The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 528 528. The Sealed Dark Lord

Deep in the sea, Xirein manipulated the water flow to wrap the magic barrier and slowly approached the sunken ship on the seabed.

"This is it," Scott said.

Then, he held the [Eye of Odin] on his chest with one hand, pulled out the front finger of the wand with the other hand, and recited an obscure spell in his mouth.

Soon, [Odin's Eye] began to emit golden light.

Immediately afterwards, a golden beam shot out from the wand in Scott's hand.

The beam penetrated the magic barrier and the sea water, shining on the dilapidated wreckage of the shipwreck, tracing out complex runes one after another.

Fourteen runes were connected end to end, forming a complete circle, and a space passage immediately appeared in the circle.

"Already opened."

Scott drew back his wand.

"A magical scene."

Dumbledore said in an emotional tone.

“We’ve really lost a lot of valuable knowledge in history.”

Phoenix Fox chirped several times, seemingly echoing his words.

"Let's go in first."

Scott gave the order, and Siraine waved his tail, using the water flow to push the spherical magic barrier forward, leading them into the space channel.

In the blink of an eye, they were already in a world of ice and snow.

With the last experience, Scott's reaction was quick this time.

Before Xirein was frozen into ice, he directly took action to shrink it and put it into the [Eye of Odin] space.

Accompanied by the beautiful chirping sound, Fawkes flew above Scott and Dumbledore, radiating light and heat all over his body, actively dispelling the cold for them.

"Anthracene, thank you, Fox."

Dumbledore waved his wand and cast a spell on himself and Scott to keep them warm and insulate themselves from the cold wind.

Then he took a few steps forward against the wind.

"I need to do some setting up."

Scott nodded.

He looked back at the space channel in mid-air and stretched out his left hand.

On the ring named "Hwagmir", a drop-shaped blue gem shines.

Blue light floated in the air like smoke, and an extremely tall blue human figure appeared in front.

"Guard the space passage, Ymir."

Scott ordered to the ice giant.

Ymir opened his eyes, and their eyes lit up with blue light.

It took two steps in silence, turned around and stood, firmly blocking the space passage behind it.

Scott smiled with satisfaction, turned and walked towards Dumbledore.

At this time, Dumbledore had already conjured a huge circular building on the ice.

Scott walked to him and looked inside through the gap left in the wall of the building, and found that it was a perfect replica of the Hogwarts principal's office.

Whether it's the silverware emitting silver smoke on the table or the portrait of the former principal sleeping on the wall, they are all exactly the same as the real principal's office.

Only the cold temperature in the air and the icy and snowy scenery outside the glass window showed that this place was fake.


Scott was a little surprised.

Dumbledore smiled and said: "Oh, Scott, it was your previous idea that inspired me."

With that said, he cast another anti-Apparition spell.

But Scott was a little unsure, "Would Voldemort... be fooled by the same thing?"

"So I'll wait here this time."

Dumbledore said, walking into the room.

Fox also flew in and landed on the golden shelf.

When Scott tried to follow, Dumbledore stopped him.

"I need you outside, Scott."

He then explained his plan to Scott in detail and handed him a handkerchief.

"So that's it..."

Scott nodded repeatedly and put the handkerchief with the ancient magic script in his pocket.

"I know, I will cooperate."

Dumbledore smiled, "I also believe you won't make a mistake."

"I hope you're staying safe."

Scott took out the alien space gem from his pocket, took out a few "eyes", and handed them to Dumbledore.

"Do not worry."

Dumbledore walked behind the desk and sat down, placing the alien gem on the table.

"Although I am old, I still have the ability to temporarily block Voldemort."


Scott did not doubt Dumbledore's ability.


Dumbledore waved his wand gently.

“There are still some changes that need to happen here.”

In an instant, all the glass windows changed like a TV screen.

Looking out from the inside, you can only see the scenery that belongs to Hogwarts.

"Now I'm going to seal the gap, and I'll leave the task of reinforcing the building walls to you."

Dumbledore turned to Scott.

"Temperature, Professor." Scott reminded.

"Of course," Dumbledore said with a smile, "I'll remember to cast a Heat Charm."

"So, hope everything goes well."

Scott took a step back.


Dumbledore smiled slightly and waved the Elder Wand.

The bricks joined together, blocking the gap and blocking Scott's view.

Scott closed his eyes and released his magic sense.

He first felt the structure of the entire building in detail, then stretched out his hand and pressed the wand against the wall.

Ancient magic words composed of golden light began to spread on the wall one after another. Soon, these ancient magic words were connected end to end and covered the entire surface of the building.

Soon, the golden light gradually extinguished, and the ancient magic text gradually faded away.

Scott took out the [Magic Mirror] and sent a message to Dumbledore.

Then he turned around and walked away, coming to Ymir.

The standing Ymir bent his knees and stretched out a big hand.

Scott stepped up onto the giant palm.

Ymir stood up and took a step forward, arms half raised.

At this time, Scott, who was standing in its hands, was in front of the space passage.

The [Magic Mirror] vibrates, and Dumbledore's reply arrives.

[Come on, Scott, I'm ready. ]

[Okay, countdown to thirty seconds. ]

Scott replied to the message and began to count down silently.

He first switched the [Magic Mirror] screen to the real-time monitoring screen on Dumbledore's side, and cast a spell on it to make it float in front of him on his left side.

Then, he took out another "eye" and pinned it on his chest.

Twenty-five seconds.

Scott began to perceive the situation in the different space.

Twenty seconds.

At this time, Voldemort seemed to have rested and was taking action himself.

He kept waving his wand, and one violent spell after another struck the invisible wall of space one after another.

The blood-red light of the curse illuminated half of his face, and his eyes were full of determination.

Most of the Death Eaters seemed to be exhausted and were sitting on the ground to rest without any appearance.

Moreover, they were not that close to Voldemort.

Only a few Death Eaters, including Bellatrix Castrange, stayed with Voldemort.

Ten seconds.

Scott glanced at the image in the magic mirror.

Dumbledore was sitting behind his desk.

Five seconds.

Dumbledore looked at the extradimensional gem on the table.

Four seconds.

Three seconds.

Two seconds.

One second.

It's now!

Scott opened the passage to another space.

Right in front of Voldemort.

In Scott's perception, Voldemort first looked up to the sky and laughed. Before the Death Eaters could react, he turned into a black mist and flew into the passage.

In the "office", a space passage suddenly appeared above the different space gem, and a black mist flew out of it.

Dumbledore stood up with a vigilant look on his face, holding the Elder Wand tightly in his hand.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Voldemort appeared with a maniacal smile.

"I have seen your plan. You are destined to fail, Dumbledore!"


Bellatrix Lestrange emerged from the space channel.

"This is...Hogwarts?"

She looked around.

When she saw Dumbledore, she took a step back with a wary expression.

"Come out, this is Hogwarts!"

She turned back and shouted towards the space channel.

At this time, the space channel suddenly closed.

Scott breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't have time just now, so there was one more person than planned.

However, fortunately this does not affect anything.

Seeing Bellatrix Lestrange appear, Dumbledore was also a little stunned.

However, he still decisively carried out the next step of the plan.

At this time, the space channel disappeared, and Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange also discovered that something was wrong.

Just when Voldemort waved his wand to snatch the alien stone, Dumbledore put a hand on his desk.

On the table, on the handkerchief placed under the alien space gem, the ancient magic text suddenly glowed and flickered, and the gem immediately disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, Scott, who was standing on the giant's hand, stretched out his hand and took out the handkerchief from his pocket.

Confirm that the alien space gem has appeared in the handkerchief.

"What have you done, Dumbledore?"

In the "office", Voldemort raised his wand towards Dumbledore.

"Of course, to prevent more people from running out, Tom." Dumbledore's voice was calm.

"But I'm out."

Voldemort grinned.

"As long as I am free, I can rescue them at any time."

His blood-red eyes stared intently at Dumbledore.

"You know, no one can stop me."

Dumbledore shook his head, "I'm afraid you have no chance, Tom."

"You can't hide them forever."

Voldemort did not understand what Dumbledore meant.

He was still showing off proudly.

"I heard it because of the connection I had with that boy."

“That space is going to collapse very quickly.”

" kill them all before that."

"But I don't think you would do that."

He smiled contemptuously.

"What do you think, Bella?"

"Of course, Master, he is the 'great' Dumbledore."

Bellatrix Lestrange said teasingly.

"That's right, the 'great' Dumbledore couldn't go on a killing spree."

Voldemort looked proud.

"So his plan will only fail."

"There's nothing more to say now, Tom."

Dumbledore looked at Voldemort with compassionate eyes.

"You can stay here forever, and of course Mrs. Lestrange."

"Ha, Dumbledore, you are really good at telling lies."

Voldemort once again misunderstood Dumbledore's words.

"Let me stay here forever? Is it just up to you?"

He laughed a few times.

"Don't forget, this is Hogwarts. You have to protect everyone here, right?"

As he spoke, he suddenly turned into black mist and crashed into the glass window on one side.

Obviously, he wanted to break out of the window and start a killing spree inside Hogwarts to contain Dumbledore.

But the result was not what he expected.


There was a crash, but the glass window was not broken.

The phoenix Fawkes seemed startled, it flew up and landed on Dumbledore's shoulder.

Voldemort appears again.

"You want to trap me here?" He stared at Dumbledore angrily, "How long do you think this arrangement can trap me?"


Bellatrix Lestrange stuck out her tongue and licked her lips.

"In that case, let's kill him first, while he doesn't have any helpers around."

"You're right, Bella, this is indeed a good idea."

Voldemort said, and suddenly waved his wand.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The green light moved forward like lightning, illuminating the entire "office" instantly.

"Goodbye, Tom."

Under the illumination of green light, Dumbledore suddenly disappeared with a burst of fire.

"Professor, come up quickly!"

Seeing Dumbledore being led by Fox and appearing at Ymir's feet, Scott shouted quickly.

Fawkes chirped, flashed again with Dumbledore, and appeared next to Scott.

"You go out first." Scott said.

Dumbledore nodded and entered the space channel with Fox.

After he disappeared, Scott was about to follow suit when he heard an explosion in the distance.

The building that pretended to be the Hogwarts Headmaster's office had collapsed.


Along with Voldemort's angry roar, a black mist rose into the sky.


Scott gave an order and turned around to plunge into the space channel.

Outside the passage, Dumbledore, who came out first, had used the Iron Armor Curse to create a waterless space.

Scott turned his head and looked at the space channel.

At this time, Ymir opened his mouth and spit out endless cold current, briefly stopping Voldemort's actions.

Scott quickly recited the secret command, waved his wand, and closed the space channel in time.

Watching the space channel gradually shrinking until it closed, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


"Yes, Voldemort can no longer appear in the wizarding world."

Dumbledore's expression also relaxed visibly.

"Not only that." Scott said with a smile, "Medea will never be able to get Voldemort's soul."

"Let's go back."

Dumbledore motioned to Scott to grab Fawkes' tail feathers.


Scott did as he was told.

Accompanied by the beautiful singing of the Phoenix, they soon appeared in the real Hogwarts principal's office.

Harry was still awake, and Sirius was by his side.

The moment they appeared, Sirius quickly looked over excitedly.

"Is it...successful?"

he asked cautiously.

"Yes, we succeeded."

Dumbledore nodded.

"Voldemort is locked in a secret realm forever."

"This... this... this is really... great!"

Sirius was incomparable at first, then jumped up like a child.

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