The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 513 513. Undersea Passage Ice Palace

On the boundless sea, Scott, who had changed into warm clothes, sat in the magic barrier and looked up at the starry night sky.

Below, Xileiyin manipulated the water flow to make the magic barrier half float on the water.

"Are you sure it's here?"

Rampo, who was standing on Scott's shoulder, asked.

"Yes, it's here." Scott said.

"I've calculated it, and the location shown by the coordinates is here."

Helena, who was also observing the starry sky just now, also gave a positive answer.

"Start sinking." Scott ordered, "Xileiyin!"

Hearing his order, the sea water that had been supporting the magic barrier began to surge, forming a huge water ball, wrapping the magic barrier completely inside, and then sinking under the sea surface.

Scott raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

In an instant, bright light occupied every corner of the magic barrier, and at the same time illuminated the sea water outside the barrier.

Xileiyin sank very quickly, and before long, Scott felt that the magic barrier protecting them became somewhat overwhelmed under the pressure of the sea water.

He pulled out his magic wand and used the Armor Spell to create a huge spherical barrier outside the barrier created by the [Magic Barrier Ball].

Then, he kept outputting magic power steadily to maintain the stability of the spherical magic barrier.

About half an hour later, they finally reached the bottom of the sea.

The first thing that came into view was a sunken ship.

Although the sunken ship was very dilapidated, Scott could still barely see that it was the old-style wooden ship in the [Sailor's Astrolabe] illusion.

"That's it."

He asked Xileiyin to push the magic barrier to the vicinity of the sunken ship.

Then Scott stood up and held the eye-shaped pendant of [Odin's Eye] on his chest with his left hand.

Then, he recited a difficult spell and pointed the magic wand in his right hand forward.

The dazzling golden light came out from the fingers of his left hand, and then a golden beam shot out from the tip of the magic wand.

The beam penetrated the two layers of magic barriers without any obstacles and shone on the dilapidated wreckage of the sunken ship.

The golden light seemed to move freely, drawing one initial rune after another in the water.

The runes were still rotating randomly at first, but when the fourteen runes were connected end to end and formed a complete circle, they stabilized.

Just like breaking a hidden mirror or suddenly opening a curtain, the runes formed a circular space channel, and Scott and his team could see the icy and snowy scenery on the other side of the channel.


Scott commanded Xileiyin to push the magic barrier forward and enter the circular space channel.

In just a flash, they left the sea and appeared in a world of ice and snow.

There was a whimpering wind in my ears, large pieces of snowflakes fluttered, and the ground around was frozen soil that seemed to have not melted for thousands of years.

At the foot of the continuous icebergs in the distance, the magnificent ice palace was standing tall.

Hearing the sound of "click", Scott looked back.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the water ball wrapped around Xileiyin was frozen into a solid ice ball.

Scott cast several spells to keep himself warm, then took back the [Magic Barrier Ball] that affected their movements, and removed the magic barrier constructed by the outer armor spell.

Before he spoke, the icy cold wind seemed to penetrate everywhere, drilling into his body from his nostrils to every pore.

He even felt that his body had become much stiffer in these few seconds.

"Are you okay?"

Helena was not affected by the temperature, and she looked at Scott with some worry.

Scott shook his head.

He quickly cast a bubble spell on himself, and then he felt that his breathing was smoother.

"I'm fine." He said.

Then, he began to rescue Xirein who was frozen by the ice ball.

He did not try to destroy the ice ball with a spell, but directly used Transfiguration on the ice ball to peel Xirein out intact.

Xirein fell to the ground, swinging his tail helplessly.

Obviously, it no longer dared to create water flow, and lost the ability to move freely here.

"Thank you for your hard work, Xiren, you can rest now."

Scott smiled and put it into the space of [Odin's Eye].

After rescuing Xiren, Scott waved his wand at the huge ice block that the ice ball had just turned into.

Under the light of the Transfiguration Spell, the ice block rapidly transformed.

The first to appear were four huge sled dogs, whose bodies were made entirely of ice and snow. They were still alive and kicking in such a harsh environment, and even shouted excitedly.

Then came a huge sled car, which was more like a small house built on a sled than a sled car.

The transformation was over.

Scott looked at his work with satisfaction.

"Let's go."

He climbed onto the sled car first and entered the small house.

Helena and Rimbaud followed in.

With the initial understanding of the space super magic "Yuktrasil", the interior space of the seemingly small house is actually very large.

When Scott used the Transfiguration Spell just now, he also integrated his mastery of space super magic into it.

That is, at the same time as the transformation, the magic circuit for expanding space has been engraved inside the house.

This set of rune circuits is simplified from the initial rune combination related to "Yktrasil".

Closing the door, Scott walked to the sofa on the inner side of the room and sat down, while waving his wand to light a fire in the fireplace.

After reaching out to warm up the fire, he sighed comfortably.

At the same time, without his special instructions, the sled dogs were already pulling the sled and started running.

The target is of course the ice palace at the foot of the iceberg in the distance.

"I've never seen anything like it."

Helena floated to the window and looked outside the house through the transparent window.

"In my almost thousand-year memory, apart from the Ravenclaw family castle and Hogwarts castle where I grew up, there is only that forest in Albania."

Scott told her: "As far as I know, ghosts are not bound to any one place. Almost all ghosts in Britain attended Sir Nicholas's death anniversary party."

"You're right."

Helena looked back at him.

"The only one bound to Hogwarts is Peeves, because he is a troublemaker who relies on the school to exist."

Scott added, "But neither you nor the other ghosts rarely leave Hogwarts. Is there any reason why?"

"There is no special reason." Helena said, "The ghosts are all the dead souls of the old era. We are all homeless. Hogwarts is our home."

"That's right." Scott laughed.

Helena added: "But other ghosts do not stay in Hogwarts Castle all the time. In short, ghosts also have their own social activities, but I have never participated in activities outside of Hogwarts."

She looked out the window again.

"Now that I think about it, I was firmly bound there by myself."

As she spoke, she laughed.

"I didn't expect that I, who had always been stupid during my lifetime, would still be stupid after my death. I never looked like the daughter of the great Ravenclaw."

"You are not my daughter, so who is?"

Ravenclaw's voice sounded.

Just now, when Helena was lamenting herself, Scott put the [blank small picture frame] he carried with him on the table beside him.


Helena felt a little embarrassed.

"Okay, Helena, you don't have to feel too much."

Ravenclaw said gently.

"Even if you have become a ghost, you can still have a new experience. I hope that when you leave completely, I will have no regrets in my heart."

"I will, mother."

Helena nodded solemnly.

"So, let's talk about the current situation."

Ravenclaw is shown looking at Scott.

"Yes, mentor..."

Scott began to describe the current situation.

Later, he and Ravenclaw began to continue to discuss the problems encountered in the practical application of the super magic "Yuktrashil".

At present, Scott is not able to use this super magic freely. The so-called use during transformation was only a simplified version, which only played a role in expanding the space.

As for the direct use of this super magic, Scott has practiced it many times, but unfortunately the effect is not ideal.

Although he has been able to create spaces out of thin air, the spaces he created are very small, so small that they are even too small to be used as a carry-on package——

Only the size of a fist.

A space of this size is undoubtedly useless.

As for the subsequent progress, it is not just a matter of gaining proficiency.

Magic is not a fighting technique, it cannot be memorized by the body and formed into muscle memory.

In the final analysis, magic is still an application of knowledge, and one must understand its principles.

The deeper your understanding, the better you will be at using magic.

Unfortunately, the Ravenclaw tutors couldn't help much in this regard.

After all, Ravenclaw had no experience in this area during his lifetime.

The magic portrait is just a copy and generally cannot learn new things.

In this regard, the magical portrait of the Ravenclaw mentor is already an outlier, but it is far inferior to the real Ravenclaw himself.

In discussion and study, time flies by.

The sleigh stopped.

"Here we are."

Helena, who had been staring out the window, reminded her.


Scott stood up from the sofa and waved his hand, causing the Ravenclaw frame to fly up and float beside him.

"Then let's go out and have a look."

He walked to the door, cast a Bubble Charm on himself, and then opened the door.

The biting cold wind rushed in instantly.

Scott looked up at the nearby Ice Palace.

This ice palace occupies an extremely large area and has a rough shape. It is made up of extremely huge square ice blocks. There is no decoration on the surface, but there are layers of long ice icicles hanging on it.

At this time, the sleigh was facing the high steps in front of the Ice Palace gate.

"Let me go and see."

Helena said to Scott.

"I should be able to go in directly. You can go in after I've confirmed the internal security and figured out the route of action."

"No need." Scott shook his head, "You only need to look at the first space behind the door, and then you can come out. We can explore slowly in stages."

"Okay, then I'll go take a look."

With that said, Helena floated off the sleigh, floated all the way up the steps, and successfully passed through the closed door of the Ice Palace.

Scott stood waiting.

Not long after, Helena walked out of the gate and returned to the sleigh.

"It's very foggy inside."

she told Scott.

"The fog is too thick, it will definitely obscure your sight, and I don't know if the fog will be harmful to you."

"In that case..."

Scott closed the door, took out a necklace made of two golden acorns from the deformed lizard skin bag and hung it around his neck, and took out a little alpaca skull and hung it around his waist.

Then, he cast another iron armor spell and completely wrapped himself in a magic barrier.

The magic barrier is still a complete sphere, with Scott standing in the middle, Rimbaud resting on his left shoulder, and the Ravenclaw frame floating on his right.

"This should be no problem." He said, "First try to see if the fog can be broken. If not, you can only go in directly. Of course, even if the line of sight is blocked, I can still use magic perception to find the way."

With that said, he opened the door again and jumped off the sleigh.

Looking up, he walked up the long stairs.

Helena floated beside him.

"Let me walk in front after you enter." She said, "If there is any danger, I will remind you."

"Then it's up to you." Scott nodded.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the gate.

Scott stretched out his hand and tried to push the door through the magic barrier, but the heavy door in front of him did not move at all.

After thinking for a while, he turned and looked down the steps.

The four sled dogs took off each other's reins, ran up the steps, and then worked together to push the door.

With their help, the door was finally pushed open.

Scott saw the thick fog that Helena was talking about.

There is gray mist behind the door. The mist is condensed and extremely thick.


Scott raised his hand and the tip of his wand lit up.

But the light from the lighting spell couldn't penetrate the fog at all.

Scott increased the magic output, even making the light dazzling, but the mist still occupied every corner of the space behind the door, rejecting all light.

Next, Scott used a cyclone to clean the inside of the door.

But unfortunately, this magic spell failed to clear the gray fog.

Unwilling to give up, Scott tried the Hurricane Curse again.

The wind howled and the gray fog surged, but it never became thinner.

"The flames are blazing!"

Scott waved his wand again.

A blazing flame immediately appeared outside the magic barrier.

Scott moved the wand, and the flames were controlled by him to burn more violently and spread into the gray mist.

Facing the scorching flames, the gray mist finally slowly retreated.

"So the weakness of these mist is flame?" Helena said happily.

"Then let the flames burn more intensely!"

Scott waved his wand widely.

In this world of ice and snow, there is no fear of causing a fire.


The flames exploded violently and began to expand.

Scott then cast another hurricane spell.

Under his control, the constantly rotating hurricane and fiercely burning flames formed a fire storm that swept through the space inside the gate.

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