The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 456 456. Watching Fred's cool moves

The applause died down.

Dumbledore continued to speak loudly: "Several of our professors will conduct some simple tests and training on the 25 of you before departure."

He looked at several professors.

"Professor McGonagall will be responsible for etiquette instruction, and Professor Moody and Professor Flitwick will be responsible for practical training."

The three professors whose names were called all nodded.

Of course, only Professor Flitwick had a smile on his face, while Professor McGonagall and Professor Moody both had stern expressions.

"The training will start tomorrow." Dumbledore added, "So the 25 students on the list are asked to arrive in the largest classroom on the second floor before 9 o'clock tomorrow."

Then Dumbledore announced that everyone could start eating.

At the Ravenclaw table, Roger curled his lips.

"Is it so troublesome?" He murmured dissatisfiedly, "A student like me who doesn't want to be a warrior has to undergo training?"

Eddie retorted even more dissatisfied than him, "You guys, please stop complaining. I don't know how many people are envious of you."

"Forget it." Roger smiled, "Maybe this is a test that must be passed in order to meet those French girls."

The next day, after breakfast, Scott and Roger went to the largest professor's room on the second floor.

At this time, three professors were already waiting in the classroom.

"Wait for a while." Professor McGonagall nodded to them, "Wait until everyone arrives."

They didn't wait long before all the 25 people on the list came.

Not only that, but many curious students also came over and wanted to watch their training.

"Please ask all irrelevant personnel to leave first." Professor McGonagall said to the students surrounding the classroom door.

Although most of them were a little reluctant, they still turned around and prepared to leave.

But among the crowd were Fred and George who were off the beaten path.

The two immediately protested loudly.

"We are not irrelevant."

"We are part of Hogwarts too!"

"They will represent Hogwarts at Beauxbatons."

"We also want to make sure they won't embarrass us!"

The two of them each said one sentence and sang in harmony, with a look of righteousness and awe on their faces.

After they finished speaking, many of the 25 people in the classroom glared at them.

The expression on Professor McGonagall's face also became "dangerous".

"Two Mr. Weasleys." She walked to the door and looked at Fred and George, "Each of the 25 students here has been recommended by five professors, and our three professors are enough to make reasonable judgments. "

After hearing Professor McGonagall's words, many people in the classroom raised their chests and stared at the twins with contempt.

"Oh, of course, Professor McGonagall." Fred blinked, put away his naughty expression, and pretended to be serious. "Of course we can trust your judgment."

George interfaced, "But as a member of Hogwarts, we value the school's honor more than anything else. So we also have to apply to join."

Fred nodded repeatedly.

Now, there were even more eyes that despised them.

"What do these two guys want to do?" Roger asked Scott in a low voice.

"They regret it, especially Fred." Scott pointed to the dark-skinned girl on the other side who was full of youthful and healthy atmosphere.

At this time, the girl was leaning against the wall with her arms folded, looking at the twins at the door with half-smiling eyes.

"Oh, Angelina." Roger understood immediately, then smiled and took a few glances at the girl's tall and fit figure, "Fred has a good taste."

Scott lowered his voice, "As far as I know, the Triwizard Tournament will span several months, and there will also be a grand Christmas ball. Fred probably doesn't want to see Angelina becoming someone else's dance partner."

"Tsk, tsk." Roger looked gloating, "Christmas ball? How did you know?"

"Of course I have my sources."

"How would they know?"

"Of course I reminded them specifically."

"Haha, you are such a bad guy."

"Haha, thank you for the compliment."

At the door, Fred and George continued to struggle.

"That's enough, Mr. Weasleys."

Professor McGonagall stopped the two of them from talking nonsense.

She wanted to say something more, but Professor Moody suddenly spoke.

"Oh, if they want to participate, let them participate, Minerva." He looked at the students outside the door with his round magic eyes, showing a terrifying smile, "Just in time, our team members are training China also needs some opponents.”

"This will cause chaos, Alastor." Professor McGonagall was a little dissatisfied.

"The students are very enthusiastic, let them contribute." Professor Flitwick was also helping to speak.

Of course, as a good old man, his original intention should be completely different from Professor Moody.

With the other two professors helping to speak, Fred and George immediately looked at Professor McGonagall eagerly.

Not only them, but also the students watching outside the classroom became excited.

Perhaps not wanting to disappoint the students, Professor McGonagall finally compromised.

"You can come and help." She said sternly, "But if anyone makes trouble here or affects our team members, I will let him out!"

Her overly stern eyes made the students' cheers get stuck in their throats.

Even Fred and George stopped acting like monsters on the surface and followed Professor McGonagall into the classroom honestly.

Fred just winked at Angelina and made a success gesture when Professor McGonagall turned around.

"Oh, in that case, the area of ​​this classroom is somewhat insufficient." Professor Flitwick took out his wand.

Then, Professor McGonagall also raised her wand.

The two professors cast a spell together, and the area of ​​the classroom began to expand, getting bigger and bigger.

At this time, Roger asked Scott funny, "What do you think Fred and George will do next?"

"I think they are preparing to beat the students on the roster in actual combat training and then take the loser's place," Scott said.

"Would professors agree? This would render the rules Dumbledore had previously established meaningless."

"Professor McGonagall certainly won't, but Professor Moody might. But there's still a chance they can succeed, isn't there?"

"Oh..." Roger frowned, "I hope they won't target me."

While the two were talking, Fred and George came over.

"Hey, guys."

"We have changed our minds, don't even think about leaving us."

"Good luck to you." Roger bumped Fred's shoulder lightly, "otherwise I'll ask Angelina to be my partner at the Yule Ball."

When Fred heard this, he immediately put away the smile on his face and looked directly at Roger.

After three seconds passed, he quickly changed his face and returned to his playful and smiling expression.

"It doesn't matter, just do it." He patted Roger on the shoulder, "If I still fail to go to Beauxbatons after working hard, then you will be Angelina's dance partner."

"Huh?" Roger's eyes widened in surprise.

Even Scott and George looked at Fred in surprise, wondering if he had lost his mind.

Let the girl you like become Roger's dance partner?

Didn't Fred know what Roger was like?

Roger asked, "You actually trust me so much? Are you sure that I won't pursue that girl?"

"Stop it, Roger." Fred rolled his eyes, "You haven't launched an offensive for a long time, which proves that there are no girls in Hogwarts that interest you."

Roger said with a smile: "Of course, the girl you like is not my type. But just because I don't take the initiative doesn't mean that others won't be impressed by my charm."

The expression on Roger's face was very flat, and Fred's eyes rolled to the sky.

"Don't worry, Roger, Angelina is not interested in you." He said angrily, "She once said that she didn't understand what other girls saw in you, and the way she talked about you was like Talking about nasty Filch."

At this point, the smile on his face widened.

"Oh, by the way, she has a good relationship with the Caccini who slapped you. It just so happens that Caccini is also in this team."


Both Scott and George couldn't help laughing.

"I'm sorry, I may not be able to help you. Since Angelina hates me, she shouldn't accept my invitation."

Roger said with a dark face.

"I think she will accept an invitation to the ball from a boy she likes, oh, maybe a handsome boy full of French romantic style."

"Hey, I'll go to Beauxbatons." Fred said through gritted teeth.

"Yeah, good luck to you." Roger laughed again.

At this point, the changes in the classroom finally stopped.

The indoor area has been expanded several times, and the space has become spacious again.

A duel stage also appeared in the center of the classroom.


Professor McGonagall walked onto the stage and looked around below.

"The 25 selected students, please come to the front."

Scott and the others stopped talking, walked out of the crowd, and came to the bottom of the stage.

Professor McGonagall said to them: "When you go to another magic school as a guest, your words, deeds, and actions will represent Hogwarts, the oldest magic school, and our teaching achievements. As Hogwarts, The best students at Gwarts, you should always keep this in mind..."

Professor McGonagall's cautionary speech was more verbose than Dumbledore's usual speech, but it was not too verbose.

It was over in three minutes.

Next, Professor Moody took to the stage wearing a prosthetic leg.

"Everyone knows what happened in this year's World Cup final." His expression was gloomy and his voice was angry.

Off the stage, the expressions of the students also changed at this moment, and there was no smile on everyone's face.

Professor Moody continued: "For a period of time, Britain finally failed to host the Quidditch World Cup! Hogwarts missed the right to host the Triwizard Tournament again!"

The atmosphere in the classroom became a little heavy.

"Everyone knows the reason for this result, but it is undeniable that these things make us very embarrassed in front of the French, the Germans, and in short, those foreigners."

"When you go out to communicate on behalf of Hogwarts and Britain, you may encounter a lot of ridicule and even censure."

"But you all know what to do!"

Professor Moody said in a deep voice.

His magic eyes moved quickly, as if he was sizing everyone's reaction.

He stared at a Slytherin, "Mr. Warrington, tell me."

Everyone looked at Cassius Warrington, the Chaser of the Slytherin team.

The pressure of being watched closely by Professor Moody was great. Warrington was obviously a little nervous, but he still twitched his lips.

"I will become a warrior and win the championship on behalf of Hogwarts."

Although his answer was not strong enough, he was still somewhat confident.

Professor Moody was noncommittal and turned to look at Cedric.

"What about you, Mr. Diggory?" he asked. "I have heard from many people that you are the best model student at Hogwarts. I am looking forward to your answer."

"Yes, Professor Moody."

Cedric smiled.

"Although we may face ridicule and distrust from others, what we can do is use our best performance to silence those who question it. I believe that all of us can do this, because Hogwarts is The best magic school in the world.”

Also facing the pressure of being watched by Professor Moody's evil eye, Cedric performed much better than Warrington, looking calm and graceful.

The professors are apparently quite satisfied as well.

Although Professor Moody still made no comment, his tense expression relaxed a little, and Professor McGonagall even smiled.

But Warrington, who answered first, was obviously unconvinced. After seeing the professors' reactions, he glared at Cedric fiercely.

At this time, Professor Moody's magic eye began to move again, aiming at Scott.

"I'm still curious about your answer, Mr. Trollope."

Scott raised his head and looked at him, telling his answer.

"I guess we're still just students."

Having said this, he smiled.

"The Triwizard Tournament is just a competition between students from three magic schools. Why give it so much meaning?"

Moody also laughed, "Is this what you think?"

Unfortunately, when the old Auror smiled, the layers of scars on his face were bunched together, looking so terrifying that one couldn't even tell whether he was happy or sneering.

Scott nodded calmly, "Yes, we are just students. We just need to do what students should do. Ridicule? They can laugh at us, but we are not the ones running the British wizarding world."

He fully demonstrated his indifference.

What does the chaos in the British wizarding world have to do with their group of ungraduated students?

They're not the Minister of Magic.

As long as you do what students should do, isn't it enough to represent Hogwarts?

Scott knew that his speech was a bit unconventional, but he felt that there was nothing wrong with it and there was no need to lie specifically, so he didn't care about the attention focused on him.

But Warrington, who spoke first, seemed unable to bear it.

He pointed his finger at Scott and started to get angry, "Can such a guy with no sense of honor really represent Hogwarts? I think the professors should deprive him of his qualifications!"

His remarks seemed to resonate with some students, especially those who didn't get a spot, who were keen to see Scott disqualified.

Scott turned his head and looked at Warrington's angry face, "I think it's not your turn to accuse me, Warrington. I don't think there is anything wrong with my ideas."

He suspected that Warrington was a bit unsmart, so he couldn't wait to jump out.

Didn’t you see that several professors didn’t criticize him?

Although he didn't say what he was thinking, the look in his eyes said it all.


Warrington's nostrils flared in anger.


Professor McGonagall interrupted Warrington.

"There is indeed nothing wrong with what Mr. Trollope said. You are just students. As long as you do what students should do, it will be enough to repay the school's expectations of you."

"How could it be?" Warrington's eyes widened.

Professor McGonagall added: "Of course, there is no problem with your speech, Mr. Warrington, Mr. Diggory."

Professor Moody leaned on the ground with the wooden crutch in his hand, making a crisp sound.

"I just want to see your attitude." He said solemnly, "No matter what you think in your heart, I hope you can maintain a confident attitude and don't flinch. You are students of Hogwarts!"

He glanced at Warrington specifically, which meant that Warrington was not as confident and calm as Cedric and Scott under the pressure of his magic eye.

Warrington's face turned even uglier.

"Oh, Scott." Roger said softly, "Let Fred defeat Warrington later."

Scott glanced back, and Fred behind him winked at him with a smile on his face.

Just then Professor Moody said: "Okay, I'm going to start to verify your strength, little wizards. Who comes up first? You can choose your opponents."

Scott looked at Warrington again.

But Warrington didn't seem to have the courage to fight him, and instead shrank his shoulders in his gaze.

Scott looked away boredly.

"Let me do it, Professor Moody!"

Fred in the back raised his arms high.

"I want to verify Warrington's strength on behalf of everyone!"

"Weasley!" Warrington growled angrily.

"How's it going, Warrington?"

Before the professors could say anything, Fred strode towards the stage.

"If you lose to me, give me your place!"

"I don't think we have such a rule, Mr. Weasley," Professor McGonagall said immediately.

"Well, rules are meant to be broken sometimes."

Fred stood slouched and looked carefree.

Only those facing him could see how seriously he was looking at Warrington at this moment.

"If I lose, I will immediately apologize to you in front of everyone and admit that I should not have looked down on you. Do you want to come, Warrington?"


Warrington glared at Fred fiercely, his eyes almost bursting with fire.

He was already in a dilemma.

If he agreed to Fred's conditions, he might lose his spot. If he refuses, it will be considered as a direct admission of defeat.

In the end, the pride and desire for revenge seemed to prevail.

"I'll make you apologize! Weasley!"

Warrington took to the duel stage.

Professor McGonagall said angrily: "You can conduct duel training, but regarding the number of entries, that is not something you can decide on your own!"

Fred had already jumped onto the stage and performed a pretentious wizard's salute.

"I know, professor." He said, "If I succeed in getting a place through this method, it will be unfair to the students who get the recommendation letters first, and others will be ready to move."

He pointed at the students who were already ready to move.

Obviously, if he succeeds in claiming a spot, there will be many who will learn his way.

Professor McGonagall nodded, "It's good that you know, Mr. Weasley."

But Fred shook the wand in his hand and changed the topic, "But I still want to say that participating in the Triwizard Tournament requires strength. If you can't hold on to your spot, you are not qualified to represent us in the competition."

Professor McGonagall looked hesitant.

"No, we have no such plan," she said. "It would be too confusing!"

Professor Moody and Professor Flitwick looked at Fred with admiration.

"It's not impossible." Professor Moody said, "No matter what, our purpose is to select the best students..."

"Dueling is not the only criterion for measuring the excellence of students!"

"This is the Triwizard Tournament!"

Professor McGonagall and Professor Moody lowered their voices and argued.

Roger whispered again: "That kid Fred is doing this, isn't he afraid that Angelina's spot will be taken away by others?"

Scott raised his eyebrows, "Maybe he has confidence in Angelina?"

He carefully recalled the several dueling club activities he had participated in in the past, as well as the actual combat examination in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and he had to admit that Angelina's dueling level was really not low.

But it also depends on who you compare with.

Among the students who didn't get a spot, it wasn't like there weren't those who couldn't beat her.

Scott didn't know what Fred was thinking for a while, so he decided to wait and see.

Fred suddenly raised his hand and said loudly: "Professor, of course I mean that the other party's consent is required to seize the quota. If you don't agree, you can keep the quota. This is the privilege of students who have received recommendation letters."

He looked at Warrington opposite with a smile.

"Anyway, Warrington has agreed, hasn't he?"

This time, his words did not arouse the support of most people, but instead attracted boos.

"He's so shameless," Roger muttered.

Scott also said: "In order to go to Beauxbatons with Angelina, he even sold his own brother."

He didn't miss the surprised expression that flashed across George's face just now.

But the angriest of all at this moment was Warrington on stage.

Probably because Fred was so angry, the expression on his face at the moment had become a bit ferocious.

He was extremely angry and pointed his wand at Fred and said: "I did agree, but do you think you will win? I said, I will let you apologize to me in public, Weasley!"

But Fred didn't mind his anger.

He spread his hands, still looking carefree.

"Can we begin, Professor? Look, our bet has been fulfilled!"

"So be it!"

Professor Moody leaned on his cane and made the final decision.

Professor McGonagall wanted to say something else, but in the end she said no more, turned around and walked off the duel stage.

"Good, let's get started now."

Professor Moody walked to the center of the stage and raised a hand.




"The duel begins!"

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