The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 468 468. Beauxbatons Principal's Office

On the way to the headmaster's office at Beauxbatons, Fleur did not speak again, but led the way silently.

Scott and Dumbledore followed Fleur and came to a tower.

The size of this tower was about the same as the Ravenclaw Tower at Hogwarts, and it did not look old at all.

After entering the tower, they were not facing a spiral staircase, but an elevator similar to the one in the British Ministry of Magic.

Of course, this elevator was much more gorgeous and exquisite than the elevator in the British Ministry of Magic.

When the elevator door closed and rose, Scott did not even feel anything, nor could he hear any sound.

After slightly releasing his magic perception, he found out without surprise that this elevator was a product of alchemy, and its kinetic energy came entirely from magic.

Sure enough, a place like Beauxbatons where magic gathered, like Hogwarts, could not use any electricity.

At this moment, the elevator door slowly opened, and Scott also restrained his magic perception.

When the elevator door was completely opened, a fragrance of flowers and plants came to his nose, and Scott looked at the scenery outside the elevator with a little surprise.


The top of the tower is actually a sky garden full of exotic flowers and plants.

The space here is obviously cast with a traceless extension spell, which is much larger than the tower looks from the outside.

"Please go this way."

After walking out of the elevator, Furong led the two of them onto a winding path full of flowers.

Scott walked and observed the surroundings.

It was obviously approaching Christmas, but the whole garden was full of spring.

The thin winter sunlight shone through the transparent glass dome, as if it had been amplified and became warm and pleasant.

On both sides of the road, all kinds of plants that were obviously carefully trimmed were lush and green, and flowers of various colors were blooming.

Countless sparkling fairies were flying around in the garden.

Looking closely, Scott found that this vain and willful little thing was actually taking care of the plants here seriously, contrary to its usual behavior.

Moreover, all the exotic flowers and plants here have one common feature, that is, they are very large in size.

Even the most ordinary rose is several times larger than the roses you usually see.

Scott always had the illusion that he was being shrunk when he walked in it.

The three of them turned several corners in the garden before finally arriving at the principal's office in the center of the sky garden.

This is a round transparent glass room, standing in the flowers like a huge birdcage.

Although the glass is transparent, the flower vines wrapped around the outside and the silk curtains hanging inside prevent them from seeing the scene inside.

Fleur walked up a few pure white steps and raised her hand to knock on the gorgeous door covered with floral patterns.

The door opened automatically.

Fleur lowered her head and said very respectfully: "Madam Maxime, Professor Dumbledore and Mr. Trollope have arrived."

"Please let them in." Madam Maxime's low voice came.


Fleur stood by the door and led Dumbledore and Scott in.

Dumbledore nodded and walked into the room.

Scott followed behind him.

The office was obviously also cast with a traceless extension spell. The space was very large, and the size of everything in the room was very suitable for Madam Maxime's body shape.

This made her look like a normal-sized, elegant lady in this office.

In contrast, this was not very friendly to other people who walked into this office.

When Scott walked into the room, the feeling of being shrunk or walking into the land of giants became stronger.

"Oh, Dumbledore, you are finally here, please sit down."

At this time, Madame Maxime, who was sitting behind the desk, was holding a teacup and sipping tea, and she seemed to be in a good mood.

At least she did not treat Dumbledore with a cold attitude.

In contrast to her was another witch who was also in the office at the moment. After Fleur's reminder, Scott knew that she was Professor Girard.

Professor Girard, who Scott had heard of for a long time, was very beautiful, with long curly light golden hair, thick eyebrows, big eyes, a high nose bridge, and bright red lips that complemented the bright red embroidered robe on her body.

But her face was very ugly. After Dumbledore and Scott entered the room, she kept looking at them with a very hateful look.

This look that had nothing to do with beauty undoubtedly destroyed her beauty.

Especially at this moment, she was sitting on a huge powder blue sofa. Due to the mismatched size of the sofa, her feet were hanging in the air, like a newborn sitting in a large baby carriage, which added a weird sense of funny.

And the black boy Carrie, who witnessed the conflict in the morning, was also standing next to the sofa where she was sitting.

"Thank you, dear Madame Maxime."

Dumbledore ignored Professor Girard's gaze, thanked Madame Maxime, walked aside, and climbed onto the sofa with an insensitive movement.

"Oh, I have to praise it, the sofa here is really comfortable."

He sat on the sofa opposite Professor Girard very comfortably, letting the huge soft satin pillow surround his body, showing an enjoyable expression.

Scott did not sit, but also stood next to the armrest of the sofa, facing Carrie.

The two looked at each other, and neither could see any message in each other's calm eyes.

"Thank you for the compliment, Dumbledore."

Madame Maxime smiled at Dumbledore, waved her wand and served him a cup of tea.

Dumbledore held up the teacup that looked like a large ocean bowl with both hands, not caring how funny he looked at the moment, and lowered his head to take a sip of tea.

"Oh, I need to add some more sugar."

He stretched out his hands holding the tea cup.


Madame Maxime smiled slightly again and tapped the wand in her hand.

A large, exquisite ceramic sugar bowl flew over from a nearby shelf, shook it in mid-air, and poured a large amount of white sugar cubes into the teacup in Dumbledore's hand.

"Oh, that's enough."

Dumbledore picked up a teaspoon as big as a spoon, stirred it in the cup, took another sip, and then sighed contentedly.

"It just so happens that this is exactly the flavor I like."

"As long as you like it."

Madame Maxime directed the sugar bowl to fly back.


At this time, Professor Girard finally couldn't sit still.

"If my guess is correct, you didn't invite them here just for tea!"

Her voice was a little sharp, perhaps out of anger.

Madame Maxime frowned, "Please be patient, Veronica. I invited Dumbledore here, of course, not for tea."

Professor Girard said: "Then you should directly tell the respected Professor Dumbledore how I want his student who behaves badly to be punished!"

"This is not up to you, Veronica." Mrs. Maxim's tone was obviously displeased, "This involves a warrior participating in the Triwizard Tournament. In short, this matter requires the entire judging panel. A decision can be made after discussion.”

She looked toward the office door.

"So, now we still need to wait for a few other guests to come."

Professor Girard said in a strong tone, "I think this matter has nothing to do with the Triwizard Tournament. The whole thing is just a Hogwarts student attacking a Beauxbatons student for no reason and causing serious injuries to him!"

Mrs. Maxim turned her head and looked at her expressionlessly, "I think I am the principal of this school, Professor Girard."

Professor Girard looked at her with wide eyes and took several deep breaths.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds before Professor Girard took the initiative to soften his tone and said, "You are right, Olim. I'm sorry, I lost my temper."

Under Madame Maxime's gaze, she relented.

Mrs. Maxim smiled gracefully and said, "It's okay, please wait a little longer, Veronica. I think we can work together to come up with a result that is acceptable to all parties."

Professor Girard nodded and stopped talking.

The confrontation between the two ended here. It was obvious that Madame Maxime, the principal of Beauxbatons, was the better one.

At this moment, Fu Rong's voice came from the door.

"Madame Maxime, your other guests are here."

"Invite them in quickly, Fleur."

"Yes, Madame Maxime."

Immediately afterwards, several people walked in from outside the door.

First there are the other members of the judging panel.

Two officials from the French Ministry of Magic, Messrs. Lefebvre and Jolly.

Durmstrang's new principal, Professor Hartmann.

and, Professor Russell and Lucio of Beauxbatons.

When Professor Russell, dressed in white robes, walked into the office, Professor Girard slid down from the huge sofa.

After her feet landed, she couldn't wait to ask, "Why are you here, Professor Russell!"

"My students are also involved." He glanced at Lucio who was following him.

Professor Girard wanted to say something else, but Madam Maxime spoke up, "I invited Professor Russell and his students. Okay, everyone, please take a seat. Fleur, you come in too, and then close the door. "

With that said, she stood up and called for everyone else to sit down.

Except for Lucio, who was also a student, everyone else sat down.

No one had a problem with the sofas, which were completely mismatched in size, even if it was a bit difficult to climb up and sit on them, the movement was a bit inelegant.

Even the serious Mr. Lefebvre and Professor Russell.

Of course, Professor Girard also sat down again.

Obviously, everyone gave Mrs. Maxim a lot of face.

With a smile on her face and extremely graceful movements, Madame Maxime took her seat at the end and waved her magic wand to serve tea to everyone.

But except for Dumbledore and Mr. Jolly, no one held up those tea cups that looked like ocean bowls.

Madame Maxime didn't care either.

She said slowly: "I think everyone already knows something about what happened. I invite everyone here just to discuss a result that everyone can accept."

Several people present nodded.

Mrs. Maxim added: "Then, for the sake of fairness, let the students who are the parties involved recount the details again, in front of all of us."

"No problem," said Mr. Jolly. "It's just that, if I remember correctly, there was an important person who was not present."

Professor Girard immediately said: "Poor Waldo, he is still lying in the school hospital. He has suffered unimaginable pain and torture, and he is still not very conscious until now. I don't want him to be stimulated by any more."

As she said that, she glanced at Scott with cold eyes, and then looked at Cary.

"This is my student, Karikama. Karikama witnessed the whole thing, and my nephew Waldo entrusted him to tell the truth."

"Is that so?" Mr. Jolly looked at the others, "What do you think?"

"Okay." Mr. Lefebvre said.

The others nodded.

"That's it." Mr. Jolly clapped his hands, "Then you can tell the story first, Mr. Karikama."

Karikama bowed slightly.

"Good afternoon, I'm Karikama, from the Karika family..."

He began to tell the story in detail.

He started from the news that Fleur announced that her dance partner had been decided last night.

He didn't seem to cover up for Waldo, and made Waldo's domineering intention of not allowing other boys to get close to Fleur very clear.

Of course, he made a lot of modifications in his words, beautifying Waldo's ugly behavior as "impulsive for love."

Listening to his story, Scott glanced at Fleur standing next to Madame Maxime.

Fleur's face was very pale, and there was resentment in her eyes, as if she had been greatly humiliated.

But she didn't say anything.

Cary continued to tell the story, and he talked about Waldo's actions this morning.

"... In a moment of impulse, Waldo took a group of people to trouble Mr. Trollope, hoping that he would retreat. Because I was worried, I followed him."

Until here, he didn't say too much nonsense.

But then...

"When he saw Lucio reminding Mr. Trollope to be careful, Waldo was really angry. In impulse, he said some threatening words."

As he said, he glanced at Scott.

"But I didn't expect Mr. Trollope to directly humiliate him. He said that he had never seen a fool like Waldo, and said that he would make Waldo unable to raise his head in front of him..."

Scott raised his eyebrows.

At the same time, he heard Lucio's heavy breathing.

Lucio was staring at Cary, his eyes full of anger.

But Professor Russell glanced at him, and he closed his mouth and didn't speak rashly.

Scott watched Cary's performance quietly.

Kari concealed part of the facts, changed part of the time sequence, and then distorted the whole story.

In summary, he meant that Waldo was just impulsive to cause trouble, but he just wanted to warn Scott to stay away from Fleur.

Unexpectedly, Scott used vicious words to humiliate him, and the incident escalated into a violent conflict.

Even in the conflict, Waldo deliberately excluded Lucio, and even laid a magic barrier in order not to affect others.

But Scott ruthlessly defeated them with strange means, and even tortured Waldo in a cruel way, and did not stop no matter how Kari advised.

Until the end, Scott also snatched Waldo's alchemical item, the magic barrier ball.

If people who don't know the truth listen to it as a whole, they will feel that although Waldo is wrong, it is not a big mistake, just a little impulsive for love.

On the contrary, Scott is arrogant, arrogant, cruel, and cold-blooded, just like a next-generation dark lord.

"... I'm done." Kari bowed again.

"Did you hear that?"

Professor Girard patted the armrest of the sofa, and then pointed at Scott with his finger painted with bright red nails.

"This Mr. Trollope is an extremely dangerous student! His experience and cruelty are no less than those senior dark wizards! For such a student, what you should do is to disqualify him from the competition and put him in prison!"

Hearing her words, the two officials of the French Ministry of Magic and Professor Hartman looked at Scott with doubtful eyes.


Dumbledore coughed and was about to speak, but Professor Russell suddenly spoke.

"Your words sound somewhat reasonable, Professor Girard. But according to my student, Lucio Gonzalez, the truth of the matter is not so."

He raised a hand to stop Professor Girard from blurting out a rebuttal.

"We can't just listen to one side of the story. Is it my student's turn to narrate the story now?" He asked Madame Maxime.

"Of course." Madame Maxime nodded and motioned for Lucio to speak.

"Cary is lying!"

Lucio said this first.

Professor Girard turned his head and stared at Lucio, "Lucio Gonzalez, you should understand that you have to be responsible for what you say. I hope you can bear the corresponding consequences."

This is almost a blatant threat.

But Professor Russell immediately said, "I think with me as a mentor, my apprentice can boldly say what he wants to say."

Professor Girard's face changed, "Professor Russell, are you sure?"

Scott immediately understood her subtext-

Are you sure that you will tear your face with our Girard family for a Muggle-born student.

"I am sure, Professor Girard." Professor Russell did not give her face.

Professor Girard took a few deep breaths again, and his face darkened.

Professor Russell retracted his gaze, "Continue, Lucio."

"Yes, mentor."

Lucio responded and started to tell the story again.

He started from the morning when he specially reminded Scott and told the whole story.

"...In short, because Waldo kept humiliating us with the name 'Mudblood', Scott got angry and called him a fool. Also, it was Waldo and the others who started the attack. After the incident, Waldo There were no wounds on his body.”

He bowed.

"My story is complete."

"It seems that the facts stated by Gonzalez are completely different from what Kama said." Mrs. Maxim said, "We need to distinguish the truth ourselves."

Professor Girard said: "Lucio Gonzalez is just lying in order to help his friends escape responsibility. Beauxbatons should expel such a student."

"I believe in my students." Professor Russell refused to give in. "He will never lie to me."

Professor Girard glared angrily, "August Russell! This matter involves Beauxbatons and Hogwarts!"

She tried to use Beauxbatons' name to bring Professor Russell to a united front.

But Professor Russell obviously doesn't like this.

He said solemnly: "It is precisely because Beauxbatons' reputation cannot be tarnished that it is even more important to remove some stains that should have been removed long ago, rather than letting some people off again and again just for the sake of some people's face."


Professor Girard was so angry that his breathing became rapid.

At the critical moment, Dumbledore spoke.

"Gentlemen and ladies, I don't think we have much to argue about this matter."

"Oh? Do you have anything to say, Dumbledore?" Mrs. Maxim asked.

Dumbledore smiled.

"There are only two points I want to make."

"First, for Scott Trollope, others can only decide the part about the Triwizard Tournament. As for how to deal with him, it is our business at Hogwarts."

"Second, my student is good at inventing some interesting gadgets, and the incident has been recorded by him using magic items. We will know the real incident at a glance."

As he spoke, he took out a rectangular mirror from his pocket.

"Oh, right here."

He tapped the mirror with his wand, then flicked it, and the corresponding picture was immediately projected on the white curtain hanging on one side of the glass wall.

Scott looked at this scene in surprise.

This method is undoubtedly much simpler and more convenient than the method he often uses. There is no need to make an additional large mirror as a player.

But he didn't know how Dumbledore did it.

"It's a very interesting gadget, I modified it on a whim."

Dumbledore whispered to him and looked at the others.

"Then let's start watching now."

Soon, the image projected on the curtain started to move.

Scott glanced at Professor Girard and Cary, both of whom had serious expressions at this moment.

Didn't expect it!

He sneered inwardly and relived the incident again.

Although Waldo's arrogant look made people uncomfortable and his screams were unpleasant, the feeling of relief was still very comfortable.

In the picture at this time, the lawlessness of Waldo and his followers is clearly visible, and it becomes even more vivid when combined with the sound coming from the [magic phone] in Dumbledore's hand.

The arrogant attitude, the words "Mudblood", and the unfinished words trying to insult Mrs. Maxim were all completely exposed in front of everyone.

When that sentence was played, Scott deliberately used the corner of his eyes to observe Mrs. Maxim's reaction.

All in all, the plus-size woman could barely keep her graceful posture as Waldo spoke of her in a disparaging tone.

At the same time, Professor Girard's face became more and more serious.

Until the absolute darkness fell in the image and Waldo's shrill screams sounded, Professor Girard finally couldn't bear it any longer.

"That's enough!" She almost screamed, "That's enough! Stop it!"

But no one responded to her, and Dumbledore didn't listen to her.

This video was played until the end, allowing everyone present to understand what happened.

Facing the eyes of others focused on her, Professor Girard gritted his teeth and said: "This is not true! With Dumbledore's level of magic, he can completely fake such an image!"

Hearing her say this, several other people's faces looked a little unhappy.

What’s the point of continuing to be tough when you’ve already thrown such evidence in your face?

Scott, who had been silent until now, stood up and bowed, "If there is a pensieve, I can take out my memory and let everyone check it out."

"Me too." Lucio quickly followed.

"Memory is not unchangeable." Professor Girard still refused to admit defeat.

"That's enough, it's too ugly, Professor Girard." Professor Russell said, "You know very well what kind of character your nephew is."

Professor Girard finally fell silent.

"It seems like that's what happened."

Madame Maxime, who had regained her elegant posture, gracefully picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

"Next, what we should discuss is how to deal with this matter without affecting the Triwizard Tournament."

The two officials from the Ministry of Magic both pondered.

"He should be disqualified!" Professor Girard became excited again, "This is a punishment for him and Hogwarts. This year's championship can only be won between Beauxbatons and Durmstrang! "

Scott had been observing the reactions of others. Professor Hartman was obviously a little moved by Professor Girard's proposal and nodded slightly.

But he did not rush to express his position, but looked at the two officials.

Mr. Jolly was the first to shake his head and reject the proposal, "No, this will make the Triwizard Tournament unworthy of its name and meaningless."

"Yes, there must be three parties participating in the Triwizard Tournament." Mr. Lefebre agreed.

"Then Hogwarts must change to a warrior." Professor Girard added, "This student's methods are vicious and cruel, which is obviously incompatible with the identity of a warrior."

"Vicious and cruel? I don't think so."

Still Professor Russell.

Scott didn't expect that he would speak for him in a place like this.

Is it because of the disagreement between the Russell family and the Girard family?

But he vaguely felt that Professor Russell was not that kind of person, and he would not do such things for the sake of opposition.

"what are you saying?"

Professor Girard also looked at Professor Russell in surprise.

"Didn't you hear that poor Waldo was tortured so badly that he still hasn't recovered yet? This incident may leave a psychological shadow on him!"

She pointed at Scott angrily.

"If that's the case, he's the one who completely ruined Waldo's future!"

Facing her accusation, Professor Russell's eyes were particularly calm.

He still said in his usual tone: "Professor Girard, what you should do is not blame Mr. Trollope, but reflect on the family education of your Girard family."

"What did you say?" Professor Girard opened his eyes in disbelief.

Professor Russell did not answer her, but turned to Scott and asked, "Mr. Trollope, have you tried it yourself? What was the extent of the pain Waldo Girard suffered?"

Scott told the truth: "I've tried it, and it's like being stabbed once."

Of course, the pain in the illusion can be adjusted.

But because pain can also cause death, in order not to cause death, Scott gave Waldo a not too high pain level.

Professor Russell nodded, looked at Professor Girard again, and then replied to her in a long paragraph.

"I know Valdo Girard suffered some pain."

"But that level of pain is not comparable to a Quidditch player falling from a high altitude, nor is it comparable to an alchemist being injured by an explosion during an alchemy experiment, or even to the pain caused by a student's mistake in practicing apparation. body."

"Of course, it is not more serious than the consequences he caused when he bullied others in the past."

"It's not uncommon for little wizards to get injured in their daily lives. Why aren't others affected by those pains?"

"They are still playing Quidditch, still conducting alchemy experiments, and they have all obtained the Apparition qualification certificate."

"Why is Waldo the only one so vulnerable?"

"Because you have always protected him too well, allowing him to enjoy privileges in the group and not allowing him to be harmed at all."

"Even when he learns to apparate, you take him hand in hand until he gets used to the magic."

"He is lawless, does things regardless of the consequences, and cannot bear pain. Such traits were cultivated by you."

"In other words, even if he has left an irresistible shadow because of this incident, it is actually you, the relatives who doted on him, who really destroyed him."

After saying this long speech, Professor Russell stood up directly.

"In short, my attitude has been expressed, and I will not be involved in the next thing."

He nodded to the others and led Lucio out of the office.

So handsome, Professor Russell!

Those words are beautifully said!

Scott just wanted to cheer him loudly.

His long paragraph made Professor Girard stunned.

And when she came back to her senses and wanted to refute, Professor Russell had already walked away with Lucio.

Professor Girard gasped with anger, but could not find anyone to vent to.

She couldn't be too rude to Dumbledore, that was obviously unbecoming behavior.

She also couldn't confront Scott directly, which would definitely make her lose her identity.

She could only stare at the door that had closed again, her chest rising and falling.

"Okay, how to handle this incident should be decided by our referee team members." Mrs. Maxim said, "Other people's opinions can only be used as a reference."

Professor Girard immediately asked, "Is your decision to give him no punishment? This is unreasonable!"

"Yes, there must be a penalty." Mr. Jolly said, "So I propose to deduct 5 game points as a penalty."

5 o'clock?

Scott thought about it.

In the current standings, he has 48 points, Krum has 45 points, and Furong has 43 points.

Is this to put myself and Furong on the same starting line again?

"I agree." Professor Hartmann was the first to agree.

He was obviously happy to vote in favor, because in this way, Krum ranked first in the standings.



Mr. Lefebre and Madame Maxime also agreed.

Finally, they looked at Dumbledore.

"I have no objection." Dumbledore glanced at Scott, "Then I'll deduct 5 points."

Scott felt that the deduction of points was actually unreasonable because it had nothing to do with the game.

But Dumbledore didn't object, so it wasn't his turn to speak.

He didn't care that much about the 5 points.

"Then it's decided!" Mr. Jolly made the final decision.

Even if Professor Girard wanted to deduct more points from Scott, it was too late.

After the matter was over, Scott and Dumbledore left Beauxbatons Castle together and returned to their tower.

"They're back!"

"Professor Dumbledore!"


Everyone was waiting for them, and as soon as they met, they couldn't wait to ask about the results of the incident.

"How did it go?"

"What did they say?"

Scott quickly told them the results.

"Deduction?" Fred was a little surprised, "Just like that?"

Roger curled his lips, "Fortunately, it was only 5 points, but it was a bargain for Krum!"

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