The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 415 415. Milton's Concert

Just as Scott expected, Professor Flitwick did not refuse Milton's invitation.

This morning, they received a letter from an owl.

The letter was sent by Professor Flitwick after he came to Austria from England.

After receiving the letter, the three of them hurried out and met the professor in an old bar deep in a remote street in the old city.

Of course, this is a wizarding pub.

Following the guidance of this letter, Scott and the others finally found traces of magic hidden in the city.


"Professor Flitwick!"

"Oh, hello, my students!"

Obviously they haven't been apart for too long, but the teachers and students seemed to feel particularly close to each other when they met in this strange country.

The three boys even bent down and gave Professor Flitwick three warm hugs.

Their meeting even caused the other Austrian wizards in the bar to look on.

I don't know whether it was because of shyness or excitement, but Professor Flitwick's face was a little red.

"Oh, I'm honored and proud." After the hug, the professor said to Milton with a face full of joy, "I asked the local wizard to know how amazing your achievements are."

He didn't even forget about Scott and Roger.

"Of course, I am also happy for your sincere attitude towards friendship."

Scott and the three of them laughed, and Milton blushed.

Roger smiled and said, "Oh, that kid Eddie also wanted to come, but it's a pity that he is in the United States now."

"Of course, he is also a good boy." Professor Flitwick praised Eddie again, although he couldn't hear it now.

There were some things that were inconvenient to say after leaving this bar belonging to wizards, so they chose to sit here for a while and chat.

Professor Flitwick talked about his experience of going abroad.

He entered the country through official channels from the Ministry of Magic.

"You entered the country via Muggle transportation. After the concert, it would be better for me to take you to the local Ministry of Magic to formally register, especially Milton."

Professor Flitwick suggested.

"You should stay here this holiday. It will be safer after registering with the magic government."

He asked Scott and Roger to come too.

"This will make them sure of our politeness and friendliness. It is always inappropriate for a wizard to enter another country rashly."

Scott and Roger had no such thinking at all, and they agreed after looking at each other.

Professor Flitwick also happily recommended the city where the Austrian Ministry of Magic is located.

"I came here via the Floo network from the local area..."

Through the professor's description, Scott and the others quickly became interested in that city.

According to Professor Flitwick, the Austrian Ministry of Magic is located in Innsbruck, a small southwestern city more than 400 kilometers away from Vienna.

It is a small snow-covered city in the embrace of the Alps, with unique and beautiful medieval architecture located in a glacier valley.

But Scott remembered something else.

"Speaking of which, I have never registered with the Spanish Ministry of Magic. I even went shopping in the Wizarding Street in Barcelona during this holiday."

"Oh, I forgot to remind you of this before. But I think it is necessary for you to register formally to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings." Professor Flitwick said, "Your parents have settled in Madrid, haven't they?"

Scott nodded, "I will do it after I go back this time."

After that, Professor Flitwick focused on Milton and talked about his concert. After all, the professor was also a music lover.

Unfortunately, Milton didn't have much time. He soon had to leave to prepare for the evening concert.

This made him a little uneasy, and he kept apologizing to Professor Flitwick.

Professor Flitwick had been cheerful and tolerant, urging him to leave first.

After that, Scott and Roger accompanied their dean for sightseeing in the city.

When leaving the wizarding bar, Professor Flitwick did not use magic to reduce his presence like he did in England, and even let the Muggles ignore him.

He used a little bit of body transformation to change the slightly pointed ears and nose.

Despite this, when walking on the street, the professor with an unusual figure still frequently attracts the curious eyes of passers-by.

Professor Flitwick was very comfortable with this.

While sightseeing, he also imparted his experience of going abroad to the two students who accompanied him.

"I don't want to use other magic in this strange country, because it may arouse the vigilance and misunderstanding of the local wizards, causing some unnecessary trouble..."

In addition, he also mentioned many other things to note, such as how to deal with the Ministry of Magic of other countries.

It was like a lively and interesting extracurricular practice class, and both Scott and Roger listened with interest.

They spent almost the whole day wandering around the Old Town of Vienna, and did not return to Milton's apartment until after dinner.

Afterwards, they all changed into formal clothes and went out to rent a car to go to the venue where the concert was held.

Milton's new teacher seems to be very proud. The solo concert was actually held inside the University of Music in Vienna.

When Scott and the others entered, the concert hall, which was not too big, was already filled with many young musicians.

After the three of them sat down, they first opened the playlist in their hands and started reading.

Then, after listening to the others' whispers for a while, Roger lowered his voice to Scott and Professor Flitwick.

"They are all very curious about Milton, and why he is so appreciated by famous musicians."

"They will soon understand." Professor Flitwick said proudly, "I have always known that Milton is an absolute genius."

Just then, Scott suddenly frowned.

"A wizard has come in." He reminded in a low voice.

At the same time, he counted the number he perceived.

"There are three wizards in total."

"Where are they?" Roger looked like he wanted to see but didn't dare to turn his head.

"Relax." Professor Flitwick patted his hands, "Maybe they are just music lovers."

"There are two strange magic powers, but the other one is Mr. Graves." Scott said in surprise, "Milton's father."

After saying this, he noticed from the corner of his eyes that Professor Flitwick and Roger opened their eyes slightly at the same time.

As people who understand the family disputes of Graves, they are as surprised as Scott.

Scott pretended to look back casually, but he met eyes with a strange-looking man.

Although his appearance had changed, he was sure that it was Mr. Graves.

He seemed to have changed his appearance with polyjuice or some other means.

Moreover, Mr. Graves obviously saw Scott and the others, and even happened to be looking at their backs.

It was just that when the two looked at each other just now, Mr. Graves did not react at all, as if he saw a stranger.

Scott also cooperated and retracted his gaze.

But at this time, his mood was not calm, and he could even be said to be extremely surprised.

The reason was not Mr. Graves in disguise, but the lady sitting next to him with intimate behavior.

Scott was sure that it was not Mrs. Zabini, Graves' current wife, because there was no magic in the lady's body, she was a Muggle.

This cognition reminded Scott of another person, that is, Milton's mother.

What's going on?

Or, if the lady is really Milton's mother, then what is the couple doing?

If this is true, then wouldn't Milton's efforts and tears all along have become a complete joke?

Even Scott would feel sorry for him!

You know, Milton had said before that he wanted to be famous just so that his mother could see his name wherever he went.

"What's wrong with you?" Roger touched Scott with his elbow, "You look ugly."

"I'll tell you later."

Scott replied first, then wrote a word on Professor Flitwick's hand with his finger.

Professor Flitwick curled his fingers knowingly and cast a spell silently.

Scott then leaned close to his ear and told him about his findings and guesses.

"Don't react yet, Scott, your guess may not be correct." Professor Flitwick said calmly, "Of course, after Milton successfully finishes his concert, I will go and talk to Mr. Graves."

It seems that this is the only way.

Scott also hopes that Milton's first solo concert in his life can be completed smoothly.

He nodded, indicating that he agreed with the professor's statement.

Professor Flitwick moved his fingers again and removed the spell.

Although Roger looked at Scott curiously, he was smart enough not to ask any more questions.

Not long after, the concert began.

Without any extra introduction, Milton, dressed in formal clothes, walked onto the stage alone.

He bowed to the audience, then sat down and began to play.

The low cello sounded, and the melodious sound instantly attracted everyone's attention.

It was "Ravenclaw Impression".

Scott thought that he might not react much because he was too familiar with it, but he clearly saw that many people on the scene had surprised expressions of admiration.

Milton's performance was amazing.

Scott quickly retracted his thoughts and then immersed himself in the familiar music.

After the song ended, applause broke out in the concert hall.

Milton on the stage opened his eyes and seemed a little surprised and at a loss after seeing such a reaction.

But in the encouraging eyes of everyone, a smile appeared on his face.

He stood up, bowed, sat down again and began to play the second song.

Scott, who was sitting in the audience, also smiled.

He thought, now no one would be curious about why the famous musician admired Milton.

It was all because the boy on the stage who looked a little thin and immature was an absolute genius, that was the only reason.

His performance had been so popular, not to mention that his creative talent was also beyond doubt.

Milton played one song after another, and after each song, there was applause in the concert hall, and the applause was even more enthusiastic each time.

Scott breathed a sigh of relief.

Perhaps because of the musicians' supervision, Milton's previous devilish sounds that were beyond ordinary people's understanding did not appear in this solo concert.

At the same time, the uneasiness and helplessness on Milton's face had completely disappeared, and he was completely immersed in his own musical world.

He was playing a song called "Secret Mother's Love".

The cello sounds like weeping.

Restlessness, nostalgia, gratitude, longing, and love.

Milton completely opened his heart through music, and the audience was moved.

But maybe because of the things that were still lingering in his heart, Scott couldn't fully immerse himself in appreciation.

He turned his head again seemingly inadvertently and looked towards Mr. Graves.

Mr. Graves, who faced an unfamiliar face, was still sitting upright and seemed to have no expression on his face.

But the lady sitting next to him was trembling all over and with tears streaming down her face.

Scott looked back and felt a sore nose at the same time.

He was a little stunned. Before this, he never knew that he had such a moment of empathy.

Maybe this is the charm of music, he thought.

Blinking, Scott suppressed his surging emotions.

Looking at Milton again, who was immersed in the performance with his eyes closed under the lights, Scott's emotions were particularly complicated.

No matter what the couple's difficulties were, he thought they must have chosen the wrong way.

Scott didn't even know how to handle this.

He didn't want to get involved in other people's housework, but Milton was his friend. If the Graveses didn't want to tell the truth, could he just watch Milton being kept in the dark?

No matter how you do it, it seems to be cruel to Milton.

Scott, who has always been decisive, is rarely faced with a dilemma.

Just then, Professor Flitwick clapped his hand.

Scott turned his head and saw Professor Flitwick's wise and gentle eyes, and couldn't help but calm down.

He couldn't help but think that it was great to have such a reliable elder present at this time.

Even though he has memories of past and present lives, he is still too young compared to Professor Flitwick.

Milton played a total of 10 pieces of music composed by himself in this recital. When the last piece "Hogwarts" was played, Milton stood up and bowed deeply, and the audience immediately burst into thunderous applause.

Even the entire audience stood up, and many people looked at Milton as if they were admiring a treasure.

He has had the best success.

Applauding vigorously, Scott was very happy for his friend, but at the same time he couldn't help but worry.

When the show ended, Scott looked back again.

He saw Mr. Graves walking out on the lady's arm.

The lady who kept crying kept looking back.

Milton was currently surrounded by a group of enthusiastic young musicians and did not notice them.

"They're leaving."

Scott reminded a little anxiously.

But it was useless to be anxious. At this time, most of the audience was exiting in an orderly manner, and Professor Flitwick could not even see the person he was referring to.

They are not easy to crowd, so they can only walk out at the speed of the crowd.

When they finally walked out of the concert hall, Mr. Graves and the lady had disappeared without a trace, and even Scott's magical perception did not detect their traces.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, Mr. Graves will still work at the Ministry of Magic." Professor Flitwick said, but his face looked a little ugly.

At this moment, Scott suddenly realized that two other strange wizards who had not paid attention before because of distraction were gradually approaching him.

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