The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 419 419. Successful Animagus Transformation

Scott pointed the tip of his wand at his heart and chanted the incantation, "Amador, Animo, Animado, Animagus."

Then, he raised his head and drank the small bottle of red potion in one gulp.

In an instant, he felt the second heartbeat in his body begin to beat more and more violently, like a restless drumbeat.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way."

He heard Professor McGonagall's voice, but he no longer had the energy to pay attention because the dense pain spread from his body and occupied his whole body.

The pain became more and more severe, and Scott could feel his whole body sweating continuously. He had to concentrate all his energy to maintain his sanity.

He knew very well that in the process of trying to transform, only reason was the most important. He had to keep himself awake, maintain his awareness of himself, and not be affected by the wild nature of animals.

The second heartbeat hidden in the body became clearer and clearer, and a strange consciousness surged out of his mind, seeming to replace his original consciousness.

This feeling is like being taken away by something else, which makes people panic for no reason.

But the remaining reason told Scott that he could not panic at this time, he must maintain a fearless attitude and accept it proactively.

This is of course against the body's instinct.

But Scott still did it with reason.

Soon, he could clearly feel that his body began to undergo drastic changes.

His eyesight is constantly falling, which means his height is shrinking.

At the same time, something broke through his skin, it seemed to be a feather.

The body became lighter and lighter, the hands disappeared, the wand fell to the ground, the arms changed into another form, and the shoes on the feet also disappeared, and they seemed to grow sharp claws.

He could clearly feel that the touch between his feet and the ground had fundamentally changed.

More importantly, the magic power that can be sensed in the body is getting less and less, almost disappearing.

But Scott no longer had the extra attention to care about anything else. He just felt the progress of the transformation with all his heart, and at the same time tightened the string in his mind to keep himself the last bit of sanity.

It's not easy.

Because another consciousness has occupied most of his brain.

His thinking as a human being seems to be separated by another layer.

However, most of the brain occupied by unfamiliar consciousness cannot think too much and can only have some shallow consciousness, just like animal instinct.

What Scott has to do is to use his only reason to influence another consciousness and then control him.

It's like a taming and a tug-of-war.

But Scott still succeeded.

I don't know how long it took, but Scott felt as if his originally locked consciousness had broken through a layer of restraints and completely relaxed.

The two consciousnesses that were originally distinct in his mind gradually merged.

Of course, the consciousness of being born as a human being is the main one.

At the same time, his blinded five senses gradually became clear again.

He saw Professor McGonagall and others further away, and heard their voices.

From another perspective.

"Mr. Trollope?"

At this time, Professor McGonagall, who was particularly tall in Scott's eyes, looked at him condescendingly.

"How are you?"

Scott nodded quickly.

"Very good, it seems you have succeeded." Professor McGonagall laughed.

"Scott, you did it!"

"Great, you look great now!"

came the voices of Milton and Roger.

Professor McGonagall added: "Next, try to move, follow the body's instinct, and become familiar with the new action mode."

Scott nodded again.

He followed Professor McGonagall's words and followed his body's instincts, and soon flapped his limbs called wings and flew precariously.

The feeling of self-flying is simply amazing.

Scott felt the natural ease emanating from his body and mind.

His gaze went higher and higher, and his body quickly approached the ceiling of the auditorium.

He saw everyone looking up at him.

The flying movements became smoother and more flexible. Scott accelerated his flying speed and circled several times over the auditorium.

He saw his own reflection in the glass window.

It was a peregrine falcon exactly as he had imagined, with a strong body and wide wings.

There was still lightning and thunder outside the window, and it was pouring rain.

But his body's instinct was urging him to leave here and fight in the sky.

Scott suppressed this instinct and began to slow down.

"Very good, now try to change back into human form, don't panic, imagine your human form as clearly and detailedly as possible!" Professor McGonagall's voice came again.

Scott landed back on the floor.

He imagined his human form in his mind, triggering the transformation.

The magic power that had disappeared from his body surged out, and Scott's eyesight kept rising.

Soon, much faster than turning into a peregrine falcon, in short, he recovered.

"I succeeded!" Scott lowered his head and looked at his hands with joy.

"Very well, a wonderful and successful attempt at Animagus transformation."

Professor McGonagall was the first to applaud.

Several other professors and two of Scott's roommates began to applaud.

"Thank you for your teaching, Professor McGonagall."

Scott bowed to Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall smiled with satisfaction, "You are the most talented student I have ever taught. Next, as long as you try Transfiguration more, I believe you will be able to master it proficiently soon."

Scott nodded repeatedly.


Roger and Milton came over, and Roger handed Scott his wand.

"Thank you!"

Scott took his wand with a smile.

The three of them talked together for a few words, and the other professors turned around and left the hall.

Scott thought of the previous things and wanted to talk to Dumbledore.

"Professor Dumbledore..."

Dumbledore turned around and said to him with a smile, "Oh, Scott, I think what you need most now is a good rest. The first attempt at Transfiguration is always very physically demanding. Let's talk about other things tomorrow."

Hearing Dumbledore say this, coupled with the fact that the excitement just now had passed, Scott did feel sore all over, and his hands and feet were powerless, so he could only nod and agree.

Scott was even supported by his two roommates to walk out of the hall.

Rumple was still waiting at the door of the hall, staring at him with curious eyes from time to time.

Scott waved his wand reluctantly, allowing it to return to its original size.

Rumple looked at him for a few seconds, quacked a few times, spread his wings and flew up, disappearing into the rain.

Roger and Milton supported Scott and walked towards the Ravenclaw Tower.

The two had just witnessed Scott's Animagus transformation, and they were still a little excited.

"When you become proficient, you can fly everywhere, which is very convenient." Roger said, "You can even watch all the Quidditch World Cup games without a ticket!"


Scott looked at him speechlessly.

Milton said: "No, Scott must go to the Ministry of Magic to register his transformation."

"Oh... that's too boring, can't you just keep it a secret?"

"It's illegal for a wizard to conceal his Animagus transformation."

"With so many people seeing it today, I'm afraid you can't not register it, Scott, you should try to transform in secret."

"No way, although I also want to keep it secret." Scott said helplessly, "but the entire Animagus transformation process was carried out with the help of Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick."

The three of them came to the bottom of the tower and looked up at the spiral staircase.

For Scott at this time, the narrow and steep spiral staircase of the tower was a daunting challenge.

"Oh, let me take you up with a spell." Roger said to Scott with a smile.


There were no other students in the school at this time, and Scott didn't feel embarrassed. He just lay down, floated up under the effect of Roger's spell, and followed the two back to the common room.

Roger put Scott on a long sofa.

Scott lay on the sofa and drank another bottle of potion. It took a long time to recover some strength.

It was not until the next day that Scott finally recovered after a good night's sleep.

After breakfast, he and his two roommates came to Professor Flitwick's office, where Dumbledore was also.

Professor Flitwick first talked about Milton's problem.

"Have you thought about it? Once again, from a teacher's perspective, I don't agree with you giving up your studies at this time." He said to Milton in a serious tone, "I hope you think rationally and don't be affected by emotions."

Dumbledore also said to Milton: "I heard about your experience, kid, but I think you need more time to think and don't jump to conclusions."

Milton looked at the two professors, and a confused look appeared on his face.

"Sorry, I don't know..."

"Maybe you can have a good talk with Mr. Graves." Professor Flitwick said again, "He works in the Ministry of Magic now. Of course, I can come forward to ask him out, secretly."

Milton shook his head with some resistance, "No, I don't know how to talk to him for the time being... Anyway, sorry, and thank you for your help."

"Oh, don't be nervous." Professor Flitwick looked at him with a kind look, "Well, the incident in Austria has subsided, you can continue to study your favorite music this summer."

Milton also raised his head and looked at him.

Professor Flitwick continued: "You can spend more time thinking and thinking about your future. I will meet you before school starts, and then you can tell me the final answer."

Milton nodded subconsciously.

"I will follow your arrangements." He said with red eyes, "Thank you for thinking so much for me."

"This is what I should do, you are my student." Professor Flitwick said with a smile.

Scott and Roger, who were standing next to Milton, reached out and patted his shoulders.

"Next, it's your turn to ask questions, Scott." Dumbledore looked at Scott.

At the same time, he asked Roger and Milton to leave first.

The two looked at Scott worriedly, left the office obediently, and closed the door.

"I guess you want to talk to me about Broderick's problem?" Dumbledore asked Scott with a smile.

"Yes, professor." Scott replied, "Bill told me that Mr. Bode has been imprisoned. It was Mr. Weasley who discovered something, but he didn't tell the details."

Dumbledore nodded.

"Few people know, of course, I don't know, Broderick is an expert in manipulating memory." He said, "People don't know what he studied in the Department of Mysteries as a Silencer."

Scott immediately thought of the trial.

"In that trial, the defendant and his witnesses claimed that they could take the truth serum test, which means that their memories were fundamentally modified. Was it Mr. Bode's cooperation with the Death Eaters, or the Carrows?"

"You can say that." Dumbledore replied, "but he did not admit it. The reason he was in prison was because Arthur discovered his crime and he was secretly manipulating the memories of other Unspeakables in the Department of Mysteries."

Scott wanted to ask Mr. Bode's purpose, but Dumbledore didn't seem to want to say more.

So Scott could only thank Mr. Weasley, "Mr. Weasley, you've worked hard, I think I have to thank him."

To be honest, even though he already knew that Mr. Bode was arrested because of Mr. Weasley, Scott still felt surprised when he heard Dumbledore say that.

Mr. Weasley looked tall and thin, and very interesting, but he didn't look like he was "powerful" and "meticulous".

Dumbledore smiled and said, "Your friend, Arthur, the father of the Weasley twins, is an upright and powerful wizard. Of course, he is good at something different from ordinary wizards."

Scott nodded in agreement, "Oh, I think the inventions of Fred and George, and the flying car that caused a commotion in Hogwarts are enough to explain the problem."

Dumbledore nodded in agreement.

But Scott was already thinking about another problem, "That is to say, we can't find the Death Eaters, or even Voldemort, their hidden bases through Mr. Bode."

"I'm afraid not." Dumbledore said, "Not just us, I think Ms. Slytherin has been looking for Voldemort's traces."

Scott was a little disappointed.

But he was not particularly disappointed, because at this time his crows had already set their sights on Malfoy Manor.

But he decided to tell Dumbledore after finding decisive evidence.

At this time, Professor Flitwick spoke, "Scott, I know you will be angry about the attack by the Carrow brothers and sisters, but I hope you won't be impulsive."

"I understand, professor, they may be hiding with Voldemort." Scott replied.

He would not take risks if he was not sure.

In short, the conversation ended like this. It was a pity that Scott did not get more information.

So he decided to speed up and be self-reliant, thinking of learning to use the new magic circuit as soon as possible and updating his methods.

However, they did not stay in Hogwarts for long, but came to London with Professor Flitwick that afternoon.

After the Ministry of Magic saw Milton off to Vienna, Scott refused Roger's invitation to visit his home.

Because he was attacked by the Carrow brothers and sisters twice in a row, Scott was very worried that such a thing would happen again and implicate others.

After he called home to explain the situation to his parents, he returned to the Oak Cottage in the Raven Territory through the portkey.

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