The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 443 443. Waking up and talking in the room

When Scott opened his eyes again, he saw a colorful old poster.

He found himself in Fred and George's room at the Burrow.

"woke up!"

"Scott wake up!"

Fred and George's shouts reached his ears.

Scott wanted to sit up, but he didn't have the strength.

Fortunately, Fred stepped forward to help him up and stuffed two pillows behind his back.

Boom, boom, boom...

The sound of chaotic footsteps sounded, and after a while, the small room became overcrowded.

"Oh honey, are you okay!"

Mrs. Weasley squeezed to the edge of the bed and looked at him with loving eyes.

"I've heard everything." She touched Scott's head like she was her own child, "Thanks to you, you and Dumbledore saved everyone together, it's really amazing!"

"Oh, that's nothing." Scott forced a smile.

"My child, are you feeling well?" Mrs. Weasley asked concernedly.

"It's just that I consumed too much and I don't have any strength." Scott told the truth.

"Then you must be hungry!" Mrs. Weasley straightened up, "I think you need to supplement your nutrition as soon as possible!"

With that said, she turned around directly.

"Quickly give up! Don't crowd in here! I have to prepare some delicious food for this child!"

She directly stretched out her hand to push the others away and rushed out of the room in a hurry.

It wasn't until she left that Scott looked at the others.

There were only the Weasley brothers and sisters, Harry and Hermione in the room, and no adults were seen.

Bill, Charlie, Percy and Ginny only took a look and asked a few questions. After seeing that Scott's body was fine, they also left the crowded room.

"Oh, Fred." Scott turned to look at Fred, who was closest to the bed. "Do you know Roger's condition? Is he okay?"

Fred shook his head, "Sorry, I don't know. It was too chaotic and there were too many people when we left. We didn't see Roger. Everyone apparated home immediately after escaping from the gym."

Scott was still a little worried, "He was hit by Voldemort's Cruciatus Curse. I hope he can be stronger."

He thought of Neville's parents, who had been driven mad by the Cruciatus Curse.

Just then, a pale Harry stepped forward.

"Oh... Scott, I... I don't know what to say... I'm sorry... That's all my fault... Those innocent people... it's all because of me..."

He spoke incoherently, but couldn't speak clearly, as if he had lost his normal language ability.

Scott looked at his sluggish face and the real fear in his eyes, and sighed softly.

"It's not your fault, Harry."


Ron patted Harry on the shoulder, "Look at it, brother, it's really not your fault, it's all... the mysterious man is too evil, you shouldn't feel guilty for this."

Scott smiled, "Ron is right."

He quickly changed the subject.

"Where are Professor Dumbledore and the others?" he asked, "Have the adults gone to deal with the aftermath?"

"Oh, they left quickly."

"I don't know where I went."

Fred and George answered.

"I think they went to the Black house, where Sirius and I lived," Harry said.

"Oh kid, you have to eat more to get better soon!"

The sound of footsteps and voices came at the same time, and Mrs. Weasley burst into the room again.

She brought over a large plate of well-cooked beef patties and a large glass of pumpkin juice.

Fred helped set up a small table in front of Scott.

"If you don't have enough energy, let Fred feed you. Of course, if it's not enough, tell me! Don't be polite!"

Mrs. Weasley put down the plate and cup, quickly took off her apron and tied it around Scott's shoulders. She chatted a few words kindly before leaving again.

"Oh, poor baby Scott, do you want me to feed you?" Fred asked with a playful smile.

Scott decisively refused his help.

Although his hands were a little unsteady, he was still strong and self-reliant.

Several other people did not leave, and they began to talk about how Dumbledore and the others should deal with the incident, and how the British Ministry of Magic, which had lost its prestige, could regain its prestige.

as well as……

What should we do with the Quidditch World Cup finals that haven't even started yet?

When Scott finished three beef patties and drank a large glass of pumpkin juice, he felt a little stronger and asked Fred to put the things away.

So Fred and George divided the remaining beef patties and refused to share it with Ron and Harry who were swallowing their saliva.

At this time, Hermione frowned and asked, "Don't you think that the mysterious man and those Death Eaters behaved a little strangely today?"

"Is there anything strange?" Ron asked puzzledly.

"Yes." Hermione replied, "I was thinking before that they did not choose to launch a direct attack, nor did they choose a moment when most of the audience was obsessed with Veela..."

At this point, she glared at Harry and Ron.

"Or wait until the game gets to its most intense..."

"That's true." Fred touched his chin, "If the mysterious man didn't show up directly..."

George answered, "...if they directly launch a sneak attack with strong fire, wouldn't many people suffer?"

Hermione nodded, "That's what I mean. I always feel that the You-Know-Who kind of came here to show up, even at the end... He knew Dumbledore was there, so he should have known that Dumbledore could save everyone."

"Oh." She added, "He probably didn't expect Scott to play a big role."

Fred smiled and said to Scott, "Indeed, everyone should thank you, brother!"

George also said, "They must not have thought that you could not only tell Dumbledore directly about the situation over there, but also help Dumbledore to conjure up an escape route!"

Scott shook his head.

"Maybe that's exactly where the You-Know-Who is smart." He looked at Hermione and said.

Hermione raised one eyebrow when she heard this, "Why do you say that?"

Scott looked at Harry, "Because his target is only Harry, and there are 100,000 wizards there after all."

"I see!"

Hermione's face changed, and she obviously understood what Scott meant.

"What do you understand?" Ron asked stupidly.

"Didn't Scott make it very clear!" Hermione immediately glared at him.

She didn't notice that when she looked at Ron with contempt, Harry, who was standing beside Ron and was hesitant to speak, immediately shut up.

"Then please tell me, what do you understand?" Ron was despised by Hermione, and of course he was very unhappy.

The contempt in Hermione's eyes became even stronger.

But she was still happy to open her mouth to explain his doubts, "Even if it was the You-Know-Who, it was impossible for him to lead dozens of Death Eaters to fight against 100,000 wizards. His target was only Harry, and the method he chose was the least likely to arouse everyone to resist together!"

After listening to her words, Ron's face was still a little confused, as if he understood, but also seemed not to understand.

The expression on Harry's face was similar to his.

Hermione sighed and continued to explain, "If they directly targeted everyone, it would definitely arouse everyone's fierce resistance. In that case, they would also suffer heavy losses. But they just surrounded everyone, and then the You-Know-Who randomly selected targets for questioning, which took advantage of people's fluke mentality!"

Ron's face showed an expression of sudden enlightenment.

Harry's expression was almost synchronized with his, but he put it away first and didn't let Hermione find out.

Only Scott and the twins noticed this and couldn't help laughing.

But they just laughed silently for a while and then stopped laughing.

The expressions on the faces of the usually lively twins were a little heavy, and Scott couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Recalling the scene at that time, it still felt magical.

Even the whole thing sounded unbelievable.

One hundred thousand people were suppressed by one person.

Almost no one dared to stand up and resist.

"Why is that?" Harry asked at this time, "Why didn't everyone stand up to resist that guy? If he was pointed at by a hundred thousand wands, even Voldemort would flee in panic!"

He frowned, and seemed to be still a little confused.

Hermione said: "Everyone thinks that as long as they are not chosen by that person, they will be fine."

"Those foreigners don't have a deep understanding of the mysterious man, and they may have an attitude of not caring about it and watching the fun." Scott said, "And the British... For a long time, many British wizards have been frightened by the name of the mysterious man."

Scott looked at the other people in the room.

Just look at their generation, especially the children born in wizard families. They have been instilled with the concept of Voldemort's evil, cruelty, and invincibility by their parents since childhood. It can be said that they are afraid of Voldemort.

It can be seen that the fear of Voldemort by parents of the previous generation is also very real.

After all, only a few people can muster the courage to fight against the Dark Lord.

Scott's eyes stopped on Harry.

"I think it's amazing that you had the courage to take the initiative to stand up at that time, Harry."

Others also agreed with him.

But Harry was embarrassed under the gaze of several people.

"I didn't think so much, of course, I was also scared." He said, "But I can't do it, I can't hide myself and watch others get killed because of me."

Ron smiled and patted his shoulder again.

"You did a great job at that time, brother, I think 100,000 wizards from all over the world have remembered your name!"

Harry shook his head and blushed.

"Of course, it was the World Cup final, and there were many reporters at the scene." Fred said.

"Wait, I think Scott, who saved everyone with Dumbledore, will also become a big star!" George's tone was very sure.

Scott didn't blush like Harry, he remembered what Dumbledore said.

"Magic is the power of belief."

This was Dumbledore's special reminder to him.


"No one should be afraid of him, they should call him by his name, Voldemort."

This is what Dumbledore said in the "original book". Although the original sentence is no longer remembered, the meaning is the same.


It is precisely because everyone is afraid of Voldemort that Voldemort is invincible.

It is precisely because Dumbledore is never afraid of Voldemort that he is the only person Voldemort is afraid of.

Although this guess is unscientific, it is undoubtedly magical.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but say his guess.

"Well said, Scott."

Dumbledore walked into the room at that moment.

"Professor Dumbledore!"

Several people in the room looked at him in surprise.

Fred quickly stood up and made way for Dumbledore to sit on his bed.

"Sorry, I've been eavesdropping on your conversation for a long time." Dumbledore said to them cheerfully like an old naughty boy.

Several people looked at him in surprise.

"Oh..." Scott didn't expect it either, "My magic power hasn't recovered yet, so I couldn't sense it."

Dumbledore looked wider.

"Professor, you...don't you have to go to work?" Harry asked softly.

Dumbledore shook his head, "The officials of the Ministry of Magic are working hard, but I am just a principal who cares about the students. It is summer vacation again, and there are not many things that require me to be busy."

Scott thought that although no one refuted it, no one would believe the old principal's pretentious words.

"I'm very pleased that you are all smart children." Dumbledore continued cheerfully, "Especially you, Scott, you are talking about issues that most adult wizards cannot figure out. Only you See clearly the true nature of Voldemort."

Scott was surprised and asked, "Is it true? Voldemort can draw power from people's fears?"

After hearing his question, several other people reacted and understood what he just expressed, and their expressions changed drastically.

"How is that possible?" Hermione exclaimed and covered her mouth.

"You can also say that." Dumbledore blinked. "When people are afraid of Voldemort, they will lose the power to fight against him. When everyone no longer fears him, Voldemort will no longer be able to dominate."

His statement was somewhat ambiguous and did not confirm Scott's speculation, but he did not deny it either.

"I'm sorry." He continued, "Maybe tonight is the best chance to defeat Voldemort. If everyone here can muster the courage, even if everyone just casts the simplest coma spell, it is not self-proclaimed. The Dark Lord's Voldemort can resist."

After saying this somewhat enigmatic statement, he told Scott to take a good rest, and then left the room directly.

Harry hurriedly followed him.

The room was silent as everyone thought about what Dumbledore had just said.

After a while, footsteps sounded, and Harry ran back again.

He told everyone: "Dumbledore left the Burrow again. I didn't get to say a few more words to him. He was really busy."

Ron guessed, "Maybe he was just worried, so he came to see Scott."

After Harry, Ron, and Hermione left the room, Fred took out his [Magic Camera].

"I secretly filmed what happened today." He said to Scott and George, "Add the images stored in Scott [Magic Mirror], and you can edit the complete process."

"Oh, you want..." George's eyes widened.

"No, I'm still thinking," Fred said.

"Forget it." Scott said, "A hundred thousand people have witnessed this, and everyone knows it. Not only is there no value in trafficking, but it may also bring danger to us."

Besides, if the scene of 100,000 people being suppressed by one person spread, it might only further spread Voldemort's terror and undermine people's confidence.

"You're right." Fred nodded, "It seems that only when we completely defeat the Dark Lord can this video be seen as history."

Scott didn't dwell on this problem. He suddenly remembered that he could use his mobile phone to call Roger's house.

But after he tried, he found that there was no way to use a mobile phone in the magical Burrow.

Fortunately, he had regained some strength, so with the help of Fred and George, he left the confines of the Burrow and finally got through Roger's home phone.

The phone rang for a while before it was picked up.

It was Roger's mother, Mrs. Davis, who answered the phone.

Mrs. Davis tells Scott that Roger is being treated at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Magical Injuries.

Although the pain was excruciating, there was not much danger.

Scott was relieved.

As a Muggle, Mrs. Davis could not go to St. Mungo's to accompany Roger. Fortunately, Mr. Davis came home through the fireplace and explained the situation before, which made her less panicked.

After hearing what Mr. Davis said about the situation, Mrs. Davis was very grateful to him after knowing Scott's identity and said many words of thanks.

Scott noticed her uneasiness, so he chatted with her for a long time and said a lot of comforting words.

After hanging up the phone, Scott couldn't help but feel lucky for Roger.

Of course, there is also that kid Eddie. Fortunately, Mr. Davis stood up to protect him, otherwise we don’t know what would have happened.

If Voldemort had taken action directly against Eddie, Rimbaud would have been unable to catch up with him at his speed.

After making the call, Scott was about to let Fred and George help him back, but when he turned around, he saw Luna running over from a distance.


Luna panted and ran to Scott.

"We heard about what happened in the World Cup finals today, and I asked Dad to take me back. Of course, I wanted to find you. Dad asked Mr. Weasley, and I found out that you were at the Burrow!"

She looked up at him, and while speaking, she stretched out her hand and gently held one of Scott's hands.

"Great, you're fine." She looked at the twins again, "I mean, you're all fine, right?"

"Thank you, Luna, we're all fine." Scott said with a smile.

Fred and George didn't answer, but patted Scott on the back secretly.

"Cough! Cough cough!"

Scott looked up after a cough, and then saw a wizard walking behind Luna.

His outfit looked a little funny, with cotton candy-like white hair on his shoulders, the tassels on his hat hanging straight in front of his nose, and he was wearing a bright and dazzling robe.

More importantly, his face looked a little ugly at this time, and his slightly crossed eyes were staring at Scott's hand held by Luna, and he kept coughing.


Scott smiled at him friendly.


The wizard's face became even uglier, he ignored Scott and called Luna.

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