott and her looked at each other and didn't see anything strange.

Although he couldn't see anything unusual, he was sure that this lady must be involved in this matter.

If he guessed correctly, the wave of magic power that he sensed and then instantly disappeared twice in the Forbidden Forest belonged to Mr. Bode.

Perhaps the real instigator of today's sudden attack was Mr. Bode, and the Carlo brothers and sisters were just his flags.

Unfortunately, Mr. Bode, who was hiding in the dark, did not make any move. In other words, before he could do anything, the professors rushed over in time.

Maybe he, like the Carlo brothers and sisters, underestimated Scott's strength.

After leaving the school hospital, Scott said something to his companions, and then followed the two professors to Professor McGonagall's office.

"I have informed Dumbledore," said Professor McGonagall.

When they entered and sat down, Dumbledore came out of the fireplace.

"Are the students okay?" he asked.

"No one was injured." Professor McGonagall said and glanced at Scott. "The students sent a distress signal in time and resisted the attack of the two Death Eaters until we arrived."

Dumbledore also looked at Scott.

Scott then told what happened in detail.

"In other words, is there anyone hiding behind the Carlo brothers and sisters?" Dumbledore was a little surprised.

He thought for a moment and then asked, "Who do you think that is, Scott."

"Broderick Border," Scott said directly, "and Miss Stephanie Grapeland."


Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick both looked at him in surprise.

Dumbledore was not as surprised as they were.

"Do you have any basis for that, Scott?" he asked with a smile.

Scott said: "They are all members of the Scholars Union. Miss Grapeland takes orders from Mr. Bode. Even recruiting me to join the Scholars League was Mr. Bode's decision."

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