The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 417 417. Returning to Hogwarts during the summer vacation

Facing the concerned eyes of Professor Flitwick and his two roommates, Scott said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I ran away. I was worried just now..."

"No, you made the most correct choice." Professor Flitwick interrupted, and he looked at Scott seriously, "It was also the only choice."

Although Scott thought so in his heart, the guilt that emerged in his heart was still uncontrollable. When he heard Professor Flitwick say this, his heart finally calmed down.

Professor Flitwick patted Scott's arm, turned to Dumbledore and Moody, "Oh, Albus, and Alastor, thank you for coming."

Moody said in a somewhat stiff tone: "You're welcome, Filius, where is the prisoner who attacked you?"

"Escaped." Professor Flitwick was helpless, "Sorry, I couldn't keep them."

At this time, Roger on the side took the initiative to speak, "The scene was too chaotic and there were many Muggles. Professor Flitwick wanted to protect everyone, so he let them run away."

Dumbledore said with a smile, "Okay, let us adults handle the rest. You three students will rest for a while."

He whispered a few words to Strauss, and soon, a young Auror came out and led Scott and the three of them out of the office and into a lounge.

"You stay here, boys, until your professor comes to take you back."

The young Auror gave instructions, turned around and walked out of the lounge, closing the door behind him.

"Merlin, I'm so petrified!"

Before Scott could react, Roger started talking loudly to Scott.

"You know, you disappeared so suddenly! From my perspective, I only saw your figure submerged in a green light. I thought you were dead!"

As he spoke, he patted Scott's shoulder hard, obviously very excited.

"Fortunately, before I burst into tears, I found that there was nothing there."

"Sorry." Scott apologized again, "At that time, I had no time to react and could only activate the door key."

"I gotta say, you did a great job!"

Roger laughed deliberately.

"But it's a pity that you didn't see the expressions of those two guys at that time, oh, and Professor Flitwick who was really angry."

He gestured with an exaggerated expression.

"The angry Professor Flitwick was simply terrifying, beyond imagination. Those two guys were taught a terrible lesson and even managed to escape!"

Roger kept talking as if he was possessed by Eddie, and Scott didn't know how to answer the question for a moment.

But he was just a little curious about what happened to Professor Flitwick when he was really angry.

At this time, Roger began to describe the chaotic scene in detail.

"...Those Muggles were very excited at first. They thought we were doing some kind of magic show, so they kept moving forward. There were even reporters taking pictures."

"The Muggles only reacted when they saw those two guys suddenly returning to their original appearance after being attacked by Professor Flitwick!"

"Besides, if the Muggles weren't running around in panic, Professor Flitwick with full firepower would definitely be able to take down those two damn Death Eaters."

After listening to his story, Scott understood what happened.

"I'm very grateful." He said, "I have been worried that there will be other ambushes. They are obviously coming for me. If you are hurt because of this incident, I don't even know what to do."


"This is already the second time."

His tone was calm when he said this, but his heart was definitely not calm.

Scott was extremely angry after almost putting his friends in danger twice in a row because of his own affairs.

He even wanted to launch a counterattack regardless.

Although this urgent impulse has been suppressed by him, the idea of ​​counterattack has never been given up.

He will definitely make the Carlo brothers and sisters pay a heavy price.


At this time, Roger turned to Milton who had been silent.

"Don't think too much, this matter has nothing to do with you."

"No, you came to Austria because of my invitation." Milton's voice was choked.

After hearing the conversation between the two, Scott came back to his senses and walked to Milton.

"Why do you think so? I told you, they are here for me."

He reached out and put his hand on Milton's shoulder.

"I'm sorry that your concert couldn't come to a successful conclusion because of this incident. But I have to say that the concert part was really successful. All the audience were conquered by your amazing talent. ”

"It's my fault." Milton shook his head, "It must be because my news was published in a British newspaper that they would think of coming to my concert to look for opportunities, otherwise they wouldn't be able to find you at all. ”

"You are trying to get into trouble, those guys can always find opportunities." Scott felt helpless.

Although Scott said this, Milton still lowered his head and remained silent.

Scott looked back at Roger, but Roger shrugged his shoulders with the same helpless expression on his face.

"Listen." Scott patted Milton on the shoulder, "What happened was an accident. Again, they came after me. In short, no one will think it is your responsibility."

Although Scott could only pat him gently, Milton fell on the sofa as if his legs were weak.

"I know what you mean, Scott, I just... I was being interviewed at the door, and I also saw you being submerged in the green light of the death curse..."

Realizing that the scene of his sudden disappearance was too shocking, Milton was obviously frightened, and Scott didn't know what to say.

At this time, he thought of Mr. Graves and the woman who appeared to be Milton's mother in the concert hall.

Opening his mouth, Scott didn't know whether he should say this or not.

Originally, he wanted to leave this matter to Professor Flitwick, an elder, but the accident happened so suddenly that Professor Flitwick probably didn't have time to tell Milton.

"Do you have something to say to me, Scott?"

At this moment, Milton raised his head and looked at Scott with red eyes.

He is very sensitive to other people's emotions and seems to have sensed something.

"It's something very important to me, but you don't know whether to tell me?" At this moment, Milton seemed to have the same ability as Luna, "Is that true?"

Scott smiled helplessly, but he was not prepared to lie and deceive Milton.

"Yes. How did you find out?"

"Obviously," said Milton. "You have such a hesitant look on your face."

Scott gave him a thumbs up.

Milton's eyes kept staring at him, "Tell me, what happened?"

At this time, he calmed down.

Scott felt a lot of pressure being stared at by his clear and non-threatening eyes.

At this time, Roger interrupted, "What are you talking about? Scott, I remember when the performance started, you discovered three wizards. Besides the Carlo brothers and sisters, who is the other one?"

"Is it my dad?" Milton answered directly.

"Um...well, yeah." Scott wasn't trying to hide it.

Milton's expression was complicated when he heard this, "It turns out he is really here..."

"Did you find out?" Scott asked in surprise.

Milton shook his head, "I felt familiar eyes, but I didn't see a familiar person."

Scott was debating whether to mention Milton's mother when the door to the lounge was pushed open and Professor Flitwick walked in.

"Are you all okay?" he asked.

"We're fine," Roger replied. "Can we leave, Professor?"

"Of course, you are underage wizards and can leave early." Professor Flitwick said, "I will send you to the hall. You can return to the UK through the international floo network and wait for us at Hogwarts."

Roger hesitated, "But about Milton..."

Professor Flitwick said: "Go to Hogwarts first. Milton can come over after the matter is settled. I will send him over then."

"Thank you, Professor." Milton quickly stood up.

Professor Flitwick nodded and led them downstairs, watching the three leave through the fireplace.

When the three walked out of the fireplace in the atrium of the British Ministry of Magic, they woke up the young wizard on duty.

He was sleeping on the table.

Scott took the initiative to explain the situation, and the three of them walked through another fireplace to the Hogwarts principal's office.

It was already midnight, but Professor McGonagall and Hagrid were not sleeping either and were sitting in the principal's office waiting.

"Mr. Trollope, Mr. Davis, Mr. Graves..."

Seeing them appear, Professor McGonagall asked anxiously about the situation.

After the three explained what happened, Professor McGonagall and Hagrid breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately you are all fine."

Professor McGonagall said the same thing.

Now that she understood the situation, she didn't ask any more questions and waved her hand for them to go back to the dormitory to rest.

"I've asked the house elves to tidy up your dormitories," she said.

The three of them thanked each other quickly, then left the principal's office and walked through the deserted castle.

Scott led the two of them to the prefect's bathroom for a good bath, and then returned to the dormitory to fall asleep.

"It's summer vacation, but I woke up in this familiar bed. I feel like my vacation has evaporated."

When Scott woke up in the morning, he heard Roger's wonderful words.

Scott smiled, stood up and put on his slippers, picked up the wand, walked to the window, and pointed the wand at his heart.

"Amador, Animo, Animado, Animagus."

Feeling the clear second heartbeat in his body, Scott completed his daily routine.

After washing up, Scott found that Milton looked at him frequently and hesitated to speak.

But Scott didn't point it out.

The three of them left Ravenclaw Tower and went to the kitchen to have a hearty breakfast.

After breakfast, they were called to Professor Flitwick's office by his patron saint.

"The incident has calmed down, and the employees of the Austrian Ministry of Magic have also eliminated the impact of the incident on Muggles." Professor Flitwick said to them, "It's just that Dumbledore and Moody may still need to be responsible there. A period of negotiation.”

Scott felt a little regretful when he heard this. He also wanted to talk to Dumbledore as soon as possible about the details of Mr. Bode's arrest.

For no other reason than that, he wanted to find the Carlo brothers and sisters through Mr. Bode.

During the trial of Elijah Carrow at the Ministry of Magic, Elijah Carrow's reaction was consistent with the content of the letter sent to him by Mr. Bode, which made Scott always suspect that there was something between them. connect.

Coupled with the memory rewriting of the defendant and witnesses, Scott also suspected that such a difficult matter was inseparable from Mr. Bode.

Scott is eager to take revenge on the Carlo brothers and sisters, so he must first find their hiding place, which makes him not want to let go of any relevant clues.

Professor Flitwick said a few words briefly and asked Scott and Roger to leave first, leaving Milton alone.

Scott knew this very well and trusted him with the matter about the appearance of Milton's parents.

It was already noon when I saw Milton again.

After lunch, the two returned to the dormitory and found Milton sitting on the windowsill with his legs crossed.

There was a dazed expression on his face, and he didn't even react when he heard Scott and Roger talking and entering the door.

Scott and Roger looked at each other, neither trying to comfort him out loud.

Because they all know that many things need to be figured out by the parties themselves.

Of course, Scott wanted to criticize, harshly criticize the couple who were unsure whether there was a real divorce.

If it was a fake divorce, why did Mr. Graves do this?

It sounds outrageous to pretend to be separated and then marry another woman while hiding your ex-wife.

Finally, it was Roger who broke the quiet atmosphere in the dormitory, "Oh, I don't know how long we will stay at Hogwarts. I also want to continue watching the Quidditch World Cup."

Scott turned his head and took a look and found that Milton was still sitting there motionless, completely unresponsive.

After a while, Scott finally couldn't help but walked to the window.

"We're not sure yet if that's your mother, Milton," he said. "If it's her, it's not a bad thing. At least you know she's doing well."

Milton's dull eyes finally turned around.

"Yes, I would rather she live a good life and hide, than live in a place I don't know." Milton said in a faint voice, "Besides, I don't have to continue to look for her, I can wholeheartedly to pursue their dreams.”

Even as he spoke, his eyes quickly turned red and tears fell one by one.

Scott quickly comforted him, "I don't think she meant to lie to you. Maybe she had some last resort difficulties. Maybe Mr. Graves didn't find her until recently."

He racked his brains to find excuses for Milton's mother.

"Thank you, Scott, but there's no need to comfort me like this."

Milton said as he cried.

"I'm just happy, yes, I'm just too happy."

Scott was silent again.

This is a poignant tone.

Of course he could easily tell whether Milton was really happy or sad at the moment, but he chose not to expose Milton's lies at the moment.

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