The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 467 467. Pain [Happy Lantern Festival]

Hearing Scott's words, Lucio was stunned, but Waldo threw his head back and laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

He pointed at Scott.

"What nonsense are you talking about? A mudblood is a mudblood. This is a fact that cannot be changed no matter what!"

Then, he suddenly changed his face again and stared at Scott and Lucio with sinister eyes.

"I'm trying my best to endure it. You dirty mudbloods will always appear in front of me and breathe the same air as me."

As he spoke, he nervously reached out and grabbed his neck.

"I only have one feeling, and that's disgusting!"

Hearing this, his followers all laughed.

They all looked at Scott and Lucio with contempt.

"Waldo, what do you want to do?" Lucio asked loudly.

Waldo sneered, "What do I want to do? You ask me?"

The people around him spoke arrogantly on his behalf.

"You should know very well, Lucio."

"This guy from Hogwarts should honestly apologize to Waldo."

"Swear not to come near Miss Delacour again!"

"Oh, by the way, also, don't be so pushy in the next Triwizard Tournament."

"If you agree to these conditions, we won't be able to let you go."

"Well said," Waldo said, "otherwise..."

He pointed the wand in his hand at Scott.

"You two should suffer more."

Lucio said loudly: "Are you kidding? Do you know the consequences of doing this? Mrs. Maxim will not always give your Girard family face!"

"Don't threaten me with that woman, she is just..."


Just when Waldo wanted to say something disrespectful to Madame Maxime, someone immediately spoke up and stopped him.

A black boy walked out from behind a pillar.

He is taller than Waldo, but much thinner than Waldo. He looks like a bamboo pole.

But the moment he stood up, everyone else became quiet.

The black boy said in a calm tone: "It doesn't matter if you behave randomly, Waldo, because with the Girard family, some troubles can be easily solved. But if you say some words, the Girard family will have no choice but to give up on you. "

Upon hearing his warning, Waldo's expression was distorted, but he held it back.

"Cary, it turns out you are here too!" Lucio looked at the black boy, "Why don't you stop Waldo!"

"The Girard family can easily resolve such fights and fights caused by jealousy."

Kari's tone remained calm.

"But don't worry, I won't get involved in this kind of thing. Lucio, I suggest you just stand aside and watch like I do. Don't worry about your friends, if they go too far, I will still blocked."

After hearing his words, Waldo turned to look at him dissatisfied, "Cary, do you want me to let this kid Lucio go?"

But Cary didn't fawn over him like the others.

"You'd better not touch him," Cary said, "unless you want to completely offend Professor Russell."

Waldo snorted coldly.

"Get out of the way, Lucio." Waldo waved his hand impatiently, "For the sake of Professor Russell, I can let you go."


"Okay, Lucio." Scott suddenly said, "You'd better be obedient and stay away."

"But..." Lucio looked at him worriedly.

"Thank you for your concern." Scott smiled at him, "I'll be fine."

At this moment, Waldo winked, and two strong boys rushed up and grabbed Lucio's hands, dragging him aside.

"Let me go!" Lucio struggled desperately.

But it is a pity that because he has been addicted to alchemy for many years, he is thinner than ordinary people and has less strength.

Although Scott could sense the movements of the two men in advance, he had no intention of stopping them.

It's also a good thing to let Lucio go aside first, lest he needs to protect him if he takes action later.

Waldo told the two men, "Don't let him run and tell the professor."

"no problem."

"Do not worry."

The two people holding Lucio quickly agreed, and then directly gave Lucio a petrifying spell.

They then placed Lucio next to Ciel and returned to the group surrounding Scott, laughing.

Waldo laughed again, "Okay, let's continue what we did before."

Scott said, "I have to say, I haven't been this angry for a long time, and I haven't seen such an idiot for a long time."

He looked at Waldo calmly.

"But I know very well that when faced with a fool who can't understand people and can't see the situation clearly, there is only one way to shut him up, and that is to make him feel real fear."

"Very good." Waldo began to grit his teeth, "I have never seen a Mudblood as arrogant as you! Fear? Come on, let me see it!"

Scott smiled contemptuously at him.

"According to the plan!" Waldo shouted angrily.

Immediately afterwards, four of the people surrounding Scott took out a small metal ball and threw it on the ground.

Four small balls shot a beam of light upward at the same time.

Soon, the light began to extend left and right, building a huge magic barrier.

Because of the small metal balls at the four corners, the magic barrier is in a standard cubic shape, covering everyone except Lucio and Ciel.

After all this was done, Waldo began to laugh triumphantly.

"Are you dumbfounded, Mudblood! This way you can't use Animagus to turn into a bird and escape!"

"Hmm... Are there alchemical items that can build a large magic barrier?" Scott immediately became interested in the small balls.

He carefully sensed the strength of the magic barrier, and then commented, "Not bad stuff."

"Of course, a Mudblood like you must have never seen such a good thing!"

Waldo shook the wand in his hand.

"However, you are still talented in making people angry. So I have changed my mind now. Even if you want to apologize and admit your mistakes, you will inevitably suffer a little and learn a lesson."

Others also pointed their wands at Scott.

"No, I don't mean to apologize." Scott smiled.

"Oh? Do you want to defeat more than a dozen of us with your two decent Transfiguration skills?" Waldo became more arrogant.

Scott shook his head, "It's not Transfiguration. Because I'm afraid I can't control the degree and take your life by mistake."

He was telling the truth. Whether it was the fire line of the Fire Crow or the water blade of the Sailfish, it could easily destroy a person's body.

And he had tested it and found that his own Iron Armor Spell could only block it for three seconds.

But Waldo and his followers seemed to think he was bragging, and there was another burst of laughter.

Scott also laughed, "Forget it, I'll show you something interesting."

As he said, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


In an instant, absolute darkness fell.

Everyone lost the light in front of their eyes and could only see pure black.

Then, panicked voices came from the darkness.

"What's going on?"

"I can't see!"

"What kind of spell is this!"

"Calm down, defend!"

"Don't attack rashly, otherwise you will hurt your own people!"

"Armor protects yourself!"

Everyone began to use defensive spells or activate magical items that can resist damage.


Scott's voice sounded.

"Interesting, isn't it?"

"This is something I studied privately, and this is the first time I put it into actual combat."

"Because I'm not very skilled, I had to spend time setting it up while listening to a mad dog barking."

"By the way, I also want to thank you for setting up the magic barrier so that I can close the door and beat the dog."

"Cary! Help us close those balls!" Waldo began to shout in panic.

Cary's calm voice came, "I said I won't get involved in this kind of thing."

"You bastard!" Waldo roared.

Following this, more panicked shouts came.


"What is this!"

"I'm entangled by something!"

"Let me go!"

"What did you do!" Waldo shouted the loudest, "Let me go quickly!"

Scott's voice sounded beside him, "I remember very clearly that insulting word, you said it eight times in total."

"Let me go, Mudblood!" Waldo roared again.

"Nine times." Scott's voice was very calm, "Then, I will let you feel nine unforgettable pains."

"The Cruciatus Curse? How dare you!"

"Oh, Waldo, of course I dare not, but the Cruciatus Curse is not the only thing that can make you feel pain."

"You can't do it! I have magical items that automatically activate defense! You can catch me, but you can't hurt me with ordinary spells!"

"Really? I don't believe it."

"If you touch me, I will never let you leave France alive!"

"Who knows, but before that, you will taste the pain."

"I said, you can't hurt me...ah..."

Waldo suddenly cried out in pain.

"Damn mudblood! I swear, I will kill you!"

"Ten times."


At this time, Kari, who said he would not participate, could not stand.


But Scott ignored him.


The cry of pain from Waldo sounded again.

"Stop." Kari spoke again.

"Don't worry, I'll stop." Scott said, "But there are still seven times."

"Ah... I won't let you go!"

Waldo's shouting voice no longer sounded as strong as before.

"I will remove the magic barrier!" Kari said loudly, "If you don't stop, things will not end!"

Waldo's screams and wails were still in response.

"Five more times." Scott was still counting.

The other guys who were subdued had not made a sound, as if they were completely subdued.

Soon, Scott could sense that the magic barrier had been removed.

But Kari did not come over to rescue Waldo.

Because the absolute darkness that enveloped everyone was still condensed.


"Four more times."

"Mr. Trollope! This is a crime! Waldo is a Girard, you will face the most serious consequences!" Kari warned solemnly.

This guy finally lost his composure.

Scott sneered.

Are you not pretending anymore?

He assumed a condescending attitude, thinking that Waldo's trouble with Scott was just a slap in the face, and said that the Girard family could easily settle it.

He kept talking about not participating, but now he heard Waldo's cry of pain, but he couldn't stand anymore.

Scott hated people who pretended to be in front of him.

So he ignored Kari's warning and moved faster.

"Ah! You..."

"Three more times."

"Ah...I will die..."

"Two more times."

"Let me go, ah..."

"One more time."

"woo woo woo woo……"

Finally, when Waldo's voice was nothing but a whimper, Scott was satisfied with completing his goal.

ten times.

No more, no less.

I believe this lesson will be deeply remembered by Waldo.

"Remember, never say that word in front of me."

"woo woo woo woo……"


"Oh...I know...wuwuwuwu..."

"Scott!" Lucio's voice came.

Kari lifted the petrification spell from him.

"Calm down! Scott!" Lucio's voice was a little panicked, "It's not worth sending yourself to jail for that kind of guy!"

"Thank you for your concern, Lucio."

Scott said with a smile.

"But, who said I would go to jail."

He snapped his fingers again.

The darkness that obscured his vision instantly faded.

"But, you...he..."

Lucio stared at the scene in front of him dumbfounded.

The dozen or so people who besieged Scott, including Waldo, had iron ropes extending from the soil beneath their feet that bound their hands and feet, but supported them from falling.

The reason why they didn't make a sound just now was because their mouths were also tightly tied with strips of cloth.

Scott stood next to Waldo, whose hands and feet were also bound with iron ropes.

Of course, Waldo's mouth was not tied.

"I didn't hurt Mr. Girard." He smiled and patted Waldo's face gently. "Look, there are no wounds on him."

This is what surprised Lucio and Kari the most.

They looked at Waldo's tearful face and then at his unwounded body.

Lucio opened his mouth, "This seems different from what I imagined..."

"What did you imagine?" Scott turned and walked towards him, "A bloody scene?"

Lucio smiled awkwardly.

Scott waved the magic wand in his hand, and the iron ropes binding everyone turned into soil and fell.

Without the support of the iron rope, Waldo's legs weakened and he fell to the ground.

He made no sound, his expression was dull, and his eyes were crying.

When Scott looked at him, he shrank in fear.

No one else dared to act rashly, and they didn't even dare to look at Scott.

Scott took a few steps forward, waved his wand, and the four small metal balls that had just formed a magic barrier flew into his hand.

"This can be considered a gift to make amends to me."

As he spoke, he put the small metal ball into his pocket, walked directly past Kari, who was staring at him, and walked to Lucio.

"Then, I'll leave first."

He turned to Kari.

"Also, I didn't hurt anyone. I just subdued them and threatened them a few times. Obviously, this kind of fight caused by jealousy will not let me go to jail."

After saying that, he strode away.

I don’t know what the reason was, but in short, Kari didn’t stop him from leaving.

"Wait for me!"

Lucio followed behind him.

"How on earth did you do that?"

He asked loudly with some excitement.

"There are no scars, so why is he crying? Also, what is that darkness that blocks his vision?"

Scott said, "Remember that sailor's astrolabe?"

"The one we bought together at the Zugaramudi thrift store during the summer vacation?"

"Yes, there is an ice and snow illusion hidden in the sailor's astrolabe. The illusion is very real and can even make people feel the real biting cold."

"I understand! You analyzed the sailor's horoscope! The darkness and pain are all caused by illusions!"

Lucio was very excited when he got the answer.

"Damn it, we are shopping for secondhand goods together, why are you the only one so lucky!"

"Luck is all innate."

"No! Can the illusion in the sailor's astrolabe be presented in reality?"

"No, it can just pull people's consciousness into an illusion."

"But Ciel and I both saw that dark illusion! Even though we were not in it! And, how did you arrange it?"

"Well, this is a secret."

In front of Fountain Square, Scott stopped.

"Okay, sorry, I shouldn't have asked so much."

Lucio also understood that it was not polite to pry into other wizards' secrets.

Scott didn't care, he knew Lucio was just too curious.

"I'll be back in the tower next."

he said to Lucio.

"My classmates and I will not leave the Tower until Professor Dumbledore shows up."

When it came to business, Lucio also calmed down, "You are right, I will tell Mrs. Maxim and Professor Russell what happened."

"Then it's up to you." Scott nodded.

"It's okay...that's right."

Lucio looked back.

"Be careful of Kari, he is also a pure blood and comes from the Kama family." He lowered his voice, "In short, only a few people know that Kari is a more terrifying guy than Waldo."

Dogs that bite don't bark.

Scott understands this.

Compared to the arrogant and willful Waldo, the calm and collected Cary will certainly be more difficult to deal with.

But he didn't worry too much. Now, no matter what situation he faced, he was confident that he could at least protect himself.

After parting ways with Lucio in the square, Scott returned to the tower alone and locked the door of the tower.

At this time, other students from the Hogwarts delegation were having breakfast in the hall.

"Scott, why did you lock the door?"

Fred asked curiously while still chewing food in his mouth.

"Just in time, everyone is here." Scott walked to the long table. "I want to apologize to you first because I caused some trouble. Also, I hope everyone will not leave our tower."

Fred swallowed the food in his mouth, "What happened?"

Scott sat down on the chair, "I had a conflict with a group of people. In short, I gave Waldo Girard a good lesson."

"Oh!" Fred's eyes widened, "Cool! But why didn't you ask me to help?"

"Shut up!" Angelina slapped him.

She asked Scott, "Girard... was the guy who deliberately tampered with the translation headphones?"

Scott nodded.

Slytherin's Terrence Higgs said: "I inquired with Derrian, and that guy is the nephew of Professor Girard from Girard's alchemy classroom. Their family is very powerful in France."

"That's it," Scott said, "He's here to cause trouble because of Fleur."


Several girls spoke at the same time, making long "oh" sounds.

"So you started fighting with him?" Caccini asked, "For the fight over Fleur?"

Scott answered her, "Of course not. The reason I taught him a lesson was because he called me a mudblood, ten times in total."

After hearing this, Roger immediately became angry, "That bastard! You should have called us!"

"Well done, Scott, that bastard should be taught a lesson!" Fred waved his fist.

The other people's faces were not pretty either.

"He is humiliating you." Cedric was also very angry. "By humiliating you, he is humiliating all of us at Hogwarts."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Scott said: "Well... in short, he was taught a bit badly by me."

"Will they come to take revenge on you?" Ethan was a little nervous, "What should we do, and Professor Dumbledore is not here now."

Scott said, "To avoid any surprises, so I mean, it would be best for all of us to stay in the tower and not go anywhere until Professor Dumbledore shows up."

"That's all." Cedric said, "The tower has protective magic, and no one should be able to break in."

Fred said, "If anyone breaks in, we'll go back to Hogwarts! I asked, the house elves will control the tower!"

Hearing him say this, everyone felt relieved.

Scott smiled, "It's not that serious. Lucio was always with me when it happened. He will explain the real situation to Mrs. Maxim."


"He wanted to remind me to be careful of that idiot Waldo, but unfortunately, while we were talking, Waldo took action."

Moreover, in addition to Lucio, he also has another layer of preparation.

"Also, this process has been recorded by me."

Before the conflict started, he quietly transformed a monitoring bat and hid it in a nearby tree.

As he spoke, he took out the [Magic Mirror] and recalled the automatically stored image.

Next, they all went to the common room on the second floor and watched what happened using the large mirror hanging on the wall.

Seeing the arrogant posture of Waldo's group of people in the picture, everyone couldn't help but feel indignant.

But after seeing Scott take action, especially when they heard Waldo's cry of pain, everyone was surprised and relieved.

In the picture, Scott finally harvested the spoils and left calmly.

"How did you do it?" Cedric couldn't help but ask.

Everyone looked at Scott with disbelief in their eyes.

"I've never seen a spell like that," Ethan said.

Fred put his arms around Scott's neck, "Is it your new invention, but you never said it!"

"I didn't know you had this ability." Roger also said.

Everyone thought Scott's dark fantasy effects were amazing.

"It's the effect of the magic circuit, which I analyzed from a magic item..."

Scott gave a general explanation of the origin of the illusion.

Of course, no one else wanted to know too much detail.

No one asked more questions after their curiosity was satisfied.

Scott added, "Now that Professor Dumbledore is not here, I am going to contact Professor Flitwick."

He clicked on the [Magic Mirror], wrote down what happened, and sent it along with the image to Professor Flitwick's [Magic Phone].

Ten minutes later, Professor Flitwick sent a communication.

Scott directly transferred the communication screen to the large mirror.

Seeing Professor Flitwick's face in the mirror, everyone felt more cordial and started to say hello.

Professor Flitwick said kindly: "Oh, hello, I'm relieved to see all of you here."

Scott took the initiative to apologize, "Sorry, Professor, I caused trouble for everyone."

"I've seen what happened." Professor Flitwick said, "Although you went a little too far, it can be considered excusable."

Fred immediately said: "No, I don't think Scott went too far at all, Professor, those bastards humiliated him with vicious words, but he didn't get anyone hurt!"

"Oh, this matter is not for us to evaluate." Professor Flitwick smiled good-naturedly, "I have informed Professor McGonagall that she can contact Dumbledore."

He looked at Scott again.

"Scott, I remember that Dumbledore also had the [magic phone] you gave him. Didn't you contact him?"

Scott said: "Oh... Dumbledore is always busy with business, I'm afraid of disturbing him."

In fact, he just subconsciously contacted Professor Flitwick first.

Because Professor Flitwick was his most trusted professor at Hogwarts.

Professor Flitwick still smiled tolerantly, "This matter will ultimately have to be handled by Dumbledore. You should apologize to him properly when the time comes."

Scott nodded and immediately resent the content sent to Professor Flitwick to Dumbledore.

"What happened, Filius, something happened to the students who went to Beauxbatons?"

At this moment, Professor McGonagall walked into the picture.

"Oh...this is..."

She discovered the students who were communicating with Professor Flitwick.

Professor Flitwick told her what happened in a low voice and showed her the video.

Professor McGonagall's expression became more and more serious.

"You just stay in the tower and don't go anywhere! Especially you, Mr. Trollope!" She said sternly to the "camera", "I will inform Dumbledore!"

"No, Minerva, I already know what happened."

Scott and the others turned their heads.

Dumbledore had appeared in the common room where they were.

At this moment, Scott heard many of his companions breathe a sigh of relief.

"Albus." Professor McGonagall frowned tightly, "I'm afraid this matter is not easy to handle, and may even affect the subsequent Triwizard Tournament."

Dumbledore replied in a relaxed tone, "Oh, it's okay, Minerva, please don't worry, I will take care of it."

"Then leave it to you, thank you for the hard work, Albus."

After Professor McGonagall finished speaking, she looked at the students again.

"I didn't expect you to cause trouble, Mr. Trollope. I hope you can always remember that you are a warrior representing Hogwarts!"

"Sorry, Professor." Scott apologized decisively.

"But I still want to tell you." Professor McGonagall's expression softened, "There is nothing wrong with maintaining your own dignity. I just hope you can use a more rational approach."

"I know, professor." Scott said honestly.

Professor McGonagall returned to her stern tone, "I really hope you really understand what I mean."

"Don't blame Scott too much, Minerva." Dumbledore said with a smile, "Boys will compete for beautiful girls to be their dance partners. This is also a vitality unique to young people."

Hearing him say this, Scott lowered his head.

The companions around him couldn't help but let out a few suppressed laughs.

After the communication ended, Dumbledore turned to look at the students.

"Everyone will stay in the tower for now, Scott, you come with me."

After saying that, he turned and walked towards the stairs.

Scott stood up, smiled at the others, and followed Dumbledore.

When leaving the tower, Dumbledore said to him: "We are going to visit Madame Maxime. Don't be nervous. You just need to tell the truth."

Scott nodded.

Dumbledore smiled again and said: "I admire your creativity, Scott. I have to say that the illusion of darkness is very well used, and it is combined with your own characteristics of magical perception."

"That was an attempt," Scott said. "Of course, I learned it with the help of my Ravenclaw tutor."

Dumbledore said, "But that was your own idea, wasn't it? I spoke to Lady Ravenclaw's portrait, and even she was pleased with your intelligence."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"You don't need an old man like me to praise your talent, Scott. Everyone is optimistic about your future." Dumbledore changed the topic, "But I still want to remind you, don't use it easily as it will cause pain to others. the power of."


"Of course, I know that you didn't really hurt the boy. I guess the pain he felt was also an illusion, wasn't it?"


"I understand your anger. Even I would feel uncomfortable hearing someone use that word to humiliate you and your alchemical genius friend."

Dumbledore said seriously.

"But you should remember your true purpose. You want to maintain your dignity and protect your friends. Please remember that making others feel pain is never your purpose."

Scott got it.

"Sorry, if this happens next time, I won't use this method again."

Dumbledore said: "In the face of narrow-minded prejudice, it is natural to be angry, but I hope your smart mind can think of better ways to deal with it. Pain cannot bring understanding, it can only bring submission and breed hatred. .

Scott nodded again.

The two walked into Beauxbatons Castle, and they were greeted by countless flashing eyes.

It was obvious that what happened in the morning had been spread.

Everyone in Beauxbatons looked at Scott with fear and inquiry.

Even those girls who had taken the initiative to express their affection to him would start to avoid his eyes when he looked over.

Only Fleur walked towards him.

"Sorry, Scott." Fleur's delicate face looked a little haggard, "I didn't expect it to turn out like this."

"It's not your fault." Scott said.

He really couldn't blame Fleur for this kind of thing, not to mention that he was the one who sent it to the door.

Fleur forced a smile, "Madame Maxime is waiting for you, please follow me."

Dumbledore said, "Then I'll trouble you to lead the way, Miss Delacour."

After getting away from the crowd, Fleur whispered to them again, "Please be careful, Professor Girard is also in the principal's office. Anyway, she is very angry."

"Thank you."

Scott nodded.

I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival!

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