The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 499 499. Take risks and persist to the end

Scott asked the crow holding the metal ball to get closer, reducing the size of the magic barrier and entering the black forest.

Then, with Edgar's fire line, he and Xileiyin successfully passed through the forest and came to the stone door.

Scott, still riding on the flying broom, flew around the stone door and observed it carefully, but found that the stone door was bare without any words or patterns.

"Try to push it open, Xileiyin."

Scott ordered Xileiyin and then made way.

Xileiyin manipulated the water ball to get closer to the stone door, then slightly accelerated and hit the stone door with his long jaws.


The stone door did not move at all.

Scott frowned, asked Xileiyin to leave, rode the broom to get closer to the stone door, and then put his hand on the stone door through the magic barrier.

Looking at the stone door that did not respond, Scott said, "According to my guess, I'm afraid I have to remove the magic barrier."

"Too dangerous." Rambo said, "You may suffer a more serious curse."

Scott smiled.

He found a rope, tied two golden acorns tightly, and then hung it around his neck.

"Didn't Savanna say that acorns and skulls can resist some curses?"

Then, he used another rope to wrap the alpaca skull tightly and tied it to the belt of his pants.

"Since I have entered the tower in person and have come here, I must find the [Heart of the Holy Tree]."

As he said that, he directly removed the magic barrier, then stretched out his hand and let the four crows put the metal ball in his hand.

He put the magic barrier ball into the deformed lizard skin bag, and then stretched out his hand again to the cold stone door.

"I now realize that my previous plan was taken for granted."

"Even if I remotely control Xirein and others from outside the tower according to the plan, they cannot pass this level."

At this moment, the stone door moved.

Crack... Crack... Boom...

The heavy stone door slowly sank into the ground, and all that was left in front of Scott was a huge stone door frame and the transparent ripples that kept spinning in the air inside the door frame.

"The flames are blazing!"

Scott waved his wand to summon the raging fire, and then used the wand to manipulate the raging fire to form a hot wall of fire around the stone door.

"Your work is done, Edgar."

He looked up and called the fire crow.

"Come here quickly, we are going to the next level."

Edgar above his head stopped spitting out fire lines, chirped, and flew to his side.

Scott waved his wand again, transforming Edgar and Xilaiin into the smallest size.

He took out the small wooden box from the deformed lizard skin bag and let them return to their respective grids.

"Oh, what are you doing, Scott?"

Rampo looked at his movements and asked curiously.

"Don't you need help?"

"Let's see what happens." Scott didn't close the lid of the wooden box, "You can go to Horus too."

"Oh, okay, call us if you need help."

Rampo obediently got into the grid belonging to Horus.

Scott put away the box, put away the flying broom, held the wand tightly in his hand, and walked into the stone door frame.

When he stepped over the door frame, he saw a barren, bare rocky land.

Looking back, the door frame had disappeared.

He looked up, and it was a starry sky that looked very real.

Those twinkling stars were also the light source for him to see the surrounding environment clearly.

Suddenly, a meteor appeared in the "sky".

The meteor streaked across the "sky", getting bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a rapidly falling rock.

Obviously, the huge rock landed exactly where he was.

If he ran, Scott would have no time to dodge.

Scott immediately turned into a peregrine falcon and flew a distance at a very fast speed.

Soon, he heard the loud noise of falling rocks hitting the ground behind him.

He flew flexibly and dodged several flying rocks.

When it became completely quiet behind him, Scott slowed down and looked at the "sky" again.

At this time, the worst situation happened.

A meteor shower had already started in the "sky".

Countless falling rocks instantly grew larger in his sight and whistled towards the ground.

Scott accelerated his flight again, and amidst the constant roaring noises, he shuttled between the falling boulders and the flying rocks.

He did not try to resist with magic barriers or armor.

Such huge rocks falling from a high altitude carried a terrifying force, and neither the magic barrier nor his armor could resist it.

It was unknown how long it had been, about five minutes, or maybe ten minutes, when the deadly meteor shower finally stopped.

Scott immediately turned back into human form and sat on the ground to take a few breaths.

He glanced at the mechanical watch on his hand, found a bottle of potion to replenish his physical strength, and raised his head to pour it into his mouth.

Then, he took out the small wooden box containing the "summoned beasts", took out Golzan, and used the expansion spell to make it bigger.

"If the Doherty died under the falling rocks a thousand years ago, [the Heart of the Sacred Tree] must have been buried underground. Go and find it, Golzan, be quick!"

Golzan nodded his big head and burrowed into the ground.

"Are you okay, Scott?"

Rampo poked his head out of Horus's grid.

Scott looked up at the "starry sky" above.

"I just hope that the [Heart of the Sacred Tree] wasn't smashed by those terrible falling rocks."

"It shouldn't be... right."

Rampo was not sure, but he still comforted him.

"If the [Heart of the Sacred Tree] was so easily destroyed, it couldn't be called a druid's treasure."

Scott nodded in agreement.

Although he felt that there was no logical connection between treasure and strength, he could only comfort himself like this at this time.

"Oh, why don't you build an underground shelter." Rampo said, "Just like you and Dumbledore did at the Quidditch World Cup."

Scott looked around at the huge rocks that almost hit the ground and shook his head.

"The lethality of the falling rocks is too great. I'm afraid I need to go a hundred meters underground to ensure safety, but such a large-scale transformation requires too much magic power."

"In short, fortunately my Animagus form is a peregrine falcon. It's not too difficult to avoid falling rocks. Just be careful... Oh, let's not talk about it for now."

In order to prevent the "meteor shower" from coming again at any time, Scott closed the lid of the small wooden box and put it back into the transformed lizard skin bag.

The mechanism of this layer was not beyond his expectations. He didn't rest for long. About ten minutes later, the second round of "meteor shower" came directly down.

Scott transformed into a peregrine falcon again and shuttled through the rocks.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that this "meteor shower" lasted a little longer than the last time.

When the falling rocks stopped, Scott turned back to his human form to rest again, feeling tired.

Especially his arms that turned into wings, they were even more sore.

He glanced at his watch. This time the "meteor shower" lasted about fifteen minutes.

If he guessed correctly, the next rest time would probably be reduced.

As expected, he only rested for about eight minutes this time, and the "sky" began to fall rocks again.

Scott had to transform into a peregrine falcon and fly up again.

With experience, he flew higher this time. Although he was closer to the falling boulders, he didn't have to avoid the flying rocks.

After increasing and decreasing, he could still save some energy.

When the falling rocks stopped again, Scott looked at the time and found that the duration had increased to about twenty minutes this time.

Fortunately, this time Golzan returned to the ground before the rest time ended and shook his head at Scott.

"Didn't find it?"

Golzan shook his head again.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Scott pulled out his wand, shrunk its size, and put it back into the small wooden box.

Rimbaud poked his head out again and asked, "Have you found the entrance to the next level?"

Scott looked up.

"If I'm not mistaken, the entrance to the next level is in that starry sky. I must pass through that entrance during the rest time when the falling rocks stop."

The key is that as time goes by, the rest time will become less and less.

He must pass this level during the next break, otherwise he will have to use the portkey to completely leave the tower that extends to the center of the earth.

Soon, the "meteor shower" came again.

Scott, who turned into a peregrine falcon, flew quickly, and he couldn't stop even if his wings were sore.

This time, the "meteor shower" felt particularly difficult for him, and the loud noise of falling rocks hitting the ground also made him increasingly anxious.


When the falling rocks finally stopped again, Scott didn't rest at all, and flew upwards in one go.

Fortunately, although the starry sky looked very realistic, it was actually not as far away from the ground as it looked.

He quickly flew in front of the floating boulders.

Passing through these floating rocks, he dived into a light gate hidden behind the rocks.

With a flash of light, Scott finally came to the next level, which was the fifth level.

But the scene in front of him made him a little confused.

The "starry sky" above his head and the rocky ground below were exactly the same as the previous level, with no difference at all.

But this time, Scott did not land rashly. Instead, he turned into a human form and quickly took out his flying broom while falling, and then climbed on the broom.

According to the legend, "falling rocks" should correspond to "ground collapse".

Perhaps, the danger of this level comes from the ground.

He rode on the broom and approached the ground carefully.

Sure enough, after he approached, the ground collapsed immediately, and a bottomless pit appeared in an instant.

The diameter of the pit was about 100 meters, and it was the size that could not be escaped by ordinary means even if he reacted.

When he flew over the pit, he also felt a suction force coming from below.

Fortunately, his broom performed well and was not affected by the suction force.

But in order to ensure safety, he flew back to the sky.

When he was far away from the ground, the black pit that suddenly appeared on the ground just now also disappeared, without any trace, as if it had never appeared.

"Next, it's your turn."

Scott released Golzan again, and enlarged its size as it fell.

The moment Golzan landed from a high altitude, it directly merged into the ground and disappeared.

Riding on the flying broom, Scott looked up and down, left and right, and breathed a sigh of relief.

If the danger on this floor really only came from the ground collapse, then he could finally have a good rest.

"How is it, how is it?"

Rampaud stretched his neck out of the grid again.


Tired Scott didn't want to talk much, and looked down at the alpaca skull hanging on his belt.

At this time, the red cracks spreading from the eye sockets of the skull had become more and more, almost covering half of the skull.

In order to make the skull last longer, Scott took out the wood again and conjured four crows, letting them grab the metal balls and re-establish the magic barrier.

When the magic barrier wrapped him, Scott waved the wand in his hand again.

"Although I don't know if it will work, but... Expecto Patronus!"

The illusory and dazzling silver surged from the tip of the wand, forming a silver peregrine falcon, circling around him.

"Will this... this bird be useful?" Rampaud asked.

"I don't know if it's an illusion..."

Scott looked at his patronus.

"Anyway, I feel a little more upbeat."

"The Patronus Charm is known as one of the most powerful and oldest defensive spells in the wizarding world. Maybe it can resist curses."

"Ha, maybe."

Rampo didn't quite believe it.

It has always been bothered by Scott's Patronus and the fact that the Animagus form is a peregrine falcon instead of a raven.

Animagus is a change of Scott himself, and it is difficult for it to express its displeasure.

But it has never been very fond of Scott's Peregrine Falcon Patronus.

Scott shrugged his shoulders and had no intention of arguing with it.

"I always feel that what you are looking for may be on the last floor." Rampo began to change the subject.

"Why do you think so?" Scott asked.

"Stories usually develop like this." Rampo vowed, "Adventures always have to persist to the end to gain something..."


Scott looked down.

"What you said sounds reasonable, Rampo, but reality is often unexpected."


Rampo then stuck his head out and looked down.

Below, Golzan's head emerged from the ground, holding a piece of golden wood in his mouth.

"Look, it found it!"

Scott laughed happily.

"Oh!" Rambo was a little dumbfounded, "This is really unprepared."

Scott removed the magic barrier, lowered the altitude a little, used the shrinking spell on Golzan from a distance, and then used the moving spell to move it and the golden wood to his side.

"That's right."

Scott looked at the acorn hanging on his chest, which began to emit a faint golden light, and reached out to hold the golden wood as thick as his wrist.

"This must be the [Heart of the Holy Tree]!"

"So we can leave!"

Rambo, who came to his senses, was also happy.


Scott had changed his mind.

"I have already reached the fifth floor. No matter whether the so-called tower extending to the center of the earth has a total of six or seven floors, I still want to walk to the end."

"You must get out as soon as possible, and don't forget the curse." Rambo reminded.

"There is still time."

Scott glanced at the watch on his hand.

"I'm curious, what's going on here? What were those seven wizards looking for when they came here a thousand years ago?"

"Didn't you say that adventures must be carried out to the end in order to reap rewards?"

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