The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 490 490. What a good kid, Scott

"This is a battle to protect Hogwarts, and none of us can back down!"

Hearing what George said loudly, even some of the students who had previously chosen to retreat stopped.

At this moment, no one spoke anymore, everyone looked at Professor Flitwick with the same eyes.


Professor Flitwick swung away their arms and froze for a moment.

"Students who are old enough can choose to stay!"

Professor McGonagall said decisively.

"Lower grade students, return to the castle immediately!"

Hearing what she said, the senior students cheered and then began to help drive away the lower class students.

Scott watched this scene and couldn't help laughing.


At this moment, a loud noise came from the sky.

The giant fire python spit out by Voldemort suddenly exploded.

At the same time, the red lightning shot by the wand in his hand became thicker, and the ripples on the silver magic barrier expanded.

In addition, coupled with the attacks of other Death Eaters and dark creatures, the magic barrier was like a balloon about to be burst, and its color became more transparent.

"Be with me!"

Professor Flitwick screamed.


He raised his wand and sent a beam of silver light into the sky, blending into the magic barrier.

Scott understood.

Professor Flitwick used the "impregnable" spell, which was stronger than the "armor protection", in order to repair the loss of the magic barrier.

Following his lead, several other professors also raised their wands, silently chanting magic spells, and continuously sent streams of silver light into the parts of the magic barrier that were targeted by Voldemort.

Immediately afterwards, even a small number of students who had learned the Iron Armor Curse began to try to use "armor protection" to add to their abilities.

Scott did not participate in this work for the time being, but took out the [Magic Mirror].

He was curious as to why Dumbledore hadn't returned to Hogwarts yet.

It stands to reason that with the help of Phoenix, he should come back to take charge of the overall situation as soon as he receives the news.

In the surveillance footage, the surroundings of the Ministry of Magic are still shrouded in white mist. People from the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix seem to be cleaning the battlefield and repairing damaged buildings and streets.

A group of therapists in white robes shuttled back and forth, busy treating the wounded on the spot.

But Scott switched the surveillance from all angles, but never saw Dumbledore.

Feeling strange in his heart, he quickly tried to communicate with Rimbaud.

The connection is completed quickly.

"Oh, Scott, you're back at Hogwarts?"

Rimbaud asked in surprise when he saw where Scott was.

"Well, it's too late to explain." Scott said, "Do you know where Dumbledore went?"

"I know."

Rimbaud flapped his wings and nodded.

"Your headmaster collapsed quickly after Voldemort and the Death Eaters retreated. He seemed exhausted."


Scott was a little surprised, but he understood.

Today's confrontation between Dumbledore and Voldemort did take a long time.

It has been almost an hour since the battle started.

After all, Dumbledore was still too old and his physical strength was declining.

It seems that although he can maintain his peak combat power, he cannot fight for a long time.

"But he didn't faint."

Rimbaud said again.

"Phoenix took him away."

"I see."

Scott had no time to talk to Rambo and hung up the communication directly.

So, where did Dumbledore go?

Scott glanced back at Hogwarts Castle.

Professor Flitwick once said before that Professor McGonagall can only mobilize part of the castle's protective power, maybe...

Regardless of whether Dumbledore needs some time to recover his strength or needs some time to strengthen the castle's protective magic, they all need to survive this period of time.

Thinking of this, Scott put away the [Magic Mirror], drew out the wand, and also began to recite the Iron Armor Curse.

At the same time, he was also observing the changes in the magic barrier.

With the help of everyone, the situation has indeed improved.

If they continue to consume each other like this, even if Voldemort has arrived in person now, it is unlikely that they can break through this magic barrier like the "original work".

After all, the magic barrier in the "original work" was entirely supported by several wizards and did not utilize the magic source of the castle itself.

But Scott is not 100% sure of his deduction.

On the other hand, I don’t want this war to end like this.

In any case, this war would be worthwhile if more of Voldemort's men could be consumed.

After making up his mind, Scott's consciousness connected with his four "summoned beasts" and conveyed his orders.

After the order was conveyed, he immediately transformed into a peregrine falcon and flew into the sky, stopped on the shoulders of the giant stone statue of a knight, turned back into his human form, and looked at the team belonging to Voldemort below outside the door.

At this time, he felt Voldemort floating higher up looking at him.

Even this glance through the magic barrier made Scott clearly feel some kind of heavy pressure.

This kind of oppression cannot be explained by the oppression of the weak by the strong, but more like a crazy and bloody oppression of common sense.

Just like a normal person would feel a little confused when they see a madman who doesn't care about anything.

Scott quickly calmed down, raised his head and looked at Voldemort, and cast several armor spells in his direction.

Voldemort narrowed his scarlet eyes and gave him a bloody smile.

If I were to follow my previous personality and style, I would never be the first to stand out like this.

Scott thought.

But at this moment, he still stood up.

Without time to think about his transformation, Scott also smiled faintly at Voldemort.

At the same time, his hands did not stop moving, and he and others continued to use the armor spell to repair the magic barrier.

At the same time, in his perception, Horus and Edgar had already hidden in the woods on the left side of the road, and Xilaiyin had also reached the woods on the right.

Voldemort did not seem to expect that an underage student would behave like this in his sight, and he looked at him deeply.

Taking advantage of Voldemort's attention being attracted by him, Scott directly ordered the "summoned beasts" to attack.

First, Horus's agile body soared into the sky, his broad wings reflecting golden light. He came with a gust of wind, and opened his mouth to spit out a dense group of wind blades.

The white wind blades spread among the crowd, and bright red blood flowers bloomed at the same time.

The Death Eaters who reacted quickly began to resist.

Especially the giants, who directly used their huge bodies to block others and waved their huge palms to smash the wind blades.

When the Death Eaters waved their wands to fight back, Horus had already flown to the unreachable heights with the wind.

The attack happened in an instant, and all the enemies outside the door, including Voldemort, stopped attacking the magic barrier.

In the midst of chaos, Golzan poked his head out of the ground, opened his mouth and bit Fenrir Greyback's leg fiercely.

The notorious werewolf leader raised his head and howled in pain.

The people around him quickly attacked Golzan, but they were all blocked by the rock armor wrapped around his body.

But Golzan did not stay for long, but quickly opened his mouth and sank into the ground.

Golzan's poison had little effect on giants, but it was still effective for werewolves.

Even Fenrir Greyback, the strongest werewolf, lost his balance in a short time and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the Death Eaters did not dare to gather together, and quickly dispersed and began to attack the ground with magic, trying to find Golzan hiding in the ground.

But their actions were obviously in vain, and Golzan had already fled far away under Scott's order.

Scott, standing on the shoulders of the giant knight statue, saw this scene clearly and couldn't help but smile.

These two surprise attacks were quite effective. At least, no one attacked the magic barrier anymore.

Voldemort in the sky was obviously very dissatisfied with this.

He looked at Scott again.

But to Scott's surprise, he ignored the chaos of his men and launched another attack on the magic barrier.

He was really patient.

Scott sighed secretly.

Or, the Dark Lord doesn't care about the life and death of his men?

In that case...

The next second, another shadow flew up from the woods.

Edgar used the "skill" of [Flying], passing through the air like a shadow, and spitting out a hot line of fire from his mouth.

The other end of the line of fire was aimed at Voldemort himself in the air.

Voldemort, who was attacking the magic barrier, did not look back.

A silver shield appeared out of thin air behind him, directly blocking the attack of the line of fire.

While blocking the line of fire, he did not even stop attacking the magic barrier.

At this time, the Death Eaters below began to attack Edgar.

The wizards cast spells, the vampires flew up in cloak-like bats, and the giants simply waved the giant trees in their hands.

Facing the siege, Edgar's choice was the same as Horus, flying directly into the sky like a sharp arrow.

It was very fast, leaving the attack far behind.

During this process, it could even adjust its angle so that the fire line from its mouth would always burn the silver shield behind Voldemort.

At the same time, or rather, while everyone's attention was attracted by Edgar, a huge water ball floated up from the woods.

It was Xirein who appeared.

It swung its tail and swam quickly, piercing the water ball with its long sword-like upper jaw, spitting out a slender water blade, attacking Voldemort's side.

Facing [Water Blade] and [Fire Line] at the same time, Voldemort finally stopped the spell in his hand that attacked the magic barrier again, and waved his wand to summon another silver shield to block the water blade.

But Scott was waiting for this moment. At the moment when the water blade was blocked, Xirein immediately moved his body and changed the angle.

The white water blade passed through the air, passing through the huge bodies of the two giants, and then turned red.

Then it continued to move forward and directly cut Fenrir Greyback, who was lying on the ground due to poisoning, in half.

But Voldemort's counterattack was also launched.

Another Fiendfyre transformed into a giant python and shot towards the huge water ball.

Xirein immediately stopped spitting water blades, retreated into the water ball, and turned away.

But the water ball was too big. Although it swam very fast, it was obviously unable to escape from the pursuit of the Fiendfyre python.

Scott knew the weaknesses of the "summoned beasts" very well. Due to the special materials used to make them, they can be "immune" to most spells, and can even directly resist the killing curse.

For them, the Fiendfyre spell is definitely the most targeted black magic.

But fortunately, the four "summoned beasts" can cooperate with each other.

Just as Xirein's water ball was caught up by the Fiendfyre python, Horus fell from the sky and fanned a strong wind with his wings.

The rotating storm directly hit the Fiendfyre python.

Flame is extremely unstable, especially Fiendfyre. Even Voldemort, who can shape Fiendfyre with his hands, is amazing, but in the face of the storm, the gathered Fiendfyre was still blown away.

Voldemort's successive spells were dodged by Horus. Although Xirein's water ball was deformed and almost scattered under the attack of several spells, Xirein hiding in the center of the water ball was not directly hurt.

It quickly ran away with its head shaking and tail wagging.

Voldemort did not chase.

Because Edgar in the sky was always changing the angle of the fire line, Voldemort had to adjust the position of the silver shield accordingly.

At the moment when Xiren escaped, Edgar moved greatly and sank at the same time, letting the hot flames pass through the vampires. Then it stopped spitting fire and flew away without looking back.

But the vampires, who were flammable, suffered at this moment. With a few screams, several vampires turned into fireballs and fell from the air.

Before they approached the ground, their bodies were burned out.

So far, Scott's four "summoned beasts" have all "retired".

Although they failed to kill the wizards among the Death Eaters, they effectively killed werewolves, giants, and vampires, and they themselves did not suffer any damage.

Such a result is enough to make Scott satisfied.

Not to mention, Horus's wind blades still caught many wizards among the Death Eaters off guard at first.

After that, Voldemort did not attack the magic barrier again, but turned into black mist and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Scott turned around and made a "victory" gesture to the professors and students below.

Before everyone could cheer, Dumbledore with a phoenix on his hat suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Due to the distance, Scott could not see his expression.

"It seems that your plan this time is completely ruined, Tom!"

He said loudly with full energy.

At this moment, Scott saw Voldemort's somewhat exasperated face.

But the Dark Lord soon calmed down.

"Dumbledore!" said loudly, "You'd better let Harry Potter hide in Hogwarts forever and hide him firmly behind you!"

"My students don't need you to worry about them, Tom!" Dumbledore said.


Voldemort raised his head and laughed several times.

"It doesn't matter, Dumbledore, I still have a lot of time, but I don't know how much time you have left."

"Oh, thank you for your concern, Tom, although I don't have much time left, I am just an insignificant part of the magic world, and I am not the one who decides many things."

The two chatted across the door.

"What I hate most is your hypocrisy, Dumbledore! Look outside, this is also the result of your students."

Hearing this, Scott narrowed his eyes.

"I asked, it was a student named Scott Trollope, what a good boy, Scott!"

"Your bloody cruelty is no less than mine, hahahaha... I wonder how Dumbledore will treat you?"

After saying a few words to sow discord, Voldemort looked at Scott meaningfully.

Then, he and the guys under his command, Apparated away directly.

Even a few surviving giants were taken away by them.

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