The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 484 484. Battle in the Dungeon

Golzan, who had grown to a huge size, lay in the corridor, completely blocking the armors' progress.

What followed was a silent confrontation.

The red mist filled the air, and pairs of bloody eyes became brighter.

With the clanging sound of steel colliding, the unmanned armor moved faster and raised the weapon wrapped in red mist again.

"Golzan, go ahead!"

Scott broke the silence.

"[Rock Armor]!"

Under Scott's command, Golzan shook his head and tail to block the armors, and did not flinch in the face of the falling weapons.

When the weapons were about to fall on him, a thick layer of rock quickly covered his skin, replacing the gray scales and becoming his full body armor.


Bang, bang, bang...

Several collisions sounded in succession and continued to echo in this narrow corridor.

Gravel splashed.

"Armor protects."

Scott waved his wand, and a transparent magic barrier blocked him in front of him, blocking the flying gravel.

From time to time, Golzan's rock armor was knocked off by the weapons of the armors, but a new layer continued to grow.

Scott looked back.

Dumbledore was still struggling with the stone wall. He seemed to be very confident in Scott. He didn't look back at all and completely gave his back to him.

Without time to think, Scott knew that Golzan was not a good candidate to deal with those armors.

Because the attack method of this big lizard was terrifying bites and poison in saliva.

But this attack didn't have much effect on the armor controlled by magic.

But Scott didn't mean to take out other "summoned beasts" for the time being.

He didn't forget that he was now drinking polyjuice potion to disguise himself as someone else.

In his opinion, the four "summoned beasts" representing the four elements of wind, fire, water and earth should soon become his own signs, and it would be easy for Medea to guess his identity.

Especially Edgar the Fire Crow and Sirein the Swordfish. Because the Fire Crow and the Swordfish were both images that Scott had used in public, Scott didn't take them out again this time.

Bang, bang, bang...

The steel weapons and the rock armor kept colliding.

Sparks flew around Golzan, and the rock armor was broken layer by layer.

It also began to fight back.

The huge tail covered with rocks swept fiercely.


Like a huge chain hammer, it pushed the armor back several steps.

The armor's hands moved quickly and powerfully, but the movements of their feet were a bit rigid and stiff, and several armors fell to the ground.

Scott waved his wand again.

"Flying sand and rocks!"

The blue flames exploded on the helmet of the armor.

Accompanied by a loud bang.

The glowing red eyes in the helmet went out and fell directly from the armor, and the whole armor stopped moving.

Scott was about to use the same trick to deal with other armors, and the red mist in the hole of the collar of the armor rushed out and quickly connected to the fallen helmet.

The red eyes inside the helmet lit up again, and then flew up and landed on the armor.

It started moving again.

Scott changed his plan and pointed his wand at the ground.

"Slide flat."

He used Roger's best spell to make the ground under the armors slippery.

Soon, these stiff-legged guys began to slip and then fell into a ball.

Scott then cast a transfiguration spell on the iron fences on both sides of the walkway.

The iron fences immediately turned into chains and moved, wrapping around the armors, tightly tying them up in several layers.


A teeth-grinding sound rang out.

Medea's toys were struggling hard, and the armor and the chains made a harsh friction sound.

"Flying sand and rocks."

Scott's next spell flew behind the feet of the armors, into the unlit walkway.

"Armor protection!"


The blue flames exploded on the magic barrier, illuminating several hooded figures.

"Have Ms. Slytherin's servants finally arrived?" Scott said in a voice that he himself found unfamiliar.

"Wrong." A female voice answered him, "Don't compare Ms. Slytherin with that lunatic. We are not servants, but partners who share the same ideals with her!"

Scott smiled indifferently, "It doesn't matter what, it's the same in my opinion."

"You are insulting us!" The female voice was obviously angry.

"Don't talk nonsense, do it!" A male voice roared, "Stop Dumbledore!"

Then, different spells were chanted at the same time, and several spells flashed with various colors of light and attacked Scott and Dumbledore.

Scott smiled.

The people of the All Witches' Coven were still gentler than the Death Eaters, and did not use the Killing Curse right away.

"Armor protection."

Scott laid several magic barriers in front of him, and then bent his knees and squatted.

He first cast an anti-apparition spell, and then cast a transformation spell on the ground in front of him.

As the magic barriers were broken one after another, a stone wall with a thickness of more than one meter suddenly rose from the ground, separating the corridor and completely blocking the prisons on both sides of the corridor.

"Golzan, go!"

At Scott's command, Golzan sank into the ground like a fish into water.

Scott also waved his wand again.

The second stone wall rose.

Before the first wall was destroyed, Scott's wand tip touched the second wall.

The magic light surged, and countless magic runes spread out from the tip of his wand, and soon covered the entire wall.

As the magic runes flashed slightly and quickly disappeared, the wall changed color silently.

In addition to using magic runes to make the stone wall stronger, Scott began to build an illusion, intending to deprive the group of people of their vision.

In absolute darkness, the road ahead was blocked, and coupled with Golzan's sneak attack, the group of people had only one option, which was to exit the dungeon.

The subsequent development was similar to what Scott thought.

After losing their vision, the wizards were in a panic, and several people were bitten by Golzan. Then they found that they were poisoned, and had no choice but to exit the dungeon in embarrassment.

Scott then turned to look at Dumbledore's results.

The stone wall that Medea carefully prepared was obviously much stronger than the one Scott made temporarily.

Dumbledore cast a spell for so long that the wall, although covered with cracks, still did not break directly.

"The house collapsed and the ground sank."

Scott started to help again.

At this moment, the red mist, which had faded a little, appeared in their eyes again, and once again turned into the image of Medea.

"Mr. Headmaster."

"Stop attacking and leave the castle."

"Otherwise, I will completely detonate all the magic in the castle."

"Then this castle, including the Muggles in the castle, will be destroyed together."

"Oh, Ms. Slytherin."

Dumbledore turned his head and looked at her.

He said in a particularly regretful tone: "I thought only Tom would say such a thing."

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