The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 413 143. A brand new Sailor Astrolabe

On July 13th, Scott celebrated his 16th birthday.

Since he needed to hide his home address, he cast a blocking spell on his name at the beginning of the summer vacation, so he received no gifts from his wizard friends on this birthday.

But this birthday was still very lively.

That night all the relatives came and they held a happy birthday party for Scott, and everyone gave him birthday gifts.

Even a few children from his cousin's house sent their handmade birthday cards, and Scott happily accepted them.

The fun-loving Ramiro also proposed to invite some friends and beautiful girls to Scott's party, but Scott rejected his idea.

He felt that it would be more in line with him to spend a warm birthday with his relatives.

The end result was certainly not bad, everyone had a great time.

In addition, Roger and Milton, who knew the situation, both chose to send their blessings to Scott by phone, and even Eddie, who was in the United States, also called.

Late at night, Scott returned to the bedroom.

He found the Ravenclaw master appearing in a small picture frame placed on the desk, apparently waiting for him.

And his owl Shay was squatting next to the frame at the moment, tilting his neck to look at the beautiful and elegant witch in the painting.

"Good evening, mentor."

Scott walked to the desk and sat down.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were here."

"It's okay." The Ravenclaw in the painting smiled and nodded gently, "Happy birthday to you, my apprentice."

"Thank you." Scott also smiled.

"That's it, I'll leave you a gift."

The Ravenclaw in the painting disappeared after speaking, but a set of very clear analysis diagrams of the magic text circuits were left in the blank frame, as well as additional explanations.

This is a set of magic text circuits analyzed from the "Core (Alchemy Part) Construction Record of the Knowledge Bank" left by Nicoléme.

Its function is to build long-distance connections between the parent body and its child bodies, such as [Knowledge Bank] and [Book of Prometheus].

Scott's eyes lit up.

Just as he was about to take a closer look, Shay on the table came up to him. Its neck was moving flexibly, and its big eyes were staring at the magic circuit in the frame, looking left and right.

"Okay, Shay."

Scott looked helplessly at the huge owl.

"You're blocking me."

Shay hasn't delivered a message for a long time. He has been staying at home, eating and sleeping, and his body is almost turning into a ball.

"You're too fat." Scott couldn't help but say, "I think you need some flight training."

He stood up, stretched out his hands to pick up Shay's heavy body, and walked to the window sill.

"Otherwise, I suggest to mother that you let yourself hunt for food."

Shay seemed very angry when he heard this. He pecked Scott's hand several times and made an unhappy cry at the same time.

"Okay, whatever you want."

Scott placed it on the windowsill.

"But I have to say, if this continues, you will almost be unable to fly."

Shay's feathers exploded.

It flapped its wings and flew up with some difficulty, and barked at Scott twice more.

"Okay, I get it, you can still fly."

Scott said perfunctorily.

Shay immediately flew out of the window, and his fat figure disappeared into the night.

Scott smiled and sat back at the desk.

He took out his notebook and pen, and with excitement began to copy the set of magic script circuits left by his Ravenclaw mentor.

He has been thinking about how to use this extremely precious set of magic circuits in his mind.

It wasn't just Eddie's vision of a new wizarding media company that could come to fruition.

More importantly, Scott can rely on this set of magic text circuits and the previously implemented monitoring and control to achieve long-distance real-time monitoring, and even create a ubiquitous monitoring network.

In this way, he can take the initiative in many things.

Thinking of this, Scott became even more motivated and wanted to digest and master this set of magic text circuits immediately and put them into practical use.

Unfortunately, Emilia knocked on his bedroom door.

"Please come in."

"It's time for you to sleep, honey."

Emilia opened the door and gave a gentle reminder.

"Okay, Mom."

Scott agreed obediently and immediately organized the things on the desk.

Because he knew that even though Amelia reminded her gently, if he didn't obey, his mother would change her attitude.

"Good night, Mom."

"Good night."

After seeing Scott lying on the bed, Amelia helped him turn off the light, then closed the door and exited.

But Scott, who was lying on the bed at the moment, was not sleepy.

This may be due to excitement.

When the sound of Emilia's footsteps faded away, he got up from the bed again.

Scott did not turn on the light. He gently took out the sailor's astrolabe bought from the thrift store from the drawer and lay back on the bed.

Although it is inconvenient to learn that set of magic circuits, he can use magic perception to continue to analyze this magic item that he has always cared about.

To this day, he has successfully analyzed half of the fuzzy little mirror and the brass balance with the scent of medicine, but there has been no progress in the sailor's astrolabe.

The magic power fluctuations contained in the astrolabe are too weak, and the nature of the magic power that Scott can perceive is also very vague.

Although it is possible that the astrolabe has been completely damaged and cannot be analyzed, Scott always cares about it, and his intuition reminds him not to give up.

So he kept at it, even spending more time on the sailor's chart.

Scott, who was lying on the bed, closed his eyes and held the sailor's astrolabe on his chest with his right hand. His consciousness sank with the perception of magic power, and he carefully identified the tiny fluctuations of magic power.

He felt the wind blowing into the bedroom from the window and brushing against his cheek.

I don't know how long it took, but before he knew it, his consciousness continued to sink, and he seemed to be about to fall asleep.

Scott didn't resist, thinking "Let's continue tomorrow", and then he went to sleep obediently.


While he was drowsy, he felt that the wind blowing on his face seemed to become stronger, and the wind even carried the unique smell of the sea.

Then, he seemed to hear the sound of waves.

He didn't know why, but it was a hot summer day, but he felt that his body was getting colder and colder.

How is this going……

Scott's thinking was a little slow, and he couldn't make a turn for a while.

He knew he was sleeping while having to think about and react to the situation.

But he was still unable to think normally, and his body was unable to respond. Even his eyelids became extremely heavy and he could not lift them at all.

This experience of falling into a nightmare was really terrible. As the cold invasion became more and more severe, Scott felt that his whole body was about to turn into stiff ice.

Scott's consciousness began to struggle, but to no avail.

He seemed to have turned into a vegetable with his soul trapped in his body, and was placed in a world of ice and snow.

Just then, he heard the sound of birds flapping their wings.

Is Shay back?

Scott's heart welled up with joy.

This emotion is still very dull.

But he hoped that Shay would be smarter, find out what was strange about him at the moment, and then wake him up.


Shay seemed to live up to his expectations, and Scott heard its call.


He felt his right hand holding the sailor's astrolabe being lightly pecked.

But unfortunately, it didn't seem to be enough, not enough for Scott to wake up.


Shay's voice grew anxious.

Scott felt a burning pain in the fingers of his right hand, and then he opened his eyes suddenly.

What he saw was a high and vast starry sky.

The sluggish thinking slowly became active, Scott blinked, and his body regained some consciousness.

So he slowly sat up.

In front of me is an endless black sea.

Under the night sky, in the distance are layers of glaciers.

The cold wind howled, and he shivered while sitting alone on an old wooden sailboat.

Scott slowly stood up and looked down.

At this time, he was still wearing the summer short-sleeved pajamas.

Looking around, he staggered towards the dark cabin.

The small cabin was empty and filled with the smell of rotting wood.

Scott was wandering aimlessly, and he didn't seem to know what he was doing.

Suddenly, he felt a very clear pain in his finger again.

"Gu Gu Gu Gu... Gu!"

Scott opened his eyes again.

My body warmed up, and I saw the familiar ceiling in front of me.

He returned to his bedroom.

In other words, he finally woke up from the nightmare.

But the scene in front of me seemed a bit ominous.

Just like the magic riot that happened when I was a child, everything in the bedroom is floating in the air at this moment.

Including the bed, including Scott himself on the bed.

Scott held his breath and slowly calmed down his rioting magic.

As the magic gradually subsided, everything in the bedroom began to fall lightly.

It wasn't until he heard his bed make contact with the floor and felt his back fall onto the bed again that he breathed a sigh of relief.

Scott sat up.

"Thank you, Shay."

He reached out and touched Shay, who was squatting on the bedside and staring at him.


Shay shouted twice proudly and turned his head again, seemingly still a little angry.

"I must say, you have just the right figure."

Scott got up from the bed and turned on the lamp on the bedside table.

"This is……"

He looked down at his right hand.

Shay seemed to use too much force and pecked the fingers of his right hand, causing blood to flow onto the sailor's astrolabe in his hand.

The sailor's astrolabe, which was already covered with patina, was now shining like new.

He quickly placed the sailor's astrolabe on the bedside table and stared at it for a long time.

He knew very well that the nightmare-like illusion he had just experienced was undoubtedly caused by this sailor's astrolabe.

Although he really wanted to figure out what was going on with this thing, the painful, uncontrollable experience of body and consciousness made him a little intimidated, and he was afraid to try again.

After taking a look at his bleeding finger, Scott stood up directly, found a bottle of white essence and poured it on his finger. The wound healed quickly.

"I'm all right."

He said something to Shay, who had been watching him secretly, and lay back on the bed again.

"Fortunately it wasn't a door key."

He muttered with some fear.

If he was really teleported to the icy sea by the door key, he would be miserable.

Maybe he lived too comfortably at home. After taking a shower tonight, he forgot to wear the door key back to the forest.

Thinking of this, he got up and went to the bathroom again, and found the silver snake necklace forgotten on the sink, still wrapped around his left hand.

Touching the cold necklace on his hand, Scott fell asleep peacefully.

When he woke up the next day, he did not tell his parents about the bad experience he had last night, but had breakfast with them as usual.

But Michael and Emilia both saw the abnormality that Scott was hiding.

Scott prevaricated by saying that he was too excited last night and didn't sleep well.

After breakfast, Michael left home to go to the antique dealer, Emilia started to do housework, and Scott returned to the bedroom again to call his mentor.

After Ravenclaw appeared in the painting, he saw that something was wrong with Scott at a glance, "You look a little bad, what happened?"

Scott quickly told her about his experience last night and showed her the brand new Sailor Astrolabe.

"I can't make accurate judgments in this state." Ravenclaw in the painting said, "Because I need to use the magic of the Room of Requirement to do many things."

As a portrait, it can actually use the magic of the Room of Requirement.

It really deserves to be a portrait of Ravenclaw.

Scott thought so in his heart.

Although he had guessed it long ago, he was still shocked.

"Then let's talk about it when school starts."

He responded, and put the Sailor Astrolabe into the drawer.

Ravenclaw nodded, "There are two possibilities, it is attacking your consciousness, or it is guiding you."

"Guide?" Scott looked at her with questioning eyes.

"If it is guidance, you need to try to communicate with it more to get more clues." Ravenclaw said, "But I don't recommend you try it alone, or its existence is just harmful."

"I know."

Scott was not ready to try again.

He didn't need to take risks.

After school starts, it won’t be too late to try to communicate again after the Ravenclaw tutor confirms that this thing is no longer dangerous.

Ravenclaw also said: "Let’s put this matter aside for now. Next, let’s start today’s class."


Scott put this matter aside for now, began to listen to the class carefully, and took notes carefully.

The next few days were calm until Scott received a call from Milton again.

Milton’s small concert will be held on July 20.

Scott decided to go to support it.

After talking about this at home, Emilia and Michael both supported him to go abroad to play, so Scott booked a ticket for the 19th.

Of course, in addition to him, Roger will also fly over from the UK.

On the 19th, Michael drove Scott to the airport.

Scott successfully boarded the plane to Vienna, Austria.

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