The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 501 501. Deep black beneath the giant tower

"It's the best time to watch..."

Scott chanted obscure incantations.

At this moment, his mind was empty and his heart was at peace.

“Ché la diritta via era smarrita.…”

Gradually, he felt the surface of his skin begin to heat up.

Then, the cold magic crystal he held in his arms gradually became warmer.

But he had no time to take care of these, and he gradually couldn't even feel them.

His consciousness seemed to fly up.

It seems like you are swimming in the endless brilliant starry sky, and the gorgeous light flows through every corner of your body.

It seems that you are among the mountains and rivers, and even your breath has a fresh and natural breath.

Suddenly, he transformed into a giant from ancient mythology.

With your feet on the earth and the blue sky above your head.

Every moment, his body expanded.

Unconsciously, he opened his heart and felt sincere joy.

Sunshine, stars, mountains, rivers, flowers and grass...

Everything cheered him.

Just like that, I don’t know how long it took, and time seemed to have lost its meaning.

He stands between heaven and earth, the sea is in the blink of an eye, and the mulberry fields are in the breath.

But in that hurried passage of time, he could still see the blooming and withering of every flower, the falling and decay of every leaf, the gathering and drying up of every drop of rain, and the solidification and melting of every grain of snow.

He seemed to be in the heart of the long river of time. Turning left, he could clearly see a wave upstream, and turning right, he could observe a group of foam downstream.

But you will never miss the small drop of water splashing in front of you, its jumping and bursting process.

It felt like I had slept for a thousand years in one breath, and it felt like I had just listened to a wonderful concert.

When Scott woke up and his consciousness returned to his body, he clearly felt the difference in himself.

The feeling of so much magic in his body made him almost groan.

He breathed a long sigh of relief and opened his eyes.

"How long has it been?"

He raised his head and asked in confusion.

Rimbaud replied, "Although I don't know the specific time, it doesn't feel like too long has passed."

Scott nodded and looked down at the magic crystal held in his arms.

The crystal, which is the size of a human head, is now only a fraction of its original size.

“I didn’t expect there would be any left.”

He grabbed the magic crystal with one hand, stood up, put on his clothes, shoes and socks, and put on his watch.

He looked at the hands on the dial in surprise.

"It only took half an hour?"

"That is extremely pure magic, and of course there is no obstacle to you."

The portrait of the Ravenclaw master once again appeared on the blank canvas.

She looked Scott over.

"How is your experience with the promotion of metamagic, my apprentice?"

"Very good, wonderful."

Scott said with a smile.

"Like music and poetry passed down from generation to generation, it is so beautiful that words cannot describe it."

He closed his eyes.

"I feel like I am many times stronger now than I was half an hour ago."

He opened his eyes, then stretched out a hand and tapped his index finger in the air.

A soft light appeared out of thin air.

"I can do this easily now."

He waved his hand to disperse the light, stretched out his palm, and held it with his fingers.

A blazing flame immediately appeared, floating above his palm.

"No need for a wand or a spell, I can do a lot of things now."

He waved his hand to make the flames disappear and looked at the Ravenclaw in the painting.

"In short, this is not only a massive increase in magic power, but more importantly, the control of magic at will."

The Ravenclaw master smiled slightly.

"Just like what's written in the books."

"Congratulations, Scott, you finally stepped through the door."

“This is something I didn’t reach until I was thirty.”

"I thought it would take you a little longer to get to this point."

"But you're lucky."

"Yes, I'm lucky."

Scott bowed to the portrait.

"Of course, thank you for your help, respected mentor."

Ravenclaw said gently: "You're welcome, this is what I should do and what I want to do."

She paused and then continued: "But I want to remind you that you have only stepped through the door in one step."

"Although you have gone far enough compared to most wizards. But you need to face Salazar, so you have not actually gone far enough."

Scott listened to her words carefully and nodded slightly.

"Yes, I understand, mentor."


"What door do you mean?"

Ravenclaw replied, "I don't know what to call it specifically. Wizards never have so-called levels."

"But according to our experience, when you reach your level, you are far away from ordinary wizards and have reached a completely different level."

"I believe you have already felt it. Your understanding of magic is naturally different now."

"If it were you before, no matter how much you explain and explain, you still wouldn't be able to understand this experience."

Scott understood immediately.

"You're right, it's like I have a new pair of eyes and see a new world."

In the past, when he performed magic, he had to carefully mobilize his spirit, will, and magic power, supplemented by movements and spells, and rely on the guidance of the wand.

For him now, magic is more like an instinct.

This feeling may be like how cats are born to recognize malice, invisible beasts are born to be invisible, and basilisks are born to kill with their eyes...

Of course, these magical animals don't know spells and don't have wands, but they just instinctively use some magical magic.

Although Scott has not yet reached the point where he can use all magic as instinct, he is already different from before.

At the very least, he could already master those relatively simple spells.

"Well, we still have a lot of time to discuss your next step of growth."

Ravenclaw looked into the distance.

"Now that the entrance to the next level has appeared, it's time for you to continue your adventure."

Scott followed her gaze.

In the void where the "stars" had dispersed, a door made of light appeared.

He asked in surprise, "When..."

Rimbaud interjected: "Just when you were performing your magical ritual, the door appeared."

"Maybe the condition for that door to appear is to clear all the 'stars' here."

The portrait of Ravenclaw slowly became transparent.

"Well, see you later, Scott."

"See you later, Master Ravenclaw."

When the canvas went blank again, Scott put the frame away.

He packed up everything, including his wand, magic crystal, magic barrier ball, and Siraine.

Hang the [Holy Tree Fruit] and [Holy Tree Heart] around your neck, and hang the [Little Alpaca Skull] and the Transformed Lizard Skin Pouch around your waist.

Riding lightly on the broomstick again, Scott held the broomstick with both hands, and together with Rimbaud, flew towards the white light door.

In front of the light door, Scott stopped and turned to look at Rimbaud.



After saying that, they plunged into the light gate.

When they came to their senses, they were already in darkness.

"It's so dark in here!"

Rimbaud's voice sounded.

"This seems to be different from the previous floors."

Scott said, waving his hand.

Countless balls of light the size of tennis balls flew out of his hands and instantly filled the surrounding space.

With the light, they finally saw part of where they were at the moment.



Scott and Rimbaud raised their heads and let out meaningless exclamations.

Above them, a huge thing that could not be seen completely occupied the entire field of vision.

Scott stretched out his hand and dispersed more light groups.

"This is... a tower?"

He looked at the huge black tower above.

I don’t know what kind of materials this giant tower was built with. No trace of stacking can be seen clearly, and there are no doors or windows. It looks like a huge natural obsidian stone.

What's even more peculiar is that the giant tower is like a cone, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom.

A completely upside down tower.

According to the structure of the building, it can be clearly distinguished that the tower above them has a total of five floors.

"Could it be that we were in this tower just now?" Rimbaud sighed, "and now we are coming out from inside?"

Scott looked down. The part that was originally the towering spire was now deeply inserted into the endless darkness.

"It still needs to be observed," he said.

Then, he rode a broomstick, carrying the floating light group, and flew up and down around the giant tower several times with Rimbaud.

After careful inspection, he found that there was no entrance to the entire tower, and the top of the tower was connected to the top of the space without any gaps.

"It seems that the breakthrough should be below."

Scott looked down again where the spire was.

"A person died at the bottom of the tower, does this mean here?"

"Isn't that dangerous?" Rimbaud was a little nervous, "Let's summon crows to explore the way."

You really don't care about your people, Lord Blackwing.

Scott cursed, but still took out the wand calmly.

Rimbaud asked him, "Can't you use the wand?"

Scott smiled, "But using a wand would definitely make it easier for me."

As he spoke, he waved his wand.

Crows appeared and flew around Scott and Rimbaud several times.

"Quack quack..."

Rimbaud opened his mouth and called a few times, and the crows dispersed and flew towards the top of the tower below.

As they approached the bottom, their flying movements suddenly became stiff, and then they all fell into the boundless deep darkness under the tower as if they were petrified.


Rimbaud looked at this scene dumbfounded.

"Is it poison or a curse?"

Scott frowned and waved his wand again.

"Call the gods to protect you!"

After being promoted to a metamagic, Scott used the Patronus Charm again, and his Patronus also changed a lot.

The silver peregrine falcon spreads its wings and flies out.

Not only is this peregrine falcon much larger, the silver light it emits is purer and brighter than the moonlight during the full moon.


With a cry, the peregrine falcon wrapped in glow seemed to be covered with a long white gauze, flying under the giant tower, illuminating the deep darkness.

In other words, the darkness seemed to be expelled all of a sudden.

Scott and Rimbaud saw the spiral staircase leading down around the spire.

"Sure enough, there is another floor below this tower, a total of seven floors." Scott said.

This kind of speculation is not because of anything else, just because seven is more magical than six.

"You want to go down?" Rimbaud jumped on the broom, "It's too dangerous! You can't be sure that the bird has expelled the curse or poison there!"

Scott laughed and said, "The old fashioned way of course."

Siren, the magic barrier ball.

Double protection again.

Scott, who was sitting in the magic barrier, waved his wand and easily cast an armor spell that transformed into a sphere.

The double protection becomes three layers.

Then there's the Bubble Curse.

Cover your mouth and nose with a magic bubble, like a gas mask.

Four layers of protection.

To be on the safe side, he cast a new Patronus Charm to let the Patronus stay by his side.

"Let's go, Siraine!"

As he stretched out his finger, outside the magic barrier, the water ball Zhong Xirein shook his head and swung his tail, controlling the huge water ball to float to the bottom of the giant tower, where the top of the tower was.

As the distance slowly approached, Scott could clearly see the changes in the water ball with the help of the silver light emitted by the patron saint.

The originally clear and transparent water was turning black little by little.

Although Siren was not afraid of being a product of transfiguration, the blackening of the water ball undoubtedly obscured Scott's vision.

Scott decisively ordered, "Keep changing the water, Siraine!"

After receiving his order, Xirein began to continuously create new water, and then drained the contaminated part of the water ball.

Then they started to really get closer to the top of the tower.

From a distance, the spire is undoubtedly sharp, but looking closer, this long spire is actually a thick pillar that can be embraced by two people.

One huge stone slab after another rotates downwards along the top of the tower, forming a spiral staircase.

Scott directed again, "Go down and follow the stairs."

The obedient Siraine began to control the water ball that was constantly being updated to float downward.

Round and round.

Soon, Scott began to feel extremely bored.

Even though there was too much light, it was all surrounded by deep darkness that couldn't be seen very far.

There are no surprises except for the monotonous and repetitive scenery of the tower spiers and spiral staircases that continue to extend downward.

Round and round.

Scott even felt a little sleepy.

Bored, he began to experiment with some harmless spells inside the magic barrier, in a wandless and silent way.

Round and round.

Rimbaud couldn't help but ask, "Are we entering the ninth level of hell?"

"Yeah." Scott yawned, "Maybe you can also see Satan."

Just like that, after a long time, about three hours later, Scott finally saw the new scenery.

A majestic temple made of huge stones.

In other words, a temple built with a giant statue and stone sculpture integrated with architecture.

The temple is shaped like a high chair, with a huge figure sitting on the chair.

One-eyed, long beard.

Wearing an eagle helmet and golden armor.

Holding a spear and wearing a gold ring.

Scott looked at the hundred-meter-tall giant statue in shock and quickly made a judgment.

"It's the statue of Odin!"

Yes, it's the statue of Odin.

The spear in his hand is Gungnir, the Eternal Spear, and the golden ring in his hand is the Golden Ring of Dropnir.

His throne is the supreme throne that can see the nine worlds.

At his feet were two ferocious wolves, Kili and Kulich.

On his shoulders are two ravens, Fokine and Wuni.

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