The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 529 529. Harry's Changes Prison


Suddenly, a hoarse voice suddenly sounded.

Sirius' celebration came to an abrupt end.

The three people present turned their heads at the same time and looked at Harry lying on the sofa.

At this time, Harry had already sat up.

His face became extremely gloomy, his expression was vicious, and his eyes were fixed on Dumbledore.


Sirius' eyes widened at first, then he rushed over.

"What's wrong with you, Harry?"


Harry reached out and slapped Sirius' hand away.

"It's no use, Dumbledore."

He spoke again, his hoarse voice gradually becoming smoother.

"I already know, this boy has also become my Horcrux."

"I won't die..."

"Harry!" Sirius looked anxious, "What's going on?"

But "Harry" ignored him and continued to say: "You know what to do to completely eliminate me... Dumbledore, that is to kill this boy!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

He suddenly burst out laughing wildly.

"You wouldn't do that, would you?"

"Then just wait, wait for me to be reborn in Harry Potter!"

"Get away!"

Harry's own voice sounded.

Then, the gloom on his face suddenly faded.


Harry's eyes widened and he began to gasp for air like a drowning man.


Sirius called out cautiously.

"Sirius...I..." Harry said intermittently, "I seem to have had a long nightmare..."

"It's okay, Harry, you'll be fine, we'll find a way to solve this problem."

Sirius comforted, reaching out and patting his back to help him calm down.

At this time, Scott and Dumbledore looked at each other.


Scott frowned.

"Voldemort can actually do this?"

Wouldn't this be equivalent to planting a time bomb on Harry?

Moreover, if it is not solved, who knows when Harry will be manipulated.

Harry couldn't be alert twenty-four hours a day, running Occlumency all the time.

That would drive him crazy.

"Sorry, that was an oversight on my part."

Dumbledore also frowned at Harry.

"I didn't expect... Voldemort would have such consequences after he noticed this."

"Professor Dumbledore, is there any way to solve this problem?" Sirius asked.

"this matter……"

Dumbledore rarely hesitated.

"I'm sorry, because this involves Harry's soul. The help others can give is limited, and we can only rely on Harry himself."

"Why is this happening?" Sirius couldn't believe it, "You are Dumbledore!"

"Sorry, Sirius."

Dumbledore smiled bitterly.

"The fragment of Voldemort's soul has become entangled with Harry's soul. If you are not careful, it will hurt Harry's soul."

"Tell me, Professor."

Harry had recovered by now.

Instead of escaping, he stared at Dumbledore and asked.

"Tell me what I should do, Professor."

Determination was written on his face.

Dumbledore said: "The easiest way is to do nothing but maintain Occlumency so that he cannot affect you."

"I will never accept it!"

Harry said very excitedly.

"Voldemort, that is my enemy, and I will never accept to coexist with a part of him."

"Tell me, Professor, how I can get rid of him!"

"Stick with Occlumency."

Dumbledore looked at Harry and said.

"Practice Occlumency to the highest level and learn magical knowledge about the soul."

"Combining the two, slowly separate the fragments of Voldemort's soul."

"Only by completely separating him can you eliminate him without harming yourself."

"This is a long-term process that may take you a lot of time."

"Anthracene, I will do this." Harry clenched his fists tightly, "I will do that even if it takes more time."

"Well done, Harry."

Sirius patted Harry's shoulder encouragingly.

"I believe you will be able to succeed..."

At this moment, flames rose in the fireplace on one side, and Professor Moody walked out on crutches.

"Oh, Albus, you're back."

He quickened his pace and limped up to Dumbledore, both his normal eye and the demon eye that was several times larger were staring at him closely.

"Tell me, did you succeed?"

"The operation was successful," said Dumbledore.


Professor Moody was delighted at first, but then realized something was wrong.

"Since you succeeded, why don't you look happy?"

"It was my negligence." Dumbledore blamed himself, "I don't know enough about Horcruxes..."

"That's my problem, Professor."

Harry took the initiative and spoke.

Professor Moody turned around, "Oh? What happened to you, Potter?"

Harry lifted his hair, revealing the scar on his forehead.

"Voldemort can influence me through this. Just now, he spoke to Dumbledore through me. He wants to devour my soul and occupy my body."

"This is impossible!"

Professor Moody's magic eye turned and finally focused on Harry's scar.

"This is impossible!"

he said with a frown.

"What's in your body is just a fragment of your soul. It's very weak. He can only find opportunities to influence you, but he can't defeat your complete soul!"

Harry laughed when he heard him say that.

"That's what he said, but I also think he can't do it. Just now I could easily drive him away and wake up on my own."

Dumbledore said: "What Voldemort wants is to add up to a small amount. Through a long-term subtle influence on you, he will slowly guide you and change you. When your soul is contaminated, he will have a chance."

"I won't." Harry said disgustedly, "I will never be affected by him."

His highly subjective statement was of course not very convincing, but no one present refuted him.

Professor Moody stared at him for a moment, then turned back to Dumbledore.

"Albus, you can put this matter aside for now. The most important thing now is to deal with the remaining Death Eaters. Minister Bones has already made arrangements in Azkaban."

Dumbledore nodded, "Then let's go there first."

With that, he turned to Scott and said, "I still need you to follow me, Scott."

Scott nodded when he heard this, "No problem."

Dumbledore said to Sirius again: "Sirius, just watch Harry from here."

At this time, Sirius couldn't care about anything else and just nodded.

Instead, Harry said to him: "Just do whatever you want. You don't have to take care of me. I will remember to keep the Occlumency."

"No." Sirius shook his head firmly, "I'm not going anywhere."


Harry wanted to say something else, but Professor Moody had already taken action.

"Let's go to the Ministry of Magic first."

With that said, he walked to the fireplace and grabbed a handful of Floo powder.

"Ministry of Magic."

He dropped the Floo powder and disappeared in the rising flames.

Immediately afterwards, Dumbledore and Scott also left one after another.

After arriving at the Ministry of Magic, they went to the Auror Command office.

Here, they were transferred to Azkaban via a portkey.

After arriving in Azkaban, Professor Moody immediately waved his wand and destroyed the deerstalker hat that was made into a portkey.

"Oh, here you are, Professor Dumbledore, Mr. Moody."

"Hi, how are you, Scott!"

Hearing a familiar voice, Scott raised his head and saw Charlie flying down from the sky on a broomstick.

And above the black fortress of Azkaban, there were two ferocious fire dragons flying under the clouds.

"Hello, Charlie."

Scott waved.

"Although it has not been made public yet, I have heard about the great things you have done."

Charlie landed and patted Scott's shoulder affectionately.

"That's amazing, it's a pity you're not Gryffindor."

Scott emphasized, "Ravenclaw is no worse than Gryffindor."

"Oh, of course." Charlie shrugged, "I didn't mean to belittle Ravenclaw."

He quickly changed the subject.

"Come on, I'll take you in. Minister Bones has led the Aurors to make arrangements in the dungeon."

With that said, he turned around and walked towards the inside of the black fortress.

Scott followed behind him along with Dumbledore and Moody.

They first climbed the black stone steps into the interior of the fortress, and then walked into the dark underground of the fortress through the same stone steps, and saw Minister Bones in a stone room.

"Oh, you're here."

Ms. Bones stood up and came forward.

"Is everything going well?" she asked with concern.

"all the best."

Professor Moody shouted.

"Voldemort has been imprisoned in a different space isolated from the magical world and will never be able to escape! He is no different from death!"

His words echoed within the stone chamber.

Soon, Scott heard bursts of cheers coming through the stone wall.

Ms. Bones couldn't help but laugh too.

"Well done."

She said, then looked at Scott.

"Mr. Trollope, thank you for your contribution in this matter. After this, I will apply for you to receive the Order of Merlin, First Class!"

Upon hearing her words, Dumbledore immediately said, "I promise to vote for it."

At this time, several other people in the room looked at Scott.

Scott politely said to Ms. Bones, "Thank you, ma'am."

Ms. Bones smiled and said, "You're welcome. This is the reward you deserve."

Charlie patted Scott on the shoulder again, "This is really good news. Congratulations, Scott."

"Just apply."

Scott reminds him that congratulations are too early.

"Oh, no problem." Charlie laughed, showing a pair of conspicuous white teeth, "Just wait and take the wizarding world by storm."

The others laughed too.

"Ahem, don't forget about business."

Professor Moody reminded.

"That's right."

Ms. Bones nodded and raised her voice.

"Are you all ready? This is the final battle!"

The celebration outside the stone room stopped, and then came the sonorous answer, "Ready!"

Ms. Bones smiled with satisfaction.

"Let's go out first."

She took the lead and walked out of the stone chamber through the other door.

Scott and the others followed her.

Outside the door is a circular corridor lit with many torches.

Surrounded by the circular corridor is a panopticon surrounded by thick iron bars.

Uniformed Aurors were scattered in all directions along the corridor, facing the Panopticon.

"Put that gem in jail."

Ms. Bones said to Scott.

Scott nodded, took out the alien space gem from his pocket, and threw it directly into the prison.


Ms. Bones shouted another order.


With a distant reply, the sound of the hinges of iron chains sounded above the panopticon.

On the outer layer of the iron fence, thick metal iron doors fell from above.

They are connected to each other and surround the panopticon with almost no gaps.


The iron gate fell to the ground, completely surrounding the panopticon.

Ms. Bones turned to Scott again and said, "Now, let them out."

Scott nodded and began to sense the situation in the different space.

At this time, about an hour had passed since Voldemort came out of the alien space, and the Death Eaters locked inside could no longer sit still.

They all looked eagerly at the place where Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange left, as if waiting for some miracle.

Scott directly opened the space channel.

Looking at the sudden appearance of the space passage, the Death Eaters were first surprised, then ecstatic, and finally hesitant.

But after waiting for a long time, among the group of Death Eaters who couldn't wait to leave the different space, no one dared to stand up and leave through the different space.

Scott suddenly felt that the scene he perceived was a bit funny.

He did not give these people too much time to hesitate, but directly used his control over the different space to accelerate the collapse of this already scarred different space.

Click, click.

A crisp sound sounded strangely, but cracks appeared in the air like broken glass, and the group of Death Eaters finally rushed out of the space passage that had become somewhat unstable.

But what greeted them was a dark prison.


Standing outside the prison, through the thick iron gate, Scott heard a voice chanting the lighting spell.

"Damn it!"

"This is where?"


"Don't care where it is, we just need to break the obstacles in front of us!"

"Break it and we can get out!"

Immediately afterwards, the sound of magic spells colliding with iron fences and iron doors continued to sound.

At the same time, the surface of those black iron doors suddenly lit up with ancient runes representing tenacity and stability.

"Welcome, Death Eaters!"

Ms. Bones shouted.

"Welcome to Azkaban!"

"I am Amelia Bones, Minister for Magic."

"Please put down your wand and surrender immediately!"

There was silence in the prison for a while, and the sound of curses attacking the iron bars and doors also stopped.

But soon, someone in the prison started shouting again.

"Don't be afraid! There are no Dementors left in Azkaban!"

"This kind of thing can't trap us at all!"

"Kill out!"

"If we break this thing, we can be free!"

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