The golden light dissipated.

Voldemort's body became riddled with holes and fell into the out-of-control fire.

Dozens of Scott's phantoms dissipated at the same time.

At this time, the real Scott has hidden into the alien space again.


He looked at the violent fire outside and muttered to himself.

"Do you think I won't be prepared for a deadly counterattack?"

This routine is simply too routine.

Endless fierce fire rose into the sky and turned into a flaming giant that looked like Voldemort.

He roared, completely melting the ice giant left by Scott, and then began to destroy everything in front of him crazily.

Harry looked at this scene in surprise.

"He hasn't disappeared yet?"

"It was quick," Scott said with a smile.

Sure enough, after a while, the huge body of the flame giant that stood tall and tall began to slowly shrink.

Scott added: "What an honor. The two of us witnessed the true end of a Dark Lord."

Harry didn't make a sound, just stared blankly.

Scott glanced at him and said no more.

Finally, the flame giant disappeared into the endless fire.


Harry was confused.

"I feel like there's something different about me."

"Congratulations, Harry."

Scott stretched.

"Tomorrow, you can go to Madam Pomfrey and ask her to heal the scar on your forehead."

Harry raised his hand and touched the lightning-shaped scar on his forehead with a complicated expression.

Scott smiled, "Of course, you can keep it, that's proof that you survived."

"I really understood the meaning of this scar when I entered Hogwarts at the age of 11."

Harry said softly.

"At the beginning, I was a little happy."

"The scars identify me and make sure they didn't get the wrong person."

"You don't have to worry about being kicked out and leaving the magical world."

Scott didn't disturb him, didn't stare at him, just listened quietly.

Harry was immersed in some emotion, almost talking to himself.

"Then I started hating it again."

"Not only because of the curious crowd, but also because it documents my initial misfortune."

"Later, when I learned more about it, I didn't know whether to like it or hate it."

"If my mother hadn't sacrificed herself to save me, this scar wouldn't have happened."

"Maybe I need to think carefully about whether I should keep it or not..."

Harry looked up.

He didn't seem to expect that he would say so much suddenly, and he was a little embarrassed for a moment.

"Sorry, I don't know what I'm talking about..."

"Ah?" Scott turned to look at him, "Did you say something just now?"

Harry laughed, "Thank you, Scott."

"You're welcome."

Scott once again looked at the fierce fire that continued to burn outside the different space.

"I made my own decision this time and almost failed."

Fortunately, this is a dream world created by Merlin.

If it were to fight Voldemort in the real world, it would definitely not be so easy.

As soon as he thought of Merlin, Merlin appeared.

As a burst of colorful petals fluttered past Scott's eyes, he found that he had returned to a world full of flowers.

He turned his head and didn't see Harry.

"The child has gone back." Merlin said, floating in the air.

"Thank you for your help, Archmage Merlin."

Scott bowed honestly.

"You're welcome, your performance was quite wonderful."

Merlin smiled and waved.

"So, goodbye."

Scott's vision went dark.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw blue flannel bed curtains.

A new day has arrived.

In the auditorium during breakfast time, as soon as Scott sat down at the table, Harry ran over.

"Do you remember?" he asked softly.

"Of course." Scott smiled, "I haven't lost my memory."

Harry asked excitedly, "So...that's all true?"

Scott nodded, "It's true."

He looked up and observed Harry.

"Do you feel any difference?"

"I have no idea……"

Harry hesitantly touched the scar on his forehead.

"I just feel in good spirits and my thinking is clearer."

Scott understood, "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Harry said gratefully.

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

Eddie, who was listening to the conversation between the two, couldn't help but ask.

"Nothing..." Harry didn't seem to want to say more.

Just then, an owl flew into the auditorium and dropped a letter on the long table.

"Oh! Look!"

Eddie quickly opened today's "Daily Prophet" and shouted loudly.

His voice spread throughout the auditorium, and everyone looked at the newspaper.

The newspaper's front page headline contains a few lines of large characters on a whole page -

[The greatest victory of this century! ]

[We defeated Voldemort! ]

[Hail, wizards, true peace has arrived! ]

The next second, cheers sounded.

In the auditorium, many students jumped up excitedly, and everyone's face was filled with a smile of joy.

Of course, there are also some students who have expressions of disbelief on their faces, as if they were mourning their heirs.

But no one cares about this small group of misfits, and everyone is celebrating "the greatest victory."

At this time, the professors headed by Dumbledore also entered the auditorium.

They did not stop the students from cheering, but stood aside and watched.

Even Professor McGonagall, who was always stern, had a joyful smile on his face at the moment.

As the cheers died down, Dumbledore stepped forward.

He announced in public that Hogwarts would have a day off, allowing students from third grade and above to play in Hogsmeade, and a celebration dinner would be held in the evening.

In an instant, louder cheers sounded again.

Dumbledore waved to Harry as he turned to leave.

Harry looked at Scott questioningly.

"You can tell the truth," Scott said. "If Professor Dumbledore has any questions, my tutor will explain it to him."

"Your mentor?" Harry asked curiously.

Scott waved his hand, "Professor Dumbledore knows."

Harry nodded and turned to leave.

"What happened?" Eddie was still curious.

"I did Harry a little favor."

Scott was not prepared to reveal Merlin's existence rashly, so he changed the subject.

"Look at the rest of the newspaper."

"All right."

Eddie curled his lips, did not ask further questions, and began to read the newspaper.

Today's "Daily Prophet" covers the entire page reporting on this "greatest victory."

"Voldemort has completely failed. Yes, now, every wizard can say this name without any scruples, instead of referring to it as 'You-Know-Who'..."

Eddie began reading the newspaper loudly.

"...Minister of Magic, Ms. Bones, wants to tell all wizards that there is no possibility of Voldemort making a comeback..."

"...All Death Eaters under Voldemort have been imprisoned in Azkaban. From now on, the Ministry of Magic will conduct a public trial on all Death Eaters..."

"...All members of the public are welcome to report the unknown illegal activities of the Death Eaters and provide corresponding evidence..."

With this "automatic trumpet", Scott and the others no longer read newspapers.

The Ravenclaws were enjoying breakfast and reading the newspaper.

"That's not fair!"

Eddie, who saw others enjoying it, quit.

"Okay, let me do it!"

Roger, who had finished eating, took the newspaper.

He flipped through the newspaper in his hand, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Oh, there's an interview with Professor Dumbledore, and Scott is mentioned!"

He coughed twice and started reading.

"Exclusive interview with Albus Dumbledore, who only wanted to protect Hogwarts."

"That's the title."

"The reporter learned from interviews with the Ministry of Magic that our Hogwarts Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, played an irreplaceable role in this war."

"In order to learn more details, we conducted an exclusive interview with Albus Dumbledore overnight..."

"'I didn't do much. In this war, every wizard who stood on the side of justice contributed his or her own strength.' Dumbledore said modestly..."

Roger then read a long paragraph of the reporter's disgusting praise of Dumbledore.


Roger frowned a little unbearably.

"Oh, I remember that pseudonym. This reporter was not so polite when he satirized Dumbledore in the newspapers."

"Let's just read the paragraph about Scott!"

Eddie suggested as he munched on meatloaf.

Others agreed.

Roger was good at what he did.

"Dumbledore told us that a current Hogwarts student also participated in this operation and played an extremely important role..."

"...The reporter also heard this name from the Minister of Magic..."

"Dumbledore said he was one of the brightest and most talented students Hogwarts has ever seen."

"...He is the darling of professors, an undoubted genius, a warrior sought after by thousands of people, and a rising legend..."

Scott silently put down his knife and fork.

"I'm stuffed."

He stood up with goosebumps all over his body, ignored other people's attempts to stay, quickly left the table and walked out of the auditorium.

Although I am prepared...

Scott touched his arm through his sleeve.

But when he actually heard that level of praise, he was still so embarrassed that his toes were on the ground.

So embarrassing.

It was simply a public execution.


Scott turned around and saw Luna jumping up and down.

He asked, "Why did you come out too?"

Luna smiled, "I'm full."

"Let's go."

Scott turned and walked outside the castle.


Luna didn't ask where she was going and followed him.

They passed directly through the school gate guarded by Filch and walked onto the road to Hogsmeade.

"Harry is different." Luna suddenly said, "He has no impurities and is a pure Harry."

"Did you see it?" Scott was not surprised.

Luna nodded.

She laughed a few times, "The newspaper article was originally suspected of exaggeration, but now it is true."

Scott also laughed, "Yes, the last hidden danger has been eliminated."

Luna turned to look at him, "Are you leaving?"

Scott didn't deny it.

"Savanna doesn't know when the channel will be officially opened. I want to get the other half of the research data before then."

"It's been a long journey," Luna said.

Scott nodded.

Antarctica, is it not far away?

But he had to go.

"I am not alone," he said. "Helena and the Ravenclaw Masters will be going with me."

Luna nodded heavily, "Just like before, you will be fine."


After that, they didn't mention it again.

After entering Hogsmeade, they first went to the Owl Post Office.

Luna mailed her letter to Mr. Lovegood.

"My dad would be very interested and might want to get involved."

She was referring to the "Tower of Babel" thing.

“I don’t know if he can pass the show of hands of the members.”

Scott shrugged.

He thought it might be... a little difficult.

The current members of "Tower of Babel" are all their classmates.

Young people always don't like to play with their parents.

After sending the letter, they didn't go shopping in other stores, they just wandered on the street.

Through the glass windows, they saw that both bars in Hogsmeade were packed with people.

It's still morning, but people can't help but want to celebrate.

Perhaps because of the morning newspaper, when Scott walked past the bar window, he immediately attracted a lot of attention.

Everyone had a smile on their face, some gave him a thumbs up, some raised a glass to him, and some loudly invited him to have a few drinks.

Scott responded with a smile and politely declined their invitation.

As time went by, the number of visitors to Hogsmeade gradually increased.

Not only the students at Hogwarts, but also many adult wizards seemed to be unable to resist the urge to get out of the house, and ran over one after another.

Soon, the place became busier than Diagon Alley before the first day of school.

Shopkeepers from several stores walked out of their stores and hung discount banners in the name of celebrating victory above the windows, attracting a large number of eyes.

Scott saw Harry again.

He walked among the crowd with Ron and Hermione.

Ron and Hermione asked him something, but Harry looked absently at Cedric and Cho holding hands in front of him.

Across the crowd, Scott didn't say hello.

Not long after, he saw Fred, George, Angelina, and Aaliyah, who seemed to be on a date.

Fred and George frequently looked at the bustling Hog's Head Bar, but were dragged into Mrs. Puddieff's Teahouse by Angelina and Alia.

Near the Literary Quill Shop, Scott saw Roger and Caccini again.

The two walked side by side, not close, but never separated.

After walking for a while, Scott saw Eddie who was setting up a street stall.


Scott just glanced at it from a distance, and when he saw the pictorial and badge with his face on it, he turned around immediately.

"Let's go another way." He said to Luna.

He was afraid that Eddie would shout and use him as a living advertisement.

Luna found it interesting and couldn't stop laughing.

Before they knew it, they were near the Shrieking Shack.

There are a lot fewer people here.

But Scott sees Milton here.

He and a group of classmates from the classical music club came here with their own instruments and were setting up a small stage.

"Oh, you're here."

Seeing Scott and Luna, Milton walked over.

"This is what you are doing?" Scott pointed to the small stage.

"To celebrate our victory, we decided to hold an open-air concert!"

Milton looked excited.

"There are too many people everywhere, only here is free!"

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