The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 414 414. Sightseeing tour in Vienna

At 2 p.m., Scott's Iberia flight landed at Vienna International Airport.

When he followed the crowd and walked out of the station, he saw Roger and Milton standing in a conspicuous place, waving to him.

Hanging the backpack in his hand on his shoulder, Scott strode up to the two of them.

"Long time no see, my friend."

Roger opened his hands as if they hadn't seen each other in a really long time.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Scott hugged him cooperatively, then turned around and hugged Milton.



Afterwards, Scott said to Milton: "Where should we go now? Just find a hotel near your residence."

"No, you can go to my rented apartment." Milton said, "You must come."

"No problem." Roger agreed immediately.

The three of them walked out of the airport, rented a car and returned to Vienna.

Because he needed to rehearse, Milton took Roger and Scott to his small rented apartment and left in a hurry.

Of course, Scott and Roger did not stay in the apartment, but chose to go sightseeing after putting down their luggage.

Vienna, located on the Danube River, is the capital and largest city of Austria and a major cultural center in Europe. It is known as the "Music Capital of the World".

Before World War I, Vienna was the capital of the Holy Roman Empire, the Grand Duchy of Austria, the Austrian Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

On top of that, the city’s historic center is listed as a World Heritage Site.

There are many places worth visiting in such a city.

Scott and Roger came directly to this inner city known as the "Heart of Vienna".

The two people walked happily on the narrow street.

These streets are paved with cobblestones and criss-crossed.

Most of the streets are lined with Baroque, Gothic and Romanesque buildings, with the medieval St. Stephen's Cathedral and the towering spiers of the Twin Towers Church standing tall.

"This place looks very old, but there is no magic at all." Scott said with a smile.

Roger shrugged, "Obviously, because the religious atmosphere here is very strong."

Of course, in addition to these, there are also interesting places in the old city such as the Vienna State Opera House, Hofburg Palace, Ringstrasse, jazz bars, dance halls and art galleries.

We walked around for a while, had dinner outside, and didn't return to Milton's apartment until 9 p.m.

And Milton didn't come back until 10 p.m.

As he always does before a test, he looked a little anxious.

Of course, the first concert in his life was much more important to him than the college exams, and Milton just showing this level of anxiety was already considered progress.

——This is what Roger said when he comforted Milton.

But this didn't seem to have a very comforting effect.

Milton is still sleepless.

Scott and Roger could only chat with him and relieve his anxiety.

"I did not expect……"

Scott hesitated to speak.

Milton did seem to have grown a lot before, but Scott didn't expect that he hadn't grown that completely yet.

Roger felt that it was normal, "Even if there are some changes, it is impossible to be completely transformed in such a short period of time."

"Are you talking sarcastically?"

Milton looked helpless.

Scott and Roger coughed and quickly began to change the topic.

The two began to talk about the music that Milton was going to play the next day. They were all music that Milton had composed in the past few years, and they had heard most of them.

"I always knew you were a genius and would make it big, and now you've done it."

"As long as you can perform at your previous level, you will be able to conquer all audiences."

"You have conquered musicians, and you can conquer others."

"You are the best."

The two complimented each other, making Milton dumbfounded.

He talked about another of his worries, "My teacher wants me to apply to the University of Music in Vienna."

He called the musician who admired him his teacher, and it seemed that the musician really appreciated him.

"Of course, when you graduate from Hogwarts, you can apply to any university." Scott said.

"But the teacher thinks that I am just wasting my time by attending my current school." Milton said with some embarrassment. "Of course, he doesn't know about the existence of magic or Hogwarts. He thinks that I am attending an unknown school. Famous boarding school.”

Scott asked again, "Then you want to give up? The remaining two years of Hogwarts."

Milton shook his head in confusion, "I don't know."

He was obviously hesitant.

"You actually thought about giving up? That's Hogwarts!" Roger was very surprised.

Scott can understand.

"It's not impossible to give up," he said. "Anyway, Milton has already participated in O.W.Ls and should be able to get a few certificates. The sixth and seventh grades at Hogwarts are advanced classes."


Roger still couldn't accept this choice.

Scott added: "Music was more important to Milton than magic. And..."

He paused and his expression became more serious.

"The British wizarding world is not at peace now. The forces of Voldemort and Medea are pulling each other back, and the Ministry of Magic has become a lot more chaotic. Milton's father, Mr. Graves, has been deeply involved. It can be said that he has been involved in this storm."

He looked at Milton.

"It might be a better choice for you to stay away from England at this time."

Milton's face changed, "I haven't thought about it... I don't think so."

"I know." Scott said, "But I think you can think so, I think it's a good choice."

Listening to Scott's words, even Roger nodded in agreement.

Milton opened his mouth and finally said, "I think... I need to think about it."

Scott laughed, "Of course, this is just my suggestion, you can make a choice after careful consideration."

Milton was entangled, and for a while he didn't have the heart to worry about the concert the next day.

"By the way." Scott remembered another thing, "Have you invited Professor Flitwick to tomorrow's concert?"

Whether as the dean of Ravenclaw College or as the instructor of the Classical Music Club, inviting Professor Flitwick to come and enjoy the concert is a very meaningful thing.

And Milton can also listen to Professor Flitwick's advice on future choices.

"I have written a formal invitation letter to Professor Flitwick." Milton said, "but I don't know if the professor will come."

Thinking about Professor Flitwick's character, Scott immediately said: "I think he will come, unless he didn't receive the letter."

Milton looked at Roger, "The letter was sent to Roger through the Muggle post office and he was asked to forward it."

Roger said: "After I received the letter yesterday, I asked the owl at home to deliver the letter. The professor will definitely receive it. You just wait for the professor's praise tomorrow."

"It would be great if the professor could really come." Milton couldn't help but smile.

Sorry, I came back a little late today, and I only had time to type so many words.

There will be more updates tomorrow.

The plot will enter a turning point next, the superficial peace of the magic world will be broken, and it will enter the era of rampage. Please continue to support and subscribe!

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