The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 489 489. No one can retreat

"Well done."

Scott gave George a thumbs up and whistled.

The giant wolf he rode over immediately jumped up from under the Whomping Willow and ran to his side.

Scott rode back on the wolf and waved to George and the others.

"You guys continue to guard here, I'll go find Professor McGonagall."

After that, the giant wolf began to run towards the castle gate.

Professor McGonagall was still guarding the inside of the gate alone, with only a row of knights standing neatly in front of her.

Scott's arrival on the giant wolf aroused the vigilance of the statues, and they all turned back and raised their spears.

"Oh, Mr. Trollope!"

Professor McGonagall waved her wand gently, and the statues returned to alert.

"Professor McGonagall!"

Scott got off the wolf and reached out to take out the [Magic Mirror].

"I asked the crow to place the 'eye' at the Ministry of Magic."

He explained.

"We can see how the battle over there is going."

As he said that, he stretched out his finger and tapped the mirror twice, calling up the surveillance footage from the Ministry of Magic.

In the footage, the fierce battle was still going on.

Voldemort and the Death Eaters were still blocked outside the building by Dumbledore and other wizards, and they were never able to break into the interior.

But the result was also tragic.

Whether indoors or outdoors, both sides had figures lying on the ground, not knowing whether they were dead or alive.

Professor McGonagall looked at the footage in the mirror for a few times and frowned tightly.

"It seems that the battle at Hogwarts can only rely on ourselves." She said seriously.

Scott looked up at the large magic barrier covering the Hogwarts Castle.

He asked, "Professor, how long can our protective magic last?"

Professor McGonagall said, "As long as the enemy's attack does not suddenly exceed the upper limit, the huge magic power of the castle can keep going."

Scott saw that she did not look relaxed, so he said, "But the consumption is also very large, right?"

"That's right."

Professor McGonagall nodded slightly.

"The castle's magic power is not in the usual circulation state now, but is slowly consuming the magic source, so we can't just passively take the beating."

Scott told her about the four "summoned beasts" he had released and the results of the battle.

Professor McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

"Mr. Trollope, as your professor, I should criticize your risky behavior."

At this point, the serious expression on her face softened and she smiled.

"But I still want to praise you, well done."

"Barty Crouch Jr. and Bellatrix Lestrange are both notorious Death Eaters. This siege of Hogwarts should be commanded by them."

She also introduced the arrangements of the professors to Scott.

In addition to Professor McGonagall, Professor Sprout and Professor Hagrid were guarding the Forbidden Forest together.

Professor Slughorn and Professor Sinistra were guarding the steps on the Black Lake Pier together.

Professor Flitwick and Professor Barbie were guarding the entrance on the covered bridge together.

The remaining professors, Professor Victor, Professor Bubbage, Professor Trelawney and Filch, patrolled the castle together.

After listening, Scott said to Professor McGonagall: "Professor, maybe I should go out again..."

Just then, there was a loud noise from the direction of the corridor bridge. He turned his head and saw the storm rolling up a raging fire.

Scott quickly turned into a peregrine falcon and flew into the sky, and saw the corridor bridge collapsing.

Horus and Edgar flew over the corridor bridge together. The wind and flames intertwined and destroyed the wooden corridor bridge. The vampires who attacked the castle from the corridor bridge brought a strange magical creature.

Those creatures were draped behind them as cloaks, and they also flew up with them.

Scott thought for a long time before remembering the name of the uncommon magical animal, the vomitor bat.

He continued to observe. Although those vampires could fly with the vomitor bat, they were still not a threat to Horus and Edgar.

Horus and Edgar's flying speed was much faster than theirs, and they could completely avoid their spell attacks.

The two "summoned beasts" cooperated tacitly. Horus used the wind to interfere with the flight of the volley bats, and Edgar took the opportunity to attack with the fire line, killing two vampires in a short time.

The vampire attacked by the hot fire line was like a ball of flammable material that was ignited, and it turned directly into a big fireball and fell from the sky.

Scott saw this and was basically relieved about the battle situation over there.

As dark creatures with many legends among Muggles, vampires are actually not as good as wizards or werewolves in combat ability.

The only advantage they have is that they have a long lifespan, a youthful appearance, and strong recovery ability after being injured.

Of course, all this comes at a price. They must suck blood to maintain this ability, and they will be restrained by fire.

Scott turned his eyes to the outside of the gate.

The sneak attack he designated for Golzan also seemed to have achieved good results.

Golzan, who can freely enter and exit the underground, can be said to be elusive, coupled with the extremely high defense strength of the rock armor and the fierce toxins in his mouth, which makes the group of werewolves a little overwhelmed.

After a while, several werewolves were lying on the ground due to poisoning.

But those giants were a bit tricky.

Scott saw with his own eyes that Golzan emerged from the ground and bit the giant's heel, but the wound was not deep, and its toxin did not seem to have any effect on the giant who was too strong.

Otherwise, the battle in the Black Lake has pretty much died down.

For Siraine, the battle in the Black Lake can be said to be a veritable paradise.

At this time, the lake was full of floating corpses.

The water snakes entangled with the giant octopus have also been cut into several sections by the water blades.

The mermaids in the Black Lake raised their weapons and celebrated their victory.

Sirene swam quickly in the water, its towering dorsal fin like a sail riding the wind and waves.

The battle in the Forbidden Forest was not something Scott could see, but he could imagine it.

Without the difficult giants to deal with, he believed that the centaurs and the Thestrals could completely deal with those giant monsters.

Looking at it this way, the situation of this war has become clear.

Voldemort wanted this group of dark creatures to attack Hogwarts, but his plan had obviously almost failed.

Of course, the main reason should be that the protective magic of Hogwarts Castle exceeded his impression.

Scott fell from the sky, turned into a human form, and reported the battle outside the castle to Professor McGonagall.

"Thanks to you, Mr. Trollope."

Professor McGonagall said happily.

"If you don't come back, in order to ensure the safety of the students, we can only adopt a completely defensive strategy."

For the first time, Scott truly realized that the "summoned beast" he made was simply too easy to use against an enemy with mediocre strength.

Of course, he was also sober.

"Summoned Beast" can only perform so perfectly against enemies whose strength is not exceptional, as well as the element of surprise.

If it's a powerful enemy like Voldemort, they probably won't be that useful.

At this moment, he saw Harry, Ron and Hermione running out of the castle.

"Professor! Professor McGonagall..."

"Oh my God! It's Scott!"

"When did you come back!"

The three of them were surprised to see Scott.

"Potter, Weasley, Granger!"

Professor McGonagall was visibly angry.

"I think you should stay in the common room and not run around at this time!"

"Professor, we caught the troublemaker." Harry said loudly.

"That bastard Malfoy!"

Ron said angrily.

"Malfoy and his followers attacked the classmates guarding the secret passage on the third floor. Apparently, those disgusting little Death Eaters wanted to lead the way for our enemies!"

"Yes, Professor."

Hermione spoke very quickly.

"George noticed something unusual about them, he rushed over, and together we subdued those Slytherins."

"The professors who stayed in the castle took care of them."

"Most of the people in Gryffindor are guarding the secret passage, and the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students have gone to Slytherin to prevent anyone from causing trouble."

"The three of us are here to report the news."

Professor McGonagall's expression turned ugly.

"This matter can only be dealt with later." She said, "Now, tell the others to watch out for them. Also, don't conflict with Slytherin!"

"Go inform Professor Slughorn."

Scott said to them.

"He is at the Black Lake Pier. In addition, the battle in the Black Lake is over."

"Professor Slughorn?" Harry immediately showed a suspicious expression, "He is the Head of Slytherin House."

Ron and Hermione were also somewhat reluctant.

Apparently, they didn't quite trust Slughorn.

"Professor Slughorn is absolutely trustworthy." Professor McGonagall said, "Go and find him. He will take a good look at those Slytherins."

"But..." Harry was still reluctant.

Professor McGonagall said: "You should trust Dumbledore's judgment."

"Dumbledore believed in Snape before." Ron muttered unconvinced.

"Snape..." Professor McGonagall was speechless.

"Don't worry, Professor Slughorn is different from Snape."

Scott said in an affirmative tone.

"After a semester, you should know him well."

Hermione nodded thoughtfully upon hearing this.

"I understand, let's go!"

She pulled Harry and Ron and ran towards the dock.

After the three people left, Scott took out the [Magic Mirror] again and looked at the battle situation at the Ministry of Magic.

"Oh...Voldemort and the others have retreated!"

In the surveillance screen, Voldemort and the Death Eaters had begun to retreat while fighting, and were about to retreat into the fog.

Scott thought of Bellatrix Lestrange, who had escaped.

"Maybe Voldemort already knows the situation here."

He turned to Professor McGonagall.

"We must be prepared for him to come here unexpectedly."

It is possible that Voldemort's target is Harry, and he is very likely to suddenly make a time lag while Dumbledore is still in the Ministry of Magic.

Thinking of this, he quickly switched the interface and sent a message to Dumbledore.

In the surveillance footage, Dumbledore suddenly stopped.

Then, everyone else from the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix also stopped.

They watched as Voldemort and the Death Eaters quickly retreated into the fog and then disapparated.

At the same time, Scott also increased his vigilance.

He transformed into a peregrine falcon and flew into the sky, closely observing various places outside the castle.

As he expected, Voldemort and the group of Death Eaters appeared directly outside the castle gate.

Scott quickly told Golzan not to show up again, and then landed on the ground and returned to his human form.

"They're coming! Right outside the door!"

he said loudly to Professor McGonagall.

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge Dark Mark shot up from outside the door like a firework, dyeing half of the sky green.

Not long after, the Dementors wandering around in the sky began to gather towards the location of the Dark Mark, and the vampires on the other side of the bridge also flew over wearing Voldemort Bats.

Horus and Edgar obeyed Scott's order and did not follow immediately.

Immediately afterwards, a thick black mist flew into the air from outside the door, and Voldemort exposed his upper body in the black mist, looking down at Professor McGonagall and Scott.

He didn't speak, just smiled contemptuously, and then raised the wand in his hand.

"Oh... I don't know if our protective magic can block his attack."

Professor McGonagall whispered nervously.

"Anyway, Trollope, you must return to the castle, immediately."

Scott didn't move.

"Even if I run back to the castle now it's too late, Professor."

He didn't intend to run, he just raised his head and stared at Voldemort closely.

Voldemort's hand holding the wand shook, and a dazzling red light shot out like lightning, hitting the silver magic barrier hard, causing ripples.

At the same time, the Death Eaters also took action.

One after another magic spells flew up neatly, all hitting the magic barrier.

Scott looked back. He didn't know why, but Dumbledore hadn't come back yet.

He decisively pulled out his wand and waved it at the stone knight statue guarding the door.

"Get bigger quickly!"

A stone statue of a knight expanded rapidly and turned into a ten-meter-tall giant statue in the blink of an eye.

Professor McGonagall, who had come to her senses, also waved her wand.

Under her command, the Colossus stretched out a huge palm and placed it against the location where the magic barrier was attacked by Voldemort.

Voldemort opened his mouth and spit out dark red fire. The fire, which was difficult for ordinary wizards to control, was as tame as ordinary flames in front of him. It instantly turned into a giant python, opening its mouth and biting on the magic barrier.

Scott used the expansion spell one after another to turn several other knight stone statues into giant statues in preparation for emergencies.

"Resisting an attack of this magnitude consumes too much magic power." Professor McGonagall said with a solemn expression, "If this continues..."

Maybe there was too much movement here. After a while, the students in the castle and the professors guarding in other directions all ran towards this side.

Everyone looked up at Voldemort's attack on the magic barrier.

No one spoke at this moment, and most people's faces turned pale.

"Back off!"

Professor Flitwick screamed, waving to the students.

"All students, stay back!"

Some students began to retreat obediently, but some students stood still and did not move.

"No, Professor!"

shouted George from the crowd.

"This is a battle to protect Hogwarts, and none of us can back down!"

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