The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 500 500. Super Magic Promotion Magic Ceremony


Rampo looked at Scott and sighed.

"It seems that you have completely let yourself go."

Scott shrugged his shoulders.

"I always feel a little unwilling to withdraw now."

He looked around again.

"Such a formal 'tower' should have been built by wizards in ancient times."

He pointed upwards.

"The Stenness Standing Stone was built in the Neolithic Age, and its history can be traced back to 3000 BC..."

"Okay, okay, you don't need to convince me."

Rampo said in a helpless tone.

"I will never refute your opinion."

It flew out of the small wooden box grid and landed on Scott's shoulder.

"What you have to do now is to find the entrance to the next level, is it in the starry sky above, or in the earth below?"

"Obviously, Golzan didn't find the entrance in the earth just now."

Scott said, putting away the small wooden box.

After that, he took a closer look at the [Heart of the Holy Tree] that he had already obtained.

"I can sense the pure magic contained in it."

As he said this, he found another rope and tied it around the golden heart of the tree, which was as thick as his wrist, and hung it around his neck.

Looking at the oak heart and oak fruit shining in front of his chest, he said: "If it is this, the effect of resisting the curse should be stronger."

As he said this, he took another look.

"Oh, although it looks a bit wretched."

He shook his head, held the broom with both hands, and flew up into the sky on the broom.

Unlike the previous floor, the "starry sky" here looks far away, and it is really far away.

Scott flew up on the broom for half an hour, but still couldn't get close to the "starry sky" above his head.

"Oh, did you make a mistake?"

Rimbaud, who was flying beside him, couldn't help asking.

Scott also hesitated and stopped, thinking for a while.

"Maybe it has something to do with speed."

He put away the broom, turned into a peregrine falcon, and flew up at the fastest speed.

The patronus, who was exactly the same as his Animagus form, always followed him closely.

"Wait, if it's about speed, I'm the fastest!"

Rampo came later but arrived first, and soon caught up with him.

Obviously, Scott guessed right again this time. About five minutes later, they came directly to the inside of the "starry sky".

Different from the floating rocks on the previous layer, this layer of the "starry sky" was suspended with groups of light.

Here, Scott rode on the flying broom again.

He stretched out his hand and tried to remove the lights, but they didn't feel real, just illusory light groups.

In his magic perception, these were all pure magic without any characteristics.

"If you can collect all this magic... then the total amount of magic will be more than what is contained in Hogwarts Castle."

Scott had to admit that he was a little envious.

If he had such a huge reserve of magic, he could do a lot of things.

"So, what do you have in mind? Collect them." Rampo asked curiously.

Scott shook his head.

"I have never studied this problem, but maybe I can find external help."

Rampo landed on the handle of the flying broom and asked with his head tilted, "Dumbledore? But your communication has been cut off."


Scott took out a blank small picture frame from the deformed lizard skin bag.

"It's the Ravenclaw tutor."

"Here?" Rampo asked, "We are probably in another space, can we summon her?"

"You can always trust Ravenclaw."

Scott smiled at Rampo and tapped the blank small picture frame with his wand.

"Dear Ravenclaw tutor, your apprentice needs your help."

As he called, the blank canvas in the picture frame slowly dyed with color, depicting the dignified and beautiful figure of Ravenclaw sitting in the eagle wing high-back chair.

"Good afternoon, my apprentice."

She smiled at Scott, then looked around.

"It seems that you have entered the tower."

"Yes, tutor..."

Scott quickly recounted his experience of passing the first few floors after accidentally falling into the tower, and finally stated his current request.

"... All the lights you see are gathered together, pure magic. I want to ask you, is there any way to take them all away."

While speaking, he also held up the picture frame and turned it around, so that the Ravenclaw tutor in the picture could clearly see the glowing magic groups around.

Ravenclaw first affirmed Scott's idea, "No wonder, such a reserve of magic, even I will be moved after seeing it."

After saying this, she thought for a while, and then smiled.

"Congratulations, my apprentice, it seems that your gains from this adventure are unparalleled."

"What do you mean?"

Scott immediately became happy.

It seems that the Ravenclaw tutor really has a way to take all these magic away!

But Ravenclaw asked, "Are you sure that these are all pure magic without impurities?"

Scott nodded.

"Yes, tutor, from my magic perception, that's it."

"Of course, I know, your magic perception is trustworthy."

Ravenclaw was rarely excited.

"Remember the bloody plunder I mentioned?"


Scott immediately thought of the magic ritual that was said to be more effective than the magic potion.

He gave up on that magic ritual because the materials were too rare, too bloody and cruel, and most importantly, it would make people ugly.

Ravenclaw smiled again and said something that made Scott very happy.

"What I didn't say is that when we can find a lot of pure magic power, we don't even need any materials to hold a magic ritual to enhance magic power."

"In this way, the magic ritual is no longer a 'bloody plunder', but is called a 'super magic promotion'!"

"Super magic promotion?"

At this moment, Scott felt his heartbeat speed up a lot.

Ravenclaw nodded affirmatively.

"In the past, the super magic promotion was just a legend. I only saw such a record in the family's collection of books-"

"In ancient times, there were wizards who completed such a ceremony."

"There is even a legend that bloody plunder is an inferior version of super magic promotion."

"Now it seems that this legend is true."

Scott asked, "Because the conditions for super magic promotion are too harsh, wizards came up with bloody plunder as a substitute?"

Ravenclaw said, "I think that's it. A large number of magic sources are easy to find, such as Hogwarts. But pure magic is rare."

"I understand." Scott said, "The magic source of Hogwarts is the free magic in the air collected by the castle building all year round. It comes from various wizards and is very messy in nature."

Ravenclaw nodded again.

"The magic sources gathered in other places are similar."

"Those magic can run many large-scale magic, but they can't be collected into the body of a wizard."

Scott looked at the magic ball floating around him with shining eyes.

"But the magic here can!"

"That's right." Ravenclaw looked at him encouragingly, "This may be the key to your ability to stop Salazar."

Scott finally couldn't help but grin after hearing this.

"Teacher, you are right, this adventure has brought me unparalleled gains!"

"Please guide me and tell me what to do!"

The Ravenclaw in the painting also looked very excited.

"Of course, my apprentice, I am very happy that after so many years, I can still try those theoretically long-lost technologies!"

As she spoke, she had completely thrown away her previous noble attitude, and seemed to be more excited than Scott.

"First, oh, let me think, yes, collect magic power, gather them together, and form the legendary magic crystal."

"Magic crystal?"

Scott felt that things were getting more and more fantastic.

"Yes, magic crystal is a crystal formed by the gathering and compression of a large amount of magic power. This is a technology that has long been abandoned."

Ravenclaw said affirmatively.

"The first condition for making magic crystals is to find pure magic without any properties."

"If I hadn't read all the books in the family, I wouldn't know this."

"Oh, thank my brain, I still remember."

"Scott, my apprentice, this is a difficult task. You must master a set of difficult magic circuits in a short time."

"This set of magic circuits is composed of the original runes."

After saying that, her figure faded away, leaving a set of magic circuits that looked particularly simple on the canvas.

How simple is it?

This set of magic circuits consists of a total of fourteen runes, but these fourteen runes are actually all repetitions of two runes.

But since the Ravenclaw mentor said that it is difficult to master it thoroughly, Scott has no doubt about its difficulty.

He rode steadily on the flying broom, let Rambo grab the frame and fly up, then took out a notebook and pen, and carefully recorded the magic circuit in the notebook.

Not long after he finished recording, the Ravenclaw mentor appeared again.

"It seems you have already recorded it."

She glanced at the notebook in Scott's hand.

"Yes, let's start practicing now!"

Scott nodded, took out a piece of kraft paper to pad the notebook, and took out the ink bottle and quill.

He cast a spell to make the ink bottle and quill float beside him, then cut his finger and mixed some of his own blood into the ink bottle.

Drawing magic runes with such ink is the most effective and concise way he has summarized to practice magic runes.

Time is tight, Scott doesn't care how awkward his posture is riding on the flying broom, and hurriedly seizes the time to practice.

The Ravenclaw tutor who is watching him practice reminds him from time to time.

"This stroke is wrong, start again!"

"The connection is wrong, it must be done in one go!"

"Pay attention to the balance of power!"


"Remember! They are a whole!"


Repeated failure!

As Ravenclaw said, this magic rune circuit looks extremely simple, but it is more difficult to practice than any magic rune circuit Scott has used before.

Scott consumed one parchment after another, but still failed to sort out the operating structure of the magic rune circuit.

"Keep your mind calm!"

The Ravenclaw tutor reminded him.


Scott took a few deep breaths, calmed his somewhat impatient mood, and continued to draw the magic rune circuit.

"Understand the overall structure first!"

"Yes, we have made a lot of progress!"

"That way you should have it straightened out."

"very good."

"This time it has basically been successful!"

"Keep up the proficiency!"

After drawing several more pictures in succession, Scott finally had a work in his hand that could be evaluated as qualified by the Ravenclaw tutor.

"Activation attempt."


Scott input magic power into the parchment and activated the magic circuit.

The black handwriting on the parchment flashed and instantly turned into a faintly glowing blue.

Scott held the parchment close to a nearby ball of glowing magic.

Soon, a fluffy magic power separated and was absorbed by the magic circuit on the parchment.

The magic text circuit became brighter and brighter, until the entire parchment suddenly cracked.

"Yes, it will work."

The Ravenclaw master said happily.

"Next, you need to use your own magic power to draw this set of magic circuits in one go."

Scott nodded, put down his quill, held his wand and started trying.

He raised his wand and concentrated.

The tip of the wand spit out luminous golden lines, forming runes one by one in the air. The runes were connected and combined, and finally came together, and then collapsed.

"Of course, using magic to draw magic circuits out of thin air is the most advanced skill." The Ravenclaw instructor encouraged, "Try again!"

Scott concentrated on trying again.

But again it failed.

Speaking of which, it was not Scott's first attempt to draw a magic text circuit out of thin air without any carrier.

His dark illusion is to use invisible magic power to draw a magic circuit under his feet, so that the enemy can be caught off guard.

However, the difficulty of the magic circuit that constitutes the dark illusion is completely different from what he is doing.

The key point is that this set of magic rune circuits for making magic crystals are very strange. It may be because the original runes are used, and his previous experience is completely useless.

But Scott couldn't give up at this point.

Super magic promotion.

A great opportunity to increase your strength.

The key to stopping Salazar Slytherin.

These are the reasons why he must succeed.

After several failures, Scott took a rest, closed his eyes again and cleared his mind of some messy thoughts.

"Magic is the power of belief."

Dumbledore's words of motto rang in his mind again.

When he opened his eyes, this time he only had the absolute belief that he must succeed.

This time, he was no longer cautious, nor did he think about any way out. He mobilized all the magic power in his body in one breath and output it with all his strength.

The next moment, he yelled.

"Come out!"

The tip of the wand lit up with dazzling golden light, like a sun, illuminating the cold "starry sky".

The golden light spread quickly, quickly lighting up the entire "starry sky."

One by one, huge runes were formed in the void, connected to each other, and gathered together to form.


Scott watched as this vast magic circuit that almost occupied the entire "starry sky" was completely formed.

Although he once again experienced the emptiness and exhaustion of having his magic power drained out of his body for the first time in a long time, he still couldn't help but grin.

"Yes, you succeeded!"

The Ravenclaw master's voice sounded pleased as well.

“Next, it’s time to harvest!”

As soon as she finished her words, the giant magic circuit began to operate.

Its color changed from gold to pure blue and began to spin slowly.

Slowly, the glowing magic clusters floating in the void began to move.

Whether it was the magic circle above or below, they were all attracted by the rotating magic circuit and slowly approached the center of the magic circuit.

As time goes by, more and more magic groups gather in the center of the magic text circuit pattern.

Scott watched this scene excitedly.

Those magic powers are gathered together, and the volume is continuously compressed, emitting brighter and brighter white light.

Scott asked the Ravenclaw in the painting, "Mentor, what should I do after the magic crystal is formed?"

He couldn't wait to know the next step.

"You'd better find a safe place," Ravenclaw said. "It probably won't work here."

"No, it's okay here."

Without thinking, Scott found the magic barrier ball and Siraine, and demonstrated to the Ravenclaw instructor the double defense constructed by using the magic barrier and the water ball.

"It seems you can't wait any longer, Scott." Ravenclaw smiled understandingly.

"Yes, mentor." Scott said, "I want to explore the entire tower. In order to deal with the unknown dangers ahead, directly improving our strength here is also a safe choice."

"Of course, I respect your choice."

Ravenclaw didn't object to his plan.

"Then, what you have to remember next is this..."

As she spoke, she disappeared from the canvas again, leaving behind two schematic diagrams of the human body, both front and back.

In these two schematic diagrams, very complex patterns are drawn all over the human body.

Scott quickly took out the parchment and pen again and copied the diagram on the canvas.

After being quiet for a while, Rimbaud looked at the diagram curiously and asked, "Oh, Scott, how do you want to paint on yourself?"

Scott didn't even raise his head, "Don't forget, I can transform the paint and create a one-piece painting."

That was a painting he was inspired to come up with after seeing the morning fog outside the Ravenclaw common room window in order to give a gift to Professor McGonagall.

"You're right, you always have a way."

Apparently Rimbaud had also seen him paint with that effortless style.

"This is my luck." Scott said with a smile, "The reserves I inadvertently made in the past can always be used at some point in the future."

He carefully completed the copy of the human body diagram.

After finishing, he checked it against the picture left by the Ravenclaw tutor in the frame, and then nodded.

He muttered, "I wonder what the paint would be."

"It's your blood you're going to use."

The figure of Ravenclaw appears on the canvas.

"You need a lot of blood. I hope you brought some blood-producing potion with you."

Scott smiled and said: "Of course, mentor, I will always be as prepared as possible under conditions."

"Then there is no problem." Ravenclaw said, "When the magic crystal takes shape, you need to use blood to draw the patterns required for the ceremony on the surface of your own body and the surface of the magic crystal, and then perform the ceremony according to the steps."


Scott turned to look at the magic circuit running in the void.

At this time, the starlight in the "starry sky" has been reduced a lot, and countless "stars" have gathered in the center of the magic text circuit, forming a "moon" that shines brighter.

Scott watched quietly, waiting.

Until all the "stars" disappear without a trace.

The magic circuit across the void sped up after collecting all the magic groups.

The moon that emits white light also becomes smaller and smaller, and its light slowly fades.

Until the dazzling light disappeared completely, the magic circuit also stopped rotating.

The huge magic text circuit began to shrink at an extremely fast speed and soon disappeared without a trace.


Scott rode his broomstick and flew towards the location where the center of the magic circuit was just now according to his memory.

Rimbaud grabbed the portrait of his Ravenclaw master and followed him.

It didn't take long for Scott to see the finished product of the magic crystal.

It was a colorless, completely transparent, slightly fluorescent crystal about the size of a human head.

It floats quietly in the void and looks inconspicuous, even like a large piece of irregular transparent crystal.

"This is... the magic crystal."

Scott stretched out his hands and held the magic crystal.

"very light."

Unexpectedly, the countless magic clusters occupying the entire starry sky gathered and compressed together, and were actually much lighter than crystals of the same size.

"Like plastic," Scott muttered. "No, even a solid piece of plastic this big would be heavier."

But as long as he uses his ability to sense magic, he can immediately and clearly perceive the terrifying amount of magic contained in such a light crystal.

Make a fortune!

Scott felt that he was grinning more stupidly now than in the past ten years combined.

After giggling, he quickly took action.

The magic barrier, Siren's water polo, and double protection appear again.

Then, Scott, who was sitting cross-legged in the magic barrier, took out the blood potion, used a wooden block to create a glass vessel containing blood, and started bleeding while drinking the potion.


The Ravenclaw in the painting reminded him.

Scott quickly used white essence to stop the bleeding and healed the wound on his wrist.

But the previous draining of his magic power and the excessive blood loss still made his head feel dizzy.

He calmed down and drank another bottle of potion to replenish his physical strength.

He waited until all the potions he had taken began to take effect before he started the next step.

The first is to draw a pattern on the magic crystal.

Scott memorized the complex patterns displayed by Ravenclaw in the painting, and then waved his wand.

Part of the blood contained in the glass vessel flew out, forming a complete pattern in the air, and then printed directly on the magic crystal.

What was unusual was that the moment the pattern was formed, the blood stopped flowing. It was very stable after being printed on the magic crystal and did not flow downwards.

Then, he stood up, took off all his clothes, and printed bright red patterns on himself using the same method.

Following the ritual steps described by the Ravenclaw tutor, he put down his wand, walked to the magic crystal and sat down cross-legged, stretched out his hands to hold the magic crystal in his arms.

Then, he closed his eyes, began to empty his mind, and recited a particularly long, complicated and difficult-to-pronounce incantation.

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