The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 444 444. Confrontation with Mr. Lovegood


Luna turned around and looked at the white-haired wizard in confusion.

She didn't seem to feel the two gazes that were about to burn Scott's hand. Anyway, she didn't let go of her hand.

"Hello, Mr. Lovegood." Scott greeted him politely, "I am Luna's classmate in Ravenclaw, Scott Trollope."

"Hello, Mr. Lovegood."

Fred and George also greeted him casually.

"Well, hello."

Mr. Lovegood nodded reservedly.

He took two steps forward, pretending to casually reach out and hold Luna's wrist, pulling her hand back from Scott's hand.

Then he took Luna back two steps.

Luna was a little caught off guard and looked up at her father in surprise.

But Mr. Lovegood didn't meet her eyes, but stared at Scott tightly, while holding Luna's hand tightly.

Throughout the process, he kept a polite fake smile on his face.

"My father and I were originally looking for Scimitar-horned Snorkellers in the wild. After hearing what happened tonight, Luna was very worried about you friends and couldn't wait to come back to confirm whether you were okay."

Scott heard it clearly. When he said the words "you friends", Mr. Lovegood's tone was a little bit gritted.

Then, Fred and George's suppressed laughter came from behind.

Scott was still very calm.

"Thank you, Luna." He smiled at Luna again and looked at her father again, "Of course, thank you for your concern, Mr. Lovegood."

"You're welcome."

"I didn't care about you."

The voices of the father and daughter sounded almost at the same time.

The difference is that Luna had a sincere smile on her face, while Mr. Lovegood's fake smile mask was almost broken.

But Scott always pretended that he couldn't see his disguise and talked to Luna openly.

"Everything that happened today was too thrilling. The You-Know-Who showed up in public, killed people, and looked for Harry in front of everyone. Fortunately, you didn't go."

"Oh, is Harry okay?"

"He's fine. Dumbledore arrived in time."

"Are the others really okay?"

"The You-Know-Who killed a group of Irish people, and Roger, who was cursed by the You-Know-Who."

"Is Roger okay?"

"I just contacted Mrs. Davis. She told me that Roger is receiving treatment at St. Mungo's and should be well soon."

"Oh, should we go see him?"

"I'm going to go."

"Really? I'll go with you."


The two chatted as if no one was around under the watch of three people, and agreed to visit Roger at St. Mungo's together.

"Cough... cough..."

Unlike Scott's real calmness, Mr. Lovegood, who had been pretending to be calm, couldn't help but cough again, interrupting their conversation.

"Dad, are you sick?"

Luna was attracted by the cough and turned her head to ask with concern.

"Ahem... no." Mr. Lovegood raised his hand and loosened his collar, "Dad just has a sore throat."


Luna nodded gently, and turned to chat with Scott again.

"When are you going to see Roger? You don't look well?"

"Tomorrow." Scott replied, "I'm just a little weak, and I'll recover after a good sleep."

"Okay, then tomorrow..."


Mr. Lovegood pulled Luna's hand.

"What's wrong? Dad."

Luna looked at him puzzled.

Mr. Lovegood smiled at Luna naturally, "Who is the Roger you are talking about? Can you tell Dad?"

"Roger Davis, the captain of the Ravenclaw College team, is also a friend of Scott and me." Luna answered honestly.

Mr. Lovegood glanced at Scott with a dark face, and when he looked at Luna again, his face instantly changed to a loving father.

"Oh, you want to visit your friends at St. Mungo's? Of course, that's no problem, but you have to go with me."

Luna looked at him in surprise, "But didn't Dad tell me that because of the news about the mysterious man tonight, you are going to publish a supplement as soon as possible?"

"No... It's okay." Mr. Lovegood coughed twice again, "I can make time to accompany you."

Luna shook her head gently, "No, Dad, I can go with Scott."

Mr. Lovegood's eyes widened at his daughter's decisive refusal.

"No, it's too dangerous." He said loudly, "You know, the mysterious man and the Death Eaters are eyeing everyone, you are still young, you can't go out alone without an adult!"

"But Dad..."

Luna looked up at him straight.

"I think everyone will focus on protecting St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Diseases. There will be no danger there, and Scott's magic may be a little stronger than yours."

"Impossible!" Mr. Lovegood was hit hard and shouted in disbelief.

Luna still looked serious, "I remember what I told you, Scott is a true genius."

"Oh, Luna..."

Mr. Lovegood's expression was exaggerated, and he put his hand over his heart.


Looking at this scene, unlike Scott's expression, Fred and George had begun to laugh quietly.


Mr. Lovegood turned his head decisively when he heard the laughter.

He let go of Luna's hand, stood in front of her to block her view, and glared at Scott fiercely.

"Scott, are you the one who said big things about my daughter?" He pulled out his wand and pointed it at Scott, "For the dignity of a father, I will fight you!"


Scott looked at this particularly dramatic gentleman with calm eyes.

"What's that look in your eyes?"

The hurt father seemed to be even more angry, and his eyes that were just slightly opposite to each other turned into the most authentic cross-eyes.

"Don't you dare to pull out your magic wand to prove your lies?" he asked angrily.

The atmosphere at this moment seemed really tense, and even Fred and George stopped laughing.

But Scott, who had recovered some of his magic power, was still not nervous.

In his perception of magic power, although Mr. Lovegood's magic power fluctuations are not very stable, they are not violent either. This means that although his exaggerated emotions at the moment have some real elements, they are more of a deliberate performance. .

Luna, who poked her head out from behind him, obviously knew her father very well, so she just smiled apologetically at Scott and did not stop Mr. Lovegood's performance.

"Sorry, Mr. Lovegood."

Although Scott was very polite, he decisively refused.

"Due to the previous accident, I am completely exhausted now and cannot accept your invitation to a duel."

"Oh, you mean, if you hadn't lost your strength, you would have accepted my invitation to a duel?" The expression on Mr. Lovegood's face was mixed. "In other words, you are not exaggerating?"

Scott nodded straightforwardly, "Of course, I have never boasted about anything."

Mr. Lovegood's brows furrowed.

Scott smiled at Luna again, "You should believe in your daughter, Mr. Lovegood. Luna has a pair of eyes that can distinguish truth from falsehood, and a wise mind. In short, I don't think anyone can deceive her." ”

Listening to his words, Mr. Lovegood's expression suddenly relaxed.

"That's right, boy!"

He suddenly laughed and withdrew the wand pointed at Scott.

"Of course Luna is excellent!"

He turned and rubbed the top of Luna's head.

"Sorry, Luna, daddy underestimated you."

"It's okay." Luna laughed cheerfully, "This is fun!"

The father and daughter looked at each other and smiled, laughing louder and louder, laughing and holding hands and spinning around twice, like two madmen.

"Oh...that's what their family is like."

"Luna learned her craziness from Mr. Lovegood."

Fred and George whispered to Scott.

The Lovegoods and their daughters were noisy for a while before they stopped.

"I said yes, boy," Mr. Lovegood said to Scott.

His attitude changed for no reason, and the look he looked at Scott became normal.

"Luna can go to St. Mungo's with you to visit friends, but you must protect her!"

Scott promised, "Of course, I will take care of Luna, Mr. Lovegood."

"Well, good." Mr. Lovegood looked at Scott a few more times, then nodded, "I admire you, boy, because you are so calm and polite."

As he spoke, he shook the wand in his hand again.

"By the way, I want to give you a piece of advice. If you want to become a more powerful genius, you should have more pure curiosity. You are too calm now!"


Scott was speechless.

As expected of the editor-in-chief of "The Quibbler" magazine, he could say such inconsistent things one after another without changing his expression.

"How's it going? Do you understand me?" Mr. Lovegood asked, staring at Scott.

"Thank you for the reminder." Scott smiled back.

"Very good." Mr. Lovegood clapped his hands happily, "Now, let me interview you."

He quickly put away his wand, took out a pen and paper, and began to ask Scott and the twins about their experiences in the World Cup finals. He also asked a lot of tricky questions.

Scott answered all his questions truthfully, including everything he did.

Mr. Lovegood was so happy that he wrote down his answers as he asked.

He was not worried about what he would expose, because he knew very well that few people in the wizarding world would believe the information published in The Quibbler.

Generally speaking, people treat this magazine as recreational reading and do not take it seriously at all.


If Scott's answer only pleased Mr. Lovegood, the twins' answer turned him on completely.

Unlike Scott's truthful answers, Fred and George competed with Eddie in this regard. They particularly liked to add fuel to the fire, and could even tell an ordinary trivial matter in a bizarre and interesting way.

In short, the three like-minded people quickly got together happily, the twins ignored Scott, and Mr. Lovegood also ignored Luna.

"I didn't expect the situation to be so urgent."

Luna, who also listened to Scott's story, said with emotion.

"No way, that's the Dark Lord." Scott shrugged his shoulders, "Just to face him requires courage."

But Luna's interest doesn't seem to be this.

"Oh, I'm more interested in the [magic phone] you mentioned." She said excitedly, "You gave the [magic phone] you invented to Dumbledore so that you can contact him in time, right?"

Scott understood, took out a deformed lizard skin bag from his pocket, took out a small mirror, which was a completed [magic phone] and handed it to Luna.

"It was originally for you."

"Oh, thank you."

Luna happily reached out and took it.

"First, input your magic power to activate it..."

Scott began to instruct her how to use it.

Luna seemed very happy and had a lot of fun. She also tried to send messages to Scott face to face and video call him.

After a long time, Mr. Lovegood, who finally got satisfaction from the twins, ran over to separate the two people who were gathered together and took Luna home.

When he left, Mr. Lovegood turned around and glared at Scott several times, completely missing the attitude that he had just said he admired him.

After the father and daughter left, Fred and George began to laugh with joy.

"Oh, it's unbelievable, George!"

"I know, Fred, I'm glad to see that Mr. Lovegood has finally found his nemesis!"

The two looked very happy.

"Someone who calmly faced all his crazy actions."

"Someone who wanted to kidnap his precious daughter."

"It's simply the biggest enemy in his life!"

As they said this, the two tried to act out the dialogue between Luna and Mr. Lovegood, trying to recreate the scene where Mr. Lovegood was hit by Luna's blunt words.

But in the end, the two not only failed to perform successfully, but also "beat" each other.

They had the biggest disagreement on the issue of role allocation. Neither Fred nor George was willing to play the role of Luna calling each other "Dad".

Scott looked at the brothers rolling on the grass in silence, and did not get involved in their love. He walked back to the Burrow with pain all over his body.

The next morning, not long after Scott got up, Luna took the initiative to come to the Weasley family.

Hearing that they were going to visit Roger, not only the twins, but also Harry took the initiative to join their trip.

Afterwards, the five of them passed through the fireplace at home and went to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries in London.

The atmosphere in the hospital was a bit tense, and the therapists coming and going were very busy.

"Merlin, there are too many patients. I haven't closed my eyes all night!"

"Really, they are all guys injured by crowding and trampling, and there is only one patient injured by the spell!"

Hearing the complaints of two passing therapists, Scott realized that the process of people evacuating from the gym last night was not as smooth as he imagined.

"The Spell Injury Department is on the fifth floor."

After asking the front desk, they went straight to the fifth floor and found Roger's ward.

As soon as Scott entered the room, he saw Roger lying on the bed, seemingly asleep, with Mr. Davis and Eddie guarding his bedside.


The moment Mr. Davis saw Scott, he stood up and walked over to hold his hand tightly.

"Oh, Scott, I don't know how to thank you. Eddie told me that the crow that saved us was yours."

Scott smiled and said, "You're so polite, Uncle Davis, how is Roger?"

"He's fine." Mr. Davis turned his head and glanced at Roger on the bed. "The therapist said he is recovering, and sleep can repair his spirit."

Scott nodded, "That's good, I've been worried, he suffered painful torture after all."

"It's okay." Mr. Davis waved his hand, "As long as there are no sequelae, it's nothing for a man to suffer."

Scott smiled and introduced the other people who came with him to visit Roger.

"Sorry, Mr. Davis..."

Harry came up and started to apologize.

"Stop!" Mr. Davis laughed helplessly and stopped Harry's apology, "I've heard enough apologies."

He pointed to Eddie, who was sitting silently beside the bed with his head down.

"Anyway, go and persuade Eddie." He said to Scott, "I've already said that it's not his fault, but he feels guilty all the time and refuses to go home. He insists on staying here."

Scott had noticed Eddie's unusual behavior a long time ago. When he heard what Mr. Davis said, he walked up to him.

"Hey, this is not like you, Eddie. When did you become a taciturn person?"


Eddie slowly raised his head.

He looked very haggard, with puffy bags under his eyes and two big dark circles under his eyes. The fat on his face seemed to have lost a circle in just one night.

"You guy..."

Scott patted his shoulder.

"You don't have to persuade me." Eddie acted calmly, "I know it's not my fault."

Isn't this very clear?

Scott didn't quite understand why Mr. Davis asked him to persuade this guy.

"But I still feel guilty." Eddie said again, "I was so scared that I couldn't even say a word."

Although you know it's not your fault, do you still feel guilty?

Although Scott did not continue to ask, he almost understood his psychology.

He asked softly, "Because you feel that kind of fear and despair, you feel that you are too weak and regret not working harder to become stronger in the past?"

"You are right." Eddie nodded and forced a smile.

"You think too much." Scott patted his shoulder again, "You are a grade younger than me, and your grades are usually very good."

Eddie shook his head again, "That is not an excuse. I know that I am slack. After this incident, I also recognize the reality of today. If we can't restore peace to the magic world, the money-making plans we once imagined will never come true."

"So you want to work hard?"

Eddie clenched his fists, "In order to realize my media empire as soon as possible, I must clear all obstacles in front of me!"

Scott laughed.

It seems that this kid doesn't need to be persuaded at all.

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