The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 514 514. Elivagar Choose One of Twelve

The hot fire storm swept past, the gray fog dissipated, and Scott took this opportunity to roughly see the interior space of the gate.

Unlike the outer wall of the ice palace, which was made entirely of ice and snow, the walls of the hall behind the door were made of stone.

The walls around were carved with dense and dense ghost patterns in rough strokes.

It was very strange that when the flames licked the walls, you could hear creepy wails.

Seeing this, Helena's expression moved slightly.

"In Norse mythology, Niflheim is a country of ice and snow, and also a country of fog."

"It is the destination of those who died of illness and old age, and the people who live there are called Nibelungen."

"It is also the place where Hvergelmir, the first spring of the world, is located."

Scott understood what she meant.

Perhaps the wizards of the [Asgard] school in the past built this ice palace according to the "Niflheim" in mythology.

Knowing this, they may be able to get some clues about this ice palace from the legend.

At this time, under Scott's absolute control, the fire storm had formed a circular fire wall, leaving the center of the hall empty.

Scott moved forward while manipulating the fire wall.

As his whole body was protected by a magic barrier, he passed through the fire wall without hesitation.

Helena followed him.

Scott walked across the open ground and came to the depths of the hall.

Here, he waved his wand again, letting all the fire lines gather again, forming several huge fireballs floating in the air around him.

As the flames gathered, most of the interior of the hall was shrouded in gray fog again.

Only where Scott was was because of the deterrence of several fireballs, the gray fog seemed to be afraid to move forward.

Scott ignored what was happening behind him, but observed the front with Helena and the Ravenclaw in the painting.

Blocking their way was a long, curved wall with twelve doorways neatly arranged on it.

There were no real doors in these doorways, but the doorways were still filled with gray fog, which was dense and opaque, making it difficult to see the situation inside.

Of course, the real problem is no longer the gray fog that blocks the light, but which channel to choose to continue moving forward.

"'Hvergelmir' is the original spring of the world. The endless spring water supplies 12 rivers, which are collectively called 'Elivargal'."

Helena made a new guess.

"If the twelve channels are a metaphor for 'Elivargal', then they will all lead to the same destination, which is 'Hvergelmir'."

"Different paths to the same destination?" Scott nodded, "That is to say, we can choose any channel to enter."

Helena said again: "But also pay attention, it is said that one of the rivers flowing out of this river contains highly poisonous water."

"Choose one from the twelve?"

It seems that you have to be very unlucky to choose the one with highly poisonous water.

Scott claims that he is not an unlucky person, so he is not worried.

"In this case, let's leave everything to luck."

As he said, he raised his hand and gently waved the magic wand, using arithmetic divination for the first time without knowing the known conditions.

"Arithmetic rules."

"Numbers appear."

Golden light outlined 12 numbers from [1] to [12] in the air, and then the numbers kept colliding and disappearing, leaving only number [2].

Scott waved his hand to make number [2] dissipate.

"Then, let's go through the second passage."

He walked to the second passage.

"Let me go in and take a look."

Helena said, floating forward on her own initiative.

Scott did not stop her from exploring the way, but stood there waiting.

It was just that Helena took a long time to go this time. After almost half an hour, she still hadn't returned.

At this time, Scott was already a little anxious.

On the contrary, the Ravenclaw in the painting was still very calm.

"Don't worry." She said, "I said, nothing can really hurt ghosts."

Scott frowned, "But this is 'Niflheim', the legendary kingdom of the dead."

Ravenclaw emphasized, "It's just 'Niflheim' built by ancient wizards based on myths and legends."

Scott nodded.

After waiting for almost half an hour, Helena finally came back.

"There are some obstacles on this road." She told Scott, "but if it's you, there shouldn't be any problem."

"What obstacles?" Scott asked.

"They are like Inferi, but they are completely different from ordinary Inferi."

Helena's face looked a little bad, as if she was disgusted by those special Inferi.

"Their bodies are particularly tall, as if they were transformed from giants, and..."

"Although I can't feel the temperature, I think they seem to carry terrible poison and cold air, because their bodies are severely rotten, but they are all wrapped in ice armor."

"Did I win the prize in the 12-choice lottery?"

Scott was a little unbelievable.

"No, I shouldn't be so unlucky."

Helena smiled and said, "Then I'll take a look at another way."

Then she turned around and entered the third passage.

This time she came back quickly, and only went for about ten minutes.

She smiled and said, "There are also those disgusting monsters on this road. Congratulations, it seems that you are not unlucky."

"That's good."

Scott breathed a sigh of relief and walked directly to the second passage.

After walking a few steps, he stopped again and turned to look at Helena.

"You should hide inside the magic barrier, Helena. Although those things can't really touch you, judging from your reaction, they seem very disgusting."

"Oh, yes."

Helena couldn't wait to pass through the magic barrier and floated to Scott's side.

"Sorry, I really can't accept passing through their bodies."

She frowned and said.

"I have been avoiding them just now, but fortunately they seem to be sleeping."

"It doesn't matter."

Scott understood very well that he didn't want to touch that disgusting thing.

As he spoke, he controlled two fireballs to float in front of him to clear the way, and let the other fireballs float on both sides and behind him.

After doing all this, he still felt that it was not safe, so he released Edgar the Fire Crow and cast a bubble head spell on himself to cover his mouth and nose.

In order to release Edgar from the magic barrier, he first directly enlarged Edgar's body, then enlarged the original magic barrier, then created a smaller magic barrier in it, and finally cancelled the outer magic barrier.

In this way, Edgar was outside the magic barrier again.

Although it was cumbersome, it also avoided contact with possible toxins inside the ice palace.

This was also thanks to Scott's much stronger now, so he could complete such a complicated operation.

Next, without Scott's instructions, Edgar directly took over the control of several fireballs, and then took the initiative to fly forward.

The two fireballs in front of Scott directly merged into the flames around it.

As Edgar, who was wrapped in blazing flames, flew forward, the gray fog dissipated.

This is it for now. I will write and update one chapter in the early morning. Please read it tomorrow morning.

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