The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 442 442. Voldemort retreats and Fiendfyre loses control

"Looking at you, are you a Hogwarts student?"

Voldemort observed Eddie.

Eddie seemed to have been frightened, his mouth was open but no words came out.

"Tell me, where is Harry Potter?" Voldemort asked again.

"he does not know."

At this moment Mr. Davis stood up.

"We don't know where the boy is," he told Voldemort.

"Oh? You want to save this child?"

Voldemort pointed his wand at Mr. Davis.

Through the panoramic telescope, Scott saw clearly the expression on Roger's face next to Mr. Davis, and immediately understood what he was thinking.

Roger wants to sneak attack Voldemort!

With these thoughts together, Scott immediately spoke.

"Rimbaud! Top speed!"


Rimbaud, who was standing on the railing, shouted, and dazzling red lines appeared on the surface of the dark feathers.

Then it flapped its wings and flew up, then like a black and red lightning, flew towards the opposite side of the stadium.

The situation on the other side was not beyond Scott's expectation. Just as Roger was about to make a move, Voldemort noticed it.

"Huh? Interesting? Do you want to resist? Cut out the bones!"

The wand in his hand flickered, and a blood-red spell struck Roger.

Roger screamed in pain, rolled down from his seat, and curled up into a ball.

Seeing this, Mr. Davis pulled out his wand and pointed it at Voldemort.

But at the same time, a green light had already struck him.

Scott looked through the binoculars and saw the desperate looks on Mr. Davis and Eddie's faces.

At the critical moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared, blocking the green light and making a muffled sound.

Rimbaud arrived in time and blocked the life-killing curse.

Scott couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

As an animal created by transfiguration, Rambo will not be killed by the death curse targeting the soul. Scott originally used titanium alloy to create Rambo, which also gave his body extremely strong defense and would not kill him. Easily defeated.


After Rimbaud blocked the death curse, his speed did not slow down and he flew directly towards Voldemort's face.

A silver shield suddenly formed in front of Voldemort, blocking Rimbaud's attack.

"Very good." Voldemort's tone was gritted, "It seems that not everyone lacks the courage to resist me."

He waved his wand, knocking Rimbaud away, and pointed the wand at Mr. Davis again.

In the box where Scott and the others were, Harry suddenly rushed forward regardless.

He shouted, "Here I am!"

Voldemort turned his head when he heard this.

When he saw Harry, he gave up his attack on Mr. Davis and transformed into black mist, arriving in front of Harry in an instant.

After he appeared, he stood on the railing, opened his scarlet eyes, and looked down at Harry.

At this moment, most people in the box drew out their wands and pointed at the Dark Lord.

But Voldemort never gave anyone else a look.

"Harry Potter." He said to Harry word by word, "So you are here."

Harry looked up at him and couldn't help but take two steps back.

Although his face was pale, he still mustered up the courage to look into Voldemort's eyes.

"It's just me you're looking for, isn't it? Don't hurt innocent people."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Voldemort threw his head back and laughed, overjoyed.

"Is this what Dumbledore taught you? A hypocritical and ridiculous sense of justice?"


The fire suddenly ignited and then went out suddenly.

"Tom, I think Harry is a good boy, much better than you are."

Dumbledore appeared in the box with a phoenix on his head.


Voldemort suddenly changed his face.

He turned into black mist again and rushed toward Harry at extremely high speed.

In the blink of an eye, black mist enveloped Harry, carrying him flying out of the box.


Several people exclaimed at the same time.

At this moment, a rope sprang up from the ground and tied Harry's ankles, stopping Voldemort for a moment.

Before the black mist corroded the rope, Dumbledore waved his wand in time, as if an invisible hand snatched Harry back from the black mist and placed him behind everyone.

The black mist gathered and dispersed, and Voldemort's upper body rose from the black mist.

"Well done." His eyes accurately found Scott, "The moment you did it, I confirmed that not only the rope just now, but also the crow that disturbed me is yours."

Scott sighed.

Now that the matter has come to this, there is no need for him to hide it.

"Yes," he said, "because you pointed your wand at my friend."

Voldemort narrowed his eyes slightly and looked Scott up and down a few times, showing an interesting expression.

"What family are you from? Tell me your name, boy."

"I'm afraid the answer will disappoint you." Scott smiled slightly, "My parents are both Muggles."


Voldemort looked stunned.

"Are you cheating on me, boy?"

His expression looked extremely dangerous at the moment.

"He didn't cheat on you, Tom."

Dumbledore walked up to Scott and blocked him behind him.

"Why can't you admit that wizards' abilities are not directly related to their origins."

Although Dumbledore said this, Voldemort seemed to be completely unconvinced, "Don't try to lie to me!"

Dumbledore smiled, "Your father is also..."

"Shut up!"

Hearing the word "father", Voldemort immediately went crazy.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The deadly green light shot straight at Dumbledore.

The row of chairs in front of Dumbledore instantly deformed, intertwined together to become a huge and ugly gargoyle stone beast, exactly the same as the one at the door of the principal's office.

The stone beast successfully blocked Voldemort's killing curse.

Almost all the other people in the box attacked Voldemort at the same time.

Colorful spells flew towards Voldemort from all directions.

The Dark Lord smiled disdainfully, and once again turned into black mist and dissipated.

The next second, he appeared again, and a deadly green light instantly came to Harry.

Fawkes the Phoenix flew in front of Harry, opened his mouth and swallowed the green light.

A whine sounded.

The phoenix hit by the Kedavra curse burned into a ball of fire and fell to the ground, becoming small and wrinkled, and could no longer fly.

"Damn it! Avada Kedavra!"

Sirius roared and cast a Kedavra curse as well.

At this time, no one cared whether he used the illegal Unforgivable Curse. Other people's spells followed the green light and hit the Dark Lord.

Voldemort turned into black mist with an unwilling expression and flew away.

When he appeared in people's eyes again, he had arrived above the gymnasium.

"Dear audience." His voice spread throughout the venue, "It's a pity that because of Dumbledore's timely arrival, I couldn't get the boy. For this reason, I have to inform all of you that the circle of fierce fire surrounding the gymnasium is about to get out of control. Enjoy the carnival that follows."

The black mist flew into the sky and then went away, leaving only crazy laughter echoing in the sky.

As soon as Voldemort left, Rimbaud, who was hit by him before, flew back unscathed.

Scott let Rumple stop on his shoulder, ignoring the inquiring eyes of others, and took out the [Magic Mirror] again to look at the real-time surveillance outside the gymnasium in the mirror.

"Those Death Eaters have also withdrawn."

He reminded.

In the mirror, as Voldemort went away, all the Death Eaters disappeared on the spot.

The wall of fire formed by the circle of fierce fire was completely out of control as Voldemort said, and the flames began to spread rapidly in all directions.

At this time, the gymnasium was completely in chaos.

Cries and shouts were heard everywhere, and people trying to escape were running around like headless flies. All the passages in the gymnasium became crowded.

"Is there any way?" Ms. Burns asked Dumbledore anxiously, "There are 100,000 spectators here! The speed of the flame spreads very quickly. If this continues, the gymnasium will fall soon!"

Mr. Weasley suggested loudly, "Let's all go down and use the Ten Thousand Curses on the ground together. It should be possible to break the anti-apparition spell!"

His proposal was recognized by everyone.

Just as everyone was about to take action, Dumbledore bent down to pick up the reborn phoenix and shook his head.

"I'm afraid not." He said, "I checked when I entered the stadium. The large anti-apparition spell set up by Voldemort and the Death Eaters is almost comparable to the spell in Hogwarts."

"We have 100,000 wizards!" Bagman said anxiously, "If everyone works together, any spell can be ended."

Ms. Burns said in a heavy tone, "I'm afraid the audience is now completely in chaos and it's not so easy to command. And..."

Bill continued, "And if everyone can't cooperate tacitly, the added effect cannot be exerted, and the effect will be greatly reduced."

"What should we do? Are we going to be burned to death here?" Ginny cried, "Even Professor Dumbledore's phoenix has..."

"Of course we have other ways." Dumbledore said calmly.

He turned his head to look at Scott, "What do you think, Scott?"

Scott nodded.

Although he didn't understand why Dumbledore mentioned him, he still answered truthfully, "We can only open a spacious underground passage as soon as possible."

Dumbledore nodded.

Everyone in the box fell silent.

The method is actually very simple, but it is not so easy to do.

In other words, if other methods are used to open a passage, the speed may not keep up with the speed of the flames, and coupled with the crowds of people escaping, it is likely to cause a tragedy.

The only way is to use Transfiguration to instantly open an underground passage that is large enough for 100,000 people to escape quickly.

"So I need your help, Scott." Dumbledore said seriously, "Let's go down together. I will be responsible for forming the passage, because there is no guarantee that the soil underground is hard enough. You are responsible for making the formed passage stronger."

"I...Okay, Professor."

Scott didn't know if his magic could hold up, but since Dumbledore said so, he could only nod and agree.

Without further delay, Dumbledore pulled Scott over the railing of the box and jumped down.

When they were about to land, Dumbledore used a shock-absorbing spell to let the two land smoothly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please be patient, we plan to..."

Ms. Burns' voice resounded throughout the venue, and she began to explain Dumbledore and Scott's plan, calling on everyone to settle down as soon as possible and go downstairs in an orderly manner.


As Scott followed Dumbledore to the edge of the lawn, Moody limped over.

"Fortunately, you arrived in time."

The old Auror's face was very ugly.

"We have sacrificed several good guys tonight. If you hadn't arrived in time, I don't know how many people would have suffered."

Then he began to complain loudly about others, especially Bagman.

"I have said long ago that we should hold the next game abroad! Preferably in Europe! But those guys never listen to me! After tonight, the unreliability of our British Ministry of Magic will spread all over the world along with the terror of the Dark Lord..."

"Alastor!" Dumbledore stopped him from speaking, "We will have a lot of time to discuss this matter later. Now please lead the Aurors to organize people to evacuate in an orderly manner."

"Oh, you are right, Albus, I lost my temper."

Moody took two breaths, turned around and rushed away.

Scott glanced at his back.

What happened today seemed to have dealt a heavy blow to the strong old Auror, causing him to lose his former shrewdness and strength just now.

At this time, the athletes with flying brooms had already taken action and began to take people away on their brooms.

Scott took a look and saw that the athletes chose young children.

Everyone could take several children away by flying at the same time.

"We are about to start, Scott." Dumbledore reminded him.

Scott nodded.

Dumbledore bent his legs and half-knelt, chanting a spell, and inserted the Elder Wand into the grass with his backhand.


With a series of muffled sounds, a huge gap opened in the wide lawn.


The gap was still expanding, almost across the entire court.

When the gap became a square shape, a huge passage had been formed.

But the passage was not stable, and sand fell from time to time.


Dumbledore reminded loudly.

Scott, who had already knelt on one knee on the ground, immediately inserted his wand into the ground with his backhand.

Unlike Dumbledore who opened up the entire passage, Scott only needed to make the surface layer of the passage solid, not even including the ground, and the magic power consumed would definitely not be as much as Dumbledore.

But when Scott began to change the material of the soil in the left, right, and top directions of the passage, he instantly felt his magic power draining away at a rapid speed like a dam releasing floodwaters.

Dumbledore's actions did not stop.

While Scott was changing the material of the surface layer of the soil, he also conjured up pillars on both sides of the passage.


When Scott finally finished his work, he felt weak all over, his eyes suddenly went black, and then he lost consciousness.

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