The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 447 447. Conditions for opening the channel

On a new morning, the arrival of Professor Flitwick broke the tranquility of the Burrow.

Regarding the prophecy, Scott never told anyone else, so he only said that he had something to do with Professor Flitwick.

Although Fred and George were curious, Scott had no intention of telling them about the trouble.

He simply said goodbye to them and the others, and emphatically thanked Mrs. Weasley for her care, before leaving with Professor Flitwick.

And, of course, Rimbaud.

After leaving the Burrow, Professor Flitwick used Apparition to take Scott and Rimbaud to an uninhabited hill.

"So, do you know how to get to the Druid's territory, Scott?" Professor Flitwick asked, "Or is there someone who can lead the way for us?"

Scott took out the door key that once took him to the Sea of ​​Oak.

After a while, they appeared in the underground stone room where Scott had been.

Using the lighting spell, Scott discovered that the stone wall he had damaged had not been repaired.

Because of his previous experience, this time Scott did not wander around in the passage connecting the stone chamber, but directly used a magic spell to break the top of the passage, and came to the ground with Professor Flitwick.

"Is this the Sea of ​​Oaks?"

Professor Flitwick looked around and marveled at the endless oak forest.

Scott told Rimbaud, "Go find Savannah, Rimbaud, and tell her that the professor and I have arrived."

"no problem."

Rimbaud nodded, spread his wings and flew into the sky.

"Let's wait here, Professor." Scott turned to Professor Flitwick and said, "It's too easy to get lost in this oak forest. Last time I managed to get to the center with great difficulty."

Professor Flitwick nodded without objection.

He said enthusiastically: "Druids are a group of conservative people. I know about their existence, and I once wanted to contact them out of curiosity, but they are very exclusive."

"In the final analysis, there is no difference between druids and wizards," Scott said. "They are both human beings who manipulate magic. They just study magic in different directions."

Professor Flitwick nodded, "Although I have only read a few words in books, their magic is indeed unique."

Scott smiled, "What I'm interested in is their transformation technique. Unlike wizards, whose Animagus has a fixed form, druids can transform into different animals."

Professor Flitwick was obviously also very interested, "Unfortunately, only they themselves know how they did this."

The two stood there chatting and waiting. Half an hour later, Rimbaud flew back.

"I've met Savannah, she's almost here." It landed on Scott's shoulder.

Scott unfolded his magic perception and soon noticed that two magic waves were rapidly approaching their location.

"I feel surprised every time I sense their magic power." He couldn't help but say, "The pure magic power is almost integrated with nature. In such an environment, it is harder to sense than the magic power of wizards."

Likewise, he cannot rely on magic perception to identify a druid's character through the nature of magic.

Soon, footsteps sounded.

Scott looked up and saw two gray wolves, one big and one small, flying through the woods, like fleeting shadows.

Soon, two wolves came to them.

The little wolf elongated and turned into Savannah, whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

"Long time no see, Scott! Professor Flitwick!"

The girl looks completely different from the one she used to look like when she was a student at Hogwarts. She has put on the traditional attire of a druid.

Those unrefined feathers or animal bone decorations gave her a more wild temperament.

Perhaps because of the run just now, her face was as red as her hair color.

"Welcome to the Sea of ​​Oaks."

At this moment, the giant wolf with gray hair turned into an old man with gray beard and hair.

He has a pair of eagle-like eyes, and his sight is particularly sharp.

Above the eyes are two thick gray-white eyebrows, and the long beard on the chin is braided into several braids and decorated with some colorful beads and strips of cloth.

"Hello, I'm Savannah's grandfather, Patrick Dougherty."

The old Druid first looked at Scott deeply, and then greeted Professor Flitwick politely.

"Thank you for taking care of my granddaughter at Hogwarts, Professor."

"Oh, that's my profession, Mr. Doherty."

Professor Flitwick shook hands with the other party excitedly.

"Savanna is a good student. It's a pity that she didn't graduate from Hogwarts."

"She has her own way to go." The old Druid said in a stiff tone, "It's enough to have seen the magic of wizards."

"Of course, oh, I'm just a little pity." Professor Flitwick smiled awkwardly.

Scott on the side was a little helpless.

He asked Professor Flitwick to accompany him because he wanted him to support him, but Professor Flitwick was really not a strong person and was a bit too upright. He only spoke a few words and fell behind.

Fortunately, Savannah's grandfather was not a cunning guy, he just had a tough temper. It didn't take long for the atmosphere of the conversation to gradually improve.

"I'm sorry, my grandfather has been in a bad mood because of those things." Savannah told Scott quietly.

"It's okay. We disturbed her." Scott smiled politely.

"You are still so polite." Savannah seemed a little unhappy, "but you didn't do that to Luna."

"Maybe it's because I disturbed you presumptuously, so I feel a little embarrassed." Scott smiled awkwardly but politely.


Savanah wanted to say something, but the old druid's sharp eagle eyes immediately swept over.

"Savanah, you should remember your duties." He said in a warning tone.

Savannah's originally lively expression immediately became depressed.

She lowered her head and replied, "I know, grandfather."

Scott felt the sharp eyes on him move away, and quickly changed the subject.

"How is your brother, Aaron, now?"

"Oh, don't worry, he can't do anything now." Savannah said, "His unauthorized actions made me very angry. After becoming a priest, I trapped him with the power of the sacred tree. He can only be trapped there until his spirit and consciousness return to his body."

"Is this okay?" Scott glanced at the old druid who was talking to Professor Flitwick.

"This is also the punishment that grandfather wants to give him." Savannah said, "We all hope that he can reflect on his mistakes..."

"Come here, kid."

Just then, the old druid waved to Scott.

"Hello, Mr. Doherty."

Scott glanced at Professor Flitwick and walked over obediently.

The old druid did not answer, but stared at him closely with his sharp eyes.

Scott felt some pressure, but did not back down.

After a long time, the deep grooves on the old druid's face became a little relaxed, and his eyes became a little calmer.

"I also want to apologize to you for the trouble that Aaron has brought you."

Scott said politely: "Savana has already apologized on behalf of Aaron for that matter. Since Aaron has been punished, let's forget about it."

Anyway, now that he needs help from these druids, it's not easy to care about Aaron's attempt to trick him.

"Your guess is correct. We do have a way to open the passage. That is a method other than using the power of the scabbard of the sword in the lake." He said to Scott, "But opening the passage is a big deal and a difficult decision. We have not yet reached a conclusion on this."

"So, which view do you prefer?" Scott asked him.

The old man's eyes became sharp again, "Although the old man is old, he doesn't want to escape without a fight."

It seems that this priest of the previous generation is also inclined to take the initiative.

Scott was delighted.


The old man raised his hand to stop him from saying, "I must tell you, kid, opening the passage is not an easy thing. Although we have the method, we still lack some conditions."

Scott hurriedly said, "Please tell me in detail."

The old druid frowned, and the grooves on his face were deeply revealed again.

"Maybe Savannah told you before."

At this point, he looked at Savannah standing beside him sternly.

Savannah lowered her head quickly.


The old druid snorted coldly.

"Opening the passage requires the full power of the Holy Tree. Unfortunately, Slytherin once peeled off the bark of the Holy Tree to record the history observed by the [Clairvoyance], which greatly damaged the Holy Tree."

"But, a thousand years have passed." Scott asked puzzledly, "After such a long time, the Holy Tree still hasn't recovered?"

The old druid's face became even uglier.

He said angrily: "After the efforts of our generations, the Holy Tree was about to recover, but because Aaron took the initiative..."

He took a deep breath.

"In short, he destroyed the key step of the Holy Tree's complete recovery. Because of the existence of that kid, the power of the Holy Tree has never been complete."


Scott was very disappointed.

"Aaron once told me that he still needs three years, oh, from now it will take more than two years to return to his body. In other words, even if you want to open the passage, you must wait for more than two years?"

More than two years have passed, and he has graduated. By then, it may be too late.

Who knows when Medea will wake up?

Who knows when Slytherin will be resurrected?

Time was running out, and he seemed unable to wait that long.

"No, you're wrong." The old druid shook his head, "It's longer than that. Even if Aaron succeeds in leaving the protection of the sacred tree, it will still take a long time for us to restore the full power of the sacred tree."

"How long exactly?" Professor Flitwick, who had been listening, asked.

"Half a year." The old druid said, "Even if we plunder the power of other oak trees in the Sea of ​​Oaks to supply the sacred tree, it will take at least half a year."

Professor Flitwick shook his head, "But we can't wait that long. Ms. Slytherin fell into a deep sleep because of the curse of the mysterious man. The time before she breaks the curse and wakes up is our best opportunity."

"We have a faster way, don't we, Grandfather?" Savannah suddenly said.

The old druid glanced at her and then looked at Scott.

"There is indeed a faster way to restore the Holy Tree to its full power." He said in a warning tone, "But other methods are full of unknowns and are accompanied by fatal dangers."

"Please tell me." Scott said calmly.

Either way, he'd definitely want to hear it.

"Find the lost heart of the sacred tree." The old druid answered.

"Heart of the Holy Tree?"

Scott was a little dumbfounded.

The sacred tree has not only lost its bark, but also its heart?

After all, it is a sacred object for you druids. Don’t you want to show off the sacred tree? Isn’t it too much of a disaster?

It’s really not easy for the holy tree to be still alive.

Perhaps because his expression accidentally revealed his inner thoughts, the old druid said angrily: "The Heart of the Holy Tree is the crystallization of the power of the Holy Tree. Although it grows slowly, it is a renewable resource."

Since it can be regenerated, why don't you have it now?

Scott expressed this with his eyes.

The old Druid became even more angry, "Because damn Slytherin caused the Holy Tree to be seriously injured, and it has not fully recovered until now!"

Okay, Scott gets it.

He asked as calmly as possible, "So, where is the lost heart of the sacred tree?"

"I wonder if you have heard of the legend of the Land of Silence and the Tower extending to the center of the earth." The old man said helplessly, "That was a legend that was popular thousands of years ago..."

Before he could explain any more, Scott had already begun to recite.

"A place of silence, a tower extending to the center of the earth. Seven people set out and one returned. One died in the fire, one died in the deep water, one died in the top of the tree, one died at the bottom of the tower, one died in the falling rocks, and one died in the ground "

The old Druid looked at him in surprise.

"I didn't expect that there are still wizards who remember such legends today."

"It's all coincidence."

Scott was also surprised.

He quickly found a wooden box from the deformed lizard skin bag and took out the animal skin that recorded the incident in ancient magic script.

"I just happened to get this before."

He unfolded the animal skin in his hands, and the other three people looked closer.

In order to accommodate Professor Flitwick's height, Scott squatted down.

"Oh, thank you."

Professor Flitwick glanced at the animal skin a few times and quickly recognized the meaning of the ancient runes.

"Is this real? The Stenness Standing Stone on Melane Island?"

"Of course it's true." The old Druid nodded affirmatively, "A Druid from the Doherty family was one of those seven people. He died during the expedition to the ruins. , the treasure he carries with him, the Heart of the Holy Tree, remains there."


Professor Flitwick shook his head desperately.

"If this is true, it's obviously very dangerous there. Yes, it's too dangerous. I can't let my students risk it there!"

"If you want to open the channel in advance, this is the only way." The old Druid said.

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