The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 400 340. Conversation in Professor McGonagall's office

"Mr. Bode and Miss Grubbly-Plank?"

Professor McGonagall was obviously trying to recall who Mr. Bode was.

Professor Flitwick also had a puzzled look on his face.

Obviously, Mr. Bode was a low-key person.

Only Dumbledore remembered who he was at the first time.

"Broderick?" His expression was very surprised.

Scott nodded, "We met him at the Ministry of Magic last time, the Unspoken Man of the Department of Mysteries, you told me his name."

"It's him!"

When it came to the Unspoken Man, Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick immediately remembered who Mr. Bode was.

Professor Flitwick also said, "No wonder we didn't think of it at the first time. I have to say that the group of Unspoken people in the Department of Mysteries are so low-key that they are almost invisible."

Dumbledore was obviously more concerned about the news Scott said.

He looked at Scott, "Since you said that, you must have some evidence."

Scott knew that since he chose to expose Mr. Bode and Grubbly-Plank, he must have a reason.

He clicked the eagle-shaped brooch pinned on his robe and played the recording that he had prepared long ago.

The recordings were several conversations between him and Miss Grubbly-Plank.

Since the night when Grubbly-Plank called him and his roommates to the Classical Music Club Activity Room through Caccini, every conversation thereafter was recorded.

After about an hour, the recording was played.

The first person to react was Professor McGonagall.

Her lips were tightly pursed, and she stared at Scott with a stern look.

"What did I tell you, Mr. Trollope?" she said angrily, "I have told you several times, if you encounter a problem, go to your professor first!"

Scott lowered his head somewhat guiltily.

Professor McGonagall continued to criticize him, "But what did you do? So many things happened but you kept it secret, until today when you and your classmates were almost killed by two vicious Death Eaters, you finally knew to tell us the truth!"

"Minerva is right!" Professor Flitwick also criticized him seriously, "The danger you encountered today almost cost you your lives! Have you ever considered the consequences of this?"

Scott lowered his head even lower.

"I'm sorry." He apologized sincerely, "I caused my friends to suffer irreparable harm."

He was not without fear in his heart.

He didn't have time to think when he was attacked, but he was still afraid after the incident.

Whether it was his three roommates or Luna, no matter who it was, as long as one person was hurt, he would be blamed.

Not to mention...if someone really died because of his negligence...

He didn't even dare to imagine that possibility.

If such a thing really happened, he didn't even know how to face it.

He would definitely feel guilty for the rest of his life and couldn't let it go.

For these reasons, he would try to take conservative measures during the battle and didn't even think about leaving the Carlo brothers and sisters.

He was very clear-headed. In that situation, what he should do most was to protect his friends, not to defeat the enemy.

Only he knew how much pressure he was under at the time.

So when the professors appeared in the forbidden forest in time, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and didn't even pay attention to the escape of the Carlo brothers and sisters.

Of course, this is also the reason why he decided to tell the professors about the matter.

He was worried that if he continued to bear such threats alone, he might implicate his friends again one day.

Professor McGonagall was not very impressed by Scott's sincere apology.

"I'm not only angry because you almost implicated your friend, Mr. Trollope!" Her stern voice sounded again, "but also because of you! Because you put yourself in danger and didn't tell us professors!"

"I'm sorry, professor."

Scott was somewhat moved by her harsh words, so he apologized sincerely again.

Professor Flitwick softened first.

"I don't blame you, Scott." He slowed down his tone, "but I hope you can remember this lesson."

Scott nodded quickly.

Professor McGonagall didn't quite agree with Professor Flitwick letting this go.

She snorted sternly and said to Professor Flitwick: "Filius, we are responsible for the safety of our students, so we must give Mr. Trollope the necessary punishment, so that he will really remember this lesson!"

Scott had no objection to her words and nodded.

"It's okay, Minerva." Dumbledore said, "Scott is a smart kid, I believe he has remembered it deeply."

Scott nodded vigorously again.

Remembered, really remembered.

He really didn't want to implicate his friends and let them follow him into danger. He really couldn't bear such pressure.

McGonagall snorted again, but didn't refute Dumbledore's words.

"Okay, let's get back on track." Dumbledore said, "Scott, why do you think Broderick Bode is Mr. B? Is it just a coincidence of the name?"

Scott raised his head and said, "The coincidence of the name is not enough to make me doubt him. I doubt him because of the way he looked at me when we met that time. After that, I did some investigation."

At this point, he took out his [Magic Mirror] and found the "video".

The three professors looked at the image in the mirror with some surprise. With Scott's prompt, they also noticed Mr. Bode's inconspicuous flaw.

"How did you do it?"

Professor McGonagall looked at Scott with great confusion.

"It was Transfiguration." Scott said honestly.

But Professor McGonagall's doubts remained.

She said, "Even your Transfiguration professor doesn't know how you did it with Transfiguration."

Scott took out an ebony block, waved his wand, and conjured a monitor lizard on the spot.

The gray little lizard landed on Scott's palm and looked up at the three professors.

Then, Scott used his wand to pull out a silver thread from the lizard's head and put it into the magic mirror.

Soon, the faces of the three professors appeared in the magic mirror.


Professor McGonagall looked at her face in the mirror in shock, and it took a long time for her to come back to her senses.

"Mr. Trollope, you actually did this!"

She didn't care to criticize whether Scott's method violated the rules, and said with great surprise.

"Adding the effect of magic circuits while transforming, this can already be called instant alchemy!"

She even stood up and walked back and forth several steps.

"If you publish a paper... No."

She shook her head.

"I remember Mr. Weasley... Bill Weasley published a similar paper, but if the reviewer didn't see this scene, he would definitely not believe that you can really do this..."

"Calm down, Minerva." Dumbledore said, "This is not the most important thing now."

"This is of course the most important!" Professor McGonagall refuted Dumbledore in front of her students for the first time, "You were also a professor of Transfiguration, Albus, you should know how amazing this kid has done!"


I came back late today and only updated 2000+

Dear readers, I will try to update more tomorrow.

PS The chapter number is wrong again, I can only find an editor to modify it tomorrow

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