The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 485 485. Medea's Secret Room

At this time, Medea's face was made up of red mist, and the root of the red mist came from the magic power contained in the castle.

Although it roughly forms a human form, it is somewhat ethereal and blurry.

So Scott couldn't see her expression clearly.


There was a hint of self-deprecation in her voice.

"Although I have always looked down upon him, you are right. Now I can only use this reason to threaten you, Mr. Principal."

Dumbledore smiled calmly.

"In my opinion, there is not much difference between you and Tom, Ms. Slytherin. It is precisely because you underestimated Tom that you are experiencing such setbacks."

"You're insulting me!"

Medea seemed really angry, and her tone was a little gloomy.

"No ma'am, I'm just stating what I really think."

Dumbledore said in an affirmative tone.

"You and Tom have a lot in common. You both think you are superior to others and you both have the same disregard for life."

Medea suddenly sneered.

"Because I'm threatening you with those Muggle lives?"

Dumbledore shook his head.

"Not only that, but also because you easily absorbed the lives of two wizards when you woke up, and also because you killed your lifelong husband in order to make a Horcrux."

"These arguments mean nothing, Mr. Principal."

Medea's voice was cold.

"You should have known from the first meeting that we hold very different concepts."

"Yes, I know, ma'am."

Dumbledore's tone remained calm, even polite and personable.

"But what I want to tell you is that your threats are ineffective against us."


Medea was a little surprised.

"It is said that Mr. Dumbledore is a pro-Muggle wizard. Could it be that the world has misunderstood you..."

At this moment, Phoenix Fox's song-like chirping came.

It flew down from the patio above with flaming wings, completely illuminating the dark corridor.

Scott raised his head and saw a familiar figure grabbing Fox's feathers and slowly descending.

It's Sirius.

It turns out that Dumbledore had already made arrangements?

Scott was pleasantly surprised.

"Good evening, Dumbledore, we have taken all the Muggles out of the castle."

Sirius raised his eyebrows, smiled, and said loudly.

"Of course, we also caught those sneaky guys. Several of them were poisoned, saying they were bitten by monsters."

"Good evening, Sirius."

Dumbledore nodded.

"thank you all."

"You're welcome."

Sirius let go of Fawkes' feathers and landed gracefully.

Fawkes yelled twice, and the fire around him stopped, stopping on Dumbledore's hat.

Sirius looked at Medea first and then at Scott.

"Oh, good evening, Ms. Slytherin, and who is this?"

"Good evening, Mr. Black, I'm Hill."

Scott gave his mother Amelia's original surname.

"Hello, Mr. Hill."

Sirius nodded to him, then looked at Medea.

"Looks like I've lost my leverage."

Medea said calmly.

"But that's enough time. Goodbye, three gentlemen."

With that said, she turned into mist and floated away again.

At the same time, the stone wall behind Scott and the others that was still barely strong collapsed instantly.

Scott turned around, took a few steps back, and covered his mouth and nose with his hands to block the flying dust.

"It looks like she has left."

He said angrily.


Dumbledore responded.

When the dust settled, they raised their wands cast with illuminating spells and looked across the stone wall.

What appeared in front of them was an aisle.

The stone tiles in the aisles don't look as old as the rest of the castle.

"Let's go take a look."

Sirius was very excited and walked in at the lead.

Scott and Dumbledore looked at each other and followed Sirius.

The three of them walked through a passage about fifty meters long, and what appeared in front of them was a sunken stone room.

Dumbledore waved his wand, and balls of light flew out of his hand, illuminating the entire space as bright as day.

Only then did Scott see clearly the original appearance of this stone room.

The space here is very spacious, with layers of dark green velvet curtains hanging on the surrounding circular walls, and glittering silver threads embroidered into different snake-shaped patterns.

The floor of the stone chamber is pure black, like reflective obsidian.

The most surprising thing here is not these, but the pure white stone platform placed in the center of the stone chamber, and the broken crystal coffin placed on the stone platform.

Of course, there are also pure white ceramic human figures placed against the circular wall and covered with dark green velvet curtains.

These human figures are like plaster statues, all pure white, without any color or hair.

But Scott could tell that their faces were exactly the same as Medea's.

While he was observing the ceramic figures, Sirius had already walked down the steps and entered the stone chamber.

"It seems that Ms. Slytherin was lying in this coffin just now?"

He observed with interest and walked towards the white stone platform where the crystal coffin was placed.

"Stop, Sirius."

Dumbledore's voice suddenly sounded.

"What's wrong, Professor Dumbledore?"

Sirius stood where he was after hearing this.

Dumbledore also stepped down the steps and walked to his side.

Then he waved the Elder Wand in his hand.

A ball of warm gold flew from his wand.

It looks like both fire and light.

The golden color instantly covered the entire pure black ground, rising and rising around the white stone platform, burning fiercely.

Sounds like threads breaking were heard one after another.

Wisps of red smoke emerged from the black ground.

The smoke immediately turned black as it passed through the gold, and then slowly dissipated in the gold.

"This is?"

Sirius looked confused.

"I'm afraid this is the protective magic set by Medea."

Scott said, walking up to the two of them.

Dumbledore nodded.

He said to Sirius: "If you had just stepped forward rashly, I'm afraid a vicious curse would have been planted."


Sirius looked surprised and a little scared at the same time.

"Fortunately...thank you, Professor Dumbledore."

Dumbledore smiled kindly.

"I told you, you are no longer a student, just call me Albus."

Sirius shrugged.

"Oh, I also want to say that I'm used to it."

"Professor." Scott asked curiously, "What magic do you use?"

Because Dumbledore used a silent spell just now, he didn't know what it was.

But he was interested in being able to break the curse.

"I didn't use any magic spell."

Dumbledore replied with a smile.

"The curse stops immediately, or you can call it the end of all curses."


Scott opened his mouth, a little speechless.

He also knows how to use the mantra to stop!

Why is Dumbledore's curse different from everyone else's?

For a moment, Scott finally realized that this was probably how others felt when they saw him using the transformation technique.

"As expected of Professor Dumbledore."

Sirius couldn't help but sigh.

"Any spell in your hands will be more powerful than anyone else's."

Dumbledore said happily: "Thank you for the compliment, I just lived longer."

At this time, the golden color had gradually dimmed and slowly disappeared.

Scott felt it specially.

"It seems that the curse here has been broken by the professor, and the only thing left is..."

He looked towards the white stone platform in the center.

"There is still residual magic power in the crystal coffin and the stone platform. It seems that there are multiple magic circuits that have been destroyed..."

At this point, he narrowed his eyes.

"Judging from the remaining breath, there seems to be traces of time magic..."

At this moment, his body changed drastically and returned to its original appearance.

"Oh, time for the Polyjuice Potion."

He waved to a surprised Sirius.

"Good evening, Sirius."

"Oh...oh, it's you, Scott!"

Sirius grinned and reached out to pat his shoulder.

"Dumbledore actually chose you to fight alongside him? How amazing!"

Scott said modestly: "It's a pity that I didn't help much."

At this time, Dumbledore had already reached the stone platform.

He knelt down and looked at the stone platform carefully, then pushed up his glasses and stared at the destroyed crystal coffin.

Scott also walked onto the stone platform out of curiosity.

He asked Dumbledore, "Professor, do you think our goal has been achieved?"

Dumbledore nodded.

"It now appears that Ms. Slytherin has been sleeping here."

"I guess she suppressed the curse and protected her soul through the multiple magic circuits engraved on the crystal coffin and stone platform floor, as well as the power of magic."

"But now in order to leave here, she has to force herself to wake up and interrupt these methods."

"The suppressed curse must have broken out again."

Scott suddenly became happy.

"In this way, the curse he imposed will only disappear when Voldemort dies."

he analyzed.

"I guess Medea's original plan was to suppress the curse, regain some of her power, and then take Voldemort's soul while we defeated him."

"But now she obviously can't do it!"

"In other words, she won't be able to move on her own until Voldemort dies."

"You're right."

Dumbledore stood up.

"This way, we can focus on dealing with Voldemort first."

Scott said: "We also need to guard against other people in the witch guild..."

As he spoke, he was pacing around the crystal coffin and happened to see the ghostly look on Sirius' face.

"Oh, Scott, you are so..."

He gave a thumbs up.

"Even I dare not call that person by his name!"

Scott shrugged.

He told Sirius, "Harry also calls people by their first names."

"Haha...yes, Harry has always been brave."

Sirius smiled proudly and couldn't help but start praising his godson endlessly.

Scott casually echoed a few words, turned around and jumped off the stone platform, and walked to a ceramic figure.

In fact, he was quite envious of Medea's ability to control puppets.

When Medea fought Voldemort in Azkaban, her real body did not appear at all.

She just controlled several puppets remotely to make herself invincible.

If she had not been related to Voldemort before, it would have been convenient for Voldemort to curse her through this relationship, I am afraid she would have won.

Scott wanted to see if he could find the secret of Medea's magic to control puppets through these figures.

But unfortunately, through magic perception, he could conclude that the ceramic figures nearby were very ordinary and did not contain any magic at all.

In other words, these were just embryos that had not been further processed.

Scott did not give up and began to walk around the wall, preparing to check all the ceramic figures.

After he slowly walked past a dozen ceramic figures, he finally stopped again.

The figure in front of him had magic fluctuations in the heart.

Scott sensed it carefully and showed a surprised expression.

He waved his wand decisively and used the cutting spell to destroy the surface of the human heart.

The ceramic shattered, and several white fragments fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Under the gaze of Dumbledore and Sirius, Scott reached out and took out a red gem from the left side of the human chest.

"This is..."

Dumbledore was a little surprised and walked quickly to Scott.

"It's a disposable Philosopher's Stone, Professor."

Scott handed the red gem in his hand to Dumbledore.

"Oh, this is..."

Dumbledore reached out to take it and checked it over and over again.

"So that's it, as expected, it's very different from the Philosopher's Stone made by Nico... The magic power contained is too little... No wonder it's disposable..."

He muttered to himself while looking at it.

"Philosopher's Stone?"

Sirius was a little stunned.

"The legendary Philosopher's Stone? Are you kidding?"

"It's a disposable Philosopher's Stone."

Scott told him.

"That is to say, it can only be used once, and it will completely lose its effect after being used once."

"But the effect of using it once will not be discounted, right?"

Sirius asked excitedly.


Scott shook his head.

"I don't know."

Using the Philosopher's Stone also requires skills.

Not everyone is Nicolas Flamel.

Even if Scott wants to use the Philosopher's Stone to prolong his life, if it's just him, he can't make the elixir of life even with the Philosopher's Stone.

He doesn't even know how to turn stone into gold.

The disposable Philosopher's Stone he got before was actually used by him as a magic battery, helping him to conjure up Rimbaud when his magic reserve was insufficient.

Medea also used it this way.

When she was fighting Voldemort, she used a disposable Philosopher's Stone to turn the straightforward Killing Curse into an automatic tracking and searching for the enemy's fork and turn Killing Curse.

Of course, the Philosopher's Stone also has the characteristic that it can work without learning the method.

That is, it gave Rimbaud higher wisdom and growth, and it was closer to the essence of natural life.

Dumbledore, whose curiosity was satisfied, handed the disposable Philosopher's Stone back.


"It doesn't matter. I think it might be more useful in your hands."

Dumbledore put the Philosopher's Stone in his hand.

"Oh, this is the Philosopher's Stone? Let me see."

Sirius immediately came to Scott and stared at the stone in his hand with curiosity.

"Of course you can take a look."

Scott handed the stone to him.

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