The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 446 446. Decided to go to the Sea of ​​Oaks

While Scott was thinking, Luna also finished reading the letter in her hand.

"What are you going to do?" she asked Scott.

Scott thought for a moment.

Although he temporarily gave up the idea of ​​going to the Sea of ​​Oak after reading the letter, he was still a little unwilling.

Medea fell into a deep sleep, and the opportunity was now too good.

"I think I need some advice now."

As he said this, he was about to call the portrait of Ravenclaw.

"Any suggestions?" Luna asked.

Scott turned his head to look, just in time to see the change in her eyes.

The mist rose in those originally clear silver-gray eyes, becoming hazy and mysterious.

"I saw it..." Luna's tone became erratic, "Perhaps you should really go there, but the Sea of ​​Oak is not the end of your journey."

Scott was stunned for a moment, and then he was a little happy, "What did you see, Luna?"

Unfortunately, Luna blinked and her eyes returned to normal.

"I'm sorry I can't see any more," she said softly.

"No problem, thank you."

Although he was a little regretful, Scott didn't pay too much attention.

Luna's eyes are quite magical. After getting along with her for such a long time, he has learned more about these natural "magic eyes".

These eyes can give Luna a prophecy-like ability, but this is different from a true prophecy.

Luna cannot make specific conclusions about the future of people or things like a master of prophecy, but her ability is also extremely good.

The "seeing" she talks about is more of an intuition. This magical intuition allows her to see through many things and even give correct guidance to others.

Although this kind of guidance is only a general direction guide, the premise is that it is "correct", and for Scott, this is enough.

"Next, I'll ask my mentor for advice," Scott told Luna.

He took out the blank picture frame from the shapeshifting lizard skin pouch and began to summon the Ravenclaw mentor.

"You have missed several days of lessons, my apprentice."

Ravenclaw's portrait soon appeared in the blank frame.

Scott apologized, "Sorry, dear mentor, I think you already know about what happened the day before."

Ravenclaw nodded slightly, "Yes, I already know. After all, I don't understand why people insist on holding Quidditch games under today's circumstances... Oh."

She looked at Luna.

"Hello, little girl."

"Hello, dear Lady Ravenclaw."

Luna's eyes widened and she stared at the Ravenclaw in the portrait.

Scott introduced, "This is Luna Lovegood, also a student of Ravenclaw House."

"Of course." Ravenclaw looked at Luna and smiled with satisfaction, "I can tell at a glance that she is a child of our Ravenclaw Academy."

"It's my pleasure."

Luna tilted her head and smiled happily.

Scott introduced the Ravenclaws to Luna's strange gift, and the eyes that showed it.

"Yes, because a special magical animal lives in my eyes, and they can help me see some unusual things." Luna nodded seriously, "We call them Xingnao Flies."

Ravenclaw also laughed happily after hearing what Luna said.

She did not refute Luna's words, but chose to follow her words: "It is indeed possible. No wizard dares to say that he has truly understood the whole world. Congratulations, you are really a lucky little girl. However, I guess the little thing that lives in your eyes can grow further and play a more important role."

Luna smiled even wider with Ravenclaw's approval.

"I will work hard." She said, "I have discovered that more powerful magic can make them grow better."

She and Ravenclaw quickly became familiar with each other.

Moreover, Ravenclaw's attitude towards Luna is much kinder and gentler than that towards Scott.

She asked Luna some questions and quickly expressed her appreciation for her.

Unlike other people, Ravenclaw's ability to deal with Luna without any obstacles is a magical brain circuit, even smoother than Scott's. She and Luna had a great conversation.

"This little girl may become an amazing wizard." Ravenclaw said to Scott, "Not only because of her talent, but also because she understands the world from a different perspective than ordinary people. In short, it is very interesting."

Scott wasn't surprised.

Because he also thinks highly of Luna.

Next, Scott told Ravenclaw about the current situation of the druids and wanted to seek her advice.

"Do you want to enter Avalon?" Ravenclaw asked.

Scott nodded, "If we can destroy Slytherin's arrangement in advance..."

"But the scabbard of the Sword in the Lake is needed to open the passage." Ravenclaw reminded him. "After Salazar entered Avalon with the scabbard, he closed the passage from the inside."

Scott said: "I think the druids of the Doherty family should have a way to open the channel."

At first, Slytherin ignored the objections of the druids and forced the passage with his sword scabbard, causing a lot of casualties.

Ravenclaw agreed with his guess, "Then you go there. When faced with the prophecy, you always have to do something."

Of course, she, like Luna, advised Scott not to go alone.

"You're too young, Scott, and your words don't carry enough weight."

Scott had to admit it.

Ravenclaw also lamented, "Fortunately, times have changed. Since the heirs of the Druid Priests also attended Hogwarts, it means that today's Hogwarts also has some weight for them. If it were our time , I’m afraid no one can influence those conservative druids, even Salazar can only achieve those things through violence.”

"Perhaps Professor Flitwick would be willing to accompany me," Scott said.

Of course, if Dumbledore came forward, those people would give him more face.

It's a pity that Dumbledore must be very busy now having to deal with Voldemort.

After finishing the exchange with Ravenclaw, Scott took out the [Magic Mirror] and began to contact Professor Flitwick.

"Scott? Oh, and Luna, hello."

Professor Flitwick's face soon appeared in the mirror.

"Hello, Professor."

"Good afternoon, Professor."

Scott and Luna greeted Professor Flitwick at the same time.

"Oh, I heard what happened last night. You did a great job, Scott." Professor Flitwick said with a smile, "You and Albus were featured in the Daily Prophet together, and now everyone Everyone knows that a gifted student has appeared in Ravenclaw House."


Scott and Luna looked at each other, both a little surprised.

"We haven't seen today's Daily Prophet yet," Scott said. "We went to St. Mungo's early in the morning to visit Roger."

"Roger? He's hurt?"

Professor Flitwick immediately became concerned about Roger's condition.

After listening to Scott's story, Professor Flitwick suddenly realized.

"So he was the one who was cast by the mysterious man with the Cruciatus Curse? Poor kid, luckily he's fine!"

Scott nodded and began to talk about his current thoughts and the situation faced by the Doherty family, and directly asked Professor Flitwick for help.

"Is this what you think?" Professor Flitwick was a little surprised. "Of course, I can accompany you, but those druids may not listen to me."

Scott said: "I want to try it. Medea doesn't know when she will wake up. Now may be the best time."

Professor Flitwick nodded, agreeing with his idea.

"Then, tomorrow." He said to Scott, "I will come to find you early tomorrow morning."

"Thank you, Professor, I'm staying at the Weasley's now."

After ending the call, Scott sent another message to William, who was undercover in the Guild.

Not long after, William replied.

But unfortunately, there hasn't been much progress on William's side.

But he still told Scott some information.

[Only the few wizards who were resurrected with pottery figurines know where the lady is now. Everything about them is controlled by her and they will never betray her. ]

[I suspect that the lady had made arrangements before she fell asleep. The most urgent thing for the entire witch coven at the moment is to elect a Minister of Magic of her own. ]

[They have already begun to exert their efforts, and the candidate they recommended is the Secretary-General of the Minister's Office, Mr. Graves. ]

Milton's father?

Scott was a little surprised.


This may be the most suitable candidate.

The Guild was established not long ago, and among the members of the Ministry of Magic, the person with the highest responsibilities in the past was undoubtedly Fudge as the Minister.

But now that Fudge is dead, Mr. Graves, who serves as Secretary-General, has become the one with the highest position.

Although Mr. Graves' position is not too high, if coupled with Mrs. Zabini's formidable connections, it is indeed possible to rise to the top.

"Medea wouldn't have been targeting Mr. Graves a long time ago." Scott muttered.

"Why do you say that?" Luna asked curiously.

Scott told her, "Because Mrs. Zabini married Mr. Graves under the arrangement of Medea."

"Why him?" Luna was puzzled.

Scott didn't understand either.

Mr. Graves doesn't seem to have anything worthy of Medea's attention, right?

Is it because he doesn’t have a strong family behind him that he is easy to control?

Scott shook his head, subconsciously feeling that this was definitely not the reason.

Is there anything else he hasn't discovered yet?


Let’s not mention the reason why Medea chose Mr. Graves...Scott thought of the time when Mr. Graves secretly took Milton’s mother to listen to his son’s concert. He may not have truly surrendered to Medea. Ya.

Scott wasn't sure.

Because there is another possibility...

This possibility was a bit scary, and Scott had never said it in front of Milton.

What if Milton's mother didn't cheat on him and she really left?

If Mr. Graves and Mrs. Zabini married just for power, they would each have their own way of life after marriage.

If Mr. Graves was reluctant to let go of his first love, found Milton's mother who had escaped, and forcibly detained her...

If that's the case, it's a bit too bloody.

Scott shook his head, trying not to think about the possibility.

He conveyed the message from William to Professor Flitwick and Ravenclaw, then said goodbye to Luna and Mr. Lovegood, and headed to the Burrow.

Although Luna wanted to invite him to stay and have dinner together, Scott left in order to no longer irritate Mr. Lovegood's poor and fragile little heart.

When he rejected Luna's invitation, Mr. Lovegood was obviously relieved.

Back at the Burrow, Scott found that Hermione had left.

Not only Hermione, but Bill and Charlie had also left and returned to their work places.

But Harry was still there.

"Hermione went home." Harry said, "but I have to stay here. Sirius is too busy to go home now. By the way, he has become an official Auror."

Sirius became an Auror?

Scott was very surprised to hear the news.

With Sirius's unrestrained personality, it is hard to believe that he would be willing to be an Auror.

"There is no way. The Ministry of Magic is in urgent need of manpower now. In order to fight against the darkness, Sirius also wants to contribute."

Although Harry said helplessly, the pride in his tone could not be hidden.

Scott smiled and said, "It seems that you are very much looking forward to the profession of Auror."

"Yes." Harry was a little embarrassed, "If possible, I also want to become an Auror in the future."

Harry's ideal was highly praised by Mrs. Weasley, who used it as a positive example to criticize the twins who "did not do their job properly."

But her criticism was just a painless blow to Fred and George.

"Oh, did you hear that, George? Mom is still dreaming about this unrealistic dream."

"I heard it, Fred. But I thought I was hallucinating."

"Oh, Mom, I thought we've known each other for 16 years and we're familiar with each other."

"That's right, Mom, you're not a girl anymore, you're past the age of dreaming."

The two's witty remarks made Mrs. Weasley furious. She wanted to teach them a lesson with a spatula, and the Burrow was in chaos again.

Scott was amused.

Fred and George were even more erratic than Sirius, and hated any kind of restraint. Mrs. Weasley's wish for her son to be successful was obviously unattainable.

Mrs. Weasley chased the twins panting but couldn't catch up, so she could only stand there and scold them loudly.

Scott, who was in the newspaper for participating in Dumbledore's super-large Transfiguration, was also used as an example by her, which made the twins tease Scott.

Therefore, Scott also saw the Daily Prophet of that day.

Although Voldemort was on the front page, Scott's name was on the second page. The photo in the newspaper was exactly the scene of him and Dumbledore cooperating in performing Transfiguration.

Scott wanted to brag about the process of creating a huge passage and stabilizing it from a bystander's perspective.

Because it was really spectacular.

Except for the twins, everyone else envied him.

Especially Ron, whose envious eyes were almost becoming real.

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