The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 418 418. Belated birthday gift

When Milton was in a very low mood, Scott and Roger's moods were also affected.

They had no intention of leaving Hogwarts until Dumbledore returned.

Milton is still waiting to go to Austria to continue his musical dream.

Although he has not officially decided whether to drop out of Hogwarts, it can be said that he has already made this intention.

When talking about this issue, he told Scott and Roger, "I have already discussed this issue with Professor Flitwick. Of course, the professor's opinion is that it is best for me to persist for another two years."

In short, as a teacher, Professor Flitwick did not agree with him giving up his studies.

The professor believes that two years is useful. At the very least, it can improve Milton's magic level to a certain extent, making him a more qualified wizard and thus having more self-protection capabilities.

But Milton seems to be tired of everything in the wizarding world and just wants to hide in his music world.

This can also be said to be an escape.

But Scott did not persuade or give any advice.

Although he sympathized with Milton's experience, he could not empathize with him. No matter what he said, it was just scratching the surface.

Scott is facing a lot of trouble himself.

He even felt that many things were involved together and it was already a mess. At this time, he lacked clear thinking in his head.

In this case, Scott felt that he also needed to quiet down and think carefully.

So he walked into the Room of Requirement, Helena's study.


Helena, the girl in the painting, was obviously very surprised when she saw Scott.

"I remember it's summer vacation, why are you here?"

"Something happened."

Scott recounted an attack they encountered in Austria.

"Oh, that's really unlucky." Helena looked at him sympathetically, "I was going to the concert happily, but I encountered something like this."

"I'm used to it." Scott shrugged.

In the past two years, he has always encountered endless accidents.

Afterwards, Helena helped open the door, and Scott walked into the inner room to meet the Ravenclaw tutor in the painting.

"I heard the conversation between you and Helena." Ravenclaw in the painting said gently, "In order to avoid being affected further, it seems that you must find a way to solve some troubles as soon as possible."

Scott nodded, "When I find the Carlo brothers and sisters, I will make them disappear directly."

Ravenclaw smiled slightly, "This is not easy. It doesn't matter whether you can find them. More importantly, you have to prevent other Death Eaters from finding out that it was you who took action."

"It's not just Death Eaters," Scott said.

"Yes." Ravenclaw nodded slightly, "As far as I know, your potions professor is a double agent arranged by Dumbledore in the Death Eater organization."

Scott's eyebrows were raised high, "This kind of thing... just tell me like this?"

The smile on Ravenclaw's face did not change at all, "You are my apprentice."

"Thank you." The smile on Scott's face widened.

He understood that no matter how complicated the situation became, the Ravenclaw mentor was undoubtedly on his side.

At this time, Ravenclaw asked him, "Do you have the sailor's astrolabe with you?"

"Oh, here it is."

Only then did Scott remember that thing and quickly took it out of the deformed lizard skin bag.

"Place it in the center of the room." The Ravenclaw in the painting ordered, "Then move the table and chairs out. Of course, you also go outside and wait."

Scott responded, placed the sailor's astrolabe on the ground, waved his wand to make the set of desks and chairs float, and took them to the outside.

Then, he saw that the small space was filled with dazzling blue-white light.

"come in."

As the light gradually went out, Ravenclaw's voice came out.

Scott walked in again.

"This thing is harmless." Ravenclaw said her conclusion, "Communicate more, maybe you will get some unexpected gains."

Scott was immediately relieved and solemnly thanked him.

Ravenclaw said: "Since you are here, continue with the class."

Scott certainly had no objections.

However, this day's course only lasted half a day. After lunch, Scott went to the crow territory in the forest alone to meet with Rimbaud.

"No news yet."

In the oak cabin, Scott sat on the bed and listened to Rimbaud's words.

From a long time ago, crows have been helping to find Voldemort, Barty Crouch Jr., and other Death Eaters in hiding, but no trace of them has been found.

Of course, the search for the Carlo brothers and sisters will not go so smoothly this time.

"Have you found Malfoy Manor?" Scott asked.

He still remembered that in the "original book" Voldemort used Malfoy Manor as his command base after his resurrection, and he didn't know if that had changed now.

Rimbaud shook his head.

It said: "As all British wizards know, the Malfoys are happy to attend various parties and are keen to hold balls at their manor, but strangely, they have become more low-key recently."

Scott immediately understood, "This just means that there is a ghost. Voldemort may be hiding in Malfoy Manor."

"But apparently the location of a pure-blood wizard's estate is a secret," Rimbaud said.

"I think there are many people who know the address of Malfoy Manor." Scott had an idea, "For example, Mr. Weasley."

As far as he knew, the Ministry of Magic had searched Malfoy Manor, and Mr. Weasley might actually know the address.

"I'm going to write to Fred and George."

Scott sat up.

"No, they might be able to come up with something successfully...but this might implicate them..."

He hesitated for a moment and then lay back down.

"Maybe there is another way."

Scott took out the ID card of the League of Scholars, unfolded the [Book of Prometheus], ​​and searched for the answer in the [Knowledge Bank].

"No." He was not depressed, "But I can still offer a reward for the answer."

As soon as he thought of it, he posted the question anonymously, thought about it, and offered a reward of 500 credits.

The next step is to wait.

And he didn't wait long, the 500 credits were taken away within a minute.

[Malfoy Manor is located 6 kilometers north of the town of Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire. ]

The person answering the question is also anonymous.

"Good." Scott laughed.

Rimbaud also saw the answer, "Should I go there to see?"

"No, you are very likely to be discovered." Scott rejected his proposal, "Don't forget, Voldemort may be there, and you have been discovered by Medea."

Rimbaud lowered his head in frustration.

"We don't know what kind of qualitative changes a wizard's magic will bring if it reaches the level of Voldemort or Dumbledore. In short, it's better to be careful."

Scott said as he thought.

"Leave it to me to monitor Malfoy Manor. You let the crows watch from the outside first."

Ordinary crows should not cause arousal.

It just so happened that he could try out the set of magic circuits he got from Ravenclaw on his birthday.

After having an idea, Scott got busy.

He asked Rimbaud to send him back to Hogwarts Castle, and began to seize the time to become familiar with the set of magic circuits.

In order to strive to actually use the function of this set of magic text circuits earlier, he spent all his time obsessed with it, and could not care about other things for the time being.

In the common room of Ravenclaw, Scott was writing at his desk and still chanting silently.

Milton was sitting in front of the window, practicing non-stop with his cello in his arms.

Roger was walking around in the lounge, lying on the sofa, and playing wizard chess with himself.

"I can not stand it any more!"

I don’t know how long it took, but Roger’s loud complaints woke up Scott and Milton who were addicted to studying and practicing.

"I'm so bored!"

Roger's tall and strong body was twisting on the sofa, like a huge naughty child.

"You can leave Hogwarts now and enjoy your summer vacation." Scott raised his head and said to him.

"Yes." Milton agreed.

Unlike Scott and Milton, who stayed here because of business, Roger could have left here to enjoy his summer vacation and the Quidditch World Cup.

"Hey! I stay here to accompany you two!" Roger shouted dissatisfied, "Is this how you treat a loyal and caring friend?"

"Thank you, Roger." Milton smiled, "But you don't have to accompany us, really."

"But if you really decide to drop out of school, won't we not be able to see each other for a long time?" Roger muttered.

Scott couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"What are you laughing at? What are you laughing at?" Roger shouted at him again.

Scott also laughed louder, "I still want to ask you, why are you blushing?"

"Oh..." Roger covered his face, "I think what I just said was a bit disgusting."


Scott was speechless.

"You don't blush when you pick up girls and talk love." He looked at Roger with contempt, "I just don't want my friends to have something to blush about."

He was about to laugh at Roger when a group of owls flew in from the window and threw a bunch of letters and gifts in front of Scott.

"Oh..." Scott was a little surprised, "I just lifted the blocking spell on my name this morning."

He took out some food to entertain the messengers, and then began to open the letters and gifts.

"Is this your late birthday present?" Roger walked up to him curiously.

Scott nodded, "Probably, I thought there wouldn't be one because I blocked my name."

"Look who is there." Roger looked at them, "Oh, Luna, the Weasley brothers, Potter, Cedric, Savannah... you are very popular."

"It's okay." Scott smiled.

He opened the letter and looked at it, finding that most of the envelope contained a birthday card.

Then came the gifts.

The gift given to him by Fred and George was a ticket to the Quidditch World Cup Final.

They invited him to come with them to see it on August 22nd.

"Oh, finals tickets?" Roger quickly took them and looked at them. "There's still a month until the finals, and the tickets are issued now? I have to buy one quickly. Although I don't know which two will participate in the finals yet. Team, but there is hope for Team GB this year…”

Scott ignored his thoughts about the British national team having missed the World Cup for 30 years and continued to open other gifts.

Luna's gift was a homemade necklace.

Compared to her homemade carrot earrings and butterbeer cork necklace, this necklace looks a little more normal.

Of course it's not that normal.

The chain of the necklace is made of silver, with white bones, brown eagle feathers, and black crow feathers hanging from some unknown creatures.

Harry's gift is a magazine - a special issue summarizing the first half of the year of "Transfiguration Today".

Savannah sent another golden acorn.

According to her, this fruit is different from the previous one. The previous one sealed attack spells, but this one can heal injuries and can also be used repeatedly.

These are the gifts. Others only gave greeting cards.

But Scott was relieved. In this way, he only needed to reply to a greeting card when other people celebrated their birthdays.

You know, choosing the right gift every Christmas will give him a headache for a while.

After collecting all the gifts and cards, Scott wrote a letter back to everyone.

Of course, some write more and briefly describe some recent situations, while some write less and are just thank you letters.

After spending a lot of time writing the letter, he went to the school's owl shed to mail all the letters.

That afternoon, Dumbledore returned to Hogwarts.

In the evening, several professors who were still at the school during the holidays and three students had dinner together in the auditorium.

After dinner, Scott was about to talk to Dumbledore when suddenly there was thunder and lightning outside the window, and a heavy rain poured down.

"Oh! I can transform!"

Scott suddenly stood up excitedly.

"That's right." Professor McGonagall said immediately, "Now go get your potion and try it under my watch."

"I'm going!"

Without saying a word, Scott activated the door key.


Scott, who came to the Crow Territory, first cast a waterproof spell on himself, and then asked Rimbaud to take him to the cliff where the potion was buried.

After using magic to move the big stone and dig out the potion from the ground, he asked Rimbaud to send him back to Hogwarts as quickly as possible.

During the whole process, it was pouring with rain, and even with the waterproof spell, Scott was still in a mess.

When he returned to the auditorium, everyone was still waiting for him.

"You buried the potion in the Forbidden Forest?"

Professor McGonagall looked at him looking a little embarrassed, and waved her wand to make his body and clothes dry again.

She didn't pay much attention to Scott's strange behavior of suddenly disappearing and appearing on a crow, but directly ordered, "Adjust your breathing and state, and then drink the potion. I think you remember the rest of the steps, because I've told you many times."

Scott nodded repeatedly.

He took a few deep breaths, pointed the wand at his heart, and recited a spell.

Then he opened the bottle of magic potion, raised his head and drank the red liquid in the bottle.

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