The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 534 534. Competition of wills

The raging fire turned into a spear.

The flaming spear penetrated two layers of silver shields with unstoppable force, and barely passed through two more layers, disintegrating in the collision with the last layer of shield.

At the same time, Voldemort's wand pulled a red lightning to Scott's front.

Scott, who was always aware of the fluctuations of magic power, disappeared at the right time.

When he appeared again, he was in front of Harry.

As the wand in his hand pulled, the hard ground of the platform suddenly bulged high like liquid flow, just blocking Voldemort's killing curse against Harry.

The bricks and stones collapsed.

Voldemort turned into a ball of black mist and floated into the sky.

At this time, the steel python that the train turned into also moved.

It raised its upper body, opened its huge mouth, and bit the black mist that Voldemort had transformed into.

While the steel python was entangled with Voldemort, Scott pointed the wand in his hand at Harry.


He drove Harry into the different space neatly.


Harry wanted to say something, but his figure disappeared in an instant.

This time, Scott did not leave Harry's phantom in the original place.

"Stay still."

Scott said to himself.

"I can't take care of you now."

He did this to prevent Voldemort from attacking Harry in the battle.

If Harry was hit by Voldemort accidentally, Scott's action would be purely "good intentions but bad results".

While banishing Harry, Scott also kept looking up to observe Voldemort's performance.

Voldemort was hindered by the iron python for a moment, but soon used the characteristics of the black fog to successfully escape.


Scott seized the opportunity and stabbed forward with his wand.

The golden light shone again.

At the same time, Scott heard a sharp collision sound.

Voldemort was still prepared and summoned several layers of silver shields again to block the stab.

At the same time, he slashed the wand in his hand, and the red beam was like an extremely sharp magic sword, instantly cutting off the neck of the iron python.

The magic circuit on the python's skin flashed and collapsed instantly. The huge body turned back into a train again and fell heavily on the platform, raising clouds of dust.

The next second, a dazzling green light penetrated the dust that blocked the vision and reached where Scott was.

But Scott was no longer there at this time.

He was also standing in the dust, and a huge magic circuit pattern flashed under his feet, and the world suddenly fell into absolute darkness.

Also losing vision, relying on the convenience of magic perception, Scott kept changing his position in a short period of time and used various types of attacks.

But the Voldemort in front of him was obviously different from the enemies he had encountered before.

"It's useless!"

Voldemort's confident voice came, accompanied by various types of collisions and explosions.

Even though the Dark Lord did not have the convenient magic perception like Scott, he still calmly resisted all his attacks, and even occasionally fought back accurately.

After trying for a while, Scott gave up the plan to use the dark illusion to sneak attack.

Maybe it was because of the battle intuition, or maybe it was because of the killing intention perception, in short, this set of tricks did not work well on Voldemort.

The magic circuit under Scott's feet changed, silently activating another illusion.

The next moment, the darkness faded.

The platform that had become riddled with holes reappeared.

At the same time, the Scotts who surrounded Voldemort also appeared.

Dozens of Scotts occupied various places around Voldemort.

On the rails, on the destroyed trains, around the platform, and even on the iron frame supporting the dome, there were his figures.

Every Scott was exactly the same, and it was difficult to distinguish the real from the fake.

All the Scotts raised their wands and pointed them at Voldemort standing in the center of the platform.

"Interesting, is this also an illusion?"

Voldemort looked around calmly.

"Although there seem to be a lot of them, there is only one that can cause real harm, and that is your real body."

"You are right."

All the Scotts spoke together.

"Let's find out which one is the real me."

But Voldemort did not act rashly.

He seemed to want Scott to move first, so that he could find Scott's real body through attack.

"Then I won't be polite."

All the Scotts laughed at the same time.

All the Scotts' wands flashed with golden light at the same time.

"Although most of the attacks are illusions, only one attack is real, but how do you judge? Hide? Or not hide?"

Voldemort frowned and said nothing.

"Oh, I almost forgot."

The attacks in the Scotts' hands were still ready to go.

"You can judge the truly harmful attacks by experience and intuition, right, just like you did in the dark."

"I'm glad you understand." Voldemort smiled contemptuously, "This kind of fake trick will never work in front of me."

"Really? Then try it."

Dozens of golden lights turned into spears and stabbed at Voldemort from all directions.

Voldemort, who was still calm just now, suddenly changed his face.

In an instant, countless silver shields appeared around Voldemort layer by layer, protecting him firmly in the middle like a complete turtle shell.

But the attack that Voldemort imagined did not come.

All the golden spears penetrated the shields silently, but did not cause any damage.

"Haha, this time, it's all phantoms."

Scott's laughing voice came from all directions.

"Because of this, it's difficult to tell where the real attack came from."

"Your intuition tells you that all attacks are harmless, but you don't dare to take any risks and have to use a blind defense."

"What a waste."

Although Scott's approach is not harmful, it is extremely insulting.

Listening to his cynicism at this moment, Voldemort could no longer maintain his calm appearance.

"there has never been……"

His voice was cold, hissing like a poisonous snake.

"...No one has ever dared to tease me like you!"

In an instant, all the silver shields that made up the "turtle shell" exploded.

A hurricane surrounded him, and his long black robe fluttered like a flag in the wind.

He spread his hands and roared.


The endless sea of ​​fire descended.

Everywhere he looked was filled with dark red fire.

The blazing flames occupied the entire space and continued to spread into the distance.

As the fire burned, the station began to collapse.

Li Huo undoubtedly destroyed Scott's hidden magic circuit, and all his figures disappeared.


Voldemort shuttled through the extremely dangerous fire, looking for traces of Scott.

"come out!"

"Come out!"

At this time, Scott and Harry were squatting in a different space, looking at the situation outside.

Harry turned to him and asked, "The fire...can't be extinguished?"

Scott nodded, "Unless you cast a large-scale curse, this method of extinguishing the fire is also very slow."

"Then what should we do now?" Harry scratched his head, "If we go out, we will fall directly into the fierce fire and be burned to ashes."

"Hold on."

Scott was in no rush.

"It would be better to let Voldemort consume more power."

"By the way, I haven't asked what's going on yet!"

Harry stared at him.

After thinking calmly, he seemed to become more alert.

"You must know something about this strange dream!"

Scott didn't deny it.

“I had people help provide such a stage.”

His words naturally shifted the topic to Voldemort.

"I originally wanted to completely eliminate Voldemort, but I didn't expect that his body would actually make up his mind to sacrifice himself and give all his hope to the soul fragments in your body."

As expected, Harry was led away by the topic.

"I still can't understand it!"

He said with a disgusted expression.

"How could anyone want to take over someone else's body? It's unimaginable!"

"Of course you can't understand."

Scott patted him on the shoulder.

"You are still young, and Voldemort is already old. In addition, his situation is also worrying. Only by occupying your body can he gain a new life."

"Oh, I really hope he can burn himself completely." Harry said with a vicious glare.

Scott laughed, "With his level, such a half-baked thing shouldn't happen..."

Just then, he heard Merlin's voice in his ears.

"Huh, you seem to be playing negative, Scott."


The guy had indeed been watching the show.

Despite all the slander, he quickly gave a reasonable excuse, "I'm just waiting for the opportunity to fight back."

"What? Who are you talking to?" Harry looked at Scott in surprise.

But Scott had no time to pay attention to him for the time being.

"That's no reason, Scott."

Merlin's voice was extremely kind, but the words he spoke were annoying.

"If you continue to play negatively like this, as a referee, I can only declare that the game is over."

"Wait!" Scott shouted quickly.

By ending it now, wouldn't it be equivalent to handing over the mess to Harry?

Now that the fragment of Voldemort's soul in his body has grown in strength, he may soon be able to occupy the magpie's nest.

Sure enough, I still can’t be lazy.

"Mr. Referee, please give me five minutes for halftime."

"no problem."

Merlin's voice sounded very light.

"Please remember, it's five minutes."

While talking to Merlin, Scott kept staring at Voldemort who was wreaking havoc everywhere.

At this moment, the entire scene in the outside world suddenly underwent earth-shaking changes.

Like a map in a video game, after Voldemort destroyed the entire platform, he finally encountered the "air wall".

When he touched the edge of the map, the entire scene collapsed instantly, and the world turned into pure white.

Only the endless fierce fire covered the earth and was still burning.

The sudden change made Voldemort stunned for a moment.

Scott seized this moment and escaped from the different space alone.

He cast the Iron Armor Curse in advance, and a spherical magic barrier wrapped his body, temporarily blocking the erosion of the fierce fire.

Of course, for Li Huo, the magic barrier is also flammable, and the isolation is also only for a moment.

But this moment was enough.

Scott directly apparated into the air and turned into a peregrine falcon.

He flapped his wings and flew quickly, avoiding Voldemort's curse attack.

The next moment, under the command of Voldemort's wand, countless small fire dragons with flames as their bodies flew out of the fierce fire and chased Scott.

Scott did not continue to fly rapidly as a peregrine falcon, but changed back to human form and floated in the air.

He had already flown high enough at this time, and it would take several seconds for Voldemort's spell or those little Fiendfyre to attack him.

These few seconds were enough for him to do something.

"Clear water like a spring!"

As Scott chanted the spell, what came out of his wand was not a spring, but a huge wave like a tsunami.

The endless water flowed down from the sky like a majestic waterfall.

Scott hid himself in the water.

Although water could not extinguish the Fiendfyre, it could at least stop it for a moment.

Just as the boundless Fiendfyre was trying to evaporate the waterfall, Scott, who was hiding in the water, waved his wand.

The next moment, all the water instantly turned into hard ice.

Inside the ice, Scott left a small space for himself and waved his wand again.

The mountain-like ice turned into a blue giant.

This was a product created by Scott using transfiguration and ancient magic runes based on Ymir.

The giant's body was extremely hard, and even Voldemort's killing curse could not easily penetrate the ice and hurt Scott.


The giant roared and spewed out an extremely cold airflow.

The cold air opened the way, and the temporary suppression of the fierce fire was also greatly enhanced.

Scott once again drew the magic circuit out of thin air.

This time, he did not leave the magic circuit on the ground that was easily destroyed, but directly unfolded it in the air.

Dozens of Scotts appeared at the same time again, floating in the air together.

At the same time, Scott, who was hiding in the ice giant, also silently mixed into the team of dozens of Scotts.

"The same trick doesn't work on me!"

Voldemort shouted loudly below.

The tips of Scott's wands lit up golden light again.

"This time, will you hide or not?"

Dozens of Scotts asked with a smile at the same time.

Dozens of golden lights fell from the sky like a meteor shower.

This time, these dozens of attacks were not cast at the same time, but there were some tiny time intervals.

These tiny time intervals also caused the attacks not to arrive at the same time.

Voldemort had no choice but to show his "turtle shell" again.

When the silver shield was penetrated by the golden light, Voldemort in the "turtle shell" immediately looked in the direction of the attack.

"I found you."

He grinned and looked at Scott in that direction.

But then, the golden light from several other directions penetrated the shield again.

"How could it be..."

Voldemort looked stunned.

However, just as he was stunned, the graceful falling arc of the "meteor shower" disappeared.

In an instant, the golden light turned into "heavy rain" and fell.

All of Voldemort's "turtle shells" shattered in the "heavy rain".

Without the "umbrella", the "heavy rain" would of course fall on people.

Voldemort turned into black mist and tried to find an opportunity.

But the golden "heavy rain" seemed like a bone-eating poison that could not be escaped.

Soon, countless golden lights gathered in the black mist.

Voldemort appeared again.

Dense golden spears pierced his body from all angles.

Make him look like a hedgehog with golden thorns.


Voldemort stared at Scott.

Scott, who had played a trick on the Dark Lord, looked down at him.

At this moment, all Scotts laughed and said at the same time, "Ah, how could you forget that this is not the real world, we are all conscious beings, this is a competition of wills."

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