The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 486 486. Voldemort's new move

Putting the disposable magic stone in Sirius's hand, Scott walked a full circle around the wall.

After carefully sensing the other ceramic humanoids, he was disappointed to find that there was only one disposable magic stone.

He couldn't help but sigh.

In this way, it is impossible to judge whether Medea has the ability to create a one-time magic stone.

Although Medea said that the disposable magic stones were left behind by Salazar Slytherin, there is also the possibility that she made them herself.

"Come on, let's go out."

Dumbledore said to Scott and Sirius.

"There is no need to explore here. Don't keep others waiting."

Fox, the phoenix lying on his hat, chirped as if to express his agreement.

"Then let's go, they've been waiting for a while."

Sirius put the disposable magic stone into Scott's hand and walked out first.

The three of them passed through the corridor and came to the dungeon again.

Dumbledore waved his wand casually, and everything in front of him returned to its original state——

The collapsed stone wall was completely repaired, and the stone wall created by Scott's transfiguration also disappeared.

Through the narrow passages of the dungeon, they finally came to the castle grounds.

"They're coming out."

Scott heard a familiar voice.

Immediately afterwards, Remus Lupine ran over from the other side.

"Are you guys okay? How's it going inside...Oh, it's you, Scott."

He was also surprised when he saw Scott.

"Good evening, Professor Lupin."

Scott greeted politely.

"Oh, good evening. I'm no longer your professor. Just call me Remus."

Lupine looked much better than before, at least, he was dressed more appropriately.

He greeted Dumbledore respectfully and then reported the situation.

"It's all taken care of, Professor."

"Kimlais sent people to send those poisoned wizards to the hospital, and the memories of those Muggles have also been erased."

Dumbledore nodded.

"We can leave."

Sirius smiled and walked up to Remus, and the two walked arm in arm like teenagers.

"The Slytherin lady has escaped!"

Sirius said with a smile.

"There is only an empty secret room left. It is unimaginable that she has been sleeping in a crystal coffin before..."

They soon came to the fort of the castle, where several wizards whom Scott knew were gathered.

Including Professor Moody, Gimlaith Shacklebolt, Nymphadora Tonks, and Charlie Weasley.

In addition to them, there were several Aurors and a few guys who were captured but not poisoned.

Among them was Mrs. Zabini.

"You have no right to arrest me. I have not violated any laws enforced by the British wizarding community."

Although Mrs. Zabini had her hands tied behind her back, she still behaved very strongly.

"No one stipulates that I can't take a walk in this city this evening..."

"Good evening, Charlie."

Scott walked over to Charlie.

Charlie whispered: "Good evening, Scott, oh, she is really difficult to handle. She hasn't stopped talking since just now."

"It's a little difficult," Scott said.

The terrifying look on Moody's face and the moving magic eyes seemed to have lost their intimidating power, and Shacklebolt also looked helpless.

Scott looked at Mrs. Zabini again, who acted confidently.

Charlie said: "She did not participate in the fighting, did not harm the Muggles, and refused to admit that others were her accomplices."

"I said, I only came here because of coincidence..."

Mrs. Zabini was still justifying herself with reasons that no one believed.

Scott was thinking about something else.

"Why are you here, Charlie? Have you joined Azkaban as a dragon guard?"

"Oh, Dragon Taming Guard? I have to say, this is a cool title!"

Charlie said happily.

"Yes, I came back after receiving the news that Azkaban needs fire dragons and dragon tamers."

Scott laughed and said, "Oh, Fred's dream has come true, but I don't think he'll be happy about it."

"What?" Charlie didn't understand what he meant.

Scott told him about Fred's complaints, and Charlie laughed, his laughter for a time drowning out Mrs. Zabini's complaints.

"Garrisoning Azkaban is dangerous, Charlie."

Tonks spoke.

"The mysterious man has robbed the prison twice, and we have also sacrificed many colleagues."

"I know."

Charlie said without changing his expression.

"But someone has to do this work, and the person responsible for guarding it is the fire dragon. I am only responsible for taming them."

"Good luck to you then."

Tonks said, moving her gaze to Scott.

"Look who this is, the champion of Hogwarts, our little genius Scott Trollope."

After making a joke, she started talking to Scott.

She seemed to be very interested in the Triwizard Tournament and asked Scott many details about the competition.

After that, the conversation on the other side ended, or Mrs. Zabini's negotiation failed, or others no longer had the patience to listen to her nonsense.

They were leaving and Dumbledore made arrangements.

Shacklebolt and several Aurors took several wizards from the witch guild to the Ministry of Magic, while the others went elsewhere.

Since Scott had not yet taken the Apparition Exam and did not know where his destination was, Phoenix Fox still took him through space.

Afterwards, he was invited to sit at Blake's house at 12 Grimmauld Place in London.

Here he saw Hagrid and the Weasleys, and attended a meeting of the Order of the Phoenix.

At the meeting, everyone was discussing the movements of those dark magical creatures in Britain.

The conclusion is that the current situation is not optimistic.

Especially the werewolf group led by Fenrir Greyback, has attacked wizards several times recently.

The notorious werewolf seems to have given up his previous habit of biting children and started transforming adults.

In addition, some dark biomes have migrated, and some have become completely hidden.

Everyone noticed that Voldemort was planning a big move.

After the meeting, Scott and Dumbledore returned to Dumbledore's room in the Beauxbatons Tower.

Before leaving, Scott asked curiously, "Professor, do you think Medea will use Sir Merlin's residence and Hogwarts as a sanatorium in the future?"

"Don't worry, I will investigate." Dumbledore said.

Back in the dormitory, Scott looked at Fred who was messing with something, guessing that he didn't know the news about Charlie yet.

So he kindly took the initiative to tell him the good news.


Fred raised his head, a little dazed.

"Charlie really went to Azkaban."

"You're not kidding again?"

"Of course it's true." Scott said with certainty.

"Merlin's beard!"

Fred raised his hands and covered his head.

"Why didn't anyone tell me! That guy George... hurry up, lend me the [magic mirror]!"

Scott took out the [Magic Mirror] and handed it to him.

Fred quickly connected to George's [Magic Phone].

"Good evening, what's up?"

George in the mirror seemed to be in a dark classroom.

"If there's nothing else, let's talk tomorrow. I'm very busy now."

He looked a little unhappy.

"What are you doing?" Fred asked. "Walking alone at night?"

"Um...ah, yes."

His words were hesitant and his expression was hesitant, obviously he had something to hide.

George, who usually lies very smoothly, seems to have failed in his lies this time.

Fred immediately grasped his handle.

"You deliberately didn't tell me about Charlie returning to England to work as a guard in Azkaban!"


But George was even more surprised than Fred.

Because the movement was too large, the girl hiding behind him was exposed.


Fred was a little dumbfounded.


The girl raised her head and smiled awkwardly.

"Ha, night... good evening, Fred."

Scott, who was watching, also recognized the girl.

Alia spinnett.

He is also a member of the Gryffindor Quidditch team and serves as a chaser in the game. He is also Angelina's inseparable good friend.

Apparently, there seems to be something going on between this girl and George.

"Oh..." Fred also understood, "Are you dating?"


George blocked all the "cameras" with his face.

"We'll talk about Charlie tomorrow. Anyway...goodbye!"

He winked and hung up the communication.

"This guy……"


Roger on the side said with a smile.

"The Beater Brothers took down the Chaser Sisters, what a fun Gryffindor team."

"It's really interesting."

Scott laughed too.

"I hope you won't be too busy having a relationship on the court."

After joking for a while, Scott went to take a shower, then lay in bed and sent a message to William.

[The other party has been transferred. ]

William quickly sent a reply.

[what happened? ]

[Can you tell me the details? ]

Scott directly connected the "video" and after confirming that William was indeed safe, he told him the story by sending a message.

[In other words, she won't be able to wake up in a short time? ]

Scott told him the answer——

[Only by completely defeating the mysterious man can the curse be completely eliminated. ]

[I see, thank you. ]

William was obviously very happy.

[Stay alert. ]

Scott warned out of kindness.

It's too early to be happy now. With Medea's skills, William won't be able to get rid of the whole witch so easily.

[I will. ]

William, who had previously targeted barristers, was obviously very sensible and calmed down easily.

Scott, who was much relieved, did not reply and fell asleep.

It's April.

This month comes with April Fools' Day, and the birthdays of the Weasley twins.

The birthday gift Scott gave them was two bludger toys that had a mouthy mouth and hurt people when they hit.

He was very pleased with his gift selection.

He had no control over whether Fred and George were satisfied or not.

Even though he was dissatisfied, he pretended not to hear their protests.

Time moves forward step by step, always passing by in the busyness.

When the month number jumped from 4 to 5, the Yaxley family castle, which Scott had been monitoring all the time, finally became lively.

When Scott saw one Death Eater after another walking into the castle gate on the surveillance screen, he immediately ran to Dumbledore's room.

"I have received the news."

Dumbledore said to Scott.

"Yes, of course, we have also made some arrangements on the Isle of Man."

"It seems that Voldemort has completed his idea, professor."

Scott said as he looked at the Death Eaters who were still appearing on the surveillance screen.

"I wonder what he will do next after he gathers the Death Eaters together."

Is it another jailbreak?

But as far as he knows, all the serious criminals in Azkaban Prison have been locked up in special shackles.

Scott was also fortunate to see the shackles made by the Russell family.

Not only are they strong and indestructible, but they cannot be used with magic. After the criminals wear shackles, they can only move their hands and feet in a small range.

Moreover, the structure of the shackles is special. Unless you can get the key, you can't take them off even if you cut off the hands and feet of the criminals.

Some time ago, the Daily Prophet did a special report on the reform of Azkaban.

The report focused on the changes in the guards of Azkaban, and spent most of the article introducing the shackles.

But Scott didn't know whether Voldemort would think that was a provocation to him.

"I think..." Dumbledore said, "probably occupying the Ministry of Magic."

"It's not Azkaban." Scott was a little surprised.

He thought Voldemort would go to rescue people, just like the previous two times.

"The keys to those shackles are in the Ministry of Magic."

Dumbledore said.

"Of course, in addition to this, the Ministry of Magic has other things he wants."

Scott knew that what Dumbledore said was the truth. After all, there was Snape who was undercover there.

"By the way, the Ministry of Magic..."

He turned to look at Dumbledore.

"Aren't you going?"

"Don't worry." Dumbledore smiled slightly, "I think Voldemort and the others obviously need to discuss some issues."

"That is..."

Scott widened his eyes.

"Dementors, appear."

Dense Dementors gathered together, flying and circling over the cliffs by the sea, like countless tattered flags fluttering in the wind.

After spending an hour in silence, people in the castle came out one after another.

Scott even saw Snape.

Death Eaters, werewolves, vampires...all wizards and dark creatures who surrendered to Voldemort lined up on both sides of the castle gate, lowered their heads and waited.

Not long after, a black figure walked out of the castle.

Scott enlarged the picture in the [Magic Mirror].

Of course, the last one to appear was Voldemort.

He walked out of the crowd leisurely, and his black mist-like robe was blown up in the wind.

Then, he seemed to say something.

Unfortunately, because the [Eyes] were placed too far away, he could not hear the sound in front of the castle.

"Professor, can you tell what he is saying?"

Scott asked Dumbledore.

Dumbledore nodded.

"Only a part of it can be distinguished. Sure enough, I was right." He said, "Their target is indeed the British Ministry of Magic."

As he said, he stood up directly.

"I think the message has been passed on. Everyone is ready for battle."

"Professor." Scott asked, "Can I participate?"

"Sorry, Scott, we don't allow underage wizards to participate in this kind of war."

Dumbledore shook his head.

"I'll leave this to you first, Scott..."

As he said, he was taken away by Phoenix Fawkes.

Scott, who was left in his room, quickly contacted Rimbaud.

"Quick, send some 'eyes' to the Ministry of Magic, there will be a war soon."

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