The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 457 457. The Transfiguration Showdown is about to begin

When Professor Moody started counting down, many people noticed that Fred on the duel stage took out a thick glove from his pocket and put it on his left hand.

When Professor Moody's raised hand waved down, Warrington began to attack first.

"Split into pieces!"

A beam of red light flew in front of Fred at high speed.

Fred did not wave his wand to resist, nor did he move his feet to avoid it.

He stared into Warrington's eyes and raised his gloved left hand.

At this time, Warrington's face already showed a smile of victory.

The beam of the cutting curse hit Fred's palm, making a muffled sound.

The glove flashed with white light, and then the red beam of light instantly reversed and hit Warrington's chest.


Warrington's body flew upside down, leaving some pieces of clothing and blood along the way, and finally fell heavily under the stage.

"It seems I won."

Fred retracted his extended left hand, put his hands on his hips, and said somewhat proudly.

The crowd was in an uproar.

"Cheating! Professor! Weasley is cheating!"

After regaining his breath, Warrington stood up holding his bloody chest and yelled angrily.

"This was not a fair duel! He used a magic item!"

"Eh?" Fred tilted his head pretending to be innocent, "Is this what you mean?"

He shook his gloved left hand.

"I feel like throwing up," Roger said to Scott.

Scott watched Fred's performance and only found it funny.

Fred turned to look at Professor Moody, "Professor, these are [curse-proof gloves] that I invented myself. They should be considered part of my strength, right?"

Warrington looked dissatisfied, "You're lying! Who knows if you invented it yourself!"

Professor Moody ignored Warrington's shouting and instead stared at Fred's glove, seemingly interested.

"Did you invent this yourself?" he asked. "Can it deflect evil spells like the Iron Armor Curse?"

Seeing Professor Moody's interest, Fred immediately hit the snake and followed it with a stick.

"That's right! George and I invented this together." He nodded repeatedly, "It can completely replace the Iron Armor Curse!"

Professor Moody stared at him and asked, "Aren't there any flaws?"

Fred shrugged, "Of course, there is no way to rebound a curse that is too powerful."

Professor Moody continued to stare at him.

Fred curled his lips, "Okay, you have to look into the other person's eyes when using it for it to take effect."

"You have made a very good thing, Mr. Weasley." Professor Moody looked at Fred with admiration, "I think the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic will place an order with you for this."

Having said this, he shook his head, a little dissatisfied, "You know, some young Aurors nowadays can't even cast the Iron Armor Curse."

Fred was very happy, "According to Minister Burns' declaration, Aurors will take action to arrest Death Eaters recently, so they must be in great need of our products! Oh, in addition to anti-curse gloves, we also have anti-curse hats. , all very useful..."

It must be said that the curse-proof gloves demonstrated by Fred personally aroused the interest of many people present.

But Professor McGonagall quickly interrupted his sales pitch.

"Ahem." Professor McGonagall said with a straight face, "This is not your product launch, Mr. Weasley."

"Oh, okay, I'll shut up." Fred raised his hands in surrender.

Professor Moody also said: "We will talk about your new product later, but now you need to have another test with Mr. Warrington."


Fred turned to look at Warrington.

At this time, Warrington had recovered from his injuries under Professor Flitwick's magical treatment, and even his shattered robe had been restored.

He stepped onto the duel stage again and pointed his wand at Fred again, "Take off your damn gloves, Weasley, and let's have another try! Otherwise, I won't be convinced!"

Fred looked at him, then at the other people's reactions, and then simply agreed.

"Okay. Indeed, I must show my strength to convince you before I can go to Beauxbatons in your place."

He took off his gloves and put them in his pocket, ready for another duel.

Roger commented at this time, "You want to do it again? I think what Fred said before is reasonable. Since the glove is his invention, it also reflects his strength."

Scott smiled, "What he wants is not to convince Warrington, but to leave everyone speechless."

"So that's it, I understand." Roger nodded, "Love makes Fred, a always cunning young man, a little less like himself."

Scott ignored his outburst.

Ever since he decided to go to Beauxbatons to meet French girls, Roger has become more and more slutty.

On the stage, the duel begins again.

Fred had a serious fight with Warrington.

This time he did not use other means, but won the victory openly.

Everyone could see that although the power of the spells between the two sides was almost the same, Fred's use of the spells was more flexible and his skills were more agile. There was no suspense in winning this duel.

"Thank you, Mr. Warrington."

After the duel, Fred performed another pretentious wizard's salute.

"I will go to Beauxbatons in your place and fight for the honor of our Hogwarts."

Although Fred spoke beautifully, the smile on his face seemed to hurt Warrington's eyes.

But Warrington couldn't say anything at this time.

He opened his mouth, walked off the stage with a face full of despair, and then left the classroom directly.

Fred, who stood up on the stage, raised his hands.

Among the students watching in the classroom, only some applauded and cheered for him.

But Fred didn't care, he was excitedly winking at Angelina.

"Okay, please go down, Mr. Weasley."

Professor Moody quickly drove Fred off the stage.

Next, the duel training continued.

As expected, many people tried to follow Fred's example and challenge those who had already qualified to compete for the quota, but everyone decisively rejected this ill-intentioned challenge.

In other words, George was really pitted by Fred.

So the twin brothers who had always been inseparable and in love with each other had a rare conflict at this moment.

Scott, who no one dared to challenge, was standing with the two and watching closely.

"I can't believe that someone changed the plan at the last minute without informing his brother." George said unhappily.

Fred smiled, "Oh, there's no way. If I didn't say that, maybe many people who originally got the quota would be eliminated, and they would hate me."

George looked at him with contempt, "I never knew that you would care about this? There are already many people who hate you."

"Well, I'm doing this for Angelina." Fred put his arm around George's neck and began to tell the truth, "You know, if I don't add restrictions, I'm afraid Professor McGonagall won't agree with my approach."

George got into the role in a second, reached out and touched the non-existent tears in the corners of his eyes, "To you, Angelina is more important than me?"

Fred was stunned for a moment, and quickly took over his role, "Oh, why do you ask such a question? You..."

"They are all your wings." Scott reminded him.

Fred nodded heavily and said affectionately: "Yes, you are all my wings!"

George couldn't hold his face and couldn't help laughing.

"Too disgusting." He made a vomiting expression.

Fred made a victory gesture.

George said, "Well, you are Fred after all. Anyway, I won't say anything to support your love. Of course, if you fail to pursue Angelina, I will not forgive you."

Fred patted his shoulder vigorously, "I knew you would support me, you are George after all."

George rolled his eyes, "I have no reason to go."

Scott asked with a smile, "The Triwizard Tournament will last for more than half a year. Will this be the longest time you two have been apart?"

Fred and George looked at each other and changed their faces at the same time, and then asked in unison, "It will take that long?"

"Yes." Scott nodded, "Generally there will be three rounds of competition, the first round in November this year, the second round in February next year, and the last round in June next year."

"Oh..." Fred was a little dumbfounded, "Maybe... I can come back immediately after attending the Christmas ball."

"Do you think this is something you can decide?" George said unhappily.

Scott said gloatingly, "Oh, as you grow up, you will always get used to being apart. Besides, you should grow up, Fred baby, George baby."

"No, we are not planning to separate."

Fred didn't care about Scott's ridicule at all.

George also nodded.

Scott reminded, "You will get married eventually, and then you will each have a family."

Fred immediately asked back, "Why can't you live together after marriage?"

George also looked at Scott with a questioning look.

"Okay, I'm talking too much." Scott retreated.

The two newcomers to the duel stage attracted his attention.

Among the 25 students who have already obtained the quota, most of them have learned their lesson from Warrington's painful lesson.

They did not accept the challenge of others, but all tacitly selected their opponents internally.

At this time, the duel on the stage attracted Scott because the two duelists were Roger and Caccini.

"Oh, it's Roger, that guy is actually going to duel with his ex-girlfriend?" Fred was very happy.

George smiled and said, "This is really interesting. Why would he do this?"

"It should be Caccini who appointed him." Scott said a fair word.

Of course, there was no less gloating in his tone.

On the stage, Roger looked helpless.

"I don't want to fight with you, Caccini."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Caccini, who still had short hair, said impatiently, "I said, as long as you fight me seriously, the past will be completely over."


Although he was a little reluctant, Roger still drew out his wand.

"Remember, it's a serious fight." Caccini smiled, "If you don't take it seriously, you will regret it."

"I know."

Roger finally straightened his face.

At this time, Scott in the audience said, "He must be thinking that if Caccini deliberately makes trouble, it will definitely affect his pursuit of the French girl."

Fred and George nodded in agreement, "That's what he thinks."

"You're right."

Eddie and Milton also came over.

Several people watched the duel with a smile.

Caccini used to be an artistic girl who had no interest in duels and even exchanged her magic talent for her musical talent.

But later she changed. With the help of the [Book of Prometheus], ​​she and Milton got back their respective talents.

This change is also reflected in her current combat power.

"Good guy, Roger won't lose, right?"

Eddie looked at the two sides on the stage who seemed to be evenly matched, and he spoke with false concern.

"It would be more interesting if he lost."

Fred and George were also watching the fun.

"Don't say that, Roger is our friend."

Only Milton still maintained his kindness.

Scott subconsciously added, "So we will ensure that he will not be injured too seriously and be responsible for sending him to the school hospital?"

Fortunately, Roger on the stage did not hear their laughter, so his performance was not affected.

In the final analysis, Caccini's change was still a little too late.

Even if she had an inherited [Book of Prometheus] in her hand, she could not change anything without credits.

Although she seemed to be able to compete with Roger at first, she soon lost her rhythm and lost the duel.

Seeing this result, Scott and the others sighed with regret.

Roger, who had walked off the duel stage easily, was also puzzled by their regretful eyes.

At this time, Professor Moody spoke, "Okay, who wants to come up and try next?"

"Let me do it."

Cedric, who had not been on the stage just now, walked onto the duel stage.

Professor Moody nodded at him, "Mr. Diggory, who is your opponent?"

Cedric turned his head and looked in the crowd.

"Scott." He shouted.

"I'm here."

Scott waved his hand.

"Do you want me to be your opponent, Cedric?"

Cedric nodded.

"Although I know I may not be your opponent, I still want to try. The most important thing is that I want to see the gap between us clearly."

"Since you said so, I have no reason to refuse."

Scott walked forward.

In front, other students began to move, and the crowd automatically separated a path.

Scott strode onto the stage and stood opposite Cedric.

"Thank you." Cedric smiled gratefully.

He was always so polite.

"You're welcome." Scott also smiled, "Or rather, you're too polite. I thought we were friends."

Cedric was a little surprised at first, and then he happily responded, "Of course, we are friends."

"Then be casual."

Scott began to retreat.


Professor Moody raised a hand.

Scott and Cedric both retreated to the edge of the stage.

"Three! Two! One! The duel begins!"

"Armor protection!"

"Armor protection!"

The two people on both sides of the stage cast the same spell.

However, Scott's spell took shape a little faster.

But he did not take the opportunity to launch an offensive.

Through two layers of invisible magic barriers, he looked at Cedric opposite him, "Sure enough, you still want to use Transfiguration to fight me?"

Cedric nodded, "Thank you, Scott."

"Then as you wish."

Scott waved his wand and removed the magic barrier.

"Let's do this," he suggested. "We agree not to attack each other, and only use Transfiguration to decide the winner."

"I agree." Cedric then removed the barrier in front of him.

"That's more interesting."

Scott laughed, reached out and took out a piece of ebony and threw it at his feet.

Cedric also took out a piece of Scutellaria, the same material as his wand.

The two recited the Transfiguration spell at the same time and waved their wands.

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