The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 530 530. Capture New Product Meeting

"Shattered to pieces!"

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

"The house collapsed!"

The Death Eaters trapped in the steel prison desperately released various attack spells, trying to break the current predicament.

Boom! Boom! Boom!


The collision of magic spells and steel, explosions, roars, and various sounds alternated.

Ms. Bones stood upright in the corridor with her hands behind her back, a faint smile on her lips.

"Their struggle is in vain."

She said calmly to the wizards around her.

"We used multiple magic circuit combinations, and this place is already a veritable iron prison."

Scott's eyes widened and he carefully identified the ancient runes that were flashing on the surface of those heavy iron doors.

Ms. Bones is generally right. The combination of multiple magic text circuits they used can be called "infinite stacks" and cannot be broken in a short time.

But this approach can only last for a while at best.

Because the main body of the engraved magic text is steel after all, not some advanced magic material or alchemical results, these ordinary irons cannot carry magic power for a long time.

But this is normal.

If this method is really useful, then the Russell alloy of the Russell family will not be sold so expensively.

Scott looked at Ms. Bones again.

It is impossible for this lady minister not to know the shortcomings of the "iron prison". She should have another plan in mind.

Sure enough, Ms. Bones quickly raised her wand.


Under her command, all the Aurors and Azkaban guards, including Professor Moody, raised their wands.

The next moment, everyone chanted the weather spell in unison.

"Atmospheric Charm!"

Dark clouds gathered and rolled over the "Iron Prison".


There was a faint sound of thunder.


A bolt of lightning cut through the darkness and struck the iron wall.




White lightning kept falling, and the entire underground space became as bright as day.

Scott couldn't help but squint his eyes and listen to the screams coming from the "Iron Prison".

He has understood that the entire panopticon is a veritable "iron prison", and even the ground inside is conductive.

The leather shoes worn by wizards are all handmade, and the soles are not rubber soles like Muggles, and they even have metal accessories.

That said, their shoes are not insulators.

What's more, without successfully breaking through the "Iron Prison", those Death Eaters will most likely not spend their magic power to cast a full range of armor spells.

They were caught off guard by the sudden lightning.

Although the physical fitness of wizards is much better than that of Muggles, and they generally will not be killed directly by the lightning simulated by this kind of weather spell, accidents cannot be ruled out.

It seems that the lady minister in front of me is more ruthless than imagined.

Scott smiled.

He appreciates this ruthlessness towards his enemies.

It wasn't until the screams stopped that the cold Ms. Bones put down her wand.

When she stopped casting her magic, the others stopped too.

"Go to the next step."

Ms. Bones continued to give orders.


Kingsley Shacklebolt responded, turned around and walked to the other side of the corridor, pulling down a huge iron gate on the wall.


The sound of gas jets sounded.

Ms. Bones explained to Dumbledore, "Right now, the mechanism we have arranged is spraying atomized water of life and death from the ceiling inside."


Scott marveled silently.

Are you afraid that there are still people who have not been stunned?

This lady minister is really cautious...

"You should be more careful." Dumbledore smiled, "This can avoid unnecessary casualties."

Ms. Bones nodded, “Every one of our employees is valuable.”

After a minute or so, the sound of gas jets stopped.

"Wait five minutes."

Ms. Bones felt that this was not enough and did not order the heavy iron gates surrounding the prison to be immediately raised.

The five minutes of silent waiting passed quickly.

Ms. Bones waved.



Kingsley Shacklebolt turned around again and pulled up another iron gate.


The sound of the iron chains twisting sounded again, and the thick iron gates in a circle began to rise slowly.

Through the iron bars, what Scott saw were Death Eaters lying on the ground.

Thanks to Ms. Bones' caution, everyone fainted.

No, there's still one person who hasn't passed out.

As the iron gate continued to rise, Scott saw a man sitting on the iron gate.

It's Snape!

"Don't move!"

Several nearby Aurors immediately raised their wands.

"Throw the wand over here!"

Faced with several wands pointed at him, Snape made no attempt to resist.

Under Scott's deliberate observation, he and Dumbledore looked at each other silently.

Then, he slowly raised his hands and threw the wand in his hand outside the iron gate, where it was picked up by an Auror.

"Return all wands!"

Ms. Bones ordered again.

All Aurors took action in unison after hearing the order.

The next moment, all the Death Eaters' wands flew out of the prison and landed in the hands of the Aurors.

"Tie them up!"

Ms. Bones took the lead again and waved her wand.

As the Aurors waved their wands, strong ropes rushed into the prison like long snakes and crawled on the ground.

Soon, these ropes automatically tied up all the Death Eaters, including Snape.

"Take them away!"

Ms. Bones turned and walked towards the stone chamber from when she came.

"Imprison them separately and wait for trial!"

Aurors and Azkaban guards took action, opened the iron bars, and transferred the Death Eaters to the single-person prisons on the upper level of Azkaban in batches.

Even the minors like Malfoy were not spared.

Scott and Dumbledore followed Ms. Bones out of the underground and came to the first floor of Azkaban.

"It's finally over."

Ms. Bones breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the gloomy sky above Azkaban.

"I hope the British wizarding world can usher in a long-term peace from now on."

I'm sorry, I'm afraid you can't get your wish.

Scott thought to himself.

Voldemort is still alive, Medea is still dormant, and Salazar Slytherin may see the light of day again.

The British wizarding world, which has suffered many disasters, faces many more troubles.

Dumbledore, who knows all the inside stories, is obviously not as optimistic as Ms. Bones.

"Well, Amelia, although I shouldn't disturb you from celebrating your victory, I must tell you one thing..."

Dumbledore whispered about Harry's current situation.

"Anthus, that poor boy..."

Ms. Bones was surprised at first, and then she felt pity.

The minister, who was considered "cold" by Scott just now, showed a soft expression at this moment.

"May Merlin bless him." She couldn't help but mutter.

Merlin won't bless anyone.

Scott complained again.

That's just a fun person.

Maybe he is watching all this with a fun mentality now.


Scott felt that with Harry's current situation, Merlin might really need to take action to solve it.

But although he had this idea, he was powerless.

There is no Chaldea here. He is not a Master, and Merlin is not his Servant. He will not show up to help just because he calls.

Maybe people think this play is just right.

"Albus, please make sure his situation does not get worse."

Ms. Bones solemnly asked Dumbledore.

"I don't want... I don't want James and Lily's child to be replaced by the devil... I don't want to sign an order to execute him one day in the future."

She said the last sentence with some difficulty.

Dumbledore nodded, "Harry is a good boy. I will do everything I can to help him grow up so that he can have the power to expel Voldemort."

"That's the best." Ms. Bones said, "With your guarantee, I feel much more at ease."

"Then, we won't bother you any more."

Dumbledore gestured to Scott.

"Scott must go back to class too."

"Goodbye, Ms. Bones."

Scott gave the Minister a wizard salute.


After leaving Azkaban, Scott and Dumbledore Apparated directly to Hogsmeade Village, and then walked back to Hogwarts Castle from Hogsmeade Village.

Afterwards, Scott said goodbye to Dumbledore and returned to the Ravenclaw Tower.

Just as he was about to enter the tower, he heard hurried footsteps behind him.


Two hands were placed on his shoulders.

"You don't think you can scare me like this."

Of course Scott could sense the identity of the visitor.

He turned around.

"Fred, George..."

Looking at the masks on the twins' faces, Scott was speechless and couldn't say anything.

Because the masks on their faces were exactly the same proportions as Voldemort's heads.

"Aren't you afraid that someone will suddenly cast a killing curse on you?"

Scott was deeply impressed by the two's ability to commit suicide.

"This is our new product!"

Fred deliberately spoke in a hoarse voice, imitating Voldemort's voice.

George raised his hand and made a "victory" gesture, "It's called Voldemort's Fear Elimination Mask!"

"Watch it!"

They said in unison, and then they made two different funny poses.

As the poses froze, the masks on their faces also changed.

To be precise, it was the face of "Voldemort" on the mask that was making a face.

One was rolling his eyes, and the other was sticking out his tongue.

"And more!"

The two changed to another funny pose.

"Voldemort"'s expression also changed.

One was grinning, and the other was pouting for a kiss.


Scott felt that his expression at this moment must be more complicated than ever before.

"Good... good idea."

He praised against his will.

"How is it!"

The twins lifted their masks, revealing two smug faces.

"This is a new product we developed in a hurry!"

"Just wait for the Ministry of Magic to announce that Voldemort has been completely defeated."

"This product will definitely be a hot seller!"

"Because everyone needs a warm celebration! The fear of Voldemort needs to be eliminated!"

The two of them sang in unison, with a desire for gold Galleons in their eyes.

"This is indeed a good way to eliminate fear." Scott laughed, "If people have the courage to wear that face."

The twins high-fived each other, "We will definitely succeed!"

Scott suppressed his laughter and suggested, "Oh, remember to demonstrate it in front of Harry a few more times."

Maybe accidentally, the fragment of Voldemort's soul in Harry's body will explode.

The twins certainly didn't know his true thoughts, and thought it was to make Harry happy.

"We are going to do that!"

"Harry is the one who should be celebrated the most!"

Scott encouraged, "He will definitely thank you very much."

"Oh, right!"

The twins suddenly put their hands on Scott's shoulders again.

"Scott, you have to talk about it."

"What you have experienced in the past few days."

"Everyone is waiting for you!"

"Everyone is curious!"

As they said, the two pushed Scott towards the main building of the castle.

Scott did not refuse, but followed them to the eighth floor and came to the corridor where the Room of Requirement was located.

Fred wandered in the corridor three times, and a primary wooden door with a copper school emblem inlaid on the wall appeared on the wall.

"Go in quickly."

George pushed Scott.

"A surprise."

Fred opened the door and made a "please" gesture.

"Thank you."

Scott walked into the door and found that it was a well-decorated meeting room.

Several familiar people were already sitting at the long conference table.

Roger, Milton, Eddie, Luna, Helena, and Fred and George's girlfriends, Angelina and Alia.

A black flag was hung on the wall behind the conference table. The pattern in the middle of the flag was a white tower surrounded by clouds.

Below the tower pattern was a row of capital letters.


Tower of Babel.

"From today..."

The twins closed the door and walked to Scott.

"This is the secret base of our Babel organization!"

At this time, the other companions sitting at the conference table stood up and began to applaud.


Scott sighed.

"Do we need to be so formal now?"

"Of course!" Milton said seriously, "We need to use such a sense of ceremony to emphasize the importance of the organization!"

"Because 'Babel' is destined to become the greatest organization in history!" Eddie said with a wink.

"Let's go."


Fred and George took action directly, dragged Scott to the top of the conference room, and pressed him to his seat.

"I declare..."

"The first formal meeting of the 'Babel' organization begins!"

After announcing loudly, the two walked to their girlfriends and sat down while clapping.


Looking at a pair of eyes with smiles and seriousness, Scott couldn't help but get serious.

"Well, first of all, let's welcome two new members, Angelina and Alia!"

As he said, he took the lead in applauding.

"Thank you."

Angelina said with a smile.

"Since I heard Fred talk about it, I have become interested in 'Babel'. If possible, I am willing to contribute to the ideal of creating a new world."

"Me too." Alia said.

"Welcome to join."

Scott expressed his welcome to them again.

"Next, I will talk about the major events that have happened in recent days."

He began to preside over the meeting.

"Then we will discuss the current situation of the British wizarding world."

"I hope everyone can give suggestions on what we, the Tower of Babel, can do in this context."

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