The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 483 483. Sneaking into Edinburgh Castle

Scott smiled and stepped forward, also reaching out and grabbing one of Phoenix Fox's tail feathers.

"Let's go, Fawkes, to Edinburgh, Scotland." Dumbledore ordered.

As Fox chirped, Scott's eyes blurred and he felt weightless.

In the blink of an eye, he was already standing on a street.

Then, as soon as his hand was empty, the phoenix disappeared.

There were few pedestrians on the street at night, and no one seemed to notice their sudden appearance.

Looking up at the street sign, Scott discovered that this was Prince Street.

On one side of the street, across a park, is the Edinburgh Castle built on extinct volcanic rocks.

Scott asked Dumbledore, "Professor, how do we get in?"

"Follow me." Dumbledore turned and walked towards the park.

Scott quickly followed and walked beside him.

"Professor, will Medea discover us if we enter the castle like this?" He asked again, "Will she have a way to transfer directly?"

Dumbledore said: "This is the hiding place chosen by Ms. Slytherin, and she did make a lot of arrangements when she occupied it."

Scott said: "In other words, she did not occupy this castle just to sacrifice Voldemort's Horcruxes."

Dumbledore nodded.

"But it doesn't matter." He smiled slightly, "I think I have found out all her arrangements."

"Thank you so much, Professor." Scott felt relieved.

At this time, Dumbledore stopped and looked up at the castle towering on the mountain.

Then he turned to look at Scott.

"I am not going to hide my identity this time, but you must disguise yourself, because Ms. Slytherin does not know the prophecy yet."

With that said, he took out a bottle of polyjuice potion and handed it to Scott.

"Drink it."

Scott took the potion bottle, opened it and poured it into his mouth.

Soon, he felt like his body was being stretched and deformed like plasticine, and he had grown a lot taller.

Scott took out the [magic mirror] and took a look, and found an unfamiliar face.

"Are you proficient at Apparating?" Dumbledore asked.

He pointed to the fort on the edge of the castle above and disappeared before Scott's eyes.

Scott looked up and saw that Dumbledore was already standing on the turret.

He quickly also used Disapparation.

"It seems you can take the Apparition exam directly."

When Scott also appeared at the fort, Dumbledore said happily.

"But this time it's because I'm watching. It's best not to use this magic casually before you get the certificate."

"I know." Scott agreed.

As for whether it can be done or not, that will be decided at that time.

He looked around, "Where should we go next?"

"Come with me."

Dumbledore smiled and walked away.

He looked unnerved, as if he were walking in his garden.

Seeing this, Scott became more relaxed and followed him.

At the same time, he spread his magic perception to the maximum range.


Soon, he noticed a clue.

The magic in this castle is not exhausted as the Ministry of Magic once claimed, but is hidden.

These magical powers are not grand and surging like Hogwarts, which fills every corner of the building. Instead, they are very hidden and restrained, like invisible spider threads, arranged in key locations in the castle.

If it weren't for his keen perception, he wouldn't be able to detect it easily.

"It seems that you have already noticed it." Dumbledore said with a smile, "This way you don't need me to guide you forward."

Scott also laughed, "Yes, Professor, please don't worry, I will not touch these invisible 'spider threads'."

"Yes, these are the 'spider threads'. They will not appear during the day and will not be touched by creatures without magic." Dumbledore said.

No wonder the crows had a clear path when setting up their "eyes" without being discovered, Scott thought.

"Medea is like a spider, weaving webs that cover the entire castle. If these spider threads are touched, Medea should be able to sense it."

He looked around as he walked.

"But isn't there a little too little magic power here? It shouldn't take too much magic power to arrange these 'spider threads'."

Dumbledore said: "According to my guess, this is because Ms. Slytherin has indeed consumed most of the magic contained in the castle."

Deliberately avoiding the "spider thread", the two of them had an unimpeded journey and soon arrived at the entrance of the dungeon.

What stood in front of them was an old wooden door with an equally old iron lock hanging on it.

"Do you want to use the unlocking spell?" Scott asked, "Will using magic be directly discovered..."

While he was speaking, Dumbledore took out a key from his pocket and opened the wooden door in front of him.

"...It turns out you are ready."

Dumbledore didn't say where he got the key from, and stretched out his hand to push open the wooden door.


The sight inside the wooden door surprised Scott.

The narrow downward passage is crisscrossed with dense spider silk.


It is impossible to pass through without touching the spider silk like just now.

"When we get here, it seems we can only force our way in." Dumbledore said softly.

"Let me try, Professor."

Scott crouched down, and a miniature Komodo dragon crawled out of his sleeves and crawled to the ground through his hands.

"Go, Golzan."

Following his order, Golzan slowly descended and sank into the ground like falling into water.

very good.

Scott felt relieved.

If this place was like Hogwarts Castle, where every brick and tile contained abundant magic, it would not be easy to handle.

Following the connection with Golzan, Scott quickly sensed that it had escaped the blockade of the "spider thread" by traveling through the land and entered the interior of the dungeon.

Scott took out the [Magic Mirror] again and opened it, looking at the surveillance screen in the dungeon.

The picture was still very dark, and only the outlines of objects could be vaguely discerned.

Narrow walkways, densely packed hammocks, and single rooms separated by iron fences are full of a terrifying atmosphere.

After a while, Golzan finally climbed into the depths of the dungeon.

With the moonlight shining through the narrow patio, he could barely see a small area around him.

"Is this where the secret room is, Professor?" Scott asked.

"Yes, this is it."

Dumbledore also looked at the picture in the [Magic Mirror] in his hand.

"But there isn't a door here."

Scott studied the mirror carefully, the rough stone wall revealed vaguely.

"Oh, the Chamber of Secrets doesn't necessarily have to have a door." Dumbledore said with a smile.

Next, Scott asked Golzan to try to break through the wall.

But as Dumbledore said before, Medea's secret chamber cannot be easily broken through.

Both the stone wall itself and the ground in front of the stone wall successfully blocked Golzan's ability to travel underground.

"Looks like your little animal didn't do much good."

Dumbledore said with a smile.

He took two steps forward, drew out his wand, and touched the "spider thread" in the passage with a magic spell.

As soon as Scott followed him for two steps, the tiny "spider threads" suddenly turned red and became visible to the naked eye.

Immediately afterwards, those "spider threads" started to move and attacked the two of them with bared teeth and claws.

Dumbledore waved his wand calmly, and a huge spherical iron armor spell appeared that enveloped the two of them at the same time, blocking all the red "spider threads" from the magic barrier.


Dumbledore quickened his pace.

At the same time, the spherical iron armor curse also moved with him.

Scott quickly followed him.

The red "spider silk" continued to surge and increase, but it was still unable to break through Dumbledore's magic barrier from any angle.

In this way, the two of them quickly walked through the narrow corridors in the dungeon and came to the stone wall.

At this time, the originally small "spider threads" had been intertwined one by one, turning into thick whips, whipping towards them fiercely.

Bang, bang, bang...

The crisp slapping sounds kept ringing.

Although the force of each blow could not be called terrifying, the number was too much.

Dumbledore paid no attention to those attacks.

He stood steadily, not even looking back, but carefully examining the stone wall in front of him.

Scott was no longer nervous, and also used magic perception to explore the stone wall.

"The magic comes alive throughout the castle."

He said, reaching out a hand and touching the wall.

"Especially this wall, the magic inside seems to have some special structure."

Dumbledore said: "That represents the sealed chamber. You cannot open it with skill, you can only use brute force."

As he spoke, he began to back away.

Scott bent down to pick up Golzan and followed his footsteps closely, fearing that he would be left outside the magic barrier.

At the same time, he looked back and found that the whip formed by the entanglement of the "spider threads" was still attacking, but the magic barrier seemed to be indestructible, showing no signs of damage.

After getting farther away, Dumbledore waved the hand holding the wand decisively.

The crimson curse was like a twisting lightning bolt, hitting the stone wall instantly and continuously, completely illuminating the surrounding environment.

After a while, Dumbledore's curse continued to attack, but the stone wall seemed to be overwhelmed, and several small cracks began to appear.

Scott also waved his wand and added some fire.


After his attack was added, the cracks in the stone wall grew a little faster.

Are we destroying cultural relics and ancient buildings?

Scott suddenly became distracted.

If he was caught by the Muggle management of the castle, he might be imprisoned?

At this moment, Medea's voice sounded from behind them.


Scott and Dumbledore both looked back.

The red "spider threads" have spread out again, intertwining in the air, quickly forming an ethereal human shape.

Probably Medea's look.

"Mr. Principal, and this strange gentleman."

Medea's ethereal body floated, looking down at the two people.

"I thought we had no reason to attack each other, gentlemen," she said, "or give me a reason for you to trouble me."

Neither Scott nor Dumbledore stopped attacking, and the light of the curse was still shining.

"Sorry, Ms. Slytherin," Dumbledore said politely, "I would like to ask you to sleep for a while longer."

"Reason!" Medea seemed a little emotionally unstable.

"You want to gain power by sacrificing Voldemort's soul, but we don't think that's a good thing."

Dumbledore said calmly.

"Until Voldemort is completely defeated, please continue to sleep like this."

"So that's it." Medea was obviously holding back her anger, "You are afraid that I will fully recover and gain great power!"

"You can say that." Dumbledore admitted with a nod.

Medea sarcastically said: "The greatest wizard of this century is no better than this!"

Dumbledore smiled slightly and said, "You are too generous. I am just a bad old man who is about to die."

at this time……

Click, click...

The sound of the stone walls breaking became louder and gravel began to fall.

at the same time……

Boom, boom, boom...

Heavy footsteps sounded.

To Scott's ears, it seemed to be the sound of metal colliding with floor tiles.

"Stop them!"

Medea gave an order, and the "spider threads" that made up her body spread out. Then, several figures wearing iron armor and holding weapons came over.

Scott stopped attacking the stone wall, turned around and waved his wand.


Several spheres of light rose up, completely illuminating the surrounding area.

He was somewhat surprised to find that they were ancient armors and weapons on display in the Scottish National War Museum in the castle.

Medea, who was still in a "sleeping" state, didn't know how to make them move.

After seeing the true face of the "enemy" clearly, Scott breathed a sigh of relief.

Hogwarts also has a lot of this kind of armor, which can also be moved, but their combat effectiveness is not strong.

Scott didn't think they could even break Dumbledore's Iron Armor Curse.

Several pairs of armors quickly stepped forward and used their weapons to attack the magic barrier protecting Scott and Dumbledore.

Just as Scott thought, their attacks had no effect.

Scott decided to ignore them and turned again to attack the increasingly cracked stone wall.

"The house collapsed."

However, at the next moment, he felt the magic power surging behind him, so he turned back again.

I saw a steady stream of "spider threads" coming over and quickly getting into the interior of the armor through the gaps in the armor.

This process lasted for a long time, and Medea seemed to be pouring all the "spider silk" in the castle into the armor.

Those "spider threads" seemed to melt after entering the interior of the armor, turning into a red mist.

Not long after, the inside of the armor was filled with this red mist, and a pair of red eyes lit up under the helmet.

A sound broke through the air.

The armors swung their weapons together and slashed hard at the magic barrier.

Click, click...

This time, the magic barrier cracked like the stone wall attacked by Scott and Dumbledore.

I don’t know what Dumbledore did. He had been continuously outputting power against the stone wall, but the cracks in the magic barrier were quickly repaired.


The armors roared like beasts, and red mist flowed from the gaps in the armor, surging around them and even covering the weapons in their hands.

The next round of attacks begins again.


This time, the magic barrier was directly shattered.

How can it be!

Scott's eyes widened.

Seeing that Dumbledore was still attacking the stone wall without even turning around, he quickly released Gorzan again and waved his wand against it.

"Get bigger quickly!"

This time, the Komodo dragon, known as the dragon in the Muggle world, showed its true face and stopped in front of the armors.

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